Gradevinski Dnevnik Obrazac Pep

Prvi korak koji sam morala napraviti nakon odabira seminara bilo je zatražiti predregistracijski obrazac od organizatora seminara, čime sam dobila potvrdu da na traženom seminaru ima jedno slobodno mjesto za mene. Pravilnik o podnošenju poreske prijave elektronskim putem za velike poreske obveznike. Pravilnik o poreskoj prijavi za porez po odbitku. Obrazac PPP-PD. Obrazac PPP-PO. Pravilnik o poreskom identifikacionom broju. Obrazac OPR - 1. Obrazac OPR - 2. Obrazac OPR - 3. Obrazac PPR - 1. Univerzitet u Nišu Fakultet umetnosti i Univerzitetska biblioteka «Nikola Tesla» ENGLESKO-SRPSKI REČNIK MUZIČKIH TERMINA I IZRAZA Snežana Drambarean i.

Obrazac Pep Za Popunjavanje
U dnevnik blagajne se unose poslovne promene koje Read More. Poslovni obrasci. Prijemnica obrazac za popunjavanje i besplatno preuzimanje! Obrazac prijemnica- je ulazni dokument koji se odnosi na prijem robe koja se nabavlja od dobavljača. Drugim rečima. Gradjevinska knjiga i dnevnik - pglas. Predstavite se preko sajta poslovne ponude! Grubi gradjevinski radovi,adaptacije,ru Get the full title to continue listening from where you left off, or restart the preview. Obrazac PMA/05.1, Obrazac PMA/05.2, Obrazac PMA/05.1.1- Projekt 'Poticanja marketinških aktivnosti za 2005. Godinu' Obrazac PEP/05-1, PEP/05-2- Projekt 'Edukacija u poduzetništvu' Obrazac Z/05- Projekt 'Izgradnja poduzetničkih zona u jedinicama lokalne i područne samouprave za 2005. Finansije Nabavka. Remenica pull ahead pull switch klizni prekidaĉ puller radapciger Pulley.O.) Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Manager (P. Glavni inţenjer koji radi na projektu Plan Izvodjenja Projekta (PIP) Projekt Menadţer. Šoška radius polupreĉnik Radius Continuous Caster Radijalni Konti Liv (Caster.
Gradevinski Dnevnik Obrazac Peppa Pig
Reči nisu krive Posle izvanredno urađenog dvotomnog rečnika engleskih fraza, idioma i izreka, Živorad Kovačević nas iznenađuje još jednim korisnim leksikografskim rezultatom. Ovoga puta je to korektivni priručnik, ili tumač najčešćih prevodilačkih promašaja koji se stvaraju doslovnim prevođenjem engleskih izraza. Osim nepoznavanja jezika, taj prevodilački bukvalizam pokazuje i nemar prevodioca prema
samom tekstu. Umesto da ga valjano iščitava, odgonetajući mu najpre smisao i nivoe značenja, a zatim stilske i druge posebnosti, kako bi mogao da im pronađe najbolji način da ih prenese u jezik na koji ga prevodi, on ga svojim površnim pristupom brzopleto obezličuje i sakati. Tako nastaju silne zabune i zbrke koje osim fatalnih nedoumica u razumevanju prevoda, čine i da prema njemu nepravedno sudimo o piscu i njegovom delu. Primerima, navedenim u knjizi, koji su, nažalost, autentični citati, Kovačević pokazuje na kakve se nedotupavne besmislice svode inače vrlo slikovite i zanimljive engleske igre reči, poštapalice, fraze i obrti, baš kao što komično i budalasto zvuče naše poslovice linearno prevedene na druge jezike. Ukazujući na pogubnost prevođenja reč po reč (pri čemu nam je rečnik lažni prijatelj), Kovačević, dajući pravo značenje i pogodno rešenje u prevodu na naš jezik, nastoji zapravo i da bolje osvetli i rastumači odnos idioma medju jezicima. Knjiga ”Lažni prijatelji” je vešto i duhovito komponovana, leksikografski je zanimljiva i skoro neophodna u naše vreme kad svetski jezici vrve od anglicizama, što opasnost od površnog pristupa biću jezika čini još većom. Inteligentno urađen priručnik. No povodom ovog prideva, dodaću i jednu jezičku zabunu koju sam skoro čula, a nisam sigurna da li je Kovačević citirao. U vestima je bilo da je nekom važnom skupu prisustvovao Chief of Inteligence (i njegovo ime), ne bih da citiram doslovno. Prevod je glasio: Na konferenciji je bio i vrhunski inteligentni (i opet ime). Najbolji komentar na ovakve prevode je ova odlična knjiga Živorada Kovačevića. Vida Ognjenović
Blago za prevodioce “Lažni prijatelji” prevodilaca su zaista njihovi lažni prijatelji, ali je zato autor knjige o “lažnim prijateljima” njihov pravi prijatelj. Nije slučajno da je Živorad Kovačević, sastavljač najboljih frazeoloških rečnika, englesko-spskog i srpsko-engleskog, za mene najboljih te vrste uopšte, takođe autor priručnika “Lažni prijatelji u engleskom jeziku i druge zamke doslovnog prevođenja”. Za tu knjigu je bilo potrebno živeti oba jezika tamo gde se oni govore, zatim prilježnost da se zametan rad obavi, kao i dar da se nađu odgovarajući izrazi na oba jezika. Prevodilac koji ne koristiti blago koje mu nudi Kovačevićeva knjiga “Lažni prijatelji”, neprijatelj je svoga prevođenja.
Jovan Ćirilov
ALBATROS PLUS Beograd 2009.
SADRŽAJ PREDGOVOR..........................................................................................................11 IZVORI GRAĐE.......................................................................................................19 I REČNIK LAŽNIH PRIJATELJA.............................................................................21 II REČI I IZRAZI KOJE IMAJU RAZLIČITO ZNAČENJE U BRITANSKOM I AMERIČKOM ENGLESKOM................................291 III RAZLIČITE REČI I FRAZE ZA ISTE POJMOVE U BRITANSKOM I AMERIČKOM ENGLESKOM.........................................................303 IV SRPSKE I ODGOVARAJUĆE ENGLESKE POSLOVICE.........................................325 BELEŠKA O AUTORU......................................................................................................377
PREDGOVOR „Rečnici su kao časovnici – i najgori je bolji nego bez njega, a ni najbolji nije precizan.“ Semjuel Džonson, leksikograf Ovu knjigu čine četiri rečnika, sa ukupno 7.400 odrednica. Prvi i naobimniji je pregled englesko-srpskih lažnih prijatelja. Lažni prijatelji (false friends, faux amis) su reči i izrazi koji mogu da navedu na pogrešan prevod. U drugom rečniku su reči i fraze koje imaju različito značenje u britanskom i američkom engleskom. One predstavljaju posebnu vrstu lažnih prijatelja. U trećem rečniku je dat pregled pojmova za koje se koriste različite reči i fraze u britanskom i američkom engleskom. Poslednji, četvrti rečnik čine naše narodne poslovice i njihovi engleski ekvivalenti. Doslovni prevod poslovica nema nikakvog smisla. Engleski je danas besumnje svetski jezik, u neuporedivo većoj meri nego što su to bili recimo latinski ili francuski. U istoriji su se mnogi jezici smenjivali kao glavni diplomatski jezici: akadijski (asirijsko-vavilonski), kineski, grčki, arapski, turski, španski itd. U srednjovekovnoj Evropi lingua franca je bio latinski, u diplomatskim kontaktima komuniciralo se na latinskom i svi diplomatski tekstovi i ugovori pisani su na latinskom (Vestfalski ugovor od 1648, Anglo-holandski ugovor od 1674. itd.). Sredinom XVIII veka francuski je postao opšteprihvaćeni diplomatski jezik (pregovori su vođeni i usvojeni ugovori napisani na francuskom na Bečkom kongresu 1815. i Pariskom kongresu 1856.). Francuski je uverljivo vladao u međunarodnom opštenju sve do Drugog svetskog rata. Nema sumnje da je u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka engleski potisnuo sve druge jezike u meri bez presedana u istoriji. Nekad se tvrdilo da nijanse ne mogu ni na jednom drugom jeziku da se izraze tako dobro kao na francuskom, a kasnije da se sa engleskim nijedan jezik ne može meriti u preciznosti i ekspresivnosti. Biće da ipak nije o tome reč, već o političkoj, ekonomskoj, kulturnoj, tehnološkoj dominaciji jedne nacije u određenom periodu. Što je dominatnija bila Pax Americana, sve je važniji i rasprostranjeniji bio engleski. Za oko 380 miliona ljudi engleski je maternji jezik i drugi jezik za oko 250 miliona. Ceni se da oko 750 miliona uči i u određenoj meri govori i piše engleski. Druge procene kažu da će do godine 2050. polovina svetskog stanovništva moći da se u potpunosti sporazumeva na engleskom. Osamdeset pet posto međunarodnih organizacija koristi engleski kao službeni ili radni jezik. Tri četvrtine Evropljana, prema anketama, smatra da svi u Evropskoj uniji treba da budu u stanju da govore engleski.
Glavni dijalekti engleskog jezika su britanski i američki engleski i oni jedini mogu pretendovati na međunarodni standard. Nije po svoj prilici realno očekivati da se izgradi i usvoji međunarodni standard jedinstvenog engleskog jezika. To, uostalom, nje ni potrebno ni poželjno – jezik je živ organizam koji se najbolje razvija, obogaćuje i prilagođava kad nije ograničen suviše striktnim regulama. Ipak, američki engleski je znatno rasprostranjeniji i njime govori oko 70% ljudi čiji je maternji jezik engleski. Oko dve trećine svih štampanih stvari na engleskom su na američkom engleskom, tri četvrtine televizijskih serija i filmova i oko 90% vebsajtova. „Dete nije u potpunosti preotelo mesto roditelja, ali je uspelo da roditelja svede na počasnog konkurenta na svetskom tržištu engleskog jezika.“1. Pored ova dva osnovna dijalekta, ima dosta specifičnosti u engleskom jeziku koji se govori u Kanadi, Australiji, Indiji, Irskoj, Novom Zelandu i Južnoj Africi. Ovaj rečnik ne pokriva te razlike. Rečnik ne obrađuje ni mnogobrojne razlike između britanskog i američkog engleskog u pisanju i izgovoru. Pregled ovih razlika može se naći u svakom dobrom rečniku ili užbeniku. Nisu date ni razlike u izboru pojedinih reči (as well i too, around i round, around i about, while i whilst, among i amongst i sl.).
Lažni prijatelji Najčešći i najtipičniji lažni prijatelji su reči koje liče na naše reči, ali znače nešto drugo. Često se može čuti ili pročitati da se eventually pogrešno prevodi eventualno, affirmation - afirmacija, ambulance – ambulanta, censure - cenzura, closet - klozet, concurrence - konkurencija, conserve - konzerva, devise - deviza, evidence - evidencija, familiar – porodičan, fabric - fabrika, genial - genijalan, moral - moral, novel - novela, parole - parola, physic/physique - fizika, placard – plakar, placate - plakatirati, provision - provizija, receipt - recept, self-consciousness - samosvest, stipend – stipendija, studious – studiozan, tappet – tapet, ultimate - ultimativan itd. Mnogi idiomi takođe mogu lako da zavedu. Idiomi (od grčkog idios, što znači osoben, svojstven) su posebni izrazi koji znače nešto drugo nego reči koji ga čine. Idiomi su neka vrsta kodiranog jezika unutar jezika, koji kao da je smišljen da zbuni stranca i naglasi osećanje bliskosti među onima koji ga govore. U stvari, idiom je originalna kreacija, jer daje novo značenje grupi reči koje već imaju svoje značenje. Dakle, reč je o osobitoj ustaljenoj kombinaciji reči koja ima posebno značenje koje se ne može izvesti iz njenih sastavnih delova. Tako, neke fraze koje su u opštoj upotrebi u jednom jeziku gube kontekst kad se doslovno prevedu na drugi jezik, čime šalju naopaku poruku. Razume se, ovde se radi o užem specifičnom značenju pojma idiom, koji ima i svoje šire značenje.2 Prevod mnogih idioma nema smisla, ali neki drugi mogu biti lažni prijatelji, kao, na primer: after a fashion ne znači po modi, at the end of the day ne znači na kraju dana, bring home the bacon ne znači doneti kući slaninu, bring someo1 Orin Hargraves, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, Oxford University Press, 2003. 2 “Termin idiom upotrebljavamo u onom njegovom značenju koje obuhvata i neutralizuje pojmove jezik (standardni, supstandardni i nestandardni), narečje, dijalekt, varijanta. Naprosto, idiom je svaki oblik jezičke pojavnosti, bez obzira na njegov odnos prema drugim oblicima bilo po vertikali bilo po horizontali i bez obzira na njegov društveni status.” (Branislav Brborić i Pavle Ivić, Načela naše jezičke politike, Jezički priručnik, str. 12.)
ne to attention ne znači privući nečiju pažnju, change of life nije promena života, get under someone’s skin ne znači podvući se nekome pod kožu (već, obrnuto, ići nekome na živce), give someone a piece of one’s mind ne znači dati nekome svoje mišljenje o nečemu, give someone the lie ne znači slagati nekoga, go bad ne znači krenuti loše, go down in flames ne znači izgoreti, go out of service ne znači izaći iz službe, jump out of one’s skin ne znači iskočiti iz sopstvene kože, lose one’s nerve ne znači izgubiti živce, gather up the threads ne znači pohvatati konce, put someone to sleep ne znači staviti nekoga na spavanje, pretty/fine state of affairs nije povoljno stanje stvari, već, obrnuto, neugodna situacija, be attracted to someone ne znači sviđati se nekome, već, obrnuto, osećati simpatiju prema nekome, smatrati koga privlačnim, quite a few/little ne znači vrlo malo, već, obrnuto, dosta, prilično, stand on ceremony ne znači stajati na ceremoniji, već držati do formalnosti, take credit for something ne znači uzeti kredit za nešto, take exception ne znači načiniti izuzetak, Take care! na rastanku ne znači Čuvaj se! (kao što se redovno prevodi), već Doviđenja! Without prejudice ne znači bez predrasude itd. Kao lažni prijatelji se javljaju i reči ili izrazi koji imaju i jedno ili više drugih značenja, sem onog koje je najčešće ili opšte poznato. Na primer, fresh je svež, ali i drzak, front je front, ali i prednja strana i izraz lica, function je funkcija, ali i društveni događaj i svečanost, abortion (ne abortus!) je pobačaj, ali i neuspeh, promašaj; accommodation znači smeštaj, ali i kompromis, nagodba; advocate nije samo advokat, već i pobornik, ali i (kao glagol) zagovarati, zalagati se, agree with someone ne znači samo složiti se sa nekim već i prijati nekome, dobro činiti nekome; accomplished ne znači samo izvršen, već i vrstan, savršen, ali i nesumnjiv, profession nije samo profesija, već i izjava i uveravanje, read ne znači samo čitati, već i glasiti, pokazivati, studirati, slušati predavanja i shvatiti, return the compliment ne znači samo uzvratiti kompliment, već i uzvratiti na isti način. Itd. Neki lažni prijatelji mogu biti „dvostruko lažni“, jer imaju dva ne samo različita, već i potpuno suprotna značenja. Kissing cousin (rođak za ljubljenje) je (a): u američkom engleskom daleki rođak (koji je blizak tek toliko da se poljubi pri susretu) i (b): obrnuto, u britanskom engleskom je rođak (najčešće suprotnog pola) za koga je neko jako lično i emocionalno vezan. Look through, pored ostalog, znači ovlaš pregledati i, suprotno tome, pažljivo pregledati. I pseudoanglicizmi (nove reči formirane na osnovu engleskih morfema nezavisno od analogne engleske konstrukcije) takođe mogu biti lažni prijatelji, odnosno imati različito značenje. Recimo, oldtimer, se u domaćoj upotrebi (ali i u nemačkom jeziku) najčešće odnosi na stari model motornog vozila koje se više ne proizvodi, a na engleskom je to starija osoba ili iskusna osoba sa dugim stažom u nekoj oblasti, veteran. Neki put je preuzet engleski izraz, ali pogrešno: hepiend umesto happy ending. „Zbog svoje zavodljive spoljašnje sličnosti, ovakvi oblici predstavljaju zamke i koje se hvataju svi koji uče strani jezik, pa neretko i prevodioci, kao bolji poznavaoci stranog jezika.“3 Ponekad doslovni prevod stavljen u zagradu u Rečniku nije jezički korektan, odnosno dobar znalac engleskog ne bi nikad tako preveo, čak iako ne zna pravo značenje. Drugim rečima, to nije pravi lažni prijatelj, jer ne navodi na pogrešan prevod, 3
Boris Hlebec, Srpsko-engleski rečnik lažnih parova, Trebnik, Beograd, 1997, str. 3.
već jednostavno zbunjuje. To je više ilustracija da doslovan prevod nema smisla (na primer the world and his wife). Doslovni prevod našeg izraza na engleski deluje najčešće komično. Često se pominje da je navodno jedan visoki državni funkcioner rekao da su „upoređenja problema Kosova sa Tajvanom ili Hongkongom grandmothers and frogs“ (babe i žabe, što bi na engleskom bilo apples and oranges). Ili, poznat je slučaj još iz vremena SFRJ da se jedan veselnik predstavio: „I am the article of Yugoslav delegation“. Ima i radi zabave smišljenih komičnih prevoda kao što je Two bad, Miloš dead. - Dva loša ubiše Miloša. Najbliža engleska poslovica je Not even Hercules could contend against two. Za nju postoji i drugi ekvivalent među našim poslovicama: Jača su dvojica nego sam Radojica. Da i oni za koje se pretpostavlja da dobro vladaju engleskim (prevodioci) nasedaju zamkama doslovnog prevođenja pokazuju titlovi filmova koje svakodnevno gledamo na televiziji, o čemu svedoče sledeći primeri: U seriji L.A. Law izraz “something is ringing” preveden je sa “nešto mi zvoni”, a radi se o idiomu “ring a bell”, koji znači da to osobu podseća na nešto. U istoj seriji “it’s history” prevedeno je kao “odlazi u istoriju”, a znači “to je već prošlost” ili “nekad bilo”. U filmu prikazanom na TV Politika „with a vengeance” prevedeno je “sa osvetom” (tako da je ispalo da se proces oboljenja od raka razvio sa osvetom!), a taj izraz znači “žestoko, vrlo snažno, energično” (“the bombing campaign came back to Britain with a vengeance; he is buillding that fence with a vengeance”). U istom filmu mlada žena prekoreva svekrvu što joj je svojevremeno, kada ju je zamolila za pomoć, rekla da može da se baci u jezero, a radi se o veoma čestom idiomu “Go (and) jump in the lake/river/sea/ocean!” što je najbliže našem Gubi mi se s očiju! U serijskom filmu prikazanom na istoj televiziji žena moli muža – policajca, da se ne odazove telefonskom pozivu, a on odgovara: “Sorry, it goes with the territory”, što je prevedeno “Žao mi je, to ide sa teritorijom”, a znači “To spada u moj posao” ili “To je moje područje rada”. U filmu The Prince of Tides, žena kaže mužu: “You’re pathetic!”, što je prevedeno sa “Baš si patetičan!” a taj izraz se može prevesti kao: “Žalost te je slušati!” ili “Ti si jad i beda!” ili “Ćuti, kukavče jedan!” (prevod prof. I. Klajna). U istom filmu psihijatar kaže glavnom junaku: “You have not to keep the skeleton in the closet any more”, što je prevedeno “Ne morate više da čuvate kostur u ormanu”, a znači “Ne morate više da čuvate vašu (porodičnu brižljivo čuvanu) tajnu (koje se stidite)”. U filmu Šerlok Holms, dr Votson kaže mladoj ženi sa kojom se sreće na brodu: “You look so familiar.” (“Činite mi se tako poznati.”), što je prevedeno sa “Mislim da smo se sprijateljili”. U filmu “Dobri momci” devojka podseća mladića: „’You remember when you proposed to me?’ ’Proposed?’“. To je prevedeno: “’Sećaš se kad si mi predložio?’ ’Predložio?’“ (čudi se i on kao da ne zna o kakvom je predlogu reč). Razume se da se radilo o ponudi braka, ali prevodilac čak ni tako čest izraz nije znao. Naslov fima “Dressed to kill” u prevodu glasi “Obučena da ubije”. “(To be) dressed to kill” je idiom koji znači “(biti) napadno obučen” ili (u žargonu) “udariti glanc, nabacati perje”. “Are you with me?” prevedeno je “Da li si sa mnom?”, a znači “Da li me pratiš?” (u konverzaciji).
U filmu “U čeljustima ajkule”, jedan od junaka upozorava svoje drugove “that it would be do or die”, što je prevedeno “biće radi ili umri”, a znači “biti ili ne biti” ili “biti spreman na sve”. U istom filmu jedna ličnost radi “by the book”, što je prevedeno “po knjizi”, a znači da se ta osoba u svemu drži pravila (“strogo po propisu”). U filmu “Zatvorenik” izraz „Save your breath.“ (što bi bilo otprilike „Ne troši reči badava.“ ili „Bolje ćuti.“), u prevodu glasi: „Štedi dah.“. U filmu “Čast Pricijevih” „everything being equal“ prevedeno je kao „nama je to svejedno“ a znači „ako sve drugo ostavimo po strani“. U filmu „Distinguished Gentleman“ (što je prevedeno kao „Uvaženi gospodin“, a odnosi se u stvari na kongresmena), „checks and balances“ je prevedeno kao „naši bilansi“ (a radi se o američkom ustavnom načelu ograničenja i ravnoteže zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske vlasti) „no strings attached“ prevedeno kao „diskrecija zagarantovana“, a znači „bez posebnih uslova“. Pri samom kraju filma na TV Pinku neko komentariše da je zločince stigla zaslužena kazna i da je postignuta „poetska pravda“, a radi se o izrazu „poetic justice“ što bi kod nas bila „božja pravda“. U filmu na TV Palma predstavnik FBI kaže zatvoreniku koga je angažovao za saradnju da će mu biti oproštena kazna, ali “mnogo crvene trake još treba da prođemo”, a radi se o izrazu “red tape” koji znači “birokratija” ili “administrativna okapanja”. U seriji “Guilt” dijalog glasi: - Ona je na ivici nervnog sloma. - Može da se pridruži klubu. Radi se o izrazu “Join the club!” (ili “Welcome to the club!”) što znači: “U istom smo sosu!” ili “Ni nama/meni nije bolje!” U filmu “Čovek s pištoljem” postavljeno je pitanje: “Jesi li ti čudotvorac ili imaš kristalna jaja?”. Radi se o izrazu “have a crystal ball”, što znači “predvideti šta će se desiti” (imati kristalnu kuglu, a ne jaja), pa bi najpribližniji prevod mogao biti: “Možda vračaš u bob?” U filmu “Tragač” devojka kaže “My car is dead.” Prevedeno je “Moja kola su umrla” - hoće reći “crkla”, odnosno “u kvaru”. A pitanje “Is this a way to start a working relationship” prevedeno je “Je li to način da se započne radni odnos”. U seriji “Pre svega ubistvo”, advokat kaže prijatelju “Moraćeš da lomiš hleb sa Roudom”; reč je o izrazu “break bread with someone”, što znači „sesti za sto s nekim“. U istoj seriji tužilac kaže “Narod je zadovoljan”, a “People” je u sudskom postupku država, odnosno javna tužba (People vs ..., tj. Država protiv....) Film “Džoe i Merilin”: “Džoe i Merilin obojili su grad u crveno“. Međutim, ne radi se o molerskim radovima po gradu već o dosta rasprostranjenom idiomu koji znači “šenlučiti“ ili „bučno se proveseliti”. U seriji “Red i zakon” kaže se “To je iznad borda”, a reč je o izrazu “(open and) above board”, što znači: „otvoreno i pošteno“ ili „otvorenih karata“. Film “Hladnjača”: “Ona će znači otići sa ubistvom!” Reč je o izrazu “get away with murder”, što znači: „proći bez kazne”. Junak kaže da mu je žena „in a family way“, što u prevodu glasi „u porodičnom fazonu“, a znači u drugom stanju. Glumac nekoliko puta ponavlja: „Ubi priču, ubi priču!“. Reč je o idiomu „kill a story“, koji znači: sprečiti objavljivanje članka. U filmu „Neverovatna gđa Pričard“, glavna junakinja kaže: „Oprosti, bila sam vezana!“ Ona je bila tied up, što znači, pored ostalog, zauzeta.
U drugom filmu se konstatuje: „Četiri francuske trupe su spasene.“ Vrlo često se troop prevodi kao trupa, a može da znači i vojnik. U filmu “Đavolov advokat“, junak se divi novoj kancelariji: “I meni je vilica pala” („my jaw dropped“ – što znači „zinuo sam od čuda“). U filmu “Maksimalni rizik“, pitanje glasi: “Jesi li video svetlo?” „Did you see the light?“, što u ovom kontekstu znači „Jesi li ukopčao?“ „Da li si konačno shvatio?“. U filmu “Zločin stoleća” kaže se: “Pravo iz usta konja”. Straight from the horse’s mouth znači, međutim, iz prve ruke, iz pouzdanog izvora. U filmu “Redov Bendžamin” junakinja kaže da je “popravljala furnituru”. Očigledno da je reč o nameštaju. U filmu „Vatromet taštine“: „Zvali su me imenom.“ Reč je o idiomu call someone names, što znači vređati nekoga, ružno govoriti o nekome. U filmu „Predvečerje“: „Dobio sam ideju za svoj roman.“ „Pucaj!“. „Shoot!“ u ovom slučaju znači „Samo reci “. U više filmova „he hates your guts” prevedeno je “on mrzi tvoju hrabrost“ (a znači mrzi ga iz dna duše); „invaluable“ je prevedeno kao „bezvredan“ (umesto neprocenjiv, od izuzetne vrednosti); „look the other way“ prevedeno je „pogledati na drugu stranu“ a znači zažmuriti pred nečim (“pravi se da ne vidi”), namerno ne primećivati (grešku, prestup i sl.), „make no mistake about it“ se prevodi „nemoj da grešiš“ umesto „bez ikakve sumnje, budite uvereni u to“. „My point is that...“ se prevodi „moja poenta je da...“ umesto „hoću da kažem da...“. Isto tako, „Is there a point to this?“ prevodi se kao „Ima li poente u ovome?“, umesto „Kakav je smisao ove priče?“. „Tell me about it“ se redovno prevodi kao „pričaj mi o tome“, umesto „ma nemoj mi reći, kome kažeš, kao da ja to ne znam“. Itd.
Razlike između britanskog i američkog engleskog koje dovode do nedoumica „Engleska i Amerika su dve zemlje razdvojene zajedničkim jezikom.“ Džordž Bernard Šo Prošlo je skoro četiri stotine godina od kako su britanski i američki engleski počeli da se razvijaju prilično nezavisno, mada uvek uz međusobni uticaj. To je dovelo do razlika u pravopisu i izgovoru, ali i u značenju reči i izraza. Ipak, mnogo je više amerikanizama koji su prihvaćeni u svakodnevnom govoru Britanaca, nego briticizama u američkom engleskom. Zvučni filmovi u holivudskoj produkciji su posebno uticali da srednja klasa i niži slojevi u Britaniji rado prihvate mnoge američke neologizme i idiome. To je izazvalo reakciju viših slojeva, koja je išla dotle da su se javili predlozi za zabranu uvoza američkih filmova. C.T. Eliot, jedan od urednika Oksfordskog rečnika napisao je (1931.) da je prava žalost invazija i degradacija engleskog prouzrokovana američkim idiomima.4 Jedan parlamentarni veteran oštro je zamerio u Donjem domu premijeru Stenliju Boldvinu što je u svom govoru upotrebio amerikanizme kao što su backsider, bestseller, deliver the goods, debunked i druge, a da je je čak u konverzaciji u predvorju rekao „oh, yeah“ i „you’re telling 4
H.L. Mencken, The American Language, p. 272.
me“.5 Na američkoj strani je pak bilo reakcija na nastojanje Britanaca da „kraljevski engleski“ nametnu kao neprikosnoveni standard za sve koji govore engleski. Poznati leksikograf Noa Vebster napisao je u svojim Disertacijama o engleskom jeziku, objavljenim još 1789. (dakle u godini u kojoj je stupio na snagu Ustav SAD): „Velika Britanija, čija smo mi deca i čiji jezik govorimo, ne sme više biti naš standard, jer je ukus njenih pisaca već iskvaren i njen jezik u opadanju... Dopustimo da argument i dobar glas odluče koliko Amerika treba da se oslanja na prekoatlansku naciju u pogledu svog standarda i unapređenja jezika.“6 Valja takođe primetiti da su se mnoge reči i fraze koje su u britanskom engleskom postale vremenom arhaizmi i praktično iščezle, održale u američkom engleskom (turnpike, fall, deck of cards, son of a gun, I guess, gotten itd.).7 Smatra se da su razlike između britanskog i američkog engleskog dostigle vrhunac pred Drugi svetski rat. Od onda su dva dijalekta istog jezika počela da se približavaju ili su bar Englezi i Amerikanci počeli da budu razumljiviji jedni drugima. Neki stručnjaci procenjuju da oko 4.000 reči u svakodnevnom govoru ima drugačije značenje na dvema stranama Atlantika. U ovom rečniku su navedene najčešće od tih reči.
Poslovice nema smisla doslovno prevoditi Korisnik će u ovom rečniku naći preko 1.200 naših poslovica za koje je dat engleski ekvivalent. Poslovice, kojih ima veoma mnogo i u jednom i u drugom jeziku, nema svrhe prevoditi. Jedino ima smisla potražiti u drugom jeziku odgovarajuću poslovicu. To nije jednostavno, jer nema mogućnosti pretraživanja po bilo kojem zajedničkom formalnom kriteriju, već se moraju po smislu i ideji pregledati sve raspoložive poslovice na drugom jeziku, kako bi se našla ona koja najviše odgovara. Kako poslovice predstavljaju akumulirano iskustvo i mudrost naroda, mogu se najčešće u drugom jeziku naći one koje, po pravilu drugačije, izražavaju istu ideju, odgovor na neku životnu situaciju, opšteprihvaćenu istinu ili mudar savet. Neki put su samo subjekti različiti (npr. za naše ‘Gde je mnogo babica tu je dete kilavo’ engleska poslovica će reći to isto nešto drukčije - ‘Što je više kuvara to je gora čorba’). Međutim, češći je slučaj da je ista ideja izražena na sasvim drugi način (npr. za našu poslovicu ‘Ko rano rani dve sreće grabi’ najpribližnija je engleska koja kaže da će ptica koja porani uhvatiti crva). Ima mnogo poslovica koje su istovetne (‘Ko se ovcom učini, kurjaci ga izjedu.’, ‘Sina ženi kad hoćeš, a kćer udaj kad možeš’), ali su to često one koje izvorište imaju u Bibliji (‘Oko za oko, zub za zub’, ‘Kako poseješ, onako ćeš i požnjeti’, ‘Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao samog sebe’) ili u latinskom (‘Nema dima bez vatre’, ‘Ko brzo sudi, brzo se i kaje’, ‘Pas koji mnogo laje ne ujeda’, ili ‘Kakav otac takav sin’). Pritom, često ima i po nekoliko poslovica koje vuku poreklo iz iste biblijske ili latinske izreke. Za latinske ‘Barbam vellere mortuo leoni’ (Mrtvom lavu čupati bradu.) i ‘Mortuo leoni et lepores insultant’ (Na mrtvog lava i zečevi skaču.) odgo5 6 7
Ibid, p. 270. O. Hargraves, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, p. 15. C. Davies, Divided by a Common Language, p. 3.
varajuća engleska poslovica je ‘Hares may pull dead lions by the beard’, a kod Vuka će se naći ‘Na mrtva vuka i zec kandže oštri’, ‘Star vuk, pasja sprdačina’, ‘Mrtvome vuku je lako brojati zube’ i ‘Mrtvu se kurjaku rep meri’. Valja, takođe, zapaziti da su naši ekvivalenti, bez obzira da li ih je Vuk stvarno čuo u narodu ili je možda neke od njih preveo („prepevao“) sa nemačkog ili latinskog, često vrlo slikoviti, zvučni i pregnantni. Na primer, ‘There was never enough where nothing is left’, odnosno ‘Of enough men leave’, kod nas imaju prekrasne ekvivalente ‘Ne bi dosta, kad ne osta’ i ‘Od viška glava ne boli’. Ili ‘Merom meri a cenom ceni’ i ‘Izmeri pravo, pa išti šta vredi’ za englesko ‘Weigh justly, and sell dearly’ i ‘Ko te jednom ćuši, drugi put će te kocem udariti’ rekli bismo da su slikovitiji nego englesko ‘He that has done ill once, will do it again’ ili ‘Teško onom ko zlotvora nema’ čini se izražajnijim i udarnijim od engleskog ‘If you have no enemies, it is a sign fortune has forgot you.’. Engleski ekvivalent latinske sentencije Mater timidi flere non solet na engleskom je The mother of the coward does not worry about him, a na našem Bežanova majka peva, a Stojanova plače. Za englesku poslovicu He who would catch the fish must not mind getting wet, Vukovi ekvivalenti su Ko ne skvasi guzice, ne uhvati ribice i Nema raka bez mokrijeh gaća. Englesko Every man has his faults je na našem Ni drveta bez grane, ni čoveka bez mane. Neke poslovice imaju više varijanti na jednom ili drugom jeziku, kao što i jedna poslovica može biti u više odrednica. Radi lakšeg nalaženja odgovarajuće poslovice, one su grupisane po temama. *** Veoma sam zahvalan Vidi Ognjenović, Ivanu Klajnu i Jovanu Ćirilovu na ocenama knjige. Jovan Ćirilov se posebno potrudio da iz svoje bogate „leksikografske radionice“ dopuni rečnik sa pedesetak odrednica. Specifična značenja nekih od njih (na primer suggestive) nisam mogao naći ni u jednom rečniku. Ivan Klajn je ljubazno volontirao da, sem opšte ocene, podrobno pregleda čitav tekst i da (na trideset strana gusto kucanog teksta) da svoje ispravke (uključujući i neizbežne štamparske i pravopisne greške) i ponudi čitav niz sugestija i sjajnih komentara (neke od njih čitalac može naći u fusnotama). Zahvaljujući ovim prilozima, koji su za mene od neprocenjive vrednosti, ovaj rečnik je sigurno kvaliteniji i pouzdaniji. Drago mi je da će ova knjiga biti prvenac nove izdavačke kuće „Albatros plus“, koju vodi jedan od najkompetentnijih, najsavesnijih i najsvestranijih izdavača, Jagoš Đuretić, koji je izdao i pet drugih mojih knjiga, dok je bio na čelu izdavačke kuće „Filip Višnjić“. Knjigu posvećujem svojoj supruzi Margiti, koja me je u svemu, pa i u radu na ovom rečniku, podržavala i podsticala. AUTOR
IZVORI GRAĐE THE AMERICAN HERITAGE® DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1985. AMMER, Christine, Fighting Words, A Laurel Book, New York, 1989. BICKERTON, Anthea (1985). American-English, English-American: a two-way glossary of words in daily use on both sides of the Atlantic. ISBN 0 902920 60 X. BOATHER, M.T. & GATES, J. E. A Dictionary of American Idioms, University of Illinois, Chicago, 1987. BUJAS, Željko, Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik, Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb, 1999. BUNČIĆ, Daniel, An On-line Hypertext Bibliography on False Friends, based on Ryszard Lipczuk’s printed bibliography (Lipczuk 2000b), 2003. CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH. CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ENGLISH. CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS. COWIE A.P., MACKIN R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 1, Oxford University Press, London, 1985. COWIE A.P., MACKIN R. & McCAIG I.R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 2, Oxford University Press, London, 1984. DAVIES, Christopher, Divided by a Common Language, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, 2007. ENCARTA® World English Dictionary, North American Edition. FERGUSSON, Rosalind, The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs, Penguin Books, London, 1986. FREEMAN, William, A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms, The English Universities Press, London, 1967. GULLAND, Daphne M. and HINDS-HOWELL, David G. The Penguin Dictionary of English Idioms, Penguin Books, London, 1986. HARGRAVES Orin, Mighty Fine Words and Smashing Expressions, Oxford University Press, London, 2003. HLEBEC, Boris, Srpsko-engleski rečnik lažnih parova, Trebnik, Beograd, 1997.
HOLDER, R.W. The Faber Dictionary of Euphemisms. London, Faber and Faber, 1987. IGNJATIĆ, Zdravko, KOVAČEVIĆ, Jelena, MESELDŽIJA, Biljana, VARTABEDIJAN, Dušanka, VRTAČNIK, Vera, VUČKOVIĆ, Petar, VUKOVIĆ, Vanda, ESSE, Institut za strane jezike, Beograd, 1998. IVIĆ, Pavle, KLAJN, Ivan, PEŠIKAN, Mitar, BRBORIĆ, Branislav, Jezički priručnik, Radio-televizija Beograd, 1991. KARADŽIĆ, Vuk, Stefanović, Srpske narodne poslovice, Srpska kraljevska državna štamparija, Beograd, 1900. KLAJN, Ivan, ŠIPKA, Milan, Veliki rečnik stranih reči i izraza, Prometej, Novi Sad, 2006. LAIRD, Charlton, Webster’s NewWorld Thesaurus, Prentice Hall, New York, 1985. LONG, Thomas Hill, Longman Dictionary of English Idioms,. Longman, London, 1979. MATICA SRPSKA-MATICA HRVATSKA, Rečnik srpskohrvatskoga književnog jezika, Novi Sad, # Zagreb, 1967. McDAVID. Jr, Raven, The American Language, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1963. MERRIAM-WEBSTER’S ONLINE DICTIONARY, 11th Edition. MIEDER, Wolfgang, KINGSBURY, Stewart A. & HARDER, Kelsie B. A Dictionary of American Proverbs, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992. The RANDOM HOUSE THESAURUS, Random House, New York, 1987. SANDY, Serva, I Language: Translation for Global Research, January 2003, Vol. 36, Issues 1. SPEARS, Richard A. NTC’s American Idioms Dictionary, National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, 1987. SPEARS, Richard A. Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, NTC Publishing Group, Lincolnwood, 1992. SPEARS, Richard A. NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang, National Textbook Company, Lincolnwood, 1989. SPEARS, Richard A., BIRNER, Betty, KLEINEDLER, Steven, NTC’s Dictionary of Everyday American English Expressions, NTC Publishing Group, Lincolnwood,1994. STEIN, Jess and FLEXNER, Stuart Berg, The Random House Thesaurus, Random House, New York, 1987. WEBSTER’S NEW WORLD COLLEGE DICTIONARY, 3rd Ed. Prentice Hall, New York, 1991. WENTWORTH, Harold and FLEXNER, Stuart B. Dictionary of American Slang, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, 1960. WIKIPEDIA, List of words having different meaning in British and American English.
A Abortion (ne abortus!) je pobačaj, ali i neuspeh, promašaj. # The attempt to redesign the airplane was an abortion. About-face ne znači o licu, oko lica, već potpuna promena stava, zaokret za 1800. # The senator did an about-face on his support of taxes. Above reproach (pod Reproach). Aboveboard/above board ne znači iznad daske, već otvoren(o) i pošten(o), iskren(o). # All his criticisms seemed fair and aboveboard. Abroad znači u inostranstvu, ali i (a): napolju, van kuće i (b): svuda. (a): It’s unsafe to be abroad in some parts of New York City. (b): A thousand rumors were abroad. Absolutely jeste apsolutno, ali i svakako, nesumnjivo. # Good nutrition is absolutely essential for your health. S negacijom not ista reč ima značenje Nikako! # - Would you join our movement? – Absolutely not! Abstinent/abstinence ne znači apstinent/ apstinencija na izborima, već onaj koji se kloni pića, trezvenjak odnosno uzdržavanje od pića, pa i nekih jela (neizlazak na biralište je abstention, a ne glasati je abstain/refrain from voting, stay at home, stay away from the polls). # Abstinence implies the wilful avoidance of pleasures, especialy of drink and food, thought to be harmful. Abstract znači apstraktan, ali i kratak sadržaj. # Please write an abstract of this scientific article. Academic ne znači akademik već, pored značenja akademski, znači univerzitetski (profesor) (akademik je academician ili member of academy, a u britanskom engleskom i Fellow of the Royal Society). Isto tako, academia ne znači akademija, već univerzitet, (a ono što je kod nas akademija na engleskom je academy.) # “At dinners on special occasions the academics, in their gowns, proceed into the hall and up to the ‘high table,’ which is usually on a platform so
they can look down on the students.”# “Charles and Penny led their lives, as she had done, wholly within the charmed circle of academia.” (D. Lodge, Nice Work). # A graduate of law and economics from Moscow State University, he had spent his life in academia. Accident je udes, nezgoda, ali by accident znači slučajno. # Columbus discovered America by asccident. Accommodation znači prilagođavanje, ali i (a): kompromis, nagodba, (b): smeštaj (prenoćište – accommodation for the night - u američkom engleskom najčešće u množini), (c): stanovanje (residential accommodation) (u britanskom engleskom) i (d): sedište ili ležaj u vozu, avionu ili brodu (u američkom engleskom). (a): If labor and management don’t reach an accommodation there will be a strike. (b): Overnight accommodations are available. (c): There’s a shortage of cheap accommodation. (d): While we arrange the accommodation for you where required, airport transfers are not usually included. Accomplished ne znači samo izvršen, već i (a): vrstan, savršen, ali i (b): nesumnjiv. (a): Van Cliburn is an accomplished pianist. (b): This is an accomplished fact. Acknowlidge znači priznati, ali i (a): potvrditi prijem (pisma, pošiljke itd.), (b): izraziti zahvalnost, (c): prepoznati/primetiti nekoga i (d): prihvatiti ili potvrditi kao pravno obavezujuće. (a): He acknowledged receipt of the parcel. (b): We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us. (c): I smiled at him but he didn’t even acknowledged me. (d): The lawyer acknowledged the deed. Action jeste akcija, ali ne i deonica (kaže se share). Act of God nije samo božja volja, već i viša sila (lat. vis maior). # My insurance company wouldn’t pay for the damage because it was an act of God.
Address Address jeste adresa, ali i (a): govor, (formalno) istupanje, (b): držanje, ponašanje i (c): udvaranje. (a): The Presidential address wil be at 8 o’clock. (b): Mr. Johnson is a person of winning address. (c): George paid his addresses to Lady Robinson. Public address system je razglas. Administer znači upravljati, ali i dati (lek, pomoć) # Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab. # A passer-by administered first aid to the injured. Admission znači priznanje, ali i (a): ulaz i (b): ulaznica. (a): Admission is limited to persons whose names appear on the guest list. (b): Admission to the lecture is $5.00. Be admitted to the bar (pod Called to the bar). Advice je savet, ali i informacija, obaveštenje. # Advice from abroad indicates that war is about to begin. Isto je sa glagolom: advise je i posavetovati i informisati. # We have been advised that the roads are too icy for the trip. Advocate znači advokat, ali i (a): pobornik i (b): (kao glagol) zagovarati, zalagati se. (a): The forest ranger is an advocate of environmental protection laws. (b): The committee is advocating revision of the draft laws. Affair znači afera, ali i (a): posao, (b): stvar, (c): privatna stvar, (d): događaj i (e): ljubavna veza. (a): Running a household is a complex affair. # The Department of State handles international affairs. (b): “Whether the present administration has the skill - not to mention the will - to maintain that highly desirable state of affairs is perhaps open to question...” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack) (c): What I do in my spare time is my own affair. (d): Christmas was a gala affair. (e): The affair between two movie stars caused a scandal. Affect znači afektirati, ali i (a): uticati/delovati na i (b): kosnuti, ganuti. (a): The rain will affect our plans for a picnic. (b): The speech deeply affected the audience. Affinity jeste afinitet, ali i srodnost. # There is a close affinity between lemons and limes. Affirmation ne znači afirmacija (najbliže tome bi bili recognition, renown, assertion), već (a): izjava, deklaracija i (b): potvrda. (a): The Pledge of Allegiance is a formal affirmation of Americanism. (b): The President is awaiting Congressional affirmation of his nominee. Affirmative znači afirmativan, pozitivan, ali i (a): potvrdan i (b): Da (u radio komunikaciji i vojničkoj i policijskoj upotrebi). (a): Please give an affirmative answer if you agree. (b): When asked if the water supply seemed adequate, the astronaut replied „Affirmative!“ Isto to važi i za
À la mode suprotan odgovor Negative (Ne). # – Is the suspect still in the house? – Negative, Sir! Afraid je uplašen, u strahu, ali I am afraid znači Žao mi je. # I am afraid I can’t come to your party. After a fashion ne znači po modi, već kakotako, koliko-toliko, ne baš sasvim, na izvestan način. # The roof kept the rain out after a fashion. # Oh yes, I play tennis, after a fashion. # She thanked me - after a fashion - for my help. # He speaks English after a fashion. After the fashion of znači u stilu, na način, po ugledu na. # She walks down the street after the fashion of a grand lady. # The church was built after the fashion of an English cathedral. After all ne znači posle svega, već (a) na kraju krajeva, napokon; (b) kako-tako, ipak, pri svem tom. (a): After all, no one made him go. # I am very sorry for him but, after all, he cannot blame anybody else. (b): Tom thought he couldn’t go to the party because he had too much homework, but he went after all. # “Perhaps, after all, I will have a beer” (G. Greene, The Quiet American). Age je doba života, ali i (a): starost, (b): punoletstvo (under age je maloletan, of age punoletan i full age punoletstvo). (c): razdoblje, (geološko i arheološko) doba i (d): večnost. (a): His face was wrinkled with age. (b): The robbery was committed by a group of deliquents under age. # You can’t get a driver’s licence until you’re of age. (c): We reach middle age before we know it. # Geologists say this valley was formed by the last ice age. (d): Where have you been all this time? It’s ages since I saw you last. Agenda je i u engleskom program ili skup stvari koje treba uraditi, ali ne i rokovnik/podsetnik, a znači i dnevni red. # Build time for reflections into the agenda for the Board meeting. Aggregate nije električni ili motorni agregat (kaže se generating unit/set ili motor/field generator),već znači ukupnost, skupina (in the aggregate je u celosti). # The final plan is an aggregate of all of our ideas. Agree with someone ne znači samo složiti se sa kim već i prijati nekome, dobro činiti nekome. # The warm, sunny climate agreed with him, and he soon grew strong and healthy. # I always have onions in my garden, but I never eat them. They just don’t agree with me. # No, thank you. As I told you, alcohol doesn’t agree with me. Agreement znači sporazum, ugovor, ali i (a): sklad i (b): poklapanje. (a): The decorations were in agreement with the holiday season. (b): There is so much agreement between the term papers, that the teacher suspects plagiarism. À la mode znači moderan, po modi, ali i (u britanskom engleskom) sa sladoledom (dezert). # An aple pie à la mode, please.
Alive Alive znači živ, ali i (a): živahan, bodar, (b): važeći, još uvek aktuelan. (a): My granmother is more alive than a lot of young people. (b): Our plans to remodel the house are still alive. All Greek ne znači sve grčko, već španska sela, nerazumljivo. # You are only wasting your time trying to explain me this – it’s all Greek to me. All hands to the pumps! ne znači bukvalno Svi na pumpe! već Pomozimo svi!, Neka svako učini svoje! # All hands to the pumps! Please, help everyone. It’s urgent. All my eye (pod My eye). All over the shop ne znači po celoj radnji ili radionici, već svuda, svugde. # A summer school was in progress - a bit chaotic with looms, spinning wheels, yarn and students all over the shop. # I looked for it all over the shop. All over town ne znači samo svuda po gradu, već i poznato svima. # Now keep this a secret. I don’t want it all over town. All shipshape (pod In apple-pie order). All systems (are) go ne znači svi sistemi kreću, već sve je spremno, sve štima. # All systems are go. Let’s get on the road before the traffic builds up. # All systems go. The celebration can start. Amass evidence (pod Evidence). Ambulance ne znači ambulanta, već kola za hitnu pomoć. # We were woken in the night by the wail of ambulance sirens. Ambulatory takođe nema veze sa ambulantom, već znači (a): pokretan, (b): nestacionaran, (c): podložan promenama (u pravu) i (d): šetalište, trem (u manastiru ili kakvoj drugoj zgradi). (a): The doctor says your leg is healing well and you’ll be ambulatory in another week. (b): This refugee shelter is an ambulatory institution. (c): His will is ambulatory i.e. it can be changed or revoked during the life of the testator. (d): Monks have an ambulatory – a covered place for walking. And what have you (i šta imate) znači i šta sve ne, i tome slično. # We entered a room full of chairs, lamps, radios, and what have you. Apartment nije apartman (u hotelu – suite), već (a): stan i (b): stambena zgrada (kaže se i apartment house/building ili multiple-dwelling building). (a): The couple moved into a new three-room apartment. (b): There are sixteen units in the new apartment on Putnam Avenue. Ape je čovekoliki majmun (gorila, šimpanza, orangutan), ali znači i (kao glagol) oponašati, imitirati. # Bob apes everything his older brother does. Apology for something ne znači samo izvinjenje za što, već i (a): bedna imitacija nečega,
Army slaba zamena za nešto (kaže se i sorry excuse for something –vidi odrednicu) i (b): odbrana nečega, opravdanje nečega. (a): They offered a poor apology for cognac. # This is an apology for genuine Italian pizza. (b): The writer’s autobiography was really an apology for the way he had lived. Kaže se i Sorry excuse for something. Apparel nije aparat (to je apparatus), već odeća. # The new apparel for this spring features bright plaids. # The nun packed all her apparel in one small suitcase. Apparent znači očigledan, jasan, ali i (obrnuto) (a): naoko, prividan i (b): vidljiv. (a): It was an apparent stroke, but the doctors aren’t certain yet. (b): The boat slowly became apparent through the fog. Appeal to the country (pod Country). Appetite znači apetit (ali Prijatno! ili Dobar apetit! ne kaže se Good appetite! već Enjoy your meal/food! ili američko Enjoy! i Bon appetit!), ali znači i (a): sklonost i (b): žudnja. (a): He has an appetite for classical music. (b): Tommy has an enormous appetite for knowledge. It’s apples and oranges (jabuke i narandže) znači To su babe i žabe., To su kruške i jabuke. # What are you talking about. You missed the point - it’s apples and oranges. Apprehend znači uhapsiti, uhvatiti, ali i shvatiti, razumeti # The public doesn’t fully apprehend the complexity of space flight. Appropriate jeste odgovarajući, prikladan, ali i (a): dodeliti/izdvojiti (novac) (u američkom engleskom) i (b): prisvojiti, uzeti (u britanskom engleskom). (a): The city will appropriate money for two new schools. (b): He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company’s money. # The county should appropriate land for a new hughway. Are you with me? ne znači Da li ste sa mnom? već Da li me pratite? (ono što kažem). # I’ll make a few introductory remarks and then I expect you to elaborate on the plan. Are you with me? Argument ne znači samo argument, već i (a) prepirka, svađa i (b) sinopsis, rezime, sažetak. (a): “Mother and son met for lunch once a month at Arthur’s, a strained affair that usually ended in argument” (W. Just, Echo House). (b): It used to be a custom to print the argument of a play before the main text. Arm and a leg nije samo ruka i noga već i idiom koji znači paprena cena (“skupo do zla boga”). # To spend a week skiing in Veil, Colorado, you have to pay an arm and a leg. # That new car must have cost him an arm and a leg.. Army znači armija (i krupna vojna jedinica i vojska uopšte), ali i (a): (specifično) kopnena vojska i (b): mnoštvo. (a): The United States
Around the bend Army has the primary responsibility for landbased military operations. (b): An army of ants swarmed over the sandhill. Around the bend/twist (pod Round/around the bend/twist). (A)round the clock, (a)round-the-clock ne znači oko sata, već nonstop, od jutra do sutra, danonoćno. # He had to work around the clock to complete his assignment. # Grandfather required around-the-clock care. (A)round the corner, just (a)round the corner ne znači po pravilu iza ugla već (a): tu blizu, nadohvat ruke, pred vratima i (b): samo što nije, vrlo skoro, pred vratima. (a): The movie theater is around the corner. (b): The Christmas is just around the corner. # The fortune teller told Dorothy that there was an adventure for her just around the corner. Arrest znači uhapsiti, ali i (a): zadržati/privući (pažnju) i (b): sprečiti. (a): A speck on the horizon arrested the navigator’s attention. (b): The new drug arrested the spread of the desease. Arrive znači doći, stići, ali i postići uspeh, steći slavu. # With the movie’s huge success, the leading actor has really arrived. Artist je pre svega likovni umetnik (ali i umetnik uopšte), a artist u cirkusu i varijeteu je artiste. Con artist (ili con man) je prevarant, mućkaroš, švindler. As good as ne znači dobar kao i, već (a): gotovo, bezmalo, skoro i (b): isto kao da, u stvari, praktično. (a): He as good as hit me. # - Did he tell you’d got the job? - As good as. (b): My knife is as good as lost. # He is as good as married. As I live and breathe! ne znači samo Dok živim i dišem!, Dok sam ja živ! već i Ko bi rekao? (britanski kolokvijalizam - osobito kad se sretne neko nakon duga vremena). # Why, it’s Jerry, as I live and breathe! Ask znači pitati, ali i (a): tražiti, (b): pozvati i (c): raspitivati se (o nekome). (a): # Don’t ask for a raise. (b): Ask the Johnsons to come to dinner tomorrow. (c): There’s a man asking about you. Ask me another! (britanski kolokvijalizam) ne znači Pitaj me nešto drugo! već Ne znam koliko ni ti!, Pitaj boga! # “’Then why did Ted Driffield marry her?’ I asked. ‘Ask me another, said Mary-Ann” (W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale). Be asleep at the switch ne znači zaspati na skretnici, već (a): biti nemaran na dužnosti i (b): ne biti pripravan, biti zatečen, ne reagovati blagovremeno. (a):The guard was asleep at the switch when the rober broke in. (b): The fish was biting, but I was asleep at the switch and lost it. As long as, so long as ne znači samo dokle god, dok god, već i (a): samo ako, samo ukoliko,
Associate professor sve dok i (b): kako, pošto, kad već (u amerčkom engleskom). (a): You can go out this evening as long as you promise to be home by midnight. # I don’t mind where we go so long as there’s sun, sand and sea. (b): As long as you’re going to town anyway, you can do something for me. # So long as you’re here, please stay for dinner. As long as one’s arm ne znači dugačak kao nečija ruka, već vrlo dug/dugačak. # Since they’ll only be here for half a day, there’s no point in planning an itinerary as long as your arm. As luck/chance would have it (pod Have it). As much as one’s life is worth ne znači koliko nečiji život vredi, već (a): uz opasnost po život, (b): uz velike nevolje i (c): po svaku cenu. (a): I’m glad your father was persuaded not to go fishing. It would have been as much as his life was worth to have taken the boat out on a night like this. (b): Some poor fellows are so dominated by their wives that it’s as much as their lives are worth to get home half an hour late. (c): I promised I’d get this done by five o’clock, and it’ll be as much as my life is I worth if I don’t. As of old ne znači kao od starog, već kao nekad, kao u stara vremena. # Your Uncle Cyrill was at the wedding, flirting with all good-looking girls, as of old. As of right ne znači kao od pravog, već po pravu, s punim pravom, s puno prava. # One third of the total estate comes to you as of right, you know, whether your husband has left a will or not. As often as ne znači tako često kao, već kad god, svaki put kad. # As often as I called you, your secretary said that you were busy. As often as not ne znači koliko često toliko i retko, već vrlo često, takoreći uvek. # Every night, as often as not, you’d find my husband at the local pub. Assault and battery (pod Battery). Assemble evidence (pod Evidence). Assembly nije samo skupština, već i (a): okupljanje i (b): montaža, sklapanje. (a): They demanded the right of assembly. (b): Entertaining and fascinating, the kit includes full assembly instructions. Assistant professor (u američkom engleskom) nije asistent, već docent. # - Our daughter was appointed an assistant professor yesterday. What’s that? - An assistant professor is a college teacher ranking above an instructor and below an associate professor. Associate professor (u američkom engleskom) nije pridruženi profesor, već vanredni profesor. # An associate professor is a college teacher ranking above an assistant professor and below a full professor.
As they come As they come ne znači kako stižu/dolaze, već kako se samo može biti. # “When I was a girl I was as gawky and ungainly as they come, but I knew I had to use all the tricks of the trade available” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). As they make them ne znači kako ih prave, već koliko se samo može zamisliti, da se ne da opisati, najviše moguće. # That fellow’s as cunning as they make them. # Our boy is as lazy as they make them. As the crow flies ne znači kao što leti krava, već vazdušnom linijom. # Our house is only a few miles from the lake as the crow flies. As well, just as well ne znači samo isto tako, takođe, pored toga, već ima i više drugih značenja: (a): bez štete, (b): dobro je (da/što), srećom (da), (c): korisno, preporučljivo i (d): kao i, koliko i. (a): Since I can’t win the race, I may as well quit. (b): It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, because we were away. (c): Before making a statement it is always as well to verify your facts. (d): Hiking is good exercise as well as fun. At a loss ne znači na gubitku, već u nedoumici, u čudu, zbunjen. # “”I was at a loss what to say or what to do, and before I had made up my mind he picked up his cane and was gone” (C. Doyle, The Hound of The Baskervilles). At a moment’s notice (pod Notice). At an early date ne znači ranijeg datuma već uskoro, ovih dana. # Please call me at an early date. At any rate ne znači po svaku cenu, već (a): u svakom slučaju, svakako, (b): kako bilo da bilo, šta god da bude i (c): u najmanju ruku, bar (po svaku cenu je at all costs, no matter what it takes). (a): At any rate, we had a nice time at the picnic. (b): “At any rate we must go on Tuesday” (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). (c): “They were as intrigued by Poirot as I was. Nevertheless, by the end of the day, I had at any rate an idea as to the direction in which Poirot’s thoughts were tending” (A. Christie, The ABC Murders). At a price ne znači po ceni, već (a): po visokoj ceni i (b): uz priličnu cenu (s tim da za to treba platiti nekom žrtvom). (a): The policy in many countries is to encourage consumption of the local spirits, so Scottish whisky is only obtainable at a price. (b): It was a decision to be taken only at a price: if he left his wife, it would mean leaving his children too. At a push ne znači guranjem, već (a): (u britanskom engleskom) ako je stvarno neophodno, u nuždi i (b): (ređe) ako bude sreće, ako ništa ne pođe loše. (a): I don’t go out and can help you tonight at a push. (b): I think we may get to New York before dinner, at a push. At a sitting, at one sitting ne znači samo tokom jedne sednice, već i (a): u jednoj turi i (b):
At the drop of a hat bez prekida, u jednom dahu, u jednom cugu. (a): The restaurant could feed about 80 people at a sitting. (b): It’s a quite short book you could easily read it at a sitting. At a stretch ne znači rastezanjem, već neprekidno, bez prekida. # This book is an immensely entertaining page-turner. I was reading it for hours at a stretch. At attention, At attention! ne znači pažljivo, već u stavu mirno, Mirno! # “Twenty men, each at attention, rigid and stern, stood in the rectangle between the Barracks building and the post wall.” (J. Carroll, Mortal Friends) # The sergeant gave his men the command ‘At attention!’ At ease (sa lakoćom) znači (a): lagodno, opušteno, komotno, spokojno (ill at ease je nelagodno itd.) i (b): na mestu voljno. (a): I don’t feel at ease driving when there is a lot of traffic. # Speaking in public always makes him ill at ease. (b): The sergeant finally gave his men the command ‘At ease!’ Vidi Stand easy. At fever pitch (pod Pitch). Athlete u američkom engleskom ne znači atleta, već sportista, (a u britanskom engleskom se za sportistu kaže sportsman - što znači i lovac i džentlmen). # American athletes won thirty gold medals in the Olympics. # “Her father was a sportsman as obsessed with horce racing as Axel was with statecraft” (W. Just, Echo House). Athletics znači (u britanskom engleskom) (laka) atletika, ali u američkom engleskom je sport. # A well-rounded student should like both intellectual pursuits and athletics. Laka atletika nije light athletics, već u (američkom engleskom) track and field. At home ne znači samo kod kuće već i (a): u svojoj zemlji, (b): na poznatom terenu, kao kod kuće i (c): lagodno. (a): Sales since October, both at home and abroad, show a marked increase. (b): Bob is quite at home with this topic. (c): Make the new student feel at home in your school. At present (pod Present 1). At short notice (pod Notice). At that ne znači u tome, već (a): na to, (b): uz to, pri tome, povrh toga i (c): moguće, verovatno. (a): “’I wanted you to have a talk with her.’ At that his own smile faded” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). (b): “This, he found, was not half so delicious an experience as pinching Ma, who wore nylons and very tight ones at that.” (H. E. Bates, The Darling Buds of May) (c): “CLIFF: He’s just an old Puritan at heart. JIMMY: Perhaps I am, at that” (J. Osborne, Look Back in Anger). At the drop of a hat ne znači dok padne šešir, već smesta, bez mnogo ili ikakvog razloga ili podsticaja (“ne treba mu dvaput reći”). # I am always ready to go fishing at the drop of a hat.
At the eleventh hour At the eleventh hour ne znači u jedanaestom času, već u poslednjem trenutku, u pet do dvanaest, u zadnji čas. # He arrived at the eleventh hour, only just in time to rescue the child. At the end of one’s rope/tether ne znači na kraju konopca, već na kraju snaga, na granici izdržljivosti (“dogorelo do nokata”). # He was out of work and broke and was at the end of his rope. At the end of the day ne znači na kraju dana, već u krajnjoj liniji, na kraju krajeva. # He says that whatever you may have heard about him being a mild-mannered man, “it doesn’t mean that at the end of the day I don’t stand firm.” At the expense of someone/something ne znači samo na nečiji trošak, već i (a): na nečiji račun i (b): po cenu nečega. (a): He had a good laugh at the expense of his brother. (b): The team succeeded in climbing the mountain, but only at the expense of several lives. At the head ne znači u glavi ili na glavi, već (a): na čelu i (b): u vrhu. (a): We are planning a promotion campaign and we selected Cyrill to be at the head of it. # He was proudly marching at the head of a column. (b): I was amazed to see my name at the head of the list. At the outside ne znači po spoljašnosti ili na spoljnoj strani, već u vrh glave, u najboljem slučaju, najviše. # I don’t suppose he earns more than $50,000 a year at the outside. At the rate of ne znači samo po ceni od, već i brzinom od. # She can read at the rate of 100 words a minute. At the same time ne znači samo istovremeno, već i (a): (uvek) u isto vreme i (b): ipak, međutim. (a): He gets up at the same time every morning. (b): “I know before we married you warned me there could never be a divorce. I accepted the risk and I’ve nothing to complain. At the same time I’m asking for one now” (G. Greene, The Quiet American). At the top of one’s bent (pod To the top of one’s bent, at the top of one’s bent). At the wheel, behind the wheel ne znači u točku ili za točkom, već (a): za volanom, za upravljačem i (b): na kormilu, na čelu. (a): “Michael saw him seated at the wheel of the rented car, turning towards his wife as he points to Judge Harpers’ great white house at the far end of a perfect loan.” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack) # I feel so secure when my son is behind the wheel. (b): This company hasn’t been doing too well recently, but now you’re at the wheel, I think we are going to have a lot of success in the years to come. At this point ne znači u toj tački, već u ovom trenutku. # We agree with you, but there is nothing we can do at this point.
Author At this rate, at that rate ne znači po toj ceni, već (a): ovom brzinom, ovim tempom, (b): ako je tako, ako zaista tako misliš, ako se budeš tako ponašao (naglasak na this/that) i (c): u tom slučaju, pod takvim okolnostima. (a): Hurry up! We’ll never get there at this rate. # At that rate, all the food will be gone before we get there. (b): “We discussed the matter a bit further, and then I told him, ‘But at this rate almost everything one says turns out to be a sort of lie.” (I. Murdoch, Under the Net) # “At that rate,’ his father told him, ‘you’re going to turn out an even greater disaster than your brother.” (c): At this rate we won’t be able to afford a holiday. # At that rate we’ll never get the money which is owed to us. Attend to someone/something ne znači prisustvovati nečemu (kaže se attend something – bez to), već (a): postarati se oko nekoga/nečega, pobrinuti se za nekoga/nešto, pripaziti na nekoga/nešto i (b): slušati pažljivo nekoga/nešto, obratiti pažnju na nekoga/nešto. (a): The baby is crying. Please attend to her. # Don’t worry, everything will be attended to in good time! (b): If you don’t attend to your teacher, you’ll never learn anything. # If she had attended to what her mother told her, she wouldn’t be in trouble now. Attorney general nije generalni tužilac, već (u SAD) ministar unutrašnjih poslova i pravde . # “He called Billy Walters, the Attorney General, political chief of the FBI.” (F. Forsyth, The Negotiator) Be attracted to someone ne znači sviđati se nekome, već obratno: osećati simpatiju prema nekome, smatrati koga privlačnim (I’m attracted to you - vi mi se sviđate). # “He felt attracted to her, and she had his respect - something he rarely awarded to anyone” (F. Paul Wilson, The Keep). Audience znači audijencija, ali i (a): publika, (b): čitateljstvo i (c): javno saslušanje. (a): The audience applauded the performance. (b): Shakespeare has always had a large audience. (c): The school board will organize an audience for parents to hear their complaints. August je avgust, ali (sa malim početnim slovom) znači i uzvišen, dostojanstven. # George Washington is one of the most august figures in American history. Author jeste autor, ali znači i (a): pisac, književnik, (b): začetnik, tvorac, (c): napisati (knjigu, dramu itd.) i (d): stvoriti, napraviti (u američkom engleskom). (a): Acclaimed author and journalist Karl Taro Greenfeld was on the spot when the disease was discovered. # She is the author of nine novels, including three international bestsellers. (b): John is the author of the company’s recent success. # She’s the author of all our troubles. (c): He has authored more than 30 books. # She authored this play. (d): The deal is being authored by a Greek diplomat.
Authority Authority znači autoritet, ali i (a): vlast (u množini) i (b): nadležnost. (a): You had better notify the authoritis that the child is missing. (b): The sheriff’s authority ends at the county line. Autograph je autogram (ne autogram na engleskom!). # She asked the President to put his autograph in her album. Avant-garde (pod Van). Avenue je avenija, ali i (a): prilaz od glavnog puta do kuće ili imanja (u britanskom en-
Award something to someone gleskom) i (b): put do nečega (figurativno). (a): Five miles from here you’ll see an avenue leading from the main road to the estate of Robinsons. (b): Books are avenues to knowledge. Award something to someone ne znači samo dodeliti nešto nekome, već i dosuditi nešto nekome. # 15,000 pounds was the amount that the court awarded to the victim of the accident. # The grandparents were awarded custody of their children.
B Babe in arms, babe-in-arms nije beba u rukama već (u britanskom engleskom) žutokljunac, naivko, poletarac, „zelembać“, bez ikakvog iskustva. * How can Dave think of starting a business at his age! He’s only a babe in arms. Isto značenje imaju babe-in-the-woods (američki engleski) i babes in the wood (britanski engleski), a ne da su dečica u šumi. # Wait a minute! You might be a good actor, but as a director, you are just a babe-in-the-woods. # We’ve been doing that for years; we’re not babes in the wood. Baboon nije babun, već pavijan. Babun, bogumil je na engleskom Bogomil(e). # Baboon is any of chiefly African monkeys of the genus Papio, having an alongated, doglike muzzle. U žargonu baboon je surova osoba. Baby kisser - onaj koji ljubi decu u američkom političkom žargonu znači lovac na glasove, politikant, demagog. # There were lots of promises at the town square today when a bunch of local baby kissers tried to rally interest in the upcoming election. Baby shower ne znači tuš za bebe, već (na američkom engleskom) kućna svečanost na koju se donose pokloni za bebu. # Baby showers are get-togethers organized by women, at which a woman who is about to have a baby is given appropriate gifts. Baby-snatcher nije otmičar beba, već osoba koja izlazi sa znatno mlađim partnerom. # “He had been living with an older woman ... babysnatching, as everybody called it” (I. Murdoch, The Sea). Back-bencher nije onaj koji sedi u zadnjim klupama, već (u britanskom engleskom) običan poslanik (koji nije član kabineta). # The defection of a large number of back-benchers brought down the last Government. Bad form (pod Good form). Bad lot (pod Lot). Badly znači loše, rđavo, ali i jako. # The tooth hurts badly. # The boy wants a new bycicle badly.
Bag it! (pod Zip up your lips!). Bag of wind (pod Wind). Balance jeste ravnoteža, balans, ali i (a): vaga, (b): ostatak i (c): saldo. (a): Weigh that side of beef on balance. (b): Leave the balance of the work until tomorrow. (c): The balance on your account $45. In the balance ne znači u ravnoteži, već u neizvesnosti. # With his fortune in the balance, Rick rolled the dice. Bald ne znači samo ćelav, već i (a): ogoljen, (b): go (figurativno: gola istina, laž itd.), (c): dosadan, suv (stil) i (d): direktan, neuvijen. (a) There is a bald spot on the lawn. # The mountain is bald above the tree line. (b): That is a bald falsehood! # I’m sorry, but these are the bold facts about what really happened. (c): De Quincy’s style is verbose and bald. (d): The Prime Minister gave a bald statement about the scandal. Bald eagle nije samo beloglavi orao, već i (a): nacionalni simbol SAD i (b): ćelavi političar (u američkom žargonu). (a): The bald eagle can be found on the back of every dollar bill. (b): Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defence under Truman and a State Department veteran, was nicknamed the ‘Bald Eagle of Foggy Bottom’. The ball is in your court (lopta je u vašem dvorištu) znači vi ste na potezu. # This is our last offer. Now, the ball is in your court. Ball of fire, fireball nije samo vatrena kugla, već i (a): meteor i (b): živa vatra, čovek od akcije, vrlo energična osoba. (a): A fireball is an exceptionally bright meteor. (b): He did poorly in school, but as a salesman he is a ball of fire. # That guy is a real fireball when it comes to advertising. Ballpark (ball park) estimate/figure nema veze sa stadionom, već znači gruba procena, okvirna cifra, približna brojka. # I can only give you a ballpark estimate at this time. # All I need is a ball park figure. Exactness comes later. Isto tako, in the ballpark ne znači na stadionu, već približno tačno. # Well, I wouldn’t take it for granted; putting it mildly – it is in the ballpark.
Banana oil Banana oil nije ulje od banane, već (a): razređivač koji ima miris sličan banani, (b): obična glupost, lupetanje (u američkom žargonu) i (c): debelo podilaženje, uvlačenje (u američkom žargonu). (a): Banana oil is a liquid mixture of nitrocellulose and amyl acetat, or a similar solvent, having a bananalike odor. (b): That’s the silliest banana oil I have ever heard! (c): Cut out the banana oil - flattery will get you nowhere! Banana skin nije samo kora od banane, već i klizavica, klizav teren, klopka za neoprezne. # The government has slipped on too many banana skins for its own good. Band je banda, ali i (a): grupa, gomila, (b): orkestar i (c): traka. (a): A band of students brought their grievances before the dean. (b): The band played until midnight. (c): Her hair was held in place by a velvet band. # A dark band of clouds was on the horizon. Bank znači banka, ali i (a): obala (reke, jezera), (b): nasip, uzvisina, (c): gomila (zemlje, snega, oblaka itd.) i (d): niz, red. (a): The boaters picknicked on the bank of the river. (b): A high bank of earth surrounded the fortress. (c): A bank of ground was left after the reconstruction of the highway. (d): A bank of spotlights lit up the scene. Bar znači bar, ali i (a): šank, (b): motka, šipka, (c): komad, parče (sapuna, tabla čokolade), (d): prepreka, (e): advokatska komora i (f): pruga, traka. (a): Put your glass on the bar. (b): The monkey rattled the bars of his cage. (c): The bar of soap slipped from his grasp. (d): Nearsighttedness is a bar to becoming a pilot. (e): After finishing law school she was admitted to the bar. (f): A bar of light fell across the darkened room. Bare bones nisu samo gole kosti, već i suština, ono najnužnije, osnovno. # Don’t give me a lot of details. I just want to know the bare bones of the matter.. Barrack nije baraka (kaže se shack), već (a): kasarna, smestiti u kasarnu i (b): (u britanskom engleskom) ometati govornika vikom. (a): At the end of the barrack would be a slightly larger room where their officer would live. (b): Every time the minister got up to speak he was barracked mercilessly. # She could not make herself heard above constant barracking. Barren harvest nije samo oskudna/slaba žetva, već i mala vajda, bezvredna nagrada za uloženi trud. # It is really a barren harvest for everything I have done. Basin je bazen, ali i (a): lavor, umivaonik, (b): udolina, (c): lučica, mali zaliv i (d): rečni sliv. (a): She washed her hands in a basin of warm water. (b): Torrentiial rains caused flooding in the basin. (c): Three miles from here you’ll find a small basin (yacht basin je marina za jahte).
Bear/lead/have a charmed life (d): All the land drained by the the Sava river and its branches belongs to the Sava basin. Battery je baterija (topova, električna), ali i niz,serija. # Students were subjected to a battery of tests. Assault and battery je teška telesna povreda (pravni termin). # That’s ridiculous! He can’t bring a charge of assault and battery for one slight poke in the ribs! Battle royal nije kraljevska bitka, već (a): opšta tučnjava, (b): žestoka rasprava, oštar sukob i (c): bespoštedna borba. (a): The argument at the bar turned in a battle royal. (b): You’d better attend the Council meeting tonight - we’re expecting a battle royal over the new parking proposals for the town center. (c): Iraq and Iran waged a battle royal in which both parties paid a heavy toll. Bay znači zaliv, ali i (a): lavež, kevtanje, (b): škripac, (c): niša, udubina u zidu (d): lovor, lorrber (e): riđan (konj) . (a): The fox hunters followed the bay of the hounds. (b): A bear at bay is very dangerous. (c): A small table and chair stood in the dining bay. (d): Add the garlic clove and bay leaf, and fry briefly over medium heat until the garlic just starts to brown. (e): Mel is the bay mare on the right of Ziggy is now in a new home with a VHS carer. Parking bay je parkiralšte. There are disabled adjacent to the Museum entrance. Loading bay (u britanskom engleskom, a u američkom engleskom loading dock) je magacin u prodavnici. # Loading bay is a space at the back of a shop where goods are delivered or taken away. Bay window nije prozor s pogledom na zaliv već (a): izbojak, izbočeni prozor, erker i (b): stomačina, trbušina (u američkom žargonu). (a): They live in the house with bay windows right next to us. (b): You are going to have to do something about the bay window. Beam je greda, ali i (a): zrak (svetlosti, sunca), (b): ozarenost i (c): širina (broda i oko kukova). (a): A beam of light penetrated the darkness. (b): A beam of delight was the best answer when he proposed to her. (c): The ship was very broad in the beam. # Sally is getting very broad in the beam - she must try to lose some weight. On/off (the) beam znači na pravom/pogrešnom putu. # That’s the right idea. Now you’re on the beam! # The police are way off beam in their search for the criminal. High and low beams su dugačka i kratka svetla (automobilska). Beneath criticism (pod Critic). Bear/lead/have a charmed life ne znači voditi šarmantan život, već biti dete sreće, imati sreće u životu. # The bullet missed my uncle by less than an inch - he bears a charmed life. # He has got everything he wanted - he really leads a charmed life. # She had two head-on collisions
Bears and bulls with her convertible, but she had a charmed life and was unhurt. Bears and bulls nisu samo medvedi i bikovi, već i špekulanti na berzi koji ili prodaju akcije bez pokrića, očekujući njihov pad (bears) ili ih kupuju, očekujući rast (bulls). # He is one of those bulls who sells and promises to deliver shares which he does not yet own, hoping to buy them at a lower price before the date of delivery. Beat about/around the bush ne znači udarati oko grma, već okolišiti, obilaziti kao kiša oko Kragujevca, obilaziti kao mačak oko vruće kaše. # It is high time you stopped beating about the bush and told me what you want. Beat/bang the drum ne znači samo udarati u doboš, već i reklamirati, vatreno podržavati, udarati na sva zvona (nečije kvalitete). # Don’t worry, we’ll beat the drum for you and you’ll get sufficient publicity to launch your campaign. # While I’m here I’ll bang the drum for your program - so you’ll get plenty of publicity. Beautiful people ne znači samo lep svet, već (u britanskom engleskom) i pripadnici visokog društva/džet seta. # Beautiful people have turned to other kinds of excitement. # He knows how to advance his career; he moves in the best circles and makes friends with the Beautiful People. Beauty nije samo lepota, već i poseban kvalitet, najbolje u vezi sa nečim. # “They’re all good shears,” the salesman explained, “but the beauty of this pair is that the blades have a self-sharpening action.” Beauty sleep ne znači lepota spavanja (ili nešto slično), već san do ponoći (kad je najzdraviji). # “Come now, don’t get into a tantrum. You must get your beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). Beauty spot je (blizu svog bukvalnog značenja) (a): lep kraj, mesto poznato po svojim prirodnim lepotama, turistička atrakcija, ali i (b): mladež (prirodni i veštački). (a): The Guide Book lists all the famous beauty spots, but if you look you will find other equally delightful places off the beaten track. (b): I used to spend hours trying to scrub off what my mother liked to call my beauty spot. I thought it disfigured me. Now, I think it’s rather an asset. Become a citizen ne znači postati građanin, već dobiti državljanstvo, postati državljanin. # “When he was honorably discharged, he would automatically become a citizen and thus put to rest the family’s perpetual concerns about their outdated visas” (S. Turow, The Burden of Proof). Become effective najčešće ne znači postati delotvoran/efikasan, već stupiti na snagu. # The
Begin to see daylight new interest rates become effective next month. # The new law became effective yesterday. Become ne znači samo postati, već i (a): pristajati1, (b): desiti se sa nekim/nečim i (c): ispasti (na kraju) od nekoga/nečega (become of someone/something). (a): That colour really becomes you. (b): What ever became of the old man who lived beside the school? # What ever became of that parcel you sent? (c): # What became of that girl who always came top? # What has become of your ideas to start your own business? Becoming znači (a): pristojan, (b): prikladan i (c): privlačan (pomalo staromodno). (a): His behavior was not very becoming for a gentleman. (b): Blue is very becoming color on you. (c): That’s a most becoming dress, my dear. Bed znači krevet, ali i (a): sloj/ležište rude, (b): korito reke, (c): temelj (zgrade, puta) i (d): leja. (a): There’s a bed of anthracite coal in this mountain. (b): The river bed was covered with the rank grass. (c): We need a bed of for the new road. (d): Plant a bed of roses by the garage. (e): Bob drank cocoa before bed. Bed of roses nije samo leja ruža, već i srećan period, stanje idiličnog komfora i luksuza, ugodan život. # After nine months of school, summer camp seemed a bed of roses. Isto tako, bed of thorns/nails ima prenosno značenje: muka i nevolja, živa muka, teško izdrživa situacija. # At any period in history it is the unemployment who find life to be a bed of thorns. # With my boss changing his instructions from one day to the next, my job has become a bed of nails. Bedtime story, priča koja se čita deci pred spavanje ima (kao i u srpskom) i prenosno značenje: priča za malu decu („Drugome ti to!). # What you’re telling me sounds like a bedtime story. Come back when you can be more straightforward. Be excused ima i drugo značenje pored doslovnog: izviniti se radi odlaska u toalet. # She asked to be excused before leaving. Before the flood ne znači samo doslovno pre poplave/ potopa, već najčešće Bog te pita otkad, prepotopski. # It’s high time we refurbished our house. It looks as if it had been decorated before the flood. Before you know it ne znači pre nego što to saznaš/prepoznaš, već dok si trepnuo, za tili čas. # Don’t worry, I’ll be there before you know it. Begin to see daylight ne upotrebljava se u doslovnom značenju, već znači nazirati kraj kakvom dužem poslu (“već počinje da mu se vidi kraj”). # I’ve been working on my dictionary for almost five years, and at last I’m beginning to see daylight.
Komentar I. Klajna: Moonlight Becomes You bio je hit Binga Krozbija u godinama pred rat (“Moonlight becomes you, / It goes with your hair, / You certainly know the right thing to wear...”).
Begin to see the ligh Begin to see the light2 znači postajati kome jasno , počinjati shvatati (“sviće mu pred očima”). # I was totally confused, but I began to see the light after your explanation. Beg the question ne znači zatražiti pitanje, već zaobići suštinu (time što se nešto uzima kao gotova stvar ili dokazano), poći od pretpostavke kao od dokaza. # Jim asked Dad whether he could take his car to go to the party; his father said Jim was begging the question because he did not know if he would get permission to go to a party in the first place. Behind the scenes ne znači samo iza scene odnosno van očiju javnosti, već i ispod žita, iza kulisa. # Much of the Committee’s work was done behind the scenes. # He’s the one who controls everything behind the scenes. Bell the cat nije samo staviti zvonce mački oko vrata, već i (u kolokvijalnom britanskom) preuzeti rizik na sebe, prvi se izložiti opasnosti (radi zaštite drugih). # All the men agreed that they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered to bell the cat and ask their employer for the money. Belly button nije nikakvo dugme na stomaku, već pupak # In one scene, reporters comb through Ms. Brown’s garbage while Murphy admires her new son’s belly button inside her apartment. Below par (pod Under/below par). Be my guest! po pravilu ne znači Budite mi gost! već Samo izvol’te! # - Oh, where did you find such a good tomato? - Be my guest! There are plenty of them in my garden. Bench je klupa (i u značenju rezervni igrači u fudbalu i drugim sportovima – The championship will be won by the team with the best bench.), ali znači i sudije, sudsko veće. # The accused will be brought before the bench. Benzene je benzin za čićenje mrlja, ali ne i benzin kao gorivo (kaže se - na američkom engleskom gasoline, gas, a na britanskom engleskom petrol). Be on the job ne znači samo biti na poslu, već i (a): raditi punom parom i (b): voditi ljubav (humoristično). (a): Ted was on the job all of the time that he was at work. # I can depend on my furnace to be on the job day and night. (b): Her parents caught them on the job and threw him out of the house. Best nije samo najbolji/najbolje, već i (a): najveći, (b): najviše, (c): najbolje želje i (d): najbolja forma. (a): It rained for the best part of a week. (b): Which coat do you like best? # Whi-
Big game ch job pays best? (c): Aunt Mary sent her best to all. (d): I’m not at my best unless I’ve had a good night’s sleep. Best bet nije najbolja opklada, već najbolji izlaz iz situacije, najviše čemu se neko može nadati. # Your best bet is to be put on probation. # Your best bet is to call a plumber. # But if today is an indication, the best bet is that a political sideshow is in the offing. Best man nije najbolji čovek, već venčani kum, svedok na venčanju. In 1987 Mr. Maluf was best man at Mr. Collor’s wedding to Rosane Malta. The best of British (luck to you)! nije Želim ti najbolje što imaju Britanci!, već (u britanskom engleskom) Neka ti je sa srećom! Daj Bože! (sumnjičavo: “Želim ti sreću, ali su mali izgledi!”). # I don’t for a moment think you’ll succeed in raising that much money, but the best of British luck to you, all the same. Better nije samo bolji/bolje, već i (a): veći, (b): više i (c): (kao glagol) nadmašiti, poboljšati. (a): The better part of the day was spent working. (b): It takes better than an hour to get to work. (c): The pole vaulter bettered the world’s record by six inches. Beyond reproach (pod Reproach). Bid znači licitirati, ponuditi (cenu), ali i (a): narediti i (b): zaželeti. (a): The queen bids all their subjects to pay the tax. (b): He bade us farewell. # I bid you the warmest welcome. Big Apple je popularno ime za Njujork # The Big Apple is filled with young kids trying to get into show biz. # Bob and his gang went to the Big Apple to lie for a while. Big as life (pod Large/big as life). Big banana nije velika banana, već (u američkom žargonu) velika marka, drmator, glavna fora. # It went up to the big bananas, who said “no” immediately. Big board nije velika daska, već (u američkom žargonu) Njujorška berza. # On the big board, stocks were down again today, bringing the loss this week on the Dow to nearly 175 points. Big-C nije veliko C, već (u američkom žargonu) rak, kancer. # She was struck with the big-C. Big deal jeste velika stvar, jako važno pitanje, ali i (ironično, u žargonu) Jaka stvar! Čudna mi čuda! Pa šta onda! # So you became college coach - big deal! Big game nije velika igra, već visoka divljač. # Northern forests are good for big game hunting.
2 Komentar I. Klajna: I ovo me podseća na jedan evergreen, i danas poznat svakom džezisti, Elingtonov klasični I’m Beginning To See The Light: “I never cared much for moonlit skies, / I never winked back at fireflies, / But now that the stars are in your eyes, / I’m beginning to see the light.”
Big government Big government (ili kao pridev big-government) nije velika vlada, već (u američkom političkom žargonu) svemoćna država, državnointervencionistički. # In the most partisan shot Democrats have fired on the issue, Mr. Gephard said, “Every time we try to lift people up, they say it’s socialism, it’s big government, it’s tax and spend.” # Mr. Bush was trying to set a more aggressive tone, portraying the Democrats as big-government, high taxing liberals who would “socialize” medicine and engage in “reckless” military cuts. Big head, to have a big head nije velika glava, glavonja niti imati veliku glavu, već (a): mamurluk od pića, teška glava, biti mamuran („glava mi je kao merica“) i (b): ja pa ja, punoglavac, pun sebe („more mu je do kolena“), biti uobražen, naduti se od sopstvene važnosti. (a): You look like you have the big head this morning. (b): Look at that swagger. He is such a big head. Big house (Big House) nije samo velika kuća, već, zatvor, ćuza, bajbokana (u američkom žargonu). # “To go to the big house for the rest of his life” (W. B. Johnson, Widening Stain). # “She has other worries besides trying to keep her exlover out of the Big House” (E. H. Lavine, The Third Degree). Big-league i big leagues ne odnose se na velike lige, već znače (a): profesionalan, (b): konkurentan, uspešan, (c): prvoligaški i (d): probrano društvo (u kome vlada oštra konkurencija) ili prva liga (u našem žargonu). (a): When I’m a big-league star, I’ll send you free tickets. (b): Tom works in one of the big-league accounting firms. (c): A big-league player can make as much as $1,000,000 a year. (d): In the big leagues you’ve got to know what you’re worth. # You’re in the big leagues now - no more cheap stuff. Big mouth, to have a big mouth ne znači (imati) velika usta, već (u žargonu) (a): blebetalo, laprdalo i (b):istrtljati tajnu, izbrbljati se, imati dugačak jezik. (a): Even after total failure he was still a big mouth. # He’s just making empty boasts like any other big mouth. (b): Molly has a big mouth. She told Joe what I was getting him for his birthday. Big noise nije samo velika buka/galama, već (u američkom žargonu) i (a): velika marka, glavna fora i (b): glavna vest, bomba, veliki skandal. (a): He’s the big noise in Washington right now. (b): What’s the big noise around town now? Big time nije veliko vreme, već (a): dobar/ bogovski provod (kolokvijalno), (b): elita, sam vrh, prva liga (u žargonu), (c): (kao pridev) izuzetno uspešan, među prvima, istaknut i (d): (priloški) mnogo, grdno, i te kako (a): I certainly had a big time at the club last night. (b): Many
Bite the dust young actors go to Hollywood, but few of them reach the big time. (c): You never heard of Tom Wolfe? He’s a big-time writer. (d): - You think I messed up? - Big time! U drugim izrazima (u američkom žargonu) ima i druga značenja (a): big-time operator je ženskaroš, švaler, a (b): big-time spender je veliki trošadžija, raspikuća. (a): This big-time operator comes up and asks me to go home with him. (b): He is the original bigtime spender - he never even looks at the prices on the menu! Big wheel nije samo veliki točak, već (kolokvijalno) bog i batina, krupna zverka. # Daddy is a big wheel in Washington and might be able to help you to find a good job there. Bill nije samo račun, već i (a): novčanica (u američkom engleskom), (b): predlog zakona, (c): program (predstave, koncerta) i (d): plakat, oglas. (a): A dollar bill doesn’t pay much. (b): How many bills are before Congress this session? (c): The Palace Theater used to have the best vaudeville bill. (d): On the wall was a sign reading „Post no bills.“ Bill of fare je (a): jelovnik, meni i (b): program obaveza, spisak stvari koje treba uraditi. (a): Waiter, may I have the bill of fare, please? (b): He asked his secretary what was on the bill of fare for that day. Bill of health je zdravstveno uverenje (clean bill of health je potvrda da je neko zdrav). Birds and (the) bees jesu ptice i pčele, ali je to izraz koji znači seksualno vaspitanje („kako se rađaju deca“). # When boys and girls are old enough, their mother or father will tell them about the birds and the bees and where babies come from. Bird’s eye view je (a): pogled iz ptičje perspektive, ali i (b): ovlašan pogled. (a): He was invited on a helicopter flight and he got a splendid bird’s view of the whole shore and the islands. (b): In this book the author takes only a bird’s view of modern architecture. Bite (on) the bullet iako doslovno znači zagristi metak, ima drugo značenje: stisnuti/stegnuti zube, suočiti se hrabro s nevoljama, doneti tešku odluku. # “But I think the time has come for all the members of Congress to be responsible and, even in the election year, to bite the bullet and stand up and do what ought to be done for their country.” (President Johnson, May 3, 1968) # I didn’t want to go to the doctor, but I bit on the bullet and went. Bite someone’s head off nije odgristi nekome glavu, već izvikati se na nekoga, izgrditi nekoga na pasja kola. # My mother bit my head off when I came home late last night. Bite the dust nije gristi prašinu, već (a): kolokvijalno odgovara našem otegnuti papke, zagristi u ledinu (isto značenje ima i kiss the dust)
Bite the ice! (b): biti poražen ili (u našem žargonu) tropirati i (c): prestati sa radom, ugasiti se. (a): A bullet hit the sheriff in the chest, and he bit the dust. # Poor old Tom bit the dust while mowing the lawn. # Captain Miller raised his gun, and bang, another Indian kissed the dust. (b): Our team bit the dust yesterday. (c): Since 1955, no less than nine national newspapers have bitten the dust. Bite the ice! ne znači Grizi led! već (u žargonu) Bestraga ti glava! Idi s milim bogom! # If that’s what you think, you can just bite the ice! # Bite the ice and leave me alone! Bit on the side, have a bit on the side nije (imati) komadić sa strane, već je u vezi sa bračnim neverstvom: šarati u braku, odlaziti u štetu. # “She had been used, had been just the fun you can’t get when you’re married, a bit on the side” (J. Bradbury, Who Do You Think You Are). # His wife is becoming jealous - she thinks he might be having a bit on the side. Bitten by the bug nije samo neko koga je ujela stenica, već jako zainteresovan, zaintrigiran ili popaljen (u žargonu). # I doubt if this program did much to arouse the interest of those not already bitten by the bug. Black and blue znači da je neko crn i modar, ali zato što je u modricama, izubijan. # She has fallen down the stairs and her whole body was black and blue. Black-and-white, black and white je (a): crno-beo (ne u boji), (b): crno-be(l)o, uprošćen(o) (koji je ili samo pozitivan ili samo negativan), (c): policijska patrolna kola, murka (u žargonu) i (d): policajci, policija, pajkani, panduri (u žargonu). (a): I sometimes feel nostalgic about good old black-and-white films. (b): Everything is black-and white to Jim - if you are not his friend, you are his enemy. (c): A black and white pulled up to the curb. (d): Call the blacks and whites. We got trouble here. In black and white je crno na belom, napismeno, u pismenoj formi # She wouldn’t believe the news, so he showed her the article in the newspaper and said, “There it is in black and white.” Black tie nije crna kravata/mašna već (obavezan) smoking (i večernja haljina) (najčešće u pozivu za večeru, prijem itd.), kao što white tie nije bela kravata/mašna već (obavezan) frak. # This will be a kind of a formal evening and the hosts expect a black tie. If you don’t have a tuxedo you can rent it. # It was a white-tie affair. Blanket regulation nema veze sa ćebetom već je to linearna mera. # You cannot apply this blanket regulation across the board with so many differences among the states. Bleed for someone ne znači krvariti za nekoga, već biti svim srcem uz nekoga, biti na nečijoj strani. # I really bleed for him, but there’s nothing I can do to get him off the hook.
Blow one’s own trumpet Bleeding heart nije srce koje krvari, već (a): vrsta šeboja i (b): zadušna baba, osoba odveć meka srca. (a): A bleeding heart is a plant of the fumitory family with usually red or pink heartshaped flowers. (b): She is such a bleeding heart. Just tell her a good sob story and she’ll give you money. Blessing in disguise nije prikriveni/maskirani blagoslov, već sreća u nesreći. # He lost his job, but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise because he has set up a business of his own and is doing very well. # Margot nearly broke her heart when Alan lost interest in her, but now she sees the way he treats the girl he went with, she realizes it was a blessing in disguise. Blind ne znači samo slep, već (kao imenica) (a): maska, kamuflaža, (b) lovački zaklon, (c): mamac i (d): platnena prozorska zavesa. (a): The nightclub was just a blind for the gambling casino. (b): The duck hunters fired from the blind. (c): The hunters used wooden ducks as blinds to attract the flock. (d): The blinds keep the sun out. Venetian blind znači žaluzine, roletne, venecijaneri. Blind alley je ćorsokak, slepa ulica, ali i bezizlazna situacija, ćorsokak (figurativno). # The police are up a blind alley in their investigation of the crime. A blind alley occupation/job je zanimanje/posao bez perspektive. # My daughter chose history of art as her major. I’m afraid it is a blind alley occupation nowadays. Block nije blok (za pisanje – kaže se pad/ memo/note/scratch/writing/scribble), ali jeste (a): građevinski/stambeni blok, (b): kameni, betonski blok, (c): gradska četvrt, (d): mentalna blokada, (e): panj (mesarski – chopping block, za izvršenje smrtne kazne – the block), (f): blok motora, (g): blok (karata i sl.), (h): začepljenje, začepiti, (i): dražba, licitacija, (j): glava, ćupa (u žargonu) (k): blokirati (a): I remember being taken, aged 5 or 6 years old, into the garden next door to our block of flats. (b): The pyramids were built with large stone blocks. # There are these huge concrete blocks, built where the ghetto used to be. (c): He lives in the next block. (d): I knew his name perfectly well but I had a temporary block. (e): Anne Boleyn went to the block. (f): The engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked. (g): I bought a block of tickets. (h): A block in the pipe was preventing the water from coming through. (i): The painting went on the block and sold for nearly fifty-three million dollars. (j: Try to get this stuff through your block before the test. (k): A fallen tree is blocking the road. # A group of politicians blocked the proposal. Blow one’s own trumpet (britanski engleski) i blow one’s own horn (američki engleski) ne znače duvati u sopstvenu trubu, već busati se u
Blow out one’s brains prsa, reklamirati se. # People get tired of a man who is always blowing his own trumpet. # Jim is always blowing his own horn. Is he really as good as he says he is? Blow out one’s brains znači razneti sebi mozak, prosvirati sebi kuršum kroz glavu, ali i ubijati se od posla, pasti s nogu od posla. # The boys blew their brains out to get the stage ready for the play. Blow something sky-high znači dići nešto u vazduh, ali i dokazati neodrživost nečega (ideje, verovanja i sl.), razbiti mit o nečemu. # The belief that cigars are less harmful than cigarettes has been blown sky-high by the recently published medical report. Blow the cobwebs away ne znači skinuti paučinu, već razbistriti mozak, osvežiti se i dovesti misli u red. # Let’s go somewhere and get some fresh air to blow the cobwebs away - I’ve been studying all the afternoon. # “We talked for hours. He talked and I listened. It was like wind and sunlight. It blew all the cobwebs away.” (J. Fowles, The Collector) Blow the whistle ne znači samo dunuti u pištaljku, već i (a): (u američkom žargonu) otkucati, cinkariti, prijaviti, (b): raskrinkati, obelodaniti nepoštene radnje i (c): stati na kraj (nečemu), staviti tačku. (a): The police caught one of the bank robbers, and he blew the whistle on two more. (b): The media blew the whistle on the government officials’ involvement in drug trafficking. (c): You are the father; you have to blow the whistle on your son’s intolerable behavior. Blue ne znači samo plav, već i potišten. # I feel homesick and blue. Blue chips nisu plavi žetoni ili plavi pomfrit, već prvoklasne akcije, akcije najvećih kompanija. # The blue chips took another nose dive in today’s trading. Blue coats nisu plavi kaputi, niti su blue boys plavi momci, već (u žargonu) policajci, plavi anđeli, plavci. # The blue coats climbed out of the black and white and just stood there. # Four blue boys held me while a fifth slipped the cuffs on me. Blue-collar nije sa plavom kragnom, već manuelni, radnički (na britanskom engleskom se kaže cloth-cap). # Mr. Gorbachev cannot count on blue-collar support for closing bankrupt industries, deregulating prices on consumer goods, laying off surplus workers - all measures that leading economists say are inevitable if the Soviet economy is to be revived. Isto tako, white-collar ne znači sa belom kragnom, već kancelarijski, intelektualni. # The expansion of higher education on Oxbridge lines led increasing numbers to expect well-paid white-collar jobs.
Boil down Blue-eyed boy ne znači samo doslovno plavooki dečak, već (u britanskom engleskom – pogrdno) miljenik/ljubimac (učitelja, šefa i sl.), štreber. # Jack is Professor Roland’s blue-eyed boy. He gets better grades than he really deserves. Blue movie/film nije plavi film već pornografski film. # I saw my first blue movie and found it disappointing. Blue murder (pod Scream/cry/yell blue murder). Blue-pencil je došlo od plave (redaktorske) olovke, ali znači redigovati, korigovati, skratiti. # Most of my article on the treatment of the political prisoners was blue-penciled by the editor. Blue ribbon je plava traka (koju dobijaju nosioci britanskog Ordena podvezice), ali takođe znači prvo mesto, prva nagrada. # Bob’s horse won the blue ribbon at the fair. A blue-ribbon commission/jury/panel je specijalna komisija/ porota, specijalni žiri/panel (u američkom engleskom). # “Bishop, I want you to serve on a special blue-ribbon commission on crime in New York that I will be forming shortly” (T. Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities). Board nije samo daska, već i (a): odbor i (b): hrana (u izrazu stan i hrana). (a): The founder of the company is chairman of the board. (b): How much is bed and board? (u britanskom engleskom to je board and lodging). Boards su pozorišne daske odnosno pozornica. Vidi On board. Bob’s your uncle ne znači samo da ti je Bob stric ili ujak, već sve će (onda) ići kao po koncu (u britanskom engleskom - kolokvijalno). # Don’t be afraid. Do just as I told you, and Bob’s your uncle - you’ll get the task done in a couple of hours! Body blow nije udarac telom ili u telo, već težak udarac. # His failure to pass the enrollment test was a body blow to all his hopes of studying medicine and becoming a doctor. Body of people nije nikakvo telo naroda, već masa ljudi, veliki broj. # A body of people attended the outdoor concert. Body politic nije političko telo, već ljudi koji kolektivno predstavljaju političku zajednicu pod jednom vlašću, narod u okviru jedne države, politički sistem. # “As we see difficulties and defects in the body politic, in the social order, we must never attempt before our own consciences to dodge our responsibilities,” said President Eisenhower. Boil down nije samo ukuvati (se), uvreti već i (a): svoditi/svesti se i (b): skratiti, smanjiti obim. (a): In the end it all boils down to cold facts and figures. (b): He boiled the whole story down to one paragraph. # The reporter boiled the story down to half the original length.
Boiler Boiler nije bojler (kaže se water-heater), već parni kotao (boiler-room je kotlarnica). # Instead there are condensing communal boilers feeding each pod. Bold je smeo, hrabar, ali i (a): drzak i (b): izrazit, jarki. (a): I was offended by his bold remarks. (b): The room was decorated in bold colors. Born on the wrong side of the blanket je (britanski) izraz koji nema veze sa ćebetom, već znači rođen u divljem/nezakonitom braku. # The Duke of Monmouth was King Charles II’s son, but having been born on the wrong side of the blanket, he could not be allowed to become king after Charles died. Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth svakako ne znači da je rođen sa srebrnom kašikom u ustima, već da je rođen u svili i kadifi, iz bogate kuće, rođen u obilju. # He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but he’s a hard worker and deserves all that praise. Bosom friend/pal/buddy nema veze sa grudima, već znači prisan prijatelj, najbolji drugar, pajtaš. # “Jimmy Carde was one of Mor’s enemies. He was also the bosom friend of Mor’s son Donald.” (I. Murdoch, The Sandcastle) # I should never have expected something like that from my bosom pal. # He’ll be whitewashed for sure. He is the boss’s bosom buddy. Bottle baby nema veze sa bebama, ali ima sa bocom, pa (u žargonu) znači cugaroš, mokri brat. # The bottle babies sat there, waiting to be thrown out at closing time. Bottle party je žurka na koju svako donese svoje piće. # “Julie explained her occasional absences from the flat by saying she was staying with an aunt, and Isabel accepted this just as she accepted the bottle parties that from time to time assembled in Julie’s bed-sitting room. (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). Bottom drawer nije samo poslednja fijoka, već i devojačka sprema (u britanskom žargonu). # Mary is only sixteen, but she already began collecting and storing her bottom drawer in anticipation of her marriage. Bottom dropped/fell out ne znači samo da je dno otpalo, već i (a): da je dalje pojeftinilo, cena se još spustila i (b): da se svet srušio (for someone - za nekoga - u američkom engleskom). (a): The bottom dropped out of the price of apples. (b): The bottom dropped out of the day for Tom when he saw his report card. Bottom line nije poslednja linija, već (kolokvijalno) znači (a): konačni saldo, finansijski rezultat, (b): bitna stvar, odlučujući činilac („u osnovi se svodi na“) i (c): krajnji rezultat, ishod. (a): The company’s bottom line is in bad shape. (b): Well, when you get down to the bottom line,
Brass hats it’s only money that matters. (c): „The bottom line, however, is that he has escaped” (David Wise). Bottom-line (kao pridev) znači suštinski, osnovni. # White House aids spent much of the rest of the week to assure their allies on the Capitol Hill that Mr. Clinton really, truly did not mean to back away from his bottom-line demand - no universal coverage, no bill - which was considered the only certainty in the last six months of legislative struggle. Be bought and sold ne znači biti kupljen i prodat, već bankrotirati, pasti pod stečaj. # Have you heard about Wilson? He’s bought and sold. Bound and determined nije vezan i odlučan, već čvrsto/nepokolebljivo rešen, opredeljen. # We were bound and determined to get there on time. # I’m bound and determined that this won’t happen again. Bow tie nije nagnuta kravata, već leptirmašna. # “’Anyway, Arthur’s a wimp,’ Julie said. ‘He always wears those dumb bow ties’” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). Bow to the winds of change (pod Trim one’s sails before/to the wind). Box ne znači boks (sport - kaže se boxing), već (a): kutija, sanduk, (b): loža (u pozorištu), (c): sedište kočijaša i (d): pljuska, zaušnica. (a): He rummaged trhrough a box of spare parts. (b): The royal box was empty. (c): An armed guard sat in the box with the driver. (d): I gave him a good box on the ear. Box office nije samo pozorišna/bioskopska blagajna već i (kolokvijalno) (a): predstava na kartu više, dobro primljen komad/film i (b): (kao pridev) popularan, uspešan, privlačan. # (a): ‘Gone with the Wind’ was regular box office for many years. (b): Betsie is no longer box-office with the boys. Boys in the backroom, backroom boys nisu momci u stražnjoj sobi, već su to (a): ljudi iza scene koji vuku konce (u američkom političkom žargonu), i (b): crnci iza scene, stvarno zaslužni a nepoznati (u britanskom žargonu). (a): The boys in the backroom picked the last presidential candidate. # The backroom boys have decided too many things in the past. Their day is over. (b): The doctor performed the operation, but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the new heart machine. Brainstorming session nema veze sa poremećim umom ili mentalmim ispadom (brainstorm), već je to otvorena tribina, skup na kome su učesnici pozvani da sasvim slobodno iznesu svoje ideje i predloge. # Then we had a kind of a brainstorming session at which all the members were encouraged to contribute suggestions and solutions, however far-fetched, to a problem. Brass hats nisu nikakvi bronzani šeširi, već (u žargonu) (a): visoki oficiri, (b): glavešine i
Brass-monkey weather (c): ljudi od uticaja, drmatori. (a): The general and some of the other brass hats are coming round to visit the camp today. (b): We’ll see what the brass hats have to say first. (c): When are the brass hats going to start paying attention to the important things? Brass-monkey weather nema veze sa bronzanim majmunima, već znači pasje vreme, kijamet (u britanskom žargonu) # You’d better not go out tonight - it’s brass monkey weather outside. Brave show nije samo (a): glumljenje hrabrosti, stavljanje maske neustrašivosti, odlučnosti ili neuznemirenosti, već i (b): izvanredan prizor, redak spektakl. (a): With a brave show of confidence which he was far from feeling, he led his party along the narrow ledge of rock. (b): A march-past of Highland pipes, with kilts swinging and ribbons flying, makes a brave show. Bread and butter nije samo hleb s maslacem, već i (a): nasušni hleb, ono od čega se živi, (b): jednostavan i probitačan, bez ikakvih kerefeka (i bread-and-butter), (c): Bread and butter! (uzvik koji odgovara našem Predajem ti baksuza! ili Beži đav’le!). (a): He earns his bread and butter as an accountant. (b): “’She always seemed a bit insipid to me, Bob said, strictly the bread and butter, Miss’” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). (c): We’d say ‘Bread and butter!’ when we had passed on opposite sides of a tree. # In some countries people say ‘Bread and butter!’ when they come across a black cat. Bread-and-butter issue/matter je životno pitanje, ono od čega se živi. # “But what matters here are the bread-andbutter issues, the price of food and gasoline, the Social Security mess, the ERA, unemployment, energy, things that they can see and touch, a federal day program, crime - these are the nittygritty” (H. Fast, The Immigrant’s Daughter). Bread-and-butter letter je zahvalno pismo, zahvalnica (kaže se i thank-you letter) After spending a weekend as a guest in the White’s home, Sally wrote the Whites the usual bread and butter letter. Breadwinner nije neko ko ko je dobio ili zaradio hleb, već hranilac porodice. # With Father ill, our eldest brother has become the breadwinner of the family. Break a leg! ne znači da nekome želite da slomi nogu, već (najčešće glumcu pred predstavu) Puno sreće! # Before the play Harold said to Ann, “Break a leg!” Break bread with someone ne znači lomiti hleb sa nekim, već sesti za isti sto, podeliti so i hleb sa nekim. For him it was a day of poignant drama, as the leaders of the outlawed party broke bread with those who had once jailed them. Slično značenje ima eat salt with someone. Break one’s fast nije samo prekinuti sa postom, već i (a): prekinuti štrajk glađu i (b): do-
Bring home something ručkovati (u britanskom engleskom, formalno). (a): Does the prisoner understand that if he cannot be persuaded to break his fast, he will be forcibly fed? (b): We broke our fast in early morning café on crunchy bread rings and butter, goats’-milk cheese and excellent coffee. Break one’s neck nije samo skrhati vrat, već i upreti iz petnih žila, polomiti se (da se uradi nešto). # I broke my neck trying to finish writing before the end of the examination, but I failed to complete the last question. Break the back of something nije samo slomiti kičmu nečemu, bitno oslabiti nečiju snagu, već i svršiti najteži/najveći deo posla. # By the time his brother arrived, they had broken the back of the work, and there was little left for him to do. Break the bank ne znači opljačkati ili obiti banku (to je hold up a bank), već (a): ostaviti nekoga bez dinara, biti previše za nečiji džep i (b): pokupiti sav novac na kocki, dobiti toliko novaca da kockarnica nije u stanju da plati. (a): - Can you lend me some money for a cup of tea? - Yes of course - a few pence isn’t going to break the bank. (b): I hear that you broke the bank at Monte Carlo last week. - Yes, I won $100,000. Break wind ne znači savladati ili razbiti vetar, već puštati vetrove. # “The only time I saw the Emperor Napoleon he was proceeding up the marble stairs of a Paris theatre... But then at the very top of the stairs, as all of us bowed reverently, he shrilly broke wind” (G. Vidal, Burr). Bricks and mortar ne znači samo cigle i malter, već i kuća/kuće, zgrade, građevine. # People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar, there’s nothing safer. So I bought my house. Brief ne znači samo kratak, već i (a): (sažeto) informisati i (b): pravni rezime. (a): The secretary of defense briefed the Presodent on the enemy’s strength. (b): The law journal printed the brief of the case. Bright nije samo sjajan, svetao, već i (a): pametan, bistar i (b): vedar, veseo. (a): Only bright students are given scholarships. (b): The children’s bright laughter could be heard throughout the house. Bright lights ne znači jarka svetlost, već zadovoljstva grada, velegradska uzbuđenja, svetlosti velegrada. # Since my sister became an actress she’s become more interested in the bright lights than in her own family. # “Well, a week tonight and it’ll be back to the bright lights.” “Don’t talk of it,” he groaned. “I wish I could stay here for ever.” Bring home something (to someone) ne znači doneti nešto kući (za nekoga), već naterati
Bring home the bacon nekoga da shvati nešto, razbistriti stvari (nekome). # It was the Princess Anne kidnap attempt that really brought home to Mrs. Charles the dangers facing the royal family. # He made a speech in order to bring home the fact that inflation hurts everyone. Bring home the bacon ne znači doneti kući slaninu, već (a): izdržavati porodicu, obezbediti hleb porodici, (b): osvojiti trofej, pobediti i (c): uspeti u nečemu. (a): Since his father died, John was the one to bring home the bacon. (b): Our basketball team brought home the bacon in three European championships in succession. (c): My boss told me if I brought home the bacon on the new contract I would be given more wages. Bring into relief something nije povezano sa pitanjem olakšica ili pomoći, već znači reljefno pokazati nešto, jasno istaći nešto. # The attack on Mr. Clinton’s trade policies brought into relief one of the sharpest distinctions between the candidates. Bring someone back to life ne znači samo oživeti nekoga ili vratiti nekoga u život, već i (a): povratiti nekoga iz nesvestice i (b): pomoći nekome da prezdravi, pomoći nekome da se potpuno povrati. (a): The weather was so hot that three people fainted, and we had to call a doctor to bring them back to life. (b): The combined medical and psychological treatment brought him back to life. Bring someone credit ne znači doneti nekome kredit, već podići nekome ugled. # Your behavior during the disturbances brought a lot of credit to you. Bring someone down a notch/peg (or two) (pod Take/bring someone down a notch/peg (or two)). Bring someone in from the cold ne znači uvesti nekoga unutra iz hladnoće, već dopustiti nekome da uzme učešće u nečemu, uključiti nekoga u nešto, izvući nekoga iz izolacije. # After the scandal, he had been cast out of the cream of the crop, but his influential uncle has managed to bring him in from the cold. Bring someone into line ne znači pozvati nekoga u red (za nešto) ili u povorku, već staviti nekoga pod kontrolu, doterati nekoga u red, uzeti nekoga pod svoje. # Independent congressmen were brought into line by warnings that jobs for their friends would be kept back. Bring something into line with something znači dovesti nešto u sklad sa nečim. # Your views on economic issues have to be brought into line with those of most members of the Shadow Cabinet. Bring someone to attention ne znači privući nečiju pažnju, već komandovati nekome “Mirno!“ # The sergeant brought the guard smartly to attention and saluted the inspecting officer.
Brush Bring someone to bay ne znači dovesti/uvesti nekoga u zaliv, već dovesti nekoga u škripac, saterati/sabiti nekoga u mišju rupu/ćošak, prikleštiti nekoga. # The police brought the robber to bay on the roof and he gave up. Bring someone to book ne znači privesti nekoga knjizi ili zainteresovati nekoga za knjigu, već pozvati nekoga na polaganje računa, dovesti nekoga pred lice pravde. # We must bring these criminals to book, they deserve severe punishment. Bring something to a head ne znači prineti nešto blizu glave, već dovesti nešto do kritične faze/tačke. # The new gasoline prices brought matters to a head. Bring the curtain down (pod Ring/bring the curtain down). Bring the curtain up (pod Ring/bring the curtain up). Bring to pass ne znači dovesti o do klanca, već dovesti do realizacije, uspeti u nastojanju da se nešto desi. # By much planning, the mother brought the marriage to pass. Bring the roof down ne znači samo bukvalno srušiti krov, već dići kuću na glavu, podići veliku buku. # “Stop that noise, you’ll bring the roof down! If you all talk in your ordinary voices you’ll hear each other perfectly well” (I. Murdoch, The Sandcastle). Bring up the rear ne znači podići stražnjicu, već stići poslednji, biti na začelju, nositi fenjer (u našem žargonu). # In the race, Bob brought up the rear. Broad as it is long ne znači samo širok koliko i dug, već i isto mu se hvata, jedan (te isti) đavo. # The board did not formally reject the plan, but turned thumbs down on its vital part. It is as broad as it is long. Broad in the beam nema veze sa gredom ili balvanom, već znači širok u kukovima. # Sally is getting very broad in the beam - she must try to lose some weight. Broken reed nije samo slomljena trska, već vrbov klin, nesiguran oslonac, klimava podrška (“jaka mi je on podrška”), siguracija. # I thought he was a good friend, but when I really needed his help he was shown to be a broken reed. Brown as a berry ne znači da je neko mrk kao bobica, već da je preplanuo (od sunca), pocrneo. # When he came back after a fortnight at the seaside, he was brown as a berry. Brush nije samo četka, već i (a): ovlašan dodir/udar, (b): sukob i (c): grmlje, šiprag. (a): She removed the speck of dust with a brush of her hand. (b): The arrest for speeding was his first brush with the law. (c): The rabbit disappeared into the brush.
Bucket Bucket ne znači buket, već kofa, vedro. # The water bucket leaks. Bucket of bolts nije kofa puna šrafova, već krntija, gomila gvožđa. # The price you ask is very high for this bucket of bolts. The buck stops here. (pod Pass the buck). Buffet nije bife (deo nameštaja), ali jeste (a): bife (restoran - u britanskom engleskom - stanični i pozorišni bife) i (b): udarac/udariti šakom. # Tom buffeted his opponent about the head. Buffet lunch/dinner je obed gde se gosti sami poslužuju, švedski sto. Build a fire under someone ne znači potpaliti vatru ispod nekoga, već džarnuti nekoga, podbosti nekoga, dati nekome injekciju, pokrenuti nekoga na akciju. # The teacher built a fire under the students, and they really started working. Build something on sand ne znači samo graditi nešto na pesku, već i (figurativno) graditi nešto na nesolidnim temeljima. # I’m not surprised to learn that his company is in debt - he has very little experience of business, and the whole organization was built on sand. Built like a brick outhouse ne znači da je građen kao sporedna zgrada od cigala ili kao nužnik u dvorištu (u američkom engleskom), već (u žargonu) (a): sjajno građen (jak ili privlačan) i (b): čvrst kao grad, solidno građen. (a): Our neighbor’s boy is built like a brick outhouse. # Have you seen the new secretary - she’s built like a brick outhouse. (b): This garage is built like a brick outhouse. It’ll last for years. Bullet vote nema veze sa metkom, većznači čvrsto opredeljen glas birača (u američkom političkom žargonu). # According to New York Herald Tribune, left-wing New York Congressman Vito Marcantonio claimed a large portion of his support came from bullet votes. Bulls (pod Bears and bulls). Bull session nije nikakakv skup bikova, već (u žargonu) ćeretanje, pričanjac. # The gals were sitting around enjoying a bull session. Bully for you! nema veze sa siledžijama, već znači Alal ti vera! Bravo! Svaka ti čast! # I knew you’d make it. Bully for you! Bundle of nerves nije samo snop živaca, već znači i napet kao struna, na ivici živaca (američki kolokvijalizam). # I’m just a bundle of nerves. I wish this were over. Be buried alive ne znači samo (a): biti živ zakopan, najčešće u značenju ostati pod ruševinama (posle bombardovanja, zemljotresa i sl.), već i (b): ostati zakopan u zabiti (sam sebe živa sahraniti). (a): It is the night Mother refers to in her inimitable way as The Night The Bomb Fell. MIKE: Yes. And your father and your mother were buried alive for hours.” (D. Lessing, Each
Burst apart at the seams His Own Wilderness) (b): I couldn’t understand why a man who had always been so fond of the social scene should suddenly want to bury himself alive in a one-horse village at the back of nowhere. Burn rubber ne znači spaliti gumu, već (u žargonu) (a): startovati kolima tako da zacvile gume (i ostave trag), cepati gume (u našem žargonu) i (b): pokupiti se što pre, otići u žurbi, uhvatiti šturu (u žargonu). (a): Man, this hog can really burn rubber. # When Tom was at the age when the greatest thrill was burning rubber, he began to shave once a week. (b): I guess I am going to have to burn rubber. Burn someone at the stake ne znači samo spaliti nekoga na lomači, već i obrušiti se na nekoga, osuditi ili iskritikovati žestoko nekoga, razapeti nekoga na krst. # Stop yelling. I made a simple mistake, and you’re burning me at the stake for it. Burn something to a crisp/cinder ne znači ispeći nešto da bude hrskavo ili dok se ne pretvori u pepeo, već (u američkom engleskom) znači prepeći nešto, dopustiti da nešto zagori. Na britanskom engleskom isto značenje ima izraz burn something to a frazzle. She went to open the door, and when she got back the steak was burned to a crisp. # “’Do I smell burning?’ said Chairman. ‘The pie and potatoes are burned to cinders’” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). # You’ve burnt the bacon to a frazzle! Burn the candle at both ends ne znači zapaliti sveću na oba kraja, već zameniti dan za noć, satirati se, padati na nos od posla, urnisati se (preteranim radom ili načinom života). # No wonder Sally is ill. She has been burning the candle at both ends for a long time. Burn the midnight oil ne znači zapaliti ulje u ponoć, već raditi/učiti do duboko u noć, zagrejati dobro stolicu. # Preparing for the exams, he burned the midnight oil. Burn with a low blue flame ne znači goreti slabim plavim plamenom, već cepteti od besa, pozeleneti od ljutine („jedva se uzržao da ne plane“). # By the time she showed up two hours late, I was burning with a low blue flame. Burst apart at the seams znači pucati po šavovima, ali i (a): raspadati se (figurativno) i (b): biti dupkom pun, biti krcat. (a): After a series of rebellions, the empire began to burst apart at the seams. (b): The suitcase was so full that it was bursting at the seams. # The room was so crowded that it almost burst at the seams. # I ate so much I almost burst at the seams. Burst at the seams with laughter znači pući od smeha. # The comedian was so funny that we just about burst at the seams with laughter. Burst at the seams with pride znači naduti se/pucati od ponosa. #
Bush telegraph My parents were bursting at the seams with pride when I graduated from college. Bush telegraph nije nikakkav telegraf u žbunju, već je to ono što mi zovemo radio Mileva odnosno informisanje od usta do usta. # The bush telegraph spread the news of the mayor’s involvement in an affair long before it was made public. Business end (of something) nije poslovni kraj ili poslovna namena nečega, već je to deo alata, instrumenta, oružja itd. kojim se obavlja funkcija. # “We used to have a way of testing whether there was any guts left in a battery. What we did was to lay our tongues on the little brass strip at the business end. If there was any juice remaining, then we used to get a tingling feeling in our tongues” (K. Amis, Take a Girl Like You). Business in hand nije posao koji se ima u ruci, već (a): tema o kojoj je reč, pitanje na dnevnom redu i (b): posao koji treba obaviti. (a): “The proceedings were then opened by Lydia, who briefly stated the business in hand, namely to choose a secretary and treasurer for the committee.” (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?) (b): This is neither the time nor the place to exercise your wit, my boy. Kindly settle down, and attend to the business in hand. Business of something nije u vezi sa biznisom ili poslovanjem, već znači pravi interes u nečemu, prva briga, stvarni predmet nečega. # „The business of America is business“ (Calvin Coolidge). Busman’s holiday nije odmor vozača autobusa, već radni odmor, praznik ili slobodan dan proveden u radu. # It’s not a vacation, but a busman’s holiday with all those papers I have to deal with. Busy work nije posao koji mnogo angažuje, već naprotiv, posao tek da se nešto radi, posao da prođe vreme. # When the teacher finished all she had to say it was till a half hour before school was over. So she gave the class a test for busy work. But nije samo ali, već i (a): nego, (b): da ne, (c): samo, (d): osim, sem i (e): upravo, baš. (a): Not John but Dave. (b): Nobody is so old but he may learn. (c): She’s but a young girl! # He came but two days ago. (d): Eventually, all but one of them promised to come to his leaving party. # This car has been nothing but trouble - it’s always breaking down! (e): I heard it but now. But for znači da nije, da ne bi (if it were not for). # I would arrive on time but for rain. # She would give up but for letting me down. Butter-fingers, butterfingers nisu nikakvi prsti zamazani puterom, već to znači trapavko, nespretnjaković, šeprtlja (“sve mu ispada iz
By the book, according to the book ruku”). # That’s the third time you’ve dropped the ball. What a butter-fingers you are. # I’m such a butterfingers. I dropped my papers. But then ne znači samo ali tada, već i no, međutim, doduše. # “He is remarkably kind, but then he cannot publish his own book several years at least and perhaps he thinks my effort will whet the public’s appetite for the entire story” (G. Vidal, Burr). Buttonhole jeste rupica za dugme (i cvet u reveru u britanskom engleskom), ali kao glagol znači zadržavati i gnjaviti nekoga, masirati nekoga. # Young Clinton thrived on debating policy details, and was often seen testifying before committees or buttonholing legislators in hallways. Buy something/it/that ne znači samo kupiti nešto/to, već i pokloniti poverenje nečemu, prihvatiti nešto zdravo za gotovo, poverovati u nešto. # I just don’t buy the idea that you can swim that far. Buy time (pod Play for time). By air ne znači samo vazduhom, već i avionom. # We decided to travel by air. By all accounts ne znači po svim računima, već po onome što se govori, prema svim raspoloživim informacijama. # By all accounts the party was a great success. By a mile ne znači za milju, već daleko od ili što mi kažemo (pogrešiti) za konjski nokat. # You missed the target by a mile. # Your estimate was off by a mile. By default nije po „difoltu“ (termin iz kompjuterskog jezika), već znači zbog nečijeg odsustva, zato što se neko nije pojavio odnosno propustio da deluje. If the team doesn’t show up, they will lose by default. # They gained a colony by default because no other European power wanted it. By design ne znači prema nacrtu (to je according to ili in accordance with the design) već namerno. # Three times Stewart had been on the spot to thwart our plans. Whether or not this was by design, further interference could not be tolerated. By hand ne znači samo ručno, već i kurirom. # If you’re sending that account to old Wilson, you’d better get it delivered by hand. By hook or by crook ne znači udicom ili kukom, već milom ili silom, ne birajući sredstva, pošteno ili ne. # He made up his mind to take over the firm by hook or by crook. By the book, according to the book ne znači po knjizi, već strogo po propisu, po pravilima. # I do everything by the book as far as I can, and I can’t be held responsible if anything went wrong. # You only have to worry about doing your job according to the book.
By the hour By the hour znači na (svaki) sat, svakog sata (I have to take this medicine by the hour.), ali i (a): iz sata u sat, iz časa u čas i (b): satima. (a): The illness is getting worse by the hour. (b): I found myself lying by the hour close to the water, ready to pounce on the new-hooked prizes. By the same token (istim žetonom, istim znakom) znači (a): iz toga prozilazi, pa, prema tome i (b): na isti način, isto tako. (a): His wages are very low and, by the same token, not nearly eno-
By virtue of ugh to make him want to stay in that job. (b): No one can deny that France has as much right to have nuclear weapons as Britain. But, by the same token, every other country can claim the same right. Vidi Token. By the skin of one’s teeth nije u vezi ni sa kožom ni sa zubima, već znači jedva, za dlaku, kroz iglene uši. # He passed the test by the skin of his teeth. By virtue of (pod By/in virtue of).
C Cabin je kabina, ali i koliba. # Abraham Lincoln was born in a cabin. Cabinet jeste (a): radna soba i (b): ministarski savet, vlada, ali i (c): ormar (a kitchen cabinet je kredenac). # Put the dishes in the cabinet. Cadet znači kadet (pitomac vojne škole ili akademije), ali i (a): mlađi sin ili brat, (b): stažist, osoba na praksi (u obrazovnoj instituciji ili firmi), (c): makro, podvodač (u američkom žargonu) i (d): novi korisnik droge (u američkom žargonu). (a): Historically, a cadet was a younger son who became a gentleman volunteer in the army to offset his lack of matrimony. (b): A cadet is any trainee, as a practice teacher or a junior business associate. (c): In a rare moment of compassion, Lone Wolf rescues a girl who has killed a cadet in self defense. (d): Max is always looking for cadets. Caesarian section/operation ili Caesarian nije u vezi sa Cezarom, već je u pitanju carski rez. # A caesarian section is a surgical incision of the abdominal and uterine walls to effect delivery of the child. Cakes and ale nisu kolači i pivo, već materijalne udobnosti, životna zadovoljstva. # There is no point in arranging a home-coming party for Aunt Agnes. She’d be more likely to appreciate a prayermeeting than cakes and ale. Calf love nije teleća ljubav, već mladalačka ljubav. # She wanted to get married at the age of 16 but her parents persuaded her that it was only calf love. Call a spade a spade odnosno nazvati lopatu lopatom znači nazvati stvari pravim imenom, reći bobu bob a popu pop. # Let’s call a spade a spade. The man is a liar. Call back someone ne znači pozvati nekoga natrag, već (a): uzvratiti telefonski poziv, ali i (b): pozvati nekoga ponovo telefonom. (a): I’ll call the doctor back in the morning. (b): Why should I call back his secretary? I want to talk to him. Called to the bar ne znači pozvan u bar, već primljen u advokatsku komoru, biti priznat za ad-
vokata (Britanci kažu be admitted to the bar). # This is my great day. Yesterday, my son was called to the bar. # After finishing law school she was admitted to the bar. Called to the colors nema veze sa bojama, već sa zastavom (uvek u množini) i znači pozvan pod zastavu, regrutovan. # It is much better to be called to the colors before going to college than after graduation. Call it a day (Let’s call it a day.) ne znači nazvati nešto danom, već završiti posao - i poći kući. („Za danas je dosta.“) # We have worked all day long - let’s call it a day. Isto značenje ima i call it a night (Let’s call it a night.). # I’m dead tired; let’s call it a night and go to bed. Može se reći i call it quits (Let’s call it quits.), ali to ima i drugo značenje: saglasiti se da su obe strane u sporu zadovoljne (“mislim da smo sada kvit”). # Okay! I’ve had enough. I’m calling it quits. Call off the dogs nema samo doslovno značenje odazvati pse, već i (figurativno) prestati sa pretnjama, hajkom ili šikaniranjem. # Tell the sheriff to call off the dogs. We caught the robber. # All right, I surrender. You can call your dogs off. Call someone collect ne znači pozvati nekoga da sakupi, već telefonirati nekome na njegov račun. # “He walked around school with a sense of urgency as if Khrushchev were calling him collect from Moscow or he, Philip Turner, had to make a decision that afternoon whether to recognize Red China or not (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). Call someone names dolazi od: nazivati nekoga (svakojakim) imenima i znači vređati nekoga, ružno govoriti o kome, sipati uvrede na nečiji račun. # Mommy, Tom is calling me names again! Call someone on the carpet ne znači pozvati nekoga na tepih, već pozvati nekoga na ribanje („biti na tapetu“), oštro ukoriti nekoga. # The boss called him on the carpet for sleeping on the job. Call someone’s bluff ne znači nazvati (nešto) nečijim blefom, već naterati nekoga da pokaže karte, isterati nekoga na čistinu, izazvati nekoga
Call someone to order da nešto i dokaže. # All right, I’ll call your bluff. Show me you can do it! Call someone to order znači pozvati koga na red, ali i zamoliti za tišinu da bi sednica mogla da počne ili nastavi sa radom. # At two o’clock, the chairman called us to order and the afternoon session began. Call the meeting to order ne znači pozvati skup na red, već otvoriti sednicu, objaviti da je skup otvoren. # In the absence of the chairman, the senior vice-chairman called the board meeting to order. Call the shots/tune nema veze sa mecima ili melodijom, već znači držati dizgine, držati sve konce u rukama, potpuno kontrolisati situaciju. # The President is formally in charge of our company, but the CEO actually calls the tune. Calorie counter je brojač kalorija u značenju osobe koja pazi na ishranu odnosno koja čuva liniju. # I simply don’t want to be one of those calorie counters all my life. Kaže se i weight watcher. Camp nije samo kamp, već i (a): vojni logor, (b): koncentracioni logor, (c): mesto za kampovanje, (d): tabor i (e): feminiziran. (a): Wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling. (b): Russia had many work camps for political prisoners. (c): Level ground is best for parking and camp areas. (d): The pro-abortion camp are fighting to decriminalize abortion. (e): What’s the name of that amazingly camp actor with the high voice and a funny walk? Campaign nije samo kampanja (izborna, prodajna itd.), već i pohod, vojna operacija. # The desert campaign was won with tanks and armed vehicles. Canal jeste kanal, ali nije tv kanal (kaže se tv channel). # The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Cancel znači otkazati, ali i (a): precrtati, brisati, (b): poništiti (ugovor, poštansku marku) i (c): neutralisati, nadomestiti. (a): After some hesitation, I canceled first two pargraphs. (b): The contract was canceled because it had not been legally signed. (c): This show of kindness cancels the cruelty shown yesterday. Cancer stick nije nikakva šipka raka, već cigareta (u žargonu). # Throw away that cancer stick! Smoking is bad for you! Candid camera nije iskrena, već skrivena kamera (na televiziji). # Most practical jokes are, for everyone except their perpetrator, tedious and boring and often, like “Candid Camera” embarrassing to the onlooker. Can it! ne znači Možeš to! već (u žargonu) Dosta više! Zaveži! Zaklopi! # Stop your noise, Bill! Can it! # I’ve heard enough. Can it! Can of worms nije samo konzerva puna crva, već i (a): zapetljana, obično neprijatna situacija i
Can you beat it! (b): osoba koja se ne može skrasiti na jednom mestu, osoba koju ne drži mesto. (a): Don’t get involved in that interethnic issue - it’s a can of worms. (b): Sally can’t sit still for a minute - she is a can of worms. Can’t carry a tune odnosno ne može da otpeva ariju znači nema sluha, nemuzikalan. # I wish that Bill wouldn’t try to sing. He can’t carry a tune. Can’t help it/that/something ne znači ne moći tome/nečemu pomoći, već (a): ne moći ništa protiv toga (“šta se tu može“), biti nemoćan izbeći/sprečiti što, (b): ne biti kriv/odgovoran za nešto („zar sam ja kriv što/ako“). (a): I’m sorry to be sniffling like this but I’ve got such cold I can’t help it. # I’m sorry, but we couldn’t help his fall. (b): - You can’t go out now, Ann! We’ve come all the way from Birmingham just to see you! - I can’t help it, I’m still going to the theater. Can’t help oneself znači ne moći se obuzdati, ne moći odoleti. # It’s no use my promising not to cry when you go. I can’t help myself. Can’t help but do something znači ne moći a ne učiniti što, nemati drugog izbora već učiniti što. # When the streets are full of melting snow, you can’t help but get your shoes wet. Can’t hold a candle/stick to someone/something ne znači ne moći držati sveću ili štap, već ni ne prineti nekome/nečemu, ne biti nekome ni do kolena, ne biti dorastao nekome/nečemu. # This actress can’t hold a handle to Josephine. # I may be old-fashioned, but I firmly believe that no soccer team today could hold a stick to those of 25 years ago. Canteen nije samo kantina, menza, već i čuturica, pljoska. # Each Boy Scout took a canteen of water on the bike. Can’t see one’s hand in front of one’s face je isto što je u nas ne videti prst pred okom. # She said that the fog was so thick she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face. Can’t touch someone/something ne znači da se ne može dodirnuti neko ili nešto, već da se neko ili nešto ne može uporediti sa nekim ili nečim. # No one in the family can touch Sally as a cook. Can’t wait nije samo (a): ne moći sačekati, goreti od nestrpljenja, već i specifično (b): priterati nekoga u toalet („prigustilo mu je“). (a): She can’t wait to see her children again. (b): Driver, stop the bus, please! My little boy can’t wait. Can you beat it! Beat that if you can! ne znači Možeš li to potući? ili Pobedi to ako možeš! već To je da ne poveruješ! To je za priču! # Well, can you beat it! Here’s Peter Wilson writing to say he’s coming up for Easter with his wife, all five of their kids and their dog! # When I answered the advertisement I found they wanted me to do all the housework and pay for my keep as well. Beat that if you can!
Cap Cap nije samo kapa, već i zatvarač , poklopac (na boci) . # Put the cap back on the bottle of soda. Go cap in hand znači tražiti milostinju. # All pensions should be at or above subsistence level. Retired workers should not go cap in hand to ask for supplementary allowance. Put on one’s thinking cap znači promozgati, dobro razmisliti. # Miss Javits told her pupils to put on their thinking caps before answering the question. Capacity znači kapacitet, ali i (a): sposobnost i (b): svojstvo. (a): Einstein was a man of overwhelming capacity. (b): In his capacity as Commander in Chief, the President is head of the armed forces. Captain of industry nije kapetan industrije, već industrijski magnat, industrijalac. # “There will be many letters from great poets, novelists, scholars, barons, dukes, and captains of industry” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). Captive market nije osvojeno/zarobljeno tržište, već monopolisano tržište. # We can ask any price we like for our water supply, we have a captive market. Caravan nije samo karavan, već i (a): kamp prikolica (na britanskom engleskom - na američkom engleskom se kaže trailer) i pokrivena kola u kojima se živi (Romi, cirkuski artisti i sl.). (a): Half the year he tours the country towing the caravan behind his lorry. (b): Once, about three years ago, I passed a real gipsy caravan on this track. Carbon copy je kopija, duplikat, ali i figurativno slika i prilika, nečija kopija (“kao da si ga prekopirao”). # The little girl was a carbon copy of her late grandmother. Card je karta (za igranje i poštanska), ali i (a): posetnica, vizitkarta i (b): program (sportskog takmičenja, predstave itd.). (a): The sales representative left his card. (b): The vaudeville card included a stand-up comedian and two singers. Greetings card je čestitka. Thank-you card/letter je zahvalno pismo, zahvalnica. # After spending the weekend in the Browns’ home, Ellen wrote the Browns the usual thank-you card. Trump card je (glavni) adut. # Bob saved his influential uncle as a trump card. Have the cards stacked against someone znači imati sve protiv sebe („sreća mu nije naklonjena“). # I can’t seem to go ahead. I always have the cards stacked against me. Put/lay one’s cards on the table znači otkriti svoje karte, pokazati jasno svoje namere. # Why don’t we both put our cards on the table? Caretaker government/administration nije nikakva nastojnička vlada, već prelazna vlada. # The sudden resignation of Signor Tromboni’s Government confirms the profound crisis in Italian politics - even granting that Signor Tromboni was selected for the purpose of forming a government of the caretaker sort.
Carry the ball Carriage trade nije poslovanje otpremom i dopremom (špedicija), već je to bogata klijentela (oni s dubljim džepom). # The houses in that neighborhood are so expensive that only the carriage trade lives there. Carried away (by something) nije samo odnet, već i ponet (nečim), ushićen (nečim). # She was carried away by the man’s charm. Carry a/the torch (for someone) ne znači nositi baklju (za nekoga) već (a): biti beznadežno zaljubljen (u nekoga), iskazivati (prema nekome) neuzvraćenu ljubav i (b): nositi barjak, povesti napred, biti u prvim redovima (borbe za kakvu ideju, cilj i sl.). (a): He is carrying a torch for Jane, even though she is in love with Tom. (b): If Mr. Jordan hadn’t carried the torch, no one would have followed, and the whole thing would have failed.. Carry coals to Newcastle - ono što je za Engleze nositi ugalj u Njukastl (najveći izvoznik uglja), to je za nas drva u šumu nositi, soliti more, raditi ćorava posla. # It would be like carrying coals to Newcastle if another bakery opened in this street. There are three here now. Carry on znači ne samo nastaviti, produžiti, već i (a): ludirati se, ponašati se neobuzdano, (b): praviti veliku predstavu (od nečega), dramiti, (c): obavljati aktivnost, poslovati, (d): voditi (nešto) i (e): održavati nepriličnu vezu. (a): The boys carried on in a swimming pool until the lifeguard ordered them out. (b): Bob carried on for ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the hammer. (c): We have carried on export business for years. (d): Mr. Brown and Mr. Franklin carried on a long correspondence with each other. (e): Everyone knows that Sally’s husband is carrying on with the woman next door. They ought to be ashamed! Carry-on je na britanskom engleskom preterano izražavanje nezadovoljstva, zabrinutosti ili uzbuđenja, a na američkom engleskom ručni prtljag. Carry (ili hold) one’s liquor/drink ne znači nositi/držati svoje piće, već dobro podnositi piće (“može dobro da popije”). # She took drink for drink with the rest of them and carried her liquor like a sailor. # You must stop drinking. You simply can’t hold your liquor. Carry one’s point ne znači nositi svoj šiljak, već uveriti nekoga u nešto, postići svoj cilj, ostvariti svoju nameru. # Having carried his point about not overloading the boat, he got them to settle among themselves what should be left behind. Carry one’s weight (pod Pull/carry one’s weight). Carry the ball najčešće ne znači nositi loptu, već primiti/uzeti na sebe, preuzeti brigu/odgovornost. # When the going is rough, Tom can always be depended on to carry the ball.
Carry the banner for something Carry the banner for something ne znači nositi zastavu, već (dostojno) reprezentovati nešto, održavati (običaje, tradiciju i sl.). # Most people now expect to be offered foreign dishes when they go out for a meal, and there are very few restaurants left that still carry the banner for properly cooked English food. Carry the can ne znači nositi konzervu, već uzeti na svoju bradu, primiti odgovornost. # I always had to carry the can for my younger brother when he broke anything. Carry the day (pod Win/carry the day). Carry too many guns ne znači nositi previše pušaka ili pištolja, već biti suviše jak za koga, biti mnogo bolje pripremljen od suparnika, biti izrazito nadmoćniji od protivnika. # In the debate, the proposers of the motion carried too many guns for us: they had a better grasp of the facts, and they were more experienced in public speaking. Carry weight (najčešće u negaciji: carry no weight) znači imati težinu, ali i figurativno: biti od uticaja, značaja, vrednosti itd. # I don’t carry much weight around here, but Gerald does. # His views don’t carry much weight. Carry weight with someone znači imati uticaja na nekoga, biti od značaja za nekoga. # Bill carries weight with the mayor. Ask him. Case nije samo slučaj, već i (a): parnica, (b): argumenti u korist tužbe ili odbrane, (c):kutija, sanduk, kofer (u britanskom engleskom) i (d): pacijent. (a): The case was brought before the jury. (b): I expect you to have a strong case. # My lawyer is busy assembling a case against the other driver. (c): Put the books in a packing case. # Give me a case of fruit, please. # Amos was hauling another case of beer. (d): A doctor attended the case. Case in point je dobar primer za to. # One should work hard and sacrifice a lot to succeed. My father is a case in point. Cats and dogs sem doslovnog, ima i drugo značenje (u žargonu): roba koja ne ide, roba koja ima slabu prođu. # During the Christmas season, the merchants try to get rid of all their cats and dogs. Rain/pour cats and dogs znači pljuštati, liti kao iz kabla. # You can’t go outside now; it’s raining cats and dogs. # We went to Ireland but we can hardly say we saw it. It poured cats and dogs every single day. Cat’s meow/pajamas/pyjamas (mačje mjaukanje, mačja pidžama) znači nešto super # straobalan (u američkom žargonu). # “That girl’s the cat’s meow,’ he said. ‘Marrying her was the smartest thing you’ve done with yourself yet’” (L. McMurtry, Terms of Endearment). # Hearing all the old big band music is the cat’s pajamas. # Ann’s party is going to be the cat’s pyjamas. Cat’s paw (mačja šapa) je pion u nečijim rukama. # I greatly deplore the fact that you have been made a cat’s paw of the manager.
Change of heart Cause je razlog, ali i (a): povod, (b): ideal (za koji se neko bori/zalaže) i (c): sudski spor. (a): Differences over money were the cause of the argument. (b): Melvin Jones spoke for the cause of liberty. (c): The Dreyfus Affair (1894) was a cause célèbre. Lost cause je izgubljen slučaj, propala stvar. # Ted is just a lost cause. Just forget about him. # The whole play began to wash out during the second act. It was a lost cause by the third. Caution ne znači kaucija (kaže se deposit i bail), već oprez(nost). # Cross the stree with caution. Caviar to the general (iz Šekspirovog Hamleta) znači nije to za svakoga („baciti biser pred svinje“) # To serve them French cuisine is like giving caviar to the general. Cenzure ne znači cenzura (kaže se censorship), već osuda, kritika. # The sleeping sentry received a strong censure from his commanding officer. Chain-smoke i chain smoker su blizu doslovnog značenja („lančano pušenje“): ne vaditi cigaretu iz usta, paliti cigaretu na cigaretu, strastan pušač. # “He was still rake-thin and chain-smoked nervously, a habit that belied his cold nerve when in action.” (F. Forsyth, The Dogs of War) # I worry about his health - he works too hard, eats irregularly, and above all, he is a real chain-smoker. Chance one’s neck ne znači oprobati svoj vrat, već nepotrebno se isturati, stavljati bez potrebe glavu na panj. # He chanced his neck out of loyalty to those who had been disloyal to him.Change a baby ne znači zameniti bebu, već prepoviti bebu, promeniti pelene. # You’d better change the baby. It’s about time. Change a bed ne znači promeniti krevet, već presvući krevet, staviti čiste presvlake. # Look at this! They didn’t even change the beds. Change color znači promeniti boju, zacrveneti se, zarumeneti se u licu, ali i obrnuto: prebledeti, biti bled kao krpa. # The sight was so horrible that Dorothy changed color from fear. Change gear (britanski engleski) i shift gear (američki engleski) znači promeniti brzinu (u vožnji automobilom), ali i (a): pojačati tempo, dati gas i (b): prilagoditi se situaciji, promeniti pristup. (a): Our team swung into action, changed gear and launched a tremendous onslaught on the Brentford goal. (b): Teaching so many different age-groups in the course of a day, it often took me quite a few minutes to shift gear when a fresh lot came in. Change hands ne znači promeniti ruke, već preći u druge ruke, promeniti vlasnika. # That house has changed hands several times in the last few years. Change of heart nije zamena srca, već promena stava (obično u pozitivnom smislu). # His mother was against the marriage at first, but, after
Change of life getting to know the girl better, she had a change of heart. Change of life nije promena života, već klimakterij, menopauza. # “TONY: What’s the matter? MYRA: Giddy. No, leave me alone. TONY: You’re not still having the change of life, are you?” (D. Lessing, Each His Own Wilderness). Change one’s spots ne znači promeniti svoje pege, već promeniti svoju prirodu, (pokušati) uraditi nešto suprotno svojoj prirodi. # Nothing had been done since last June to convince the voter that Labour in opposition has changed its spots. Change one’s tune – promeniti ariju ima isti smisao kao naše promeniti ploču, promeniti stav pod uticajem nečega. # The man said he was innocent, but when they found the stolen money in his pocket, he changed his tune. Change one’s ways ne znači promeniti svoje puteve, već promeniti svoje navike. # I’m not against modern methods of teaching at all. It’s just that I’m too old to change my ways. Change the channel verovatno dolazi od promene kanala (na TV) i znači (u žargonu) promeniti temu, preći na nešto drugo. # Let’s change the channel before there is a fight. Chapter and verse nije poglavlje i strofa/ stih, već znači sve po tačkama, do detalja, podrobno. # Don’t hurry. You have to give me a full description of the incident, chapter and verse. Character assassination nije ubijanje karaktera, već kaljanje nečijeg obraza, prljanje nečijeg imena. # The electoral campaign has been tainted by many instances of character assassination. Charge znači zaračunati, tražiti određenu cenu (the hotel charges thirty dollars a day for this room), ali ima i više drugih često potpuno različitih značenja: (a): staviti na nečiji račun, (b): ispuniti, nakrcati, (c): napuniti (d): natovariti, (e): narediti, (f): dati obavezno uputstvo (pravni termin), (g): okriviti, pripisati odgovornost i (h): napasti, jurišati. (a): Did the customer pay cash for shoes or charge them. (b): The air was charged with electricity. (c): The policemen charged their guns. (d):The workers charged the wagon. (e): The major charged his soldiers to stand firm. (f): The judge charged the jury. (g): The suspect was charged with reckless driving. (h): The cavalry charged the enemy fort. Charge whatever the traffic will bear nema veze sa saobraćajem, već znači tražiti najveću moguću cenu, zaceniti do balčaka. # Don’t be sentimental, charge them whatever the traffic bear. Charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a charmed life). Chase (after) rainbows ne znači juriti za dugama, već gubiti vreme na sanjarije, zanositi
Cipher se nemogućim. # Stop sitting there chasing rainbows. Get out and do some work. Cheap as dirt - jeftino kao blato znači budzašto, vrlo jeftino. # We are losing money on tomatoes. They are now as cheap as dirt. Check je ček (u američkom engleskom - a u britanskom engleskom je cheque), ali znači i (a): račun, (b): provera, kontrola, proveriti, (c): ograničenje, (d): obuzdavanje, obuzdati, (e): istražiti, (f): slagati se, odgovarati i (g): Šah! (a): Check, please! (b): The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. (c): The anchor served as a check to boat’s forward progress. (d): Inflation must be checked if the dollar is to have any value. # The sandbags will check the floodwaters temporarily. (e): Check on the problem and report the results at the next meeting. (f): His alibi checks with the information we have. (g): Check! You’ll be checkmated soon. Cheek je obraz, ali i drskost. # Don’t give me any of your cheek! I’ve had enough of your unmannerly behavior. Cheetah nije čita (majmun), već gepard. # The cheetah can run faster than any other animal. Cherry farm nije farma trešanja, već (u žargonu) popravni dom za maloletnike. # Jim got a light sentence and was sent to a cherry farm for six month. Chicken feed nije samo hrana za piliće, već i mala para, nikakva para, beznačajan iznos. # It may be chicken feed to you, but it is a monthly salary for some people. Chicken nije samo pile, već (u žargonu) i kukavica. # Ne budi strina! žargon # Come on, let’s go. Don’t be a chicken! Chicken scratches nisu pileće ogrebotine, već svračje noge, škrabotine. # He writes so illegible that it looks like chicken scratches. Child’s play (pod Piece of cake). China nije samo Kina, već i (sa malim početnim slovom) porculan, porculansko posuđe. # Set the table with the good china. Choke pear nije kruška kojom će se neko zadaviti, već gorak zalogaj. # It was really a choke pear for Dave - he was confronted with a sarcastic but also unanswerable argument. Chop-shop nije trgovina kotletima, već (u žargonu) mesto gde se ukradena kola rastavljaju u delove radi prodaje. # Once a stolen car gets to a chop-shop, there’s no hope of identifying it. Chore nije samo kućni posao, već i gnjavaža. # Filling out complicated tax forms is a real chore. Chow hound nije klopa za kerove, već znači izelica, žderonja, alavac. # Okay, listen up all you chow hounds. There’s extra beans tonight. Cipher ne znači samo cifra, brojka, već i (a): nula, (b): niko i ništa i (c): šifra. (a): One fo-
Circumstantial evidence llowed by two ciphers is 100. (b): He was determined not to remain a cipher all his life. (c): The spy’s report was written in cipher. Circumstantial evidence nije podrobno svedočenje, već (u pravnoj terminologiji) znači posredan dokaz, dokaz na osnovu indicija, činjenice koje samo upućuju na određen zaključak. # The affidavit includes a great deal of circumstantial evidence concerning espionage activities. But there is no direct evidence, like photographs. Civil engineer nije građanski, već građevinski inženjer. # Civil engineering is the branch of engineering relating to the design and building of highways, bridges, waterworks, harbors, railroads, canals, and other kinds of fixed public works. Clam up! (pod Zip (up) your lips!). Clay pigeon je glineni golub ali i (a): laka meta (u žargonu) i (b): čas posla, lak zadatak. (a): If you have any sense, you’ll drop this case, because you’re setting yourself up as a clay pigeon. (b): The math exam was a clay pigeon. Clerical znači kerikalan, sveštenički, ali i činovnički. # The new employee must be good at filing and other clerical work. Climb on/aboard the bandwagon (pod Swim with the tide/current/stream). Closet po pravilu ne znači klozet (u britanskom engleskom arhaizam), već (a): nusprostorija, ostava i plakar, (b): poverljiv i (c): prikriven, pritajen. (a): They never talk about uncle Bill. I am sure that he is the skeleton in their closet. (b): This is a closet information. (c): John is a closet racist. Closing time (pod Opening time, closing time). Club je klub ali i (a): toljaga, (b): štap za golf i (c): tref (u kartama). (a): The bully walked down the street swinging his club. (b): He took with him his collection of golf clubs. (c): Clubs are trumps. Coach je kočija, ali i (a): međugradski autobus (u britanskom engleskom), (b): železnički vagon, (c): trener i (d): instruktor. (a): The bus company is putting new coaches on all its routes. (b): The train was made up of an engine and five coaches. (c): Our football team needs a good coach. (d): The professor agreed to be the boy’s math coach. Coat je kaput, ali i (a): krzno, perje, vuna, koža (životinje), (b): premaz i (c): sloj. (a): The horse’s coat was kept shiny by brushing. (b): Two coats of paint were needed to cover the old color. (c): There is a coat of dust on the furniture. Coat of arms je grb. # Coat of arms is the heraldic emblem of a family or organization. Cock je petao (i na krovu), ali i (a): slavina, (b): (zapeti) obarač, (c): načuljiti i (d): penis, đoka (vulgarno). (a): Turn the cock to increase
Come again! the flow of oil. (b): The soldiers cocked their rifles. (c): The puppy cocked its ear at the sound of footsteps. (d): He made some joke about a cock, but nobody laughed. Cock of the walk je neko ko ima glavnu reč. # He wouldn’t want to take a job in Manchester, where he’d be nobody in particular. He’s cock of the walk here and that’s what he likes. Cock sparrow je vrabac mužjak, ali i (figurativno) mladi kavgadžija, mala prznica. # He’s a bold, aggressive cock sparrow, always spoiling for a fight. Coffee-table book nema veze sa stočićem za kafu, već je to luksuzno opremljena knjiga (ali ne uvek i vredna). # Masses of radiant, somewhat chocolate-boxy, photographs interspersed by an excellent simple text saves this from being just another coffee-table book. Coffer nije kofer (to je suitcase), već (a): kovčeg/škrinja za dragocenosti i novac i (b): (u množini) državna blagajna, riznica. (a): A coffer of gold coins was found in the pirate’s cave. (b): The nation’s coffers are empty. Cold comfort nije hladna udobnost, već slaba uteha. # When the management turned thumbs down on my proposal, it was cold comfort to me to hear that they might consider it again in the future. Cold feet (pod Get cold feet). Cold fish je kolokvijalna fraza kojom se označava odbojna, nepredusretljiva, nedruželjubiva osoba. # Nobody likes the new sales manager. He is a cold fish. Cold turkey nije samo hladna ćurka, već i nagli i potpuni prekid (sa nekom lošom navikom - drogom, pušenjem i sl.). # I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey and had to be hospitalized. Collar and tie (košulja i kravata) je formalna odeća. # A few of farm workers, looking rather uncomfortable in their collars and ties, attended the funeral service. Collateral nije samo kolateralan, sporedan, uzgredan, već i (a): dodatni i (b): zalog, imovina kojom zajmoprimac garantuje zajam. (a): The student needs collateral tutoring in math. (b): The house served as collateral for the loan. Collect evidence (pod Evidence). Collect one’s thoughts (pod Marshal). Color guard nije garda u koloru, već počasna četa/straža. # There were four Marines in the color guard in the parade. Come across nije samo nabasati, naleteti, naići (slučajno), već i (a): ostaviti utisak, (b): biti shvaćen, (c): dati/pružiti što se zahteva. (a): He comes across as a persuasive speaker. (b): The teacher tried to explain the problem, but the explanation did not come across. (c): The robber told the woman to come across with her purse. Come again! ne znači samo Dođi opet! već i (kolokvijalno) Šta reče? Kako, molim? Ponovi, molim te. # Sorry, I didn’t hear you. It’s awfully noisy here. Come again?
Come along Come along ne znači samo pridružiti se, ići zajedno, već i (a): naići, pojaviti se, (b): postići napredak/boljitak, (c): ići duž nečega i (d): Požuri! Hajde već jednom! (a): He went to London whenever the chance came along. # - Is your daughter married yet? - No, she’s still waiting for Mr. Right to come along. (b): Jane is coming right along on the piano # He was coming along well after the operation. (c): Coming along the lane I met my uncle. (d): Come along! We’re already late. Commencement ne znači samo početak, već je (na američkom engleskom) i svečana predaja diploma na kraju školske godine. # At schools and colleges alike, there are commencements to celebrate graduation, complete with caps, gowns, diplomas and speeches by staff and students. Come (a)round nije samo navratiti, već i (a): najzad se složiti, promeniti mišljenje i saglasiti se, (b): vraćati se, dešavati se redovno, (c): prezdraviti, oporaviti se i (d): doći sebi, osvestiti se. (a): I thought he’d never agree, but in the end he came around. (b): And so Saturday night came around again. (c): He has come around after having had stomach ulcer. (d): Someone brought out smelling salts and Sally soon came round. Come by ne znači samo proći pored, već i (a): doputovati/doći čime, (b): dobiti (slučajno) što, zaraditi što, steći što i (c): doći do čega, pronaći što. (a): We came by train. It is more relaxing. (b): “How did you come by that scratch on your cheek?” (S. Beckett, Krapp’s Last Case) (c): Where did you come by that dress? Come by something honestly ne znači samo doći pošteno do nečega, već i naslediti porodičnu crtu. # Tim comes by his temper honestly; his father is the same way. Come down nije samo sići, već i (a): pasti, padati, (b): doći kući sa studija (u britanskom engleskom), (c): doći iz Londona ili sa severa Engleske (u britanskom engleskom), (d): (u američkom žargonu) vratiti se u normalno stanje, doći sebi (obično posle pića/droge), (e): zahtevati od nekoga nešto, pritisnuti nekoga (da nešto plati), (f): preći u nečije ruke (nasledstvom), (g): svesti/svoditi se na nešto, (h): spasti na nešto i (i): oboleti od nečega, zakačiti nešto. (a): The prices are finally coming down. # The aircraft came down. (b): The place will come alive again when students come down. (c): “There’s a girl come down to live here - she’s married to a painter.” (A. Wilson, AngloSaxon Attitudes) (d): He’s talking nonsense now, he’ll make sense when he comes down. (e): All his creditors came down on him for prompt payment of his bills when they heard of his financial difficulties. (f): This necklace had come down to me from my grandmother. (g): The big argument finally came down to the question of who would take a bath first. (h): He came down to begging. (i): After getting soaked to the bones, she came down with pneumonia. Comedown je (a): razočaranje, uda-
Come out rac (b): veliki pad u karijeri ili društvenom statusu. (a): The loss of the race was a real comedown for Gerald. (b): “After owning her little shop for so many years, it was quite a come-down for her to have to work for someone else” (M. Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). Come down on the right/wrong side of the fence ne znači sići na pravu/pogrešnu stranu ograde, već opredeliti se na stranu koja dobija/ gubi. I realized I came down on the right side of the fence as soon I saw the horse. # He came down on the wrong side of the fence when he backed the candidature of George for chairmanship. Come/hit on to (someone) ne znači samo primaći se (nekome), već i trzati na (devojku), muvati, nabacivati se (devojci) (u žargonu). # She didn’t even know he was coming on to her, till they got to his place. # I can’t go into a bar lately without being hit on. Come home ne znači samo vratiti se kući, već i (a): vratiti se u realnost, spustiti se na zemlju, (b): vratiti se sa lošim posledicama po nekoga, (c): dobiti po zasluzi (često uz dodatak: to roost) i (d): postati bolno jasno. (a): Hey, wake up, you spacy clown. Come home! (b): Eventually every single problem you have avoided dealing with will come home. (c): Problems all come home eventually. # Your selfishness will come home to roost one day. (d): It eventually came home to the people that the war would be long and bloody. Come into play ne znači priključiti se igri, već (a): doći do izražaja, ispoljiti se i (b): stupiti u dejstvo, stupiti na scenu. (a): My jealousy doesn’t actually come into play unless I have pretty conclusive evidence. (b): The heavy artillery finally came into play. # Wait until their powerful lobby comes into play. Come into season ne znači ući u sezonu, već dospevati, prispevati. # Tomatoes come into season much earlier in Italy than in Northern Europe. Come into something ne znači ući u nešto, već naslediti nešto. # He came into a lot of money when his father died. Come of age ne znači doći od starosti, već (a): postati punoletan i (b): sazreti, razviti se u potpunosti. (a): In America, both men and women come of age at 21. (b): It took three years for our movement to come of age. Come off it! ne znači Odveži se od toga! već Pusti priče! Ma nemoj mi reći! # Oh, come off it, Jimmy. I don’t believe you. Come off second best ne znači samo biti iza pobednika, stići/biti drugi, već i biti poražen, izgubiti. # Why do I always come off second best in an argument with you? Come out ne znači samo izaći, već i (a): izaći iz štampe, pojaviti se u prodaji, (b): ispasti, za-
Come out of the closet vršiti se, (c): izaći na videlo, (d): pojaviti se, (e): biti vidljiv, ispasti jasan, (f): izaći iz zatvora, (g): procvetati, (h): stupiti u štrajk, (i): biti saopšten/ objavljen, (j): ispoljiti se, (k): debitovati, predstaviti se u društvu i (l): priznati javno svoju homoseksualnost. (a): The dictionary came out three months ago and it is already out of print. (b): Everything will come out right. (c): The truth finally came out at his trial. (d): During the morning the sky was overcast, but in the afternoon the sun came out. (e): I think the inner meaning of the composition comes out very clearly in his interpretation. (f): Parker got a three-year sentence, but he may come out early for good conduct. (g): The crocusses have come out early this year because of the mild winter. (h): “The dockers have come out to a man” (A. Wesker, Chicken Soup with Barley). (i): When do the psychology results come out? (j): At such testing times, only the good in him came out, and none of the bad. (k): Marry Ann Smith came out last fall at a lovely party. (l): It made a big splash when William Somerset Maugham came out. Come out of the closet ne znači izaći iz klozeta, već (a): otkriti svoje tajne naklonosti, izneti što u javnost i (b): otkriti svoju homoseksualnost. (a): Fred Cummings came out of the closet and admitted that he likes to knit. (b): It was very difficult for him to come out of the closet. Come out on the right/wrong side ne znači izaći na dobru/lošu stranu, već imati dobitak/ gubitak, dobro/loše proći. # He sold his goods at very low prices but he always managed to come out on the right side. # A large number of American radio stations come out on the wrong side. Come out well nije samo dobro proći, već i dobro izaći (na fotografiji). # Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bride, unfortunately. Come rain or shine (pod Rain or shine, come rain or shine). Come round ne znači samo ići okolo, zaobići, već i (a): doći k sebi, osvestiti se, (b): povratiti dobro raspoloženje i (c): nakaniti se, uraditi nešto posle otezanja. (a): Jake fainted in the heat but soon came round. (b): Leave her alone - she’ll soon come round. (c): When he finally came round to writing the letter, he found his feelings were easier to express than he had expected. Come the old soldier (pod Play the old soldier). Come thick and fast (doći debelo i brzo) znači doći u velikom broju, masovno se pojaviti. # “The first guests were announced. Thick and fast they came, filling the Hampstead double drawingroom” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). Come to ne znači samo doći do, već i (a): osvestiti se, doći svesti, (b): zaustaviti se # stati (nautički termin), (c): podsetiti se # opomenuti
Come/get to the point se # pasti na pamet (nekome), (d): dovesti do (nečega) # rezultirati (nečim) i (e): iznositi # koštati # izaći na (toliko i toliko). (a): She fainted in the store and found herself in the first aid room when she came to. (b): The boat came to with a few feet of clear water to port. (c): Now you mention that, it comes to me that I owe you money. (d): He lived to see his invention come to success. (e): The bill came to 40 shillings. # I didn’t expect those few items to come to so much. Come to a head ne znači doći do glave, već doći do kritične tačke. # The divergent views of the conference’s authority came to a head in late January when the Prime Minister called off the conference, saying it had become too costly. Come to a pretty/fine pass ne znači doći do prijatnog/sjajnog klanca, već uzeti loš obrt, razvijati se u lošem pravcu, krenuti nizbrdo. # Things have come to a pretty pass when my workers can tell me how to run my own company. # His position has come to a fine pass. Come to grief ne znači doći do tuge/bola, već (a): propasti, doživeti neuspeh/propast i (b): imati nesrećan slučaj, doživeti nesreću. (a): Owing to our lack of experience, all our ambitious plans came to grief. (b): Bob came to grief learning to drive a car. Come to heel ne znači doći do pete, već leći na rudu, poviti šiju. # He always felt independent-minded but he had to come to heel when he entered that stringent organization. Come to pass ne znači doći do klanca, već desiti se, dogoditi se, zbiti se. # “The world changes for which we’ve sacrificed for a generation have finally come to pass,” Mr. Bush said. Come to rest ne znači doći do predaha, odmoriti se, već zaustaviti se, stati. # The car skidded off the road and came to rest a foot or two from somebody’s front door. Come to terms ne znači doći do roka, već (a): doći do sporazuma, naći zajednički jezik i (b): pomiriti se sa nečim, prihvatiti nevoljko. (a): We argued a lot about who would present our views at the board meeting and finally came to terms by drawing a straw. (b): It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I won’t be able to go to college. Come to terms with reality znači pogledati stvarnosti u oči, suočiti se sa stvarnošću. # Let’s come to terms with reality - our boy is a lazy bum. Come to that ne znači doći na to, već kad je već reč o tome, kad smo već na toj temi. # I’ve never met the president of the company. Come to that, I’ve never seen the manager of my plant either. Come/get to the point ne znači doći do tačke, već preći na stvar. # I really can’t see what you are driving at. Come to the point, please. # Quit wasting time! Get to the point!
Come to the wrong shop Come to the wrong shop ne znači doći u pogrešnu radnju, već zakucati na pogrešna vrata. # He can’t help you in this matter - you came to the wrong shop. Come unglued/unstrung/untied/unscrewed ne znači da je nešto odlepljeno, odvezano, odšrafljeno itd. već znači izgubiti kontrolu (nad sobom), otkačiti se, pošandrcati (u žargonu). # It all came unglued over the weekend when Mary Matalin, the President’s campaign manager, put out a mocking news release. # I was so mad, I just knew I would come unstrung. # When the bank took away my car, I came untied and began to cry. # The kid sat there for a while and then just came unscrewed. Come up ne znači samo popeti se, već i (a): nići, (b): iskrsnuti, neočekivano se pojaviti, (c): doći na dnevni red, (d): napredovati (u rangu ili statusu), (e): približavati se, (f): dobiti na lutriji i (g): izaći, svanuti. (a): I sowed some runner beans three weeks ago, but they haven’t come up yet. (b): I’m sorry, I cannot come to your party. Something has come up. (c): The problem of drug-taking is bound to come up at the next conference. (d): He is one of those officers who came up from the ranks. (e): Christmas is coming up soon. (f): One of my bonds came up in the last draw; it won a hundred pounds prize. (g): The sun comes up at five-thirty and goes down at about eight in the evening. Come up roses nema veze sa ružama, već znači krenuti najbolje moguće. # I was almost sure we were losing the game, but suddenly everything was coming up roses. Commission ne znači samo komisija (najčešće se kaže committee), već i (a): počinjenje (b): ovlašćenje, (c): provizija, (d): proizvesti u oficira, (e): dodeliti zadatak, angažovati. (a): He was iindicted for the commission of a felony. (b): The ambassador was given the commission to negotiate the treaty. (c): The insurance agent earned a commission on every policy he sold. (d): She was commissioned a second lieutenant. (e): An architect was commissioned to design the new building. Common nije samo zajednički, već i (a): uobičajen, (b): običan, (c): prost i (d): čest. (a): „Haste makes waste“ is a common saying. (b): Since Mrs. Wilson does so much baby-sitting for us of the goodness of her heart, it would be only common decency to ask her to dinner some evening. (c): His common manners repulsed her. (d): Automobile accidents are far too common. Common good je opšte dobro. # “It was the more difficult as there was no true unity, and no nation was willing to make any sacrifice of sovereignty for the common good” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). Common herd nije zajedničko stado, već prost svet, obična raja. # I knew Margot wouldn’t come with us. Catch her consenting to mix with the common herd at anything so vulgar as a fairground show.
Concern Common law nije zajedničko, već običajno pravo. # Common law is the unwritten law of a country based on custom, usage, and the decisions of law courts, as contrasted with statute law; it is now largely codified by legislative definition. Common-law marriage je divlji brak, a commonlaw wife nevenčana žena. # They’ve just decided to live in a common-law marriage for a while. # No, she’s just his common law wife. She shacked up with him for over a year until her parents found out and stopped sending her money for college. Common-or-garden ne znači opštinski pašnjak ili vrt, već sasvim običan, najobičniji mogući. # He has no particular responsibilities, he’s simply a common-or-garden shop assistant. Common property (pod Public/common property). Compare notes ne znači uporediti zabeleške, već razmeniti iskustva/mišljenja, uporediti utiske. # Let’s compare notes on his lecture afterwards. Compensation nije samo kompenzacija, već i novčana naknada za učinjene usluge ili nezaposlenim (unemployment compensation – kaže se i unemployment insurance). # The Rule Books also contain appeals from other courts, mainly county court cases relating to unemployment compensation after 1897. Complete nije komplet (kaže se set ili kit), već (a): potpun (b): celokupan dovršiti i (c): dovršiti. (a): Our triumph was complete. (b): The library has a complete set of Robert Louis Stevenson’s books. (c):The workers haven’t completed the house yet. Compliments of the season nisu komplimenti sezone, već čestitke za Božić i Novu godinu. # - I want to give her a present for being so kind, but I don’t think she’d like me to. - Wait another month and send it with the compliments of the season. She couldn’t take offense at that. Compose ne znači samo komponovati, već i (a): sačinjavati i (b): smiriti se, pribrati se. (a): England, Scotland, and Wales compose the Island of Great Britain. (b): Compose yourself before answering that nasty letter. Compromise ne znači samo postići kompromis, već i kompromitovati. # The malicious rumor compromised his good reputation. Compromise one’s chances je pokvariti svoje šanse. Concede someone’s point (pod Have a point). Concern znači ticati se (as far as I am concerned), ali i (a): zabrinutost, brinuti se, (b): interes, (c): učestvovati, imati udela u nečemu i (d): koncern. (a): The teacher began to feel concern about the child’s frequent absences. # The boy’s poor health concerned his parents. (b): Earning a living was her first concern. (c): Good citizens must be concerned in civic affairs. (d): The two bankong concerns merged.
Concert Concert ne znači samo koncert, već i sklad, sporazum, dogovor. # Working in concert, the scinetists completed the experiment and announced their discovery. Concrete ne znači samo konkretan, već i beton.The walk was paved with concrete. Concur ne znači konkurisati (to je ili compete ili apply for – konkurisati za nešto), već (a): slagati se,saglasnost, sporazum i (b): dešavati se u isto vreme, koincidirati, sticaj (događaja, okolnosti). (a): My political views concur with his. (b): Several events concurred to bring about this result. Concurrence ne znači konkurencija (kaže se competition), već (a): saglasnost, slaganje i (b): podudaranje, poklapanje. (a): When the two parties reached concurrence they will sign a contract. (b): The concurrence of the two events made for a fun-filled day. Conductor nije samo kondukter, već i (a): dirigent, (b): vođa, (c): vodič i(d): provodnik (elektriciteta, toplote, zvuka). (a): A conductor must stress the musical pulse so that all the performers can follow same metrical rhytm. (b): They had been whipped into a frenzy by religious conductors. (c): Their conductor through the mountains was a young Indian scout. (d): We say that copper is a good conductor of electricity. Confection ne znači konfekcija, već (a): posebna poslastica, delikates, (b): delikatno izrađena odeća ili dekrativni predmet, (c): lek pripremeljen sa šećerom, medom i slatkim sirupom, (d): lako i zabavno pozorišno, filmsko ili literarno delo i (e): lažna optužba, nameštaljka. (a): For this is the first time I have ever been called upon to prepare these wonderful confections. (b): It was a confection of marble and gilt. # The gown was a confection of satin and appliqué. (c): A patient customer waits in the pharmacy for his disgustingly sweet confection. (d): This is a light, but entertaining thatrical piece. (e): He said the charges were a confection of the local police. Confer nije samo konferisati, konsultovati se, već i dodeliti (titulu, diplomu itd.). # The title of Warden of the Cinque Ports was conferred on Winston Churchill. # Diplomas were conferred on members of the graduating class. Confidence trick (trik poverenja) je (dirljiva) priča da se izmami novac. # You are too naive and soft; anyone can play a confidence trick on you. Conserve nije konzerva, već ukuvano voće. # Mom always prepared conserves of the strawberries we grew in the backyard. Cool as a cucumber/lettuce (hladan kao krastavac ili zelena salata) znači hladnokrvan, sabran, hladan kao špricer (u žargonu). # The
Country Senator kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once. Isto značenje imaju i cool cat i cool customer. # Detective Higgins is a cool cat. The chief likes him. # “The three men looked at each other. Weston said: ‘Cool customer. Not giving anything away, is he?’” (A. Christie, Evil Under the Sun). Cool/kick one’s heels (hladiti ili šutirati svoje pete) znači dreždati pred nečijim vratima, čekati prijem kod koga. # Instead of seeing us, he let us cool our heels in his secretary’s office. # I had to kick my heels for nearly two hours before I could see the boss. Cop shop nije nikakva prodavnica, već policijska stanica. # They hauled off everybody to the cop shop. Corner the market nije pritisnuti tržište, već diktirati cene, monopolisati tržište. # The only efficient way to curb inflation is to import more and break the domestic monopolies that have cornered the market. Cotton nije samo pamuk, već i (a): konac (u britanskom engleskom), (b): pamučna tkanina, (c): zavoleti i (d): shvatiti, ukapirati (u britanskom engleskom: cotton on). (a): Johhny, please go and buy a reel of cotton. (b): This shirt is made of pure cotton. # She looked pretty in a simple cotton dress. (c): I’d only just cottoned on to the fact that they were having a relationdship. (d): Joe apparently didn’t cotton the joke. Counsel(l)or ne znači samo savetnik, već (u američkom engleskom) i advokat. # The councelor for the defense asked that the case be dismissed. (U američkom engleskom, counseling je danas eufemizam za lečenje kod psihijatra, obično posle nekog traumatičnog doživljaja.) Count one’s blessings ne znači izbrojati blagodati ili blagoslove, već prisetiti se i lepih stvari u životu, shvatiti da ima dosta toga zbog čega čovek treba da bude zahvalan/zadovoljan. # If you feel that is something missing in your life, it may be that what is missing is a proper appreciation of what you’ve got. Count your blessings Counter ne znači samo uzvratiti, kontrirati, protivudarac, već i (a): tezga, (b): šank, (c): šalter, (d): kuhinjski sto (u američkom engleskom) i (e): protivno, suprotno. (a): Take your groceries to the checkout counter. (b): I had a sandwich and a beer at the counter. (c): I cashed my check at the bank counter. (d): Let’s eat at the lunch counter. (e): The election results are running counter to all predictions. Country nije samo zemlja, država, već i (a): selo, unutrašnjost i (b): predeo. (a): City people often dream of buying a house in the country. (b): The plane flew over mountainuous country. Go to the country ili appeal to the country (u britanskom engleskom) znači raspisati opšte izbore.
Country cousin # The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went against him on the crucial issue of our joining the Common Market, he would be forced to go to the country. # The Government decided last night to appeal to the country. Country cousin nije rođak sa sela, već provincijalac. At this time of year country cousins often ask townees to advise them on shows to see in London. Court nije samo dvor, već i (a): unutrašnje dvorište, (b): sud, sudnica, (c): igralište i (d): iskazivati pažnju. (a): The apartment house is built around a court. (b): The young lawyer made his first appearance before the court. (c): There is a new tennis court just around the corner. (d): Some companies court only wealthy clients. Pay court je udvarati se. The knight paid court to his fair lady. Hold court znači (a): voditi sudsku raspravu, predsedavati sudskom pretresu i (b): biti u središtu pažnje. (a): Judge Stewart allowed no foolishness when he held court. (b): In the kitchen, Jimmy and Key helped their father to make sandwiches while in the front room the new baby held court amid a circle of admiring relatives. Court disaster/trouble znači prizivati nevolju, tražiti đavola. # Don’t court disaster by driving too fast. # I warned her she was courting trouble staying away from her classes whenever the fancy took her to do something else instead. Cover nije samo pokriti, pokrivač, već i (a): sakriti, (b): prevaliti, (c): izveštavati, (d): obuhvatiti, (e): korice knjige, (f): poklopac, (g): prekrivač i (h): zaštita, sklonište. (a): She covered her face with her hands. (b): We covered a mile in ten minutes. (c): The reportrer covered the convention for the local newspaper. (d): The course covered different topics. (e): Don’t judge the book by its cover. (f): The jewel box had a carved wooden cover. (g): Do you want another cover on the bed? (h): When the rain started, we took cover under a large tree. Cover story je priča da se zamažu oči, pričam ti priču. # The campaign manager gave to the press the cover story concerning the Senator’s financial backers. Cover a multitude of sins ne znači sakriti mnoštvo grehova, već podrazumevati mnogo štošta. # You say that he owns a business, but “business” covers a multitude of sins. Cover (a lot of, much etc.) ground ne znači pokriti pod, temelje, igralište, gradilište itd. već (a) obuhvatiti/pokriti iscrpno materiju i (b) preći velike razdaljine. (a): I found the lecture very informative. It covered a lot of ground. (b): # My car covered a lot of ground in one day. Cover old ground znači iznositi već poznate stvari. # Well, the audience was pretty bored because he mostly covered old ground. Cover the waterfront/territory znači pokriti temu sa svih strana, obraditi materiju do detalja. # That lecture really covered
Cry uncle the waterfront. I could hardly follow it. # Why can’t she stick to the point? She has to cover the territory every time she talks. Cracklings (pod Scrap). Cramp someone’s style ne znači ometati nečiji stil, već sputavati nekoga. # Miss Seles’s obvious effort to stop grudging during the match, cramped her style. Crash course/program nema veze sa sudarom ili krahom, već znači intenzivni kurs/program. # The University offers a crash course in Russian - from beginners’ to Entrance Examination level in one year. # Parliament will be summoned at the earliest possible moment so that a crash program of financial recovery can be undertaken. Crash the gate ne znači udariti u kapiju već ući bez karte/ulaznice/pozivnice, švercovati se (u žargonu). # Dave got into the circus without paying. He crashed the gate. Credit nije samo kredit, već i (a): zasluga, (b): priznanje, (c): ugled, (d): poverenje i (e): (u američkom engleskom) poen, bod (u studiranju). (a): All credit goes to you. (b): George should get a lot of credit for the team’s success. (c): “The operation brought him great credit in Moscow, bringing him to the personal attention of the General Secretary himself” (F. Forsyth, The Negotiator). (d): John is worthy of credit. (e): This course brings you three credits. Credit to someone je nekome na ponos. # “What a lovely daughter you have! She’s a credit to you” (B. Kops, The Hamlet of Stepney Green). Criminal nije kriminal (to je crime ili criminal activities), već (a): kriminalni i (b): zločinac, kriminalac. (a): Robbery is a criminal act. (b): The criminal was sent to prison for ten years. # There is a special court for war criminals. Critic nije kritika, već kritičar (i onaj ko kritikuje i umetnički kritičar). Književna (itd.) kritika je critique i review, a criticism je sem toga i kritikovanje. Beneath criticism je ispod svake kritike. # All the reviews found the show beneath criticism. Crow’s feet nisu svračije noge (nečitak rukopis, škrabotine – kaže se chicken scratches), već bore ispod očiju. # Crow’s feet are a sign of someone’s middle age. Cry blue murder (pod Scream/cry/yell blue murder). Cry from the housetops (pod Shout/cry from the housetops). Cry in one’s beer ne znači plakati u pivo, već ražalostiti se nad sopstvenom sudbinom, kukumavčiti. # You have no reason whatsoever to cry in your beer. Your situation is far from desperate. Get yourself straightened out. Cry uncle (pod Say/cry uncle).
Cry wolf Cry wolf ne znači vikati: „Vuk!“ već podići lažnu/nepotrebnu uzbunu. # Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he had cried wolf so many times. Cupboard love nije ljubav iz ormana, već ljubav iz računa. # I think that all your cupboard love is in vain - you’ll not get a penny from her. Cup of tea nije samo šolja čaja, već i ono što se nekome sviđa, po nečijem ukusu. # “’You may find this sort of job rather difficult.’ ‘But it’s just my cup of tea! It’s absolutely made for an unfrocked nurse’” (R. Gordon, Doctor in Love). Curl someone’s hair ne znači kovrčati nečiju kosu, već naterati nekoga da mu se digne kosa na glavi. # Wait till you read what it says about you - that will certainly curl your hair. It’s curtains for someone nisu zavese za nekoga, već (u žargonu) znači gotovo je s njim, odsvirao je svoje. # “When they do and my dear old pa, the fifth earl, finds out, it’s curtains for me unless I become the sixth earl overnight.” (J. Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less) Custom-made/built ne znači urađen/napravljen po običaju ili navici, već po porudžbini, po meri. # This suit fits so well because it’s custom-made. # “The car was a dark-blue sevenpassengers sedan, a Packard of the latest model, custom-built” (R. Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely). Cut a figure ne znači preseći figuru, već dobro/elegantno izgledati (obično za muškarce). # He cut a fine figure in his new tuxedo. Cut and dried ne znači odsečen i osušen, nego (a): već odlučen i (b): šablonski, rutinski („sve na isti kalup“). # At conventions like this, with everything cut and dried, with nothing really left to fight over, eloquence is at premium. (b): The lecture was, as usual, cut and dried. It was the same thing we’ve heard for years. Cut and run ne znači seći i trčati, već uhvatiti maglu, izgubiti se kad postane gusto (došlo od sečenja konopca kojim je vezano sidro i brzog isplovljavanja). # “Nobody would be able to say that Polly Biegler had cut and run when the going was tough” (R. Traver, Anatomy of a Murder). Cut and thrust nije rana i ubod, već žestoka razmena mišljenja, žustra prepirka, oštra debata. # It was regrettable that such great issues had to be the cut and thrust of a general election. But at least the debate should be constructive. Cut a swath(e) ne znači samo pokositi travu (za širinu otkosa), već i (a): (figurativno) pokositi, razneti, napraviti ršum i (b): privlačiti opštu pažnju, ostavljati snažan utisak. (a): The machine gun cut a swath in the lines of enemy soldiers. (b): Tom cuts a big swathe whenever he appears in his military uniform.
Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth Cut both/two ways ne znači seći na oba načina, već predstavljati dvosekli mač, imati protivrečne posledice. # This new drug will relieve your arthritis, but you must put up with the side effects - it cuts both ways. Cut class nema veze sa sečenjem klase, već znači izostajati sa časova, bežati iz škole. # If Anne keeps cutting classes, she’ll fail the course. Cut corners, cut (off) a corner ne znači preseći uglove, već (a): uhvatiti prečicu, skratiti put, (b): ići prečicom, postići cilj najlakšim i najbržim putem, (c): smanjiti izdatke, skresati troškove i (d): doći do cilja zaobilaženjem ili nepoštovanjem pravila. (a): He cut corners going home in a hurry. (b): # Don’t cut corners, Bob. Let’s do the job right. (c): With really cheap clothes, manufacturers can keep prices down only by cutting corners on both materials and workmanship. (d): There’ll be no cutting corners, you understand just because you are the boss’s son. You’ll have to learn the business and get your engineering qualifications like anyone else. Cute je sladak, zgodan, privlačan, ali i oštrouman, bistar. # Don’t ever try to outfox him; he’s very cute. Cut from the same cloth – izrezan od istog štofa ima figurativno značenje: ista sorta, isti soj, štancovani na isti kalup. # Those boys of his are different in appearance, but they are both cut from the same cloth. Cut it fine/close ne znači iseći fino ili blizu, već jedva dospeti, biti jedva dovoljno. # They were cutting it fine by arriving at the airport five minutes before they were supposed to leave. # A couple of days before our vacation ended, we cut it close with our money. It cuts no ice (with me) nema veze sa sečenjem leda, već znači to ne pije vodu, to ne pali kod mene. # That idea cuts no ice. It won’t help at all. # Your clever talk cuts no ice with me, I’m afraid. Cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face (odseći nos da bi se prkosilo licu) znači napakostiti sam sebi. # You may be angry, but don’t be pig-headed about this small incident; by making a lot of fuss you are only cutting off your nose to spite your face. Cut one’s cables ne znači preseći svoje konopce, već prekinuti sve veze (sa porodicom, pozivom, zemljom itd.). # There was still time to draw back, he reflected, before he cut his cables and became a “defector”. Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth – krojiti kaput prema tkanini – znači isto što i naše prostreti se prema guberu. # He has been living beyond his means. It’s high time he cut his coat according to his cloth.
Cut one’s (eye)teeth on something Cut one’s (eye)teeth on something (brusiti svoje zube/očnjake na nečemu) znači savladati nešto još u mladosti, steći iskustvo u nečemu. # Let him cut his teeth on the smaller boats; he can move onto the sailing ship when he’s shown that he knows how to handle the sails. Cut/slit one’s own throat (prerezati sebi grkljan) ima figurativno značenje: raditi u korist svoje štete, naškoditi sam sebi. # I don’t understand your actions - you’re cutting your own throat. # It’s up to you; if you choose to slit your own throat - so be it! Cut out the deadwood, remove/get rid of the deadwood nije samo odseći/ukloniti suve grane, već i osloboditi se svega što je suvišno. # If you cut all the deadwood out, we may consider your book for publication. # The only way for our company to survive is to remove all the deadwood and start afresh. Cut someone dead ne znači iseći nekoga namrtvo, već proći pored nekoga kao pored turskog groblja („pravi se da ga ne vidi“). # Oh yes, he did take offense, and very much so. I’ve run into him several times since then and he has simply cut me dead. Cut/sting/wound someone to the quick (žacnuti nekoga u živo meso) znači ujesti koga za srce,
Cutting-edge pogoditi koga u živac. # He was cut to the quick when John mentioned the affair his father had been involved in. # Your thoughtless remark stung her to the quick. # His cruel words wounded her to the quick. Cut something to the bone/to the bare bones, pored doslovnog iseći nešto do (gole) koske, ima pre svega figurativna značenja (a): smanjiti nešto na minimum, skresati do daske i (b): svesti nešto (informacije, činjenice i sl.) na najbitnije. (a): President Bush would cut Government’s programs to the bone in order to lower the budget deficit. (b): After having passed through many hands, the report has been cut to the bone. Cut teeth ne znači iseći zube, već dobiti zube. # Tommy is cranky because he’s cutting teeth. Cutting-edge nije samo sečivo, oštrica, već i vrhunski, najviše klase (na samom vrhu nečega, u samom špicu nečega). # His goal was to build a world-class company in the field. To get there, though, he knew he needed cutting-edge research and a world-wide network to market the results. # At the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University we’ve been on the cutting edge of the information revolution.
D Daddy of them all nije tata svih njih, već (kolokvijalno) najpoštovaniji među njima, kralj (pevača, slikara, kauboja itd.), doajen. # - Picasso has just celebrated his 90th birthday, isn’t he? - Yes, and in so many other respects, he’s daddy of them all. Daily round ne znači dnevna runda, već (blizu toga) svakodnevni poslovi. # “The nurses came on their daily round of washing, changing, combing and prettifying the patients before the matron’s inspection” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). Damn something with faint praise (odbaciti nešto bledom pohvalom) znači pohvaliti nešto kao od bede. # When asked about my new play, he deliberately made a pause and then damned it with faint praise. Dance on air/nothing ne znači igrati u vazduhu ili u praznom, već omastiti konopac (u žargonu). # It doesn’t cost me a thing to make you dance on air. # That horse-thief deserves to dance on nothing. Dance to another tune (igrati na drugu melodiju) ima isto značenje kao naše pevati drugu pesmu. # Bobby refused to do his homework but punishment made him dance to another tune. Dance to someone else’s tune znači igrati kako drugi svira. # Put some pressure on him and he’ll dance to our tune. Dark horse (tamni konj) je (a): moguće iznenađenje, nedovoljno poznat konkurent koji može neočekivano dobiti (u američkom političkom žargonu) i (b): zatvorena osoba. (a): Jimmy Carter was a dark horse, relatively unknown nationally. (b): “It seemed a funny thing to say, and especially after all these years. Of course, she always was a dark horse” (J. Osborne & A. Creighton, Epitaph for George Dillon). Dash the cup from someone’s lips (razmrskati pehar s nečijih usana) znači pomutiti nečiji trijumf. # He was sure that he was a shoo-in, but some of his jealous friends did their best to dash the cup from his lips.
Date nije samo datum, staviti datum, već i (a): epoha, (b): sastanak, randevu, (c): partner za izlazak, (d): umetnički angažman, (e): urma, datula, (f): datirati, poticati i (g): izlaziti/zabavljati se sa nekim. (a): The date of the Renaissance is sometimes considered to be from the 14th to the17th centuries. (b): Didn’t we have a date for lunch today? (c): Who’s your date for the dance? (d): She has four singing dates this month. (e): I like dates – they are so sweet and fleshy. (f): The cathedral of Notre Dame dates from the 12th century. (g): He’s been dating Helen for two years. Out of date je (a): zastareo, staromodan i (b): nevažeći, star. (a): Isn’t that suit sort out od date? (b): I’m sorry, your passport is out of date. At an early date znači uskoro. # Please call me at an early date. One’s day is done ne znači da je nečiji dan završen, već gotovo je sa njim, svršio je svoje. # Praise the Contras as “freedom fighters” or scorn them as agents of the CIA: either way, their day is done. (It’s) daylight robbery! nije pljačka na dnevnom svetlu, već: To je obična pljačka! # The prices in this restaurant are unbelievable - it’s plain daylight robbery! Dead duck nije samo mrtva patka, već i beznadežan slučaj. # Dave is a dead duck because he flunked maths. # This whole plan was a dead duck from the beginning. Dead from the neck up (mrtav od vrata naviše) je podsmešljiv izraz za nekoga ko je ograničen, tupoglav. # I’ve tried to explain to him several times but he can’t understand - he’s dead from the neck up. Dead letter nije samo mrtvo slovo na papiru, već i neisporučena pošta (zbog nečitljive adrese itd.). # The label may have come off that parcel you’re expecting. You should inquire at the Dead Letter Office.
Dead man/soldier/marine Dead man/soldier/marine pored doslovnog, ima i drugo (humoristično) kolokvijalno značenje: prazna boca/flaša od pića. # Have you got another bottle of wine? There are only dead men in the kitchen. # Toss your dead soldiers in the garbage, please. # A dead marine fell of the table and woke up all the drunks. Dead on one’s feet ne znači mrtav na nogama, već izmožden od umora („jedva se drži na nogama“). # After the soldiers marched all night, they were dead on their feet. Dead ringer (for someone) nije mrtvi zvonar, već pljunuti neko („nečija slika i prilika“). # Look at that boy: he’s a dead ringer for his grandfather, isn’t he? Isto značenje ima izraz dead spit (of someone) koji ipak ima veze sa pljuvačkom („kao pljunut, pljunuti on“). # He is the dead spit of his cousin. Dead-sea fruit nije voće iz Mrtvog mora, već (a): lepo, a neukusno voće i (b): (velikim početnim slovima) razočaravajući rezultat - mnogo je obećavalo a ispalo je bezvredno („Mnogo zbora a nikakva stvora.“). (a): Those apples are dead-sea fruit - they look luscious but they taste like cotton wool and sawdust. (b): Poor Roger, he never got his invention to work - after five years of ceaseless effort, he had only produced Dead Sea fruit. Dead to rights svakako nije mrtav u odnosu na prava, već znači (uhvaćen) na delu, dokazano kriv. # All right, John! I’ve got you dead to rights! Get your hands out of the cookie jar. Dead to something ne znači mrtav za nešto, već neosetljiv za nešto. # I do not know of any spur to increasing my capacity for response other than the realization that I am dead to something in which better-equipped people find delight. Dead to the world ne znači mrtav za svet, već (a): potpuno iscrpljen, mrtav umoran, (b): spava mrtvačkim snom, spava kao zaklan, (c): bez svesti, u dubokoj nesvestici i (d): mrtav pijan. (a): I’ve had such a hard day. I’m really dead to the world. (b): I tried to wake my son up, but he was dead to the world. (c): Dave was hit on the head by a baseball and was dead to the world for two hours. (d): By midnight everybody was dead to the world. Deafening noise jeste zaglušujuća buka, ali deafening silence je grobna/neprijatna tišina. # When Dave asked the bride at the wedding reception whether she had been married before, there was a deafening silence. Dear John letter nije pismo dragom Džonu, već specifičan izraz za pismo kojim devojka obaveštava momka u ratu ili vojsci da ga više ne voli. # “It was during the war. I was in Germany. I got a Dear John letter, and when I got home, I never saw her again” (H. Fast, The Legacy).
Department of the Interior Dear me! dabome da ne znači Dragi ja! već je usklik u neprilici - otprilike: Boga mu! Uh, majku mu! # Dear me! My purse is lost; what shall I do now? # Dear me! I’m late! Dear (only) knows ne znači da jedino dragi (to) zna, već ko bi ga znao, niko to ne zna, samo bog to zna. # Dear knows when I’ll get home tonight so don’t wait up for me. Death on (someone/something) nije smrt za (nekoga/nešto) već (a): rigorozan prema nekome, (b): štetan za nešto i (c): pravi majstor za nešto, spretan i brz u nečemu. (a): The sergeant is death on lazy soldiers. (b): This road is terribly bumpy. It’s death on tires. (c): Fred is death on skis. You ought to see him go. Decide against je odlučiti se protiv, ali i doneti presudu protiv. # The jury decided against the defendant. Isto tako i decide in favor znači doneti presudu u korist. Declare open season (on someone) ne znači otvoriti sezonu, već krenuti (na nekoga), staviti nekoga na listu za odstrel. # This article means that they declared open season on me. Dedicate znači posvetiti nešto (književno, muzičko itd. delo) ili posvetiti se nečemu, ali i svečano otvoriti. # The school dedicated the new building on Sunday. Deep game nije duboka igra, već tajni plan, zakulisna igra. # Lawrence is playing a deep game; he won’t talk about it to anyone. Deep pockets se kaže za nekoga sa dubljim džepom, ali znači i dobar izvor finansiranja, izvor love (sve u žargonu) # We’ll have to find some deep pockets to finance this venture. Definitely znači definitivno, konačno, ali i svakako, zacelo (najčešće u odgovoru). # – Are you sure you won’t come? – Definitely. Deliver/produce the goods ne znači samo isporučiti odnosno proizvesti robu, već i uraditi kao što je rečeno, izvršiti svoj deo posla, ostvariti rezultate koji se očekuju. # Miners’ president Joe Gormley warned his members yesterday that they must prove they can deliver the goods to justify a big wage increase. # This power saw surely delivers the goods. # Good news is that you got the job. Now, you must prove you can produce the goods to live up to our expectations. Deliberate je promišljen, ali i (a): nameran, (b): oprezan, pažljiv, (c): polagan, spor, (d): savetovati se, većati i (e): razmišljati, odmeravati. (a): It was a deliberate attempt to bring discredit on the minister. (b): It was a deliberate choice. (c): The horse proceeded at a deliberate pace. (d): The board deliberated for two days before they reached a decision. (e): He deliberated his decision for several days. Department of the Interior u SAD nije Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, već je Savezni
Depend on/upon organ zadužen za federalna zemljišta, geološka istraživanja, nacionalne parkove i odnose sa Indijancima. Depend on/upon znači zavisiti od, ali i (a): računati sa, (b): pouzdati se u i (c): biti siguran u. (a): You can depend on his support for your Bill. (b): He’s a man who can be depended upon in a crisis. (c): You can depend on it. I shall be there. Desert nije dezert, već (a): pustinja, (b): zasluga (u množini), (c): pust, nenaseljen, (d): napustiti i (e): dezertirati. (a): Some animals can survive in the desert on very little water. (b): The new film was praised beyond its deserts. (c): The speculators bought a large desert tract and sold lots. (d): The police are looking for a woman who deserted her children. (e): They deserted a military post in violation of strict orders. Dezert (poslastica na kraju obeda) je dessert (u američkom engleskom) ili sweet (course) i afters (u britanskom engleskom). U britanskom engleskom dessert je voće posle dezerta. Deserve six of the best ne znači zaslužiti šest od najboljih, već zaslužiti dvadesetpet po turu. # He deserves six of the best for being rude to Grandma. Destroy something root and branch (pod Root and branch). Detached ne znači samo odvojen, otkinut, već i (a): nepristrasan i (b): uzdržan, rezervisan. (a): A judge must be detached when weighing evidence. (b): She’s so detached it’s hard to get to know her. Detail ne znači samo detalj, već i (a): odeljenje (sa posebnim zadatkom - u vojsci) i (b): podrobno opisati. (a): Twelve soldiers were assigned to a work detail. (b) The men were asked to detail their grievances. Devil of it nije u vezi sa đavolom, već znači najgore od svega, a što je još najgore. # When I had a flat tire, the devil of it was that the spare tire was flat, too. Devil’s own time ne znači đavolsko vreme, već grdne muke, đavolske teškoće. # I had the devil’s own time with these tax forms. Devil take the hindmost (đavo uzima najzadnjeg) znači da poslednjem sleduje najgore, poslednji najviše strada. # As we struggled up the mountain in the dark, it was devil take the hindmost - each man was concerned for his own safety. Devise ne znači deviza, već smisliti, izmisliti. # He’s good at devising language games that you can play with students in class. # The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz. Deviza - geslo je na engleskom motto ili slogan, a deviza – konvertibilna strana valuta je hard (foreign) currency. Developer ne znači samo razvijač (fotografija), već i preduzetnik u oblasti nekretnina. # How did
Different as a doe from a bobcat poor slum dwellers become property developers in their own right? Diamond cut diamond (dijamant je sekao dijamant) odgovara našim izrazima: namerio se junak na junaka, udario tuk na luk, namerila se kosa na brus. # I enjoyed tremendously their TV duel last night. It was really diamond cut diamond. Diamond in the rough, rough diamond je nebrušeni dijamant, a koristi se u značenju vanredna osoba ispod grube spoljašnosti, skriveni potencijal, nebrušeni dragulj. # Tom looks a little tacky, but he’s a diamond in the rough. # Dave looks awkward for a ball player, but he is a rough diamond. Die a natural death znači umreti prirodnom smrću, ali i iščeznuti sam od sebe, postepeno nestajati. # Has the cycle of booms and slumps been throttled or has it died a natural death, or is it just lying dormant? Die hard ne znači teško umirati, već teško se menjati, opirati se promenama. # The dogma dies hard that a student should master the grammar of a foreign language before starting to speak it. U skladu sa tim, die-hard je čovek starog kova, konzervativac, osoba koja je protivna promenama. # You are really a die-hard - you simply refuse to give up old ideas and customs. Die in harness (pod Die with one’s boots on). Die laughing nije samo umreti/crći od smeha već i umreti zadovoljan. # He poisoned his rich aunt who then died laughing because she had taken him out of her will. Die on the vine ne znači umrerti na vinovoj lozi, već propasti u začetku. # The initiative to construct a metro in our city died on the vine. Die the death doslovno nema smisla i znači ne naići na prijem kod publike. # It is every actor’s fear that he will die the death by telling a joke that nobody laughs at. Die with one’s boots on, die in one’s boots ne znači umreti sa čizmama na nogama, već (a): umreti od metka, pasti u borbi i (b): umreti u punoj aktivnosti. Ovo drugo značenje ima i izraz die in harness (umreti sa konjskom opremom). (a): He may give me a hard time, but I won’t be overcome. I’ll fight him and die with my boots on. (b): I don’t want to think up things to do when I retire. I’d rather die in my boots. Different as a doe from a bobcat (razlikuju se kao srna i ris), as chalk and cheese (kao kreda i sir), as salt and pepper (kao so i biber), odgovaraju našim upoređenjima: kao bog i šeširdžija, kao nebo i zemlja. Jedino different as night and day odgovara sasvim našem to je kao dan i noć. # Although Tommy and Bobby are twins, they are as different as night and day.
Dime a dozen Dime a dozen (tuce za desetparac) ima isto značenje kao: kô blata, kô pleve, kol’ko voliš, mali milion. # Fish restaurants are dime a dozen around the harbor. Dip into one’s/its pocket/purse (zavući ruku u sopstveni džep) znači platiti iz svog džepa, snositi troškove. # “Of course, the money he willed no longer covers expenses nowadays, with rising prices and inflation, so the university has to dip into its own pocket to continue the tradition” (J. Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less). Direction nije samo uprava, već i (a): pravac, smer, (b): uputstvo, instrukcija (najčešće u množini), (c): usmerenje, cilj, (d): režija (a): In which direction is the beach? (b): Follow the directions carefully. (c): The management charted a new direction for the company. (d): Direction includes the management, supervision, and guidance of a film. Director znači director, ali i filmski režiser (pozorišni reditelj je u američkom engleskom takođe director, ali u britanskom engleskom producer). # „A director makes only one film in his life. Then he breaks it into pieces and makes it again“ (Jean Renoir). Directory nije direktorijum ili direktorat, već (a): adresar i (b): telefonski imenik. (a): A directory is a book containing an alphabetical or classified listing of names, addresses, and other data, such as telephone numbers, of specific persons, groups, or firms. (b): Look up their number in the telephone directory. Dirty dog nije samo prljav pas, već i (kolokvijalno) rđa od čoveka, nikakav karakter. # I want nothing to do with that dirty dog. He’s ready go to any length to further his career. Dirty work nije samo prljav posao, već ima i druga (figurativna) značenja: (a): najteži deo posla i (b): prljavi poslovi, nepoštene aktivnosti. (a): I simply don’t want to do all the dirty work and let you skim the cream. That’s it! (b): The St. Ermin’s Hotel where Labour’s National Executive is staying this week has something of a political history of its own. In the Fifties all sorts of dark plots and dirty work were reported as being hatched here. Disagree ne znači samo ne slagati se, već i (a): ne prijati, škoditi i (b): odudarati, ne poklapati se. (a): Hot climates disagree with my wife. (b): I’m afraid that the total I’ve arrived at disagrees with the one on your bill. Dish the dirt3 (servirati blato/prljavštinu) je (u žargonu) širiti glasine o drugima, iznosti prljavštine o drugima, ogovarati. # Stop dishing the dirt,
Do a job Ann, it’s really quite unbecoming! # Bob goes down to the tavern to dish the dirt. # “’ can’t really suppose I would have dished the dirt about you if I’d guessed I was speaking to your daughter.’ ‘You would and did’ said Bernard” (A. Wilson, Hemlock and After). Dispense znači (po)deliti (pomoć, pravdu itd.), a dispense with something je (a): osloboditi se nečega, ostaviti po strani nešto i (b): moći i bez nečega, snaći se bez nečega. (a): I suggest we dispense with formality and proceed with our discussions on an informal basis. (b): You may dislike having to depend upon him, but it will be some time before you can dispense with his support altogether. Dispose (of) nije samo raspolagati, već i (a): poraziti, (b): uništiti, (c): likvidirati, maknuti, (d): završiti, privesti kraju, (e): prodati, (f): raspolagati, (g): raspodeliti, (h): otarasiti se, ratosiljati se, (i): aranžirati i (j): biti raspoložen/voljan. (a): The champion disposed of the other fighter by knocking him out in the second round. (b): Our planes disposed of two enemy planes. (c): The crooks disposed of the witness to the crime. (d): It’s necessary to dispose of this matter as soon as possible. (e): Fred’s father wants to dispose of their old house and buy a new one. (f): Rokossovski and Vatutin disposed of enough strength to hold off German attack. (g): His vast property was disposed of in his will. (h): There is a salesman at the door. Please dispose of him as quickly as possible. # Please dispose of these papers. (i): The store disposed the jewelry in an attractive display. (j): The committee was not disposed to hold another meeting. Diversion ne znači samo diverzija, već i (a): skretanje (na putu), (b): odvraćanje pažnje i (c): razonoda. (a):Traffic diversions will be kept to minimum throughout the festival. (b): “Of those therefore that have attained to the highest degree of honour and riches, some have affected mastery in some art; as Nero in music and poetry, Commodus in the art of a gladiator. And such as affect not some such thing, must find diversion and recreation of their thoughts in the contention either of play, or business” (Thomas Hobbes , Elements of Law). (c): Scuba diving is provided as a diversion for tourists. Do a flit (pod Do a moonlight). Do a job jeste obaviti posao, ali sa predlogom on (u žargonu) znači (a): upropastiti, (b): pokakiti/ unerediti se po nečemu i (c): odeljati nekoga od batina. (a): The puppy did a job on my shoes. They are all chewed to pieces. (b): The baby did a job on the living room carpet. (c): The cops did a job on Max, but he still wouldn’t talk.
3 Komentar I. Klajna: Budući da sam ja učio engleski na tekstovima brodvejskih hitova, dodaću vam još jedan citat. Čuvena pesma The Lady Is A Tramp (tekst Lorenz Hart, muzika Richard Rodgers) počinje rečima: “Doesn’t like crap games / With barons and earls, / Won’t go to Harlem / In ermine and pearls, / Won’t dish the dirt / With the rest of the girls, / That’s why the lady is a tramp.”
Do a moonlight Do a moonlight nema veze sa mesečinom, već (kolokvijalno) znači nestati iz stana/hotela ne plativši stanarinu/račun. # When the owner of the hotel came to collect the money he found that his guests had done a moonlight. U britanskom engleskom to isto se kaže do a flit. # “He has even made a moonlight flitting” (Walter Scott, The Fortunes of Nigel). Do a snow job nema veze sa snegom, već (u žargonu) znači obmanjivati, prodavati maglu. # Don’t try to do a snow job on me. I know all the tricks. Isti smisao ima i blow smoke. # He is a master of blowing smoke. He should go into politics. Dock nije samo dok, već i (a): ograđen prostor za optuženog u sudu, (b): kiseljak, zelje i (c): smanjiti platu (kao disciplinsku kaznu itd.). (a): The defendant seemed nervous as he left the dock and stepped up to the witness box. (b): Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain. (c): The University has docked lecturers’ wages by 20% because of their refusal to mark examination papers. Doctor je lekar, ali i (a): krivotvoriti, (b): smućkati, (c): prilagoditi i (d): pružiti medicinsku pomoć. (a): He was jailed for doctoring his service record. (b): I don’t like this wine. I am sure it is doctored. (c): The candidate doctored his standard speech for the small-town audience. (d): Doctor that cut before it becomes infected. Do/go number one/two ne znači raditi broj jedan/dva, već (kolokvijalno) vršiti malu/veliku nuždu, piškiti, pokakiti se. # We’re in hurry, Bobby. You’ll do number one in the kindergarten. # “’What does that man do in there so long?’ ‘He’s going number two,’ Marry Anne said with delicacy.” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). Isto značenje (velike nužde) ima do one’s big job(s). # Johnny, do your big job before going to school. Domestic je domaći, ali i kućna pomoćnica, sluga/sluškinja, a u množini posluga. # It takes a staff of domestics to run that big house. Do domestic work znači služiti po kućama. # Hard up after her husband died, she had to go to do domestic work. Donkey’s years (magareće godine) znači dugo vremena, odavno, čitavu večnost. # They waited donkey’s years for a new house. I haven’t seen you for/in donkey’s years znači Odavno se nismo videli., Nismo se videli čitavu večnost. # Where have you kept yourself? I haven’t seen you for donkey’s years! Donkey work (magareći posao) je dosadniji i teži deo posla. # Why do the new ones always get the donkey work while the older employees do more interesting things? Don’t be fresh! nema veze sa nečijom svežinom, već znači Ne budi bezobrazan/drzak! # “Don’t be fresh to your mother, Gene!” (N. Si-
Do the honors mon, Brighton Beach Memoirs). Isto značenje ima i Don’t give me any of your cheek/sauce, dakle nema veze sa obrazom ili sosom. # Don’t give me any of your cheek! I’ve had enough of your unmannerly behavior. # You’d better stop arguing. Don’t give me any of your sauce! Don’t give me any of your cheek/sauce (pod Don’t be fresh!). Don’t give me that! znači Nije nego!, Pričaj ti to drugome! # - I’m quitting. - Oh, don’t give me that! You’ll be back before tomorrow. Don’t mention it. (pod You’re welcome). Don’t sweat it! nije u vezi sa znojenjem, već (u žargonu) znači Ne brini oko toga!, Nema veze. # Don’t sweat it! We’ll take care of it. Do one’s big job(s) (pod Do number one). Do one’s homework ne znači samo uraditi domaći zadatak, već i upoznati se podrobno sa materijom, pripremiti se dobro (za sastanak, govor, članak i sl.). # “When you go to mediate with Bill Clinton,” said one legislator, “you better do your homework. His memory is phenomenal.” Do one’s (own) thing ne znači uraditi svoju stvar, već (u žargonu) (a): raditi po svome i (b): ponašati se na uobičajeni način. (a): Our daughter doesn’t like being told what to do. She prefers to do her own thing. (b): It’s quite amusing to listen to him doing his thing with tourist in the lounge bar. I don’t suppose he buys a single half pint for himself, the whole of the summer season. Ovo drugo se kaže i do one’s/the usual. # It was a very pleasant gathering on the whole. Our chairman, of course, did his usual and spoke far too long. Do someone brown ne znači učiniti nekoga smeđim, već (u žargonu) prevariti nekoga, izraditi nekoga. # Whoever sold you that car certainly did you brown. Do someone proud/handsome ne znači samo činiti nekoga ponosnim/zgodnim, već (u britanskom kolokvijalizmu) i ugostiti dobro nekoga, počastiti nekoga, pokazati se prema nekome. # Tell your mother she did us proud with that delicious Italian dinner. # The Browns did us handsome when we visited them last week. Do something the hard way nije samo ići težim putem, već i činiti nešto na pogrešan način, raditi kako ne treba. # No, you can’t pound in nails like that. You’re doing it the hard way. Do something to death ne znači raditi nešto do smrti, već ponavljati nešto do besvesti, dodijati sa nečim. # I used to like this song once, but now it’s been done to death: every singer made a record of it. Isto značenje ima i flog (šibati) something to death. Do the honors ne znači činiti čast (to be a credit to someone) niti učiniti čast (to se kaže do someone an/the honor), već imati ulogu do-
Do the trick maćina/domaćice (poslužiti pićem, seći meso, držati zdravicu i sl.), primati i služiti goste. # Jane turned to her husband and said, “Tom, will you do the honors?” Mr. Clark smiled and began slicing thick slices of meat from the turkey. Do the trick ne znači napraviti trik, već ostvariti željeni efekat, postići cilj („to će svršiti posao“). # The car wheels slipped on the ice, so Dave put sand under them, which did the trick. Do time svakako ne znači činiti vreme, već biti u zatvoru, izdržavati kaznu, robijati. # He’s done time on several occasions, but it was usually for very small and unimportant crimes. Double chin nije dupla brada, već podvaljak. # The fat man’s eyes glared and all his double chins shook with rage, as he thumped the table. Double feature nije dupla crta niti dvostruko obeležje, već bioskopski program od dva filma. # Let’s go to see a double feature in our movie theater. Double-header je (u američkom engleskom) dupli (sportski ili drugi) program, dve priredbe jedna za drugom. # Tomorrow are the semifinals and we’ll have a double-header. Double time nije dvostruko vreme, već (a): trčeći korak i (b): dvostruka plata (za prekovremeni rad). (a): Double-time, march! (b): We get a double time when the work is done outside the usual working hours. Double up nije samo složiti nadvoje, preklopiti, već i deliti stan (kaže se i share digs). # We haven’t any single rooms left. Do you mind doubling up? Double up with laughter/pain znači previjati se od smeha/bola. # He doubled up in agony. Doubtful proposition nije sumnjiv predlog, već (a): neizvestan poduhvat, teško ostvarljiva namera i (b): diskutabilna tvrdnja, sumnjiv argument. (a): After the taking of Alexandria and Cairo, Napoleon’s campaign to annex Egypt from the Ottoman Empire began to seem less of a doubtful proposition. (b): If you show people that you trust them, they will not let you down. - Well, if that has been your invariable experience you are a lucky man. It seems to me to be rather a doubtful proposition. Do without (someone/something) ne znači činiti nešto bez (nekog ili nečeg), već (a): snaći se bez nekoga/nečega („koga/čega nema, bez njega/ toga se može“) i (b): nemati potrebe za nečim. (a): We can certainly do without Jerry poking his nose in every five minutes. (b): I can do without that kind of advice, thank you. Down and out ne znači dole i napolje, već na ulici, bez krova nad glavom. # It is our Christian duty to help those who are down and out. Downhill all the way ne znači celim putem nizbrdo, već prost i lak. # Don’t worry about your algebra course. It’s downhill all the way.
Dressing It’s downhill from here on nije samo odavde je sve nizbrdo, već ima i figurativno značenje od sada je sve lako, sad će biti lakše. # The worst part is over. It’s downhill from here on. Down in the dumps ne znači dole na đubrištu, već potišten, utučen („kao da su mu sve lađe potonule“). # The boys were certainly down in the dumps when they heard that their team had lost. Isto značenje ima i down in the mouth. # She must be worrying seriously about something - she looks rather down in the mouth. Down the street nije niz ulicu, već tu blizu u istoj ulici. # Mr. Chandler? He lives just down the street. # There is a drugstore down the street. It’s very convenient. Down tools je odložiti alat, ali i (a): obustaviti rad, stupiti u štrajk (u britanskom engleskom) i (b): prestati sa radom, prekinuti sa nečim. (a): The workers decided to down tools until their employer would agree to pay them more money. (b): “Conditions from the point of view of the professional astronomer were poor. So nobody was sorry to down tools for midnight snack” (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud). Down to the ground ne znači dole do tla/poda, već tipično za nekoga („to je tako on“, „to sasvim liči na njega“). # He made some rude remarks, but then that’s George down to the ground. Isto značenje ima i all over. # He found a lame excuse not to come to that important session. That’s him all over. Down to the wire svakako nije spušten do žice, već znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): do zadnjeg časa, u velikoj stisci i (b): slabo finansijski stajati, biti skoro švorc. (a): I have to turn this in tomorrow, and I’ll be working down to the wire. (b): We can’t afford going to a restaurant tonight we’re really down to the wire. Drag one’s feet/heels ne znači vući stopala/ pete, već nakanjivati se, otezati, raditi što klajklaj, razvlačiti. # The British Prime Minister is reviled here as a ‘bad European’ who drags her feet on every proposal to link the continent’s nations more closely. Draw blood nije samo izazvati krvarenje, već i ujesti za srce, naneti uvredu. # His sarcastic comments drew blood. Dressed to kill nije samo obučen za ubijanje, već i (kolokvijalno) doterati se, nabaciti perje. # Wow, look at Jane! She’s really dressed to kill. Dressed/done up like a dog’s dinner nema veze sa večerom za pse, već (posprdno) znači nagizdan, napadno obučen, nakićen kao božićna jelka. # She was dressed up like a dog’s dinner just to go to the pictures. # You should have seen her: she came to the party done up like a dog’s dinner. Dressing nije samo odevanje, već i (a): previjanje rane i zavoj, (b): preliv za salatu, (c): nadev (u američkom engleskom), (d): štavljenje kože i (e): đubrenje zemljišta. (a): A dressing is a therapeu-
Dress rehearsal tic or protective material applied to a wound. (b): Salad dressings include: mayonnaise, French, Russian, Thousand Island, green goddess, blue cheese, Roquefort, Italian, Caesar, vinaigrette, boiled, oil and vinegar. (c): Types of dressings include: bread, giblet, oyster, chestnut, potato, prune, plum, apple, duck, turkey, chicken, fish, clam, wild rice. (d): Processes in the conversion of rough hides into leather are called dressing. (e): A dressing is a manure or other fertilizing material for soil. Dress rehearsal nije proba haljine/odela (proba u radnji je trying on of a dress, a kod krojača dress fitting), već generalna proba (u pozorištu i figurativno). # “Now, we’re going two steps ahead of him by having a rehearsal today and a full dress rehearsal tomorrow” (J. Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less). Drive a coach and horses through something (provesti kočije sa konjima kroz nešto) znači pronaći velike pukotine/rupe u nečemu (zakonu/ odbrani i sl.), naći slabu tačku (u britanskom kolokvijalnom engleskom). # The wording of the new legislation is so ambiguous that it would not be too difficult to drive a coach and horses through it. Drive a wedge (between) (pod Wedge). Drive home nije samo odvesti/prevesti (nekoga) kući, već i razjasniti nešto, učiniti nešto potpuno jasnim. # He made a speech to drive home the fact that inflation hurts everyone. Drive someone up the wall ne znači dovesti nekoga do zida, već (kolokvijalno) jako nervirati nekoga, iritirati nekoga, dovoditi nekoga do ludila. # Stop whistling that tune. You’re driving me up the wall. Drop a bomb(shell) ne znači samo ispustiti bombu, već i objaviti šokantnu vest („ bila je to prava bomba“). # They really dropped a bombshell when they announced that the President is seriously ill. Drop a brick nije samo ispustiti ciglu, već i (a): napraviti kiks (u britanskom engleskom) i (b): izazvati zaprepašćenje, šokirati (u američkom engleskom). (a): That was dumb. You really dropped a brick. (b): She really dropped a brick when she told the reporters she was going to divorce her husband. Drop dead jeste ostati na mestu mrtav, ali (u žargonu) znači gubiti se kome s očiju i prestati gnjaviti odnosno (kao uzvik) Zaveži i sevaj! # When Ann bumped into Jane’s desk and spilled ink, Ann told her to drop dead. # Drop dead! I’ve no time to waste with you. Drop/fall into someone’s lap znači pasti nekome u krilo, ali i (figurativno) pasti nekome kao kruška s grane, posrećiti se nekome („pala mu je sekira u med“). # He has no patience with people who don’t work and expect money to drop into their laps.
Dutch treat Drop names znači (a): pominjati poznata imena (da bi se stekao utisak o važnim vezama) i (b): razbacivati se naučnim i drugim terminima (da bi se impresionirali slušaoci ili čitaoci). (a): By dropping a sprinkling of right names I was able to pick up secret files left lying on the desk. (b): The book is unpretentious, it can present names without dropping them, and the tone is contagiously warm. Drop someone a line/a few lines ne znači ispustiti nekome red/nekoliko redova, već napisati nekome koju reč, napisati nekome pismo. # I’ll drop you a line next week to tell you the latest details Drop the ball (ispustiti loptu) znači (u žargonu) zabrljati, napraviti veliki propust, uprskati. # Dave dropped the ball, and we lost the contract. Drop the other shoe ne znači ispustiti drugu cipelu, već (a): dokrajčiti započeto, dovesti stvar do kraja i (b): Reci do kraja! (a): Mr. White has left his wife. Soon he’ll drop the other shoe and divorce her. (b): I know there is much more than that - drop the other shoe! I’m listening! Drug on the market nije samo lek/droga na tržištu, već i roba bez prođe, roba koja se ne traži. # Typewriters have become a drug on the market since word processors were introduced. (As) drunk as a lord/newt – pijan kao lord/ dažedvnjak – isto je što i naše pijan kô majka, naljoskan kao zemlja. # Everybody felt very uncomfortable seeing the host as drunk as a lord. # I couldn’t understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a newt. Dry as dust je sasušen, suv, ali i (figurativno) suvoparan, nezanimljiv. # Don’t invite him, please. He’s as dry as dust. Dust and ashes znači prah i pepeo, ali i (a): odavno mrtav i (b): gorko podsećanje na nešto prijatno. (a): He saw the dead writers and those they had written about as what they exactly were at the present moment; dust and ashes. (b): Chanel, in her autobiography, has produced a gripping success story, which at the same time most morally exposes the dust and ashes of that success. Dutch courage (holandska hrabrost) je hrabrost od pića („hrabar posle koje čašice“) # I ordered myself a double scotch to give myself some Dutch courage. Dutch party (holandska žurka) je žurka na koju svako donese hranu i piće. # Sally invited her friends to come next Friday, and warned them it would be a Dutch party. Dutch treat (holandsko čašćenje) je izlazak gde svako plaća svoje. # Whenever we went out together it was always a Dutch treat because she knew I was still studying and didn’t have very much money.
E Early bird nije rana ptica, već (a): ranoranilac, onaj koji ustaje rano, (b): onaj koji porani, onaj koji (po)rano dođe i (c): prvi, prvodošavši. (a): He’s quite an early bird; he gets up at 6 o’clock every morning every day of the week. (b): The early birds get the best seats. (c): Early bird arrivals will be given a free cup of coffee. Earnest je ozbiljan, ali i iskren. She ignored his earnest request for forgiveness. Earn one’s combat stripes (zaraditi borbene širite) znači doživeti vatreno krštenje, omirisati barut. # It’s time for him to enter actively the campaign, to taste battle and earn his combat stripes. Earthworm nije nikakav zemljani crv (kako se često prevodi), već kišna glista. Ease je lakoća, ali i (a): olakšanje, (b): udobnost, (c): neusiljenost, ležernost i (d): opuštanje. (a): The salve brought ease to the athlete’s aching body. (b): The retired couple lived a life of ease. (c): The hostess greeted her guests with ease. (d): We put Mary at her ease during the thunderstorm by reading her stories. Easily je bez muke/napora, ali i (a): nesumnjivo, (b): vrlo verovatno, (c): moguće i (d): mirno, spokojno. (a): He is easily the schools’s best student. (b): It may easily rain. (c): He may easily change his mind. # He coud easily be right. (d): „Yes“, he said easily. Easy as (apple) pie – prosto kao pita (od jabuka) – je isto što i naše prosto kao pasulj. # Don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to use the computer; it’s easy as pie. Isto značenje imaju i izrazi (as) easy as duck soup, (as) easy as falling off a log i (as) easy as shelling peas.
Easy game ne znači jednostavna igra, već lak plen, laka žrtva. # “She was easy game, or rich material, for satirists. She is said to have been a mainstay for certain satirical novelists of the twenties” (W. Plomer, At Home). Isto značenje imaju i izrazi easy mark/target i easy meat. Easy on the eye nije lak na oko, već privlačan. # The new teacher was a pleasant surprise. All the students thought she was easy on the eye. Eat crow ne znači pojesti vranu4, već priznati grešku i izviniti se (američki kolokvijalizam). # Well, it looks like I was wrong, and I’m going to have to eat crow. Eat dirt ima sličan smisao: (a): priznati smerno grešku, odnosno pojesti govno (što i odgovara doslovnom prevodu). Ali, to znači i (b): prihvatati uvrede i ponižavanja. (a): My brother had to eat dirt in front of everybody after he had been proved wrong in an argument. (b): I am reluctant to say that, but he has no backbone; he’s easily ready to eat dirt. Eat humble pie (pojesti smernu pitu) ima ista ta dva značenja: (a): He said that he spoke French, but when we met with some partners from France, he had to eat humble pie. (b): Paul, stand up for your rights. You don’t have to eat humble pie. Eat nails (for breakfast) (jesti eksere - za doručak) znači (u žargonu) biti tvrd i opasan („nema kod njega labavo“). # “He’s fired up,” Jeb Bush said of his father in a comment typical of the emerging we-can-lick-’em mood. “He eats nails for breakfast.” Eat one’s heart out5 (jesti sopstveno srce) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): gristi se, jesti se kao mesec, izjedati se i (b): pojesti se od zavisti. (a): Ever since
4 Hari Truman, iako unapred prežaljen od svih najuticajnijih listova (među njima i Vašinton posta), ipak je na izborima 1948. tukao favorizovanog Tomasa Djuija. Kada se dan nakon izbora vratio u Vašington, na zgradi Vašington posta visila je velika poruka koja je glasila: “Mr. President, we are ready to eat crow whenever you are ready to serve it – Welcome home from crow-eaters.” 5 Komentar I. Klajna: Kao kuriozitet napominjem da se u filmovima ovaj idiom, u značenju (b), najčešće javlja u imperativu, uz ime neke poznate ličnosti. Primera radi, neki muškarac se licka i elegantno oblači, pa gledajući se u ogledalu zadovoljno kaže “Eat your heart out, George Clooney!”
Eat salt with someone her boyfriend walked out, the poor girl has been eating her heart out. (b): She’ll eat her heart out when she learns about our engagement. (U filmovima se ovaj idiom, u značenju pod (b), najčešće javlja u imperativu, uz ime neke poznate ličnosti. Neki muškarac se licka i elegantno oblači, pa gledajući se u ogledalu zadovoljno kaže “Eat your heart out, George Clooney!”) Eat salt with someone (jesti so sa nekim) znači uživati nečije gostoprimstvo. # We ate salt with our relatives in a little southern town during the war Eat someone for breakfast (pojesti nekoga za doručak) znači (kolokvijalno) (a): srediti nekoga načisto i (b): iskoristiti nekoga i odbaciti ga. (a): ‘’But watch out for Jack Wales. Bags of money, about seven foot tall and a beautiful R.A.F. moustache.’ I laughed. ‘I eat those types for breakfast’” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). Eat someone out of house and home znači pojesti nekome i crno ispod nokata. # Bill was eating his parents out of house and home until he began to earn his own living. Efface oneself ne znači izbrisati se, već držati se neprimetno, biti manji od makova zrna. # Look at Fred - he has been effacing himself since the affair blew up. Egghead nije jajasta glava, već je američki posprdni izraz za intelektualca, knjišku osobu. # The egg-heads aren’t exactly taking over the world. They live in ivory towers. Either feast or famine (ili gozba ili glad) znači ili previše ili premalo, ili suviše ili nedovoljno, ili veoma dobro ili sasvim loše. # This month is very dry, and last month it rained almost every day. Our weather is either feast or famine. Elbow grease (podmazan lakat) znači povećani napor. # All this job needs is a little more elbow grease. Elbow room (prostor za laktove) znači (a): dovoljno prostora (za jelo, sedenje, kretanje itd.) i (b): sloboda akcije, ideja itd. (a): The gallery was fitted with tiers of narrow wooden seats which afforded their occupants very little elbow room. (b): As an independent school we have enough elbow room to try out new theories and methods of education. Eleventh-hour decision (odluka u jedanaest sati) znači isto što i naše odluka u pet do dvanaest (u poslednji čas). # The President’s eleventh-hour decision was made in a great hurry, but it turned out to be correct. Embrace je zagrliti, ali i (a): obuhvatiti, (b): prihvatiti, (c): iskoristiti i (d): okružiti. (a): The study embraced all aspects of the housing problem. (b): Iceland embraced Christianity in about the year 1000. (c): He embraced the opportunity to sneak out of the boring party. (d): Britain is an isle embraced by the sea.
Engineer End je kraj, ali i (a): ishod i (b): cilj, (c): kraj života, smrt, (d): ostatak i (e): deo (grada itd.). (a): What will be the end of their constant feuding? (b): He used unscrupulous means to achieve his end. (c): He met an untimely end. (d): This end of cloth is enough for a dress. (e): The school is at the south end of town. Kraj, svršetak je i ending (srećan kraj se ne kaže happy end, već happy ending – the movie has a happy ending). End for end ne znači kraj za kraj, već naopačke, naglavce, u obrnutom/naopakom položaju. # The wind caught the canoe and turned it end for end. End of the ball game ne znači kraj igre s loptom, već (u žargonu) ono što bi u našem žargonu bio kraj priče. # Well, the car broke down. I guess that’s the end of the ball game. End of the line/road ne znači kraj konopca ili puta, već kraj svega, završena priča. # The doctor was not able to treat the man’s disease but he didn’t want to tell that it was the end of the line. End product je finalni proizvod, ali i krajnji rezultat (kaže se i end result). # But a group of pictures organized into a sequence is enormously more powerful than the same slides shown individually. The end product can express much more than most of us can express with words. Enemy within (the gates) je neprijatelj unutar kapija, odnosno (figurativno) neprijatelj u sopstvenim redovima, unutrašnji neprijatelj. # “Whenever Jenny had got to, there was not much left of that elaborate structure of love and obligation which the two of them had been struggling to assemble. The enemy had been within the gates, he intoned” (K. Amis, Take a Girl Like You). Enemy at the gate(s) je neprijatelj pred vratima, neposredna pretnja/opasnost. Engaged znači angažovan, ali i (a): veren (b): zauzet (obavezom, poslom) i (c): zauzet (toalet, telefon), (a): She was engaged to some guy in the army. (b): I’d come to the meeting on Tuesday but I’m afraid I’m otherwise engaged. (c): The sign on the toilet door said ‘Engaged’. # Every time I ring her, the phone number is engaged. Engagement jeste angažman, obaveza, ali i (a): veridba, (b): zaposlenje, (c): bitka i (d): dogovoreni sastanak. (a): The couple announced their engagement at the party. (b): The singer had a brief engagement at a New York night club. (c): The general won three engagemens with the enemy. (d): Do you have a luncheon engagement? Engineer znači inženjer (građevinski inženjer je civil engineer, mašinski inženjer je mechanical engineer, a elektroinženjer electrical engineer ), ali i (a): mašinovođa (u američkom engleskom; u britanskom engleskom je engine driver), (b): majstor (u britanskom engleskom), (c): inženjerac (u vojsci) i (d): skovati plan. (a): An engineer is also
Enough to make a saint swear a person whose job is to drive railroad trains. (b): The engineer is coming to repair our phone tomorrow morning. (c): John is an engineer, a member of a military engineering unit trained in the construction and demolition of bridges, roads, airfields, etc. (d): He engineered the water supply project. (e): Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government. Enough to make a saint swear (dovoljno da i svetac opsuje) znači dovoljno da i najstrpljivijem prekipi, dovoljno da i najmirnijeg razgnevi. # I tried to talk to him sensibly and reasonably, but his rudeness was enough to make a saint swear. Isto značenje ima i enough to try the patience of a saint/Job (dovoljno da iskuša strpljenje sveca/Jova). Enough to make the angels weep (dovoljno da natera anđele da zaplaču) znači dovoljno da izgubiš svaku nadu, dovoljno da ti zagorča život. # For several years the government has continuously reduced the amount of money spent on education. Now they complain that teachers are not doing their jobs properly - it is enough to make the angels weep. Enter/come into the picture nema veze sa slikom, već znači biti od značaja, imati veze, ticati se. # His work has recently been very bad, and if it gets any worse we can’t afford to pay his wages - the fact that he’s having troubles at home doesn’t enter into the picture at all. # I don’t think you come into the picture at all, Fred. The matter doesn’t concern you at least. Enterprise ne znači samo preduzeće, već i (a): poduhvat (smeo, rizičan), (b): preduzimljivost, (c): preduzetništvo. (a): The firm’s latest enterprise will require an enlarged staff and a significant loan. (b): The manager was pleased with the salesman’s enterprise. (c): Management leaders representing the world’s democratic countries agreed that free enterprise, not government control, is the key to better times. Entertain ne znači samo zabavljati , već i (a): primati goste, ugostiti, (b): prihvatiti, podržavati, (c): gajiti i (d): razmotriti. (a): Diplomats entertain often. (b): We simply cannot entertain such outrageous propositions. (c): Come down to earth and don’t entertain any illusions about making money on that lousy deal. (d): He did entertain the idea of an overseas post at one time, but decided the risks were too great. Entitle nije samo dati naslov, već i dati pravo. # This coupon entitles you to a free dance lesson. Equal of someone nije samo ravan kome, već i pandan/ekvivalent nekome. # The French minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of the American Secretary of State. Escape with life and limb ne znači umaći sa životom i udovima, već je to britanski kolokvijali-
Every so often zam koji znači ostati zdrav i čitav, proći bez ijedne polomljene kosti. (The lower limbs su noge.) # Tom broke his leg in a car accident and Mary escaped with life and limb. Escape with one’s life znači jedva izvući živu glavu. # It was a head-on collision and we should be happy that we escaped with our lives. Even-handed ne znači jednakih ruku, već nepristrasan. # As for Moscow, the question is whether it has intervened as an even-handed peacemaker or as a partisan of one of the warring factions. Vidi Without fear or favor. Even-steven (doslovno neprevodivo) je američki kolokvijalizam sa dva značenja (a): izravnati račune, biti kvit i (b): jednako podeljeno, podeljeno na ravne časti. (a): Fred hit Jim; then Jim hit Fred. Now they are even-steven. (b): He made two piles of diamonds even-steven and let me choose which one I wanted. Nešto drugačije napisano: even(s) Stephen(s) je britanski kolokvijalizam koji znači šanse su podjednake. # The two leading competitors have an equal number of points - it’s evens Stephens, and the final stages of the competition this afternoon should be very exciting. Eventually ne znači eventualno (kaže se possibly), već konačno, na kraju, pre ili kasnije, s vremenom. # The house will have to be repainted eventually. # He will understand eventually. # Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she eventually died. # It might take him ages but he’ll do it eventually. Every/any Tom, Dick, and Harry, Tom, Dick or Harry (svaki/bilo koji Tom, Dik i Hari) znači (baš) svi i svako, svako bez razlike, svaka šuša, bilo ko. # It’s not easy to become a member of that club - they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry. # Any Tom, Dick or Harry can work as a guide and give not only wrong information, but cause further chaos by not knowing his way about. Every inch (svaki inč) znači u svakom pogledu, potpuno, od glave do pete. # She is every inch the lady. # He’s every inch a bureaucrat. Every man for himself nije svaki čovek za sebe, već znači spasavaj se ko može. # The farmers, the signalmen, the refinery workers, the surgeons are united only in their instinct that it’s every man for himself. Every man Jack/jack (of us/you/them) ne znači da je svaki čovek Džek, već svi do poslednjeg, sve i jedan (od nas/vas/njih). # Every man jack of you must do his duty. Slično značenje ima i izraz every mother’s son (of you/them): svaki od vas, majčini sinovi. # I want to see every mother’s son of you here on time tomorrow. Every so often nije svaki tako često, već s vremena na vreme. # Dave comes to visit me every so often.
Everything but the kitchen sink Everything but the kitchen sink (sve sem kuhinjske sudopere) znači (šaljivo) sve što ti može pasti na pamet, sve i svašta, trista čuda. # Tom orders everything but the kitchen sink when he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else is paying for it. Everything from soup to nuts (sve od supe do oraha) je isto što i naše od igle do lokomotive, sve moguće. # You can find in that store everything from soup to nuts. Everything in the garden is lovely. (Sve u vrtu je lepo.) znači Sve je da bolje biti ne može., Sve je u najboljem redu. # - How do you like your new job? - Everything in the garden is lovely. Everything is going/coming one’s way (sve ide/dolazi nečijim putem/na nečiji način) znači sve ide naruku nekome. # The public took a fancy to him in that television series last year and now everything seems to be coming his way with offers of work from all over the place. Evidence nije evidencija (to se kaže files ili records), već dokaz. # The suspect’s fingerprints on the gun were the main evidence against him. # Her smile was evidence of her happiness. U skladu sa tim, provide/assemble/collect/amass evidence ne znači pribaviti/prikupiti evidenciju, već pribaviti/ prikupiti dokaze. # “And he has also helped lawenforcement officials assemble evidence against Kevin Poulsen, a Silicon Valey programmer...” (T. Shimomura, Take-Down). Except for someone/something ne znači samo izuzev/osim/sem nekoga/nečega već i da nije bilo nekoga/nečega. # Except for my children, I would have left you years ago. Exchange words ne znači razmeniti reči, već prepirati se. # Come on home, Donald! It’s ridiculous to waste your time exchanging words with such an ignorant hypocrite! Isto značenje ima i have words. # I had words with my girlfriend last night. She says she never wants to see me again. Excuse oneself ne znači samo izviniti se za što, već i zamoliti za dopuštenje da se ode. # The committee meeting lasted so long that Mr. Jones excused himself to keep an appointment.
Eyes-only, for your eyes only She is expecting ne znači ona očekuje, već čeka bebu, u drugom je stanju. # Oh, I didn’t know she was expecting. Explore every avenue, leave no avenue unexplored ne znači istražiti svaku aveniju, već istražiti sve mogućnosti, ne ostaviti nijednu mogućnost neispitanu. # We have to explore every avenue to find some solution. # “Let the public be assured,” the speaker continued, “that we will leave no avenue unexplored in our efforts to keep down the cost of living.” Extend one’s sympathy (to someone) ne znači pokazati simpatiju prema nekome, već izraziti svoje saosećanje sa kim, izraziti saučešće. # Although we were not on speaking terms, our neighbors were among the first to extend their sympathy when they heard of the death of poor John. Extenuating circumstances nisu samo olakšavajuće okolnosti, već i posebne/izvanredne okolnosti. # Due to extenuating circumstances, the teacher will not meet class today. Extravagant je ekstravagantan, nastran, kao izvedeno značenje, a osnovna značenja su (a): rasipnički i (b): neumeren, nerealističan. (a): That was very extravagant of you to buy strawberries out of season. (b): The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers. Eyeball to eyeball (očna jabučica prema očnoj jabučici) znači oči u oči . # They were sitting eyeball to eyeball at the table and I didn’t want to interrupt their lively conversation. Eye-opener (otvarač za oči) je (a): pravo otkriće za nekoga (u smislu otvoriti nekome oči) i (b): piće da se neko rasani. (a): Her confession was a real eye-opener. (b): He knocked back a quick eye-opener and finished dressing. Eyes-only, for your eyes only znači strogo poverljivo. # We are in the midst of a maximumclassified, eyes-only, top-secret, black-drape, needto-know basis operation» (R. Ludlum, The Road to Omaha).
F Fabric nije fabrika, već (a): tkanina, (b): struktura i (c): građa, tkivo. (a): Wash this fabric in cold water. (b): The fabric of the nation is weakened when its citizens mistrust the government. (c): The fabric of the roof is affected. His face fell ne znači lice mu je palo, već izgledao je razočarano/potišteno/obeshrabreno, obesio je nos. # When he heard that his bitter enemy was appointed chairman, his face fell. Face the music ne znači suočiti se sa muzikom, već dobiti po zasluzi , dobiti po prstima za učinjeno, suočiti se sa posledicama nečega. # Jack was caught cheating in an examination and had to face the music. Facts of life nisu tek bilo koje činjenice o životu, već (a): činjenice o seksu (naročito kad se objašnjavaju deci) i (b): životne realnosti, istine koje se moraju prihvatiti makar kako bile neprijatne. (a): Doctors and teachers still discuss at what age children should be told the facts of life. (b): Bob couldn’t accept the facts of life in business, so he quits. Faculty jeste fakultet (na britanskom engleskom), ali znači i (a): (u američkom engleskom) nastavno osoblje, profesorski kolegijum (i univerzitetski profesor), (b): sposobnost, moć, (c): nadarenost, (d): spretnost, (e): pripadnici visokoobrazovane profesije (osobito lekarske) i (f): (u množini) mentalne sposobnosti, razbor. (a): He joined the faculty of Columbia University. # All the faculty members were against her appointment an assistant professor. (b): The stroke deprived him of the faculty of speech. (c): Our daughter has a faculty for languages. (d): He has a faculty for putting people at ease. (e): Members of the medical faculty are as one man against the new legislation. (f): The old shepherd at age 95 still enjoys the full possession of his faculties. Fair nije samo fair, već i (a): plav, plavokos, (b): beloput, (c): osrednji, snošljiv, (d): privlačan, lep (fair sex je lepši pol), (e): znatan, (f): vedar, (g): sajam i (h): bazar. (a): She has fair
hair, unlike her darker sisters. (b): He has a fair skin which is very sensitive. (c): He is a godd filder, but only a fair hitter. (d): The old song was about a fair maiden and her suitors. (e): This is a fair amount of money. (f): The day is warm and the sky is fair. (g): The book fair wil be organised in October. (h): A church fair and the sale of goods for the benfit of a charity will include some entertainment. Fair copy svakako nije fer kopija, već prepis načisto, čista kopija. # That’s it, Miss Graves. Make a fair copy, please. Fair, fat and forty ima malo veze sa doslovnim značenjem, već je to kolokvijalni izraz koji znači žena na zalasku mladosti, žena ranih srednjih godina. # Marion is fair, fat and forty, but she has such a sunny nature that no one notices her age Fair game nije fer igra, već idealna/laka meta. # The corrupt Police Chief will be fair game for the media. Fair-haired boy nije samo plavokosi dečak, već (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) znači miljenik, ljubimac, mezimac. # Bob is the boss’s fair-haired boy now, but he’ll be just like the rest of us in a month. Fair hands nisu fer ili svetle ruke, već znači lično, sam, bez pomoći sa strane (with/by one’s/ someone’s (own) fair hands - sopstvenim rukama). # - Did you bake those cakes yourself? - Yes, with my own fair hands. Fair-weather friend nije prijatelj za lepo vreme, već prijatelj samo u dobru. # Don’t count too much on Jim - he’s a fair-weather friend who’ll leave you the very moment you are not influential any more. Faithful hound nije samo veran ker, već i (figurativno) veran drug/saputnik. # “Carter patted his tobacco-pouch as though it were a dog’s head. ‘My faithful hound shall bear me company’” (G. Greene, Our Man in Havana). Fall between two stools ne znači pasti između dve hoklice, već ne uspeti (zbog nastojanja da se
Fall/drop by the wayside ostvare istovremeno dva cilja). # The writer wanted to write a funny book that was also a serious study of modern life. Unfortunately, he has fallen between two stools. Fall/drop by the wayside ne znači pasti usput, već odustati pre kraja („ispasti na prvoj krivini“). # Bill dropped by the wayside and didn’t finish college. Fall down on the job ne znači srušiti se na poslu, već podbaciti u poslu, omanuti u nečemu. # In all frankness, your son completely fell down on the job. Fall flat as a pancake ne znači spljoštiti se kao palačinka, već ostati bez ikakvog efekta. # He couldn’t wait to tell the joke he had heard at the game, but it fell flat as a pancake - nobody laughed. Fall flat (on one’s face) znači pasti ničice, prostreti se, ali i potpuno omanuti, nemati uspeha. # He cracked a joke but it fell flat because nobody understood it. # The play fell flat on its face. Fall into line ne znači samo postrojiti se, poravnati se, već i (a): leći na rudu, pokoriti se i (b): usaglasiti se, doći na istu liniju (sa nekim). (a): The players who had broken training rules fell into line when the coach warned them that they would be put off the team. (b): That will be all right. They’ve fallen into line with us. Fall off one’s chair (he almost/nearly fell off his chair) nije samo pasti sa stolice, već i zabezeknuti se („samo što nije pao sa stolice od iznenađenja“). # He almost fell off his chair when he was told they were married. Fall off the back of a lorry ne znači ispasti iz kamiona, već je to britanski (često šaljivi) kolokvijalizam koji znači biti smotan/ukraden (kradena roba). # These watches were so cheap I think they fell off the back of a lorry. U američkom engleskom se kaže fall off a truck. # This regrigerator fell off a truck. Fall on stony ground ne znači samo pasti na kamenito tlo, već i (figurativno) biti ignorisano, ne naići na odziv. # I told her not to come home late again, but my words fell on stony ground. She came back at dawn. Fall off the wagon ne znači pasti sa/iz vagona, već (kolokvijalno) propiti se ponovo, vratiti se piću. # Poor Joe has fallen off the wagon again. Fall out of bed ne znači samo pasti s kreveta, već (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) (a): poslovno propasti i (b): naglo/dramatično pasti. (a): “But if Seaco fell out of bed, or the bond market cracked...” (M. Thomas, Someone Else’s Money) (b): The temperature really fell out of bed last night! It was 23 below! Fall to the ground nije samo pasti na pod/tlo, već i izjaloviti se, propasti, pasti u vodu. # “This hypothesis falls to the ground because intelligence
Fast track correlates only to a slight extent with ‘good taste’” (H. J. Eysenck, Sense and Nonsense in Psychology). False dawn nije lažno svitanje, već varljivi zračak nade. # The following year he was appointed conductor of the reconstituted Royal Opera House at Covent Garden. Alas, it proved a false dawn and for over 20 years he suffered almost total neglect. Familiar ne znači porodičan, već (a): poznat, (b): dobro upoznat sa nečim, upućen u nešto, (c): prisan, neusiljen i (d): drug, prijatelj. (a): Your excuse sounds familiar. Have you done this before? (b): Are you familiar with the procedures? (c): After a good dinner, we all loosened up and became quite familiar. (d): Not even his familiars knew of his marriage. Fan the breeze (pod Shoot/fan the breeze). Far cry from something nema veze sa dalekim krikom, već znači (a): nešto sasvim drugo, veoma različito od nečega drugog i (b): ni izdaleka, ni blizu onome („ne može se sa tim uporediti“). (a): # His last statement was a far cry from his first story. (b): Prices today seem a far cry from those of ten years ago. Far gone ne znači da je daleko otišao, već da je (a): dotrajao, propao i (b): nakresan, dosta pripit, (c): otkačen, pošandrcao (u žargonu) i (d): na samrti. (a): This table is pretty far gone. We will have to buy a new one. (b): He was rather far gone when he came to the party, so by now he must be totally drunk. (c): Wow, that chick is far gone. Listen to her rave. (d): I’m afraid our uncle is far gone. Fast and furious nije brz i besan, već (a): žustro, žestoko, velikom žestinom/brzinom i (b): iznenadno i masovno, kao lavina. (a): When I last saw him he was driving fast and furious down to street. (b): When they opened the new shop they were at first discouraged by the small number of people who came. However, later in the morning the customers came fast and furious. Fast lane nije samo brza traka na autoputu, već i (a): neumeren i (b): usmeren na uspeh. (a): By living in such a dissipated, fast line way you’re just heading for disaster. (b): He leads a kind of a fast lane life, all career-making and success-oriented. Fast track takođe nije samo brza traka na autoputu, već i (a): mesto koje daje šanse za brzo napredovanje, odskočna daska za brzometnu karijeru, (b): građenje na brzu ruku i (c): koji je za brži put (fast-track). (a): Take this post; it’s not lavishly paid but it’s a fast track offering rapid advancement. (b): It’s sort of a fast track building - the construction began even before plans and designs were completed. (c): Here in one room was gathered the full range of Russia’s unruly political mix. There were fast-track reformers and their goslow critics; there were close advisers to Yeltsin, along with anti-Yeltsinites and lapse Yeltsinites.
Fast woman Fast woman nije brza žena, već (u žargonu) laka ženska. # Well, he’s often seen in company of fast women. Fast worker nije radnik koji brzo radi, već (kolokvijalno) spretan sa ženama, zavodnik, donžuan. # “I don’t like the idea of Anne going out with a fellow twelve years older than herself,” said her father. “Particularly when he’s already got the reputation of being a pretty fast worker.” Fat cats nisu debele mačke, već parajlije (koji finansiraju političke kampanje), magnati, ljudi sa dubljim džepom i velikim uticajem (u američkom žargonu). # They say that Mr. Bush would be sure to lose a tax-cut fight with the Democratic Congress and that in the process the portrayal of the President as the patron of fat cats will be enhanced. # I like to watch the fat cats go by in their beemers. Fat chance nije debela šansa, već, naprotiv (u američkom žargonu) (a): mali izgledi, tanka šansa i (b): Sve se plašim!, Malo sutra! (a): Sally is pretty and popular; you will have a fat chance of getting a date with her. (b): - We’ll beat your team all hollow tomorrow. - Fat chance! Fat target (debela meta) znači laka/pogodna meta (u američkom žargonu). # And so, given a fat target, Mr. Clinton devoted a good 10 minutes to knocking Mr. Bush around on health care. Feather in one’s cap (pero na nečijoj kapi) je nešto što služi nekome na čast, nešto čime se neko može podičiti. # It was a real feather in his cap when he was made head of the physics department. Feather one’s nest znači urediti svoje gnezdo ali i (figurativno) opremiti i namestiti stan/kuću i (b): izvući korist za sebe, svršiti sebi posao, koristiti se položajem/uticajem. (a): It costs a great deal of money to feather one’s nest these days. (b): The building contractor used a lot of public money to feather his nest. Feed the fishes ne znači hraniti ribe, već (a) utopiti se, udaviti se ili (b) dobiti morsku bolest (u britanskom kolokvijalizmu). (a): Water poured through a leak in the ship’s bull and we were in a real danger to feed the fishes. (b): As soon as the ship left the dock I began feeding the fishes. Feel for nije samo saosećati, već i potražiti pipanjem, tražiti pažljivo. He had to feel for the light switch in the dark. # He went into her bag to feel for the keys. Feel free! ne znači Osećajte se slobodno! već (blizu doslovnom značenju) Samo izvol’te!, Kako god želite!, Nemojte se ustručavati (da uradite nešto). # - Do you mind if I smoke? - Feel free! # If you see something you want in the refrigerator, please feel free. Feel like ne znači osećati se kao, već poželeti (I feel like znači rado bih, prohtelo mi se). # Does anybody feel like a game of poker? # I feel like a nice cool drink. # I just don’t feel like pancakes
Fight tooth and nail this morning. Feel like doing something znači (a): poželeti učiniti nešto i (b): osećati se dovoljno dobro da se nešto učini. (a): “He felt like getting out and lying down under the nearest shade tree” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). (b): I believe I’m getting well. I feel like getting out of bed. Feel off color (pod Off color). Feel one’s feet/legs (pod Find/feel one’s feet/ legs). Feel sympathy for someone ne znači osećati simpatiju prema nekome, već saosećati sa nekim. # He felt tremendous sympathy for the war orphans. Few and far between svakako ne znači malo i daleko između, već redak, malobrojan, prava retkost („retko se nađe“). # Get some gasoline now. Service stations on this highway are few and far between. Field day nije dan polja ili igrališta, već veliki dan, dan pun uzbuđenja i uživanja. # The children had a field day whenever my brother came to visit us - he would play with them for hours. Fifth wheel je peti točak (na kolima) i znači (kao i u srpskom), neko ko je suvišan/nepotreban, levo smetalo. # I feel like such a fifth wheel around here. # Fred is just a fifth wheel. Send him home. Fight nije samo borba ili bitka, već i (a): (vrlo često) svađa, (b): energija, borbenost i (c): nadmetanje, meč. (a): She had an awful fight with a garbage collector. (b): The former mayor always had a plenty of fight. (c): A fight was arranged between the champion and the challenger. Fighting chance nije borbena, već dobra šansa. # Fred is very ill, but he still has a fighting chance of pulling through. Fight one’s corner (braniti svoj ćošak) znači žestoko se boriti za sopstvene interese, braniti čvrsto svoje interese. # It’s only natural that he fights his corner. Other people are important, but one should look for himself. Fight shy ne znači plašljivo se boriti, već držati se podalje, držati se po strani, izbegavati. # For years he had fought shy of taking part actively in political life, but he changed his mind when the police cracked down on student demonstrations. Fight the good fight ne znači dobro se boriti, već (a) nastojati da se život proživi u skladu sa pravilima i zahtevima vere, (b) boriti se uporno za svoja ubeđenja, voditi čitavog života bitku za principe. (a): “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.’ (The Bible, II Timothy 4:7) (b): Senator George Norris of Nebrasca said: “I have fought the good fight with all that was in me. Now there is no strength left.” Fight tooth and nail ne znači boriti se zubom i noktom, već bespoštedno se boriti. # They fo-
Fight to the knife ught tooth and nail against this legislation. Are they going to make sudden about-face now? Fight to the knife nije daleko od doslovnog značenja: boriti se na krv i nož. # They were fighting to the knife, wading in blood. Slično je i sa izrazom fight to the last ditch (boriti se do poslednjeg jarka): boriti se do poslednjeg daha. # The situation was desperate, but the soldiers decided to fight to the last ditch. Izrazi fight to the last drop of blood i fight to the last man odgovaraju doslovnom prevodu. File znači dosije, ali i (a): fascikla, (b): red, kolona i (c): turpija. (a): A file is a receptacle that keeps loose objects esp. papers, in useful order. (b): A file of customers was waiting when the store opened. (c): Taper, round and flat files are used in smoothing, polishing, grinding down, or boring. Filled to capacity (pun do kapaciteta) znači dupke pun, ispunjen do poslednjeg mesta. # Interest was so great that the big auditorium was filled to capacity. Isto značenje imaju i izrazi filled to bursting (pun do prskanja) i filled to the gills (pun do škrga). # “As luck would have it, on the same day that Marshall summoned the President, James Wilkinson arrived at the Golden Eagle which was crowded to bursting. (G. Vidal, Burr) # “His big Victorian house in Cleveland Park was constantly filled to the gills with politicians, lobbyists, aides of all species, committee persons, agency persons, journalists, and lawyers” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack). Fill in the blanks. ne znači samo Popuni prazne rubrike, već i Ostalo možeš pogoditi sam. # - What happened at Bill’s house last night? There was a big fight, then the neighbors called the police. - Than what happened? - Fill in the blanks. What do you think? Fill the bill, fit the bill ne znači napuniti račun, kao što ni fit the bill ne znači podesiti račun, već odgovarati u potpunosti, zadovoljiti svrhu. # I thought I would need a special tool, but this wrench fills the bill. Fill the breach ne znači popuniti brešu ili prodor, već preuzeti ulogu/aktivnost kad niko drugi neće ili ne može, uskočiti na vreme. # Just before we were going to perform the play, one of our main actors fell ill. Luckily another actor knew the part and filled the breach. Find a better hole (naći bolju rupu) znači naći nešto bolje. # You learned to examine your craft because you had to tell other writers what needed changing and what wouldn’t work. I couldn’t have found a better hole. Find against the defendant ne znači naći nešto protiv optuženog/branjenika, već odlučiti da je tuženi/branjenik kriv. # We find against the defendant and order him to pay costs in the sum of
First floor $10,000. Isto tako, find for the defendant/plaintiff znači doneti odluku u korist tuženog/tužioca. # After a long deliberation, the jury found for the defendant. # I’d not be surprised if the jury find for the plaintiff. Find someone innocent/guilty znači proglasiti nekoga nevinim/krivim. # The jury found the defendant innocent. # She was found guilty of shoplifting. Find/feel one’s feet/legs ne znači naći/osetiti svoja stopala ili noge, već (a): prohodati i (b): steći samopouzdanje, pronaći sebe, otkriti i iskoristiti svoje mogućnosti. (a): Bobby found his legs and took first steps. (b): “It was good experience for her, for it enabled her to find her feet in the new country and to learn a little of its ways” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren). Find one’s tongue ne znači naći svoj jezik, već najzad progovoriti, biti u stanju nešto reći („razvezao mu se jezik“). # The question surprised him, and it was a minute before he found his tongue. Find one’s way (around) nije samo naći put, već i (a): snalaziti se, ne izgubiti se, i (b): naći izlaz/rešenje. (a): I know the area well enough to find my way. (b): That’s dilemma that all of the Eastern European governments are desperately trying to find their way around. Find someone innocent/guilty (pod Find against the defendant). It’s a fine/pretty kettle of fish! ne znači To je lep kotlić ribe, već Eto ti belaja! Samo nam je to trebalo! # This a fine kettle of fish! It’s below freezing outside, and the furnace won’t work. # When Queen Mary learned that her son, Edward VIII, was faced with the choice of giving up Mrs. Simpson or of abdicating, she exclaimed, “This is a pretty kettle of fish!” Fine print (pod Small/fine print). Fine time je ironičan izraz da označi da je nešto učinjeno ili rečeno u nevreme: baš pravi trenutak! („baš si našao kad ćeš to da kažeš, uradiš itd.“). # I’m not going to let you drive home with all that whisky inside you. A fine time to lose your license this would be, just when you’ve got a job that depends on your having a car. Fire-eater je gutač vatre, ali i prznica, džandrljivko. # What a fire-eater you are, Bill - you aren’t happy unless you are fighting with someone, are you? First cousin (prvi rođak) je (a): brat/sestra od strica/ujaka/tetke i (b): vrlo sličan, najsličniji. (a): Jim’s only first cousin was Fred, the son of his Uncle George. (b): Did that teak chest come from Burma. We have one at home that’s first cousin to it. First floor na američkom engleskom ne znači prvi sprat, već prizemlje, što će reći da je second floor za Amerikance ono što je kod nas i Engleza prvi sprat. # Apartment, room and office num-
First-night nerves bers in the USA are normally arranged so that the 100s are on the ground floor (which in the USA is called the “first floor”), the 200s on the first floor (the “second floor”), and so on. First-night nerves nisu živci prve noći, već trema pred (prvi) nastup. # Winston Churchill often suffered from first-night nerves on the eve of an important debate in the House of Commons. First order of business (prvi poslovni nalog) znači prvo što treba uraditi, prvo na dnevnom redu. # “The first order of business is to elect homeroom officers” (P. Conroy, The Great Santini). First string nije prva struna/žica, već (a): prva postava, prvi tim, A tim, (b): najbolja grupa radnika i (c): (kao pridev) prvoklasan, najistaknutiji, prvi. (a): “When Graham played halfback at U.S.C. he never made first string” (M. Crighton, Rising Sun). (b): Dave learned his trade so well that his boss soon called him one of his first strings. (c): He was the least expensive of the city’s firststring lawyers. Fit as a fiddle/flea ne znači prikladan kao violina ili spreman kao buva, već zdrav kao dren. # My uncle is almost 90 years old but fit as a fiddle. # John used to be fit as a flea. Look at him now! Fit like a glove (podesan kao rukavica) znači (a): taman, odgovarajuće veličine i (b): dobro pristajati/stajati nekome. (a): It was clever of you to guess my size correctly - the new coat that you bought me fits like a glove. (b): You’d better take this dress. It fits you like a glove. Fit to be tied ne znači spreman da bude vezan, već ljut kao ris, van sebe od besa. # Ann was fit to be tied when she found out that she was not invited to the party. Fit to bust/burst ne znači gotov da se razbije/da pukne, već mnogo, jako. # And there was a flashy little man, reclining in a bat, singing fit to bust. # Uncle Willie was laughing fit to burst at the surprised look on Mother’s face. Fit to drop (pod Ready/fit to drop). Fit to kill ne znači spreman da ubije, već doteran kao za paradu. # Sally put on her best clothes and looked fit to kill. Fix ne znači samo fiksirati, već i (a): pričvrstiti, (b): odrediti, (c): popraviti, (d): stvrdnuti (se), (e): pripremiti (hranu, piće), (f): utvrditi, (g): ukrutiti, (h): lažirati, (i): uškopiti, kastrirati, (j): vratiti milo za drago, (k): mito i (l): škripac. (a): The workmen fixed the antenna to the roof of the house. (b): The dealer fixed the price at $50. (c): You’d better call someone to fix that leak. (d): Is something added to fix the cement? (e): What time are you going to fix dinner? (f): We have to fix the date of the wedding. (g): His jaw was fixed. (h): After a while it became obvious that the game was fixed. (i): Get somebody to fix your cat. (j): If he tries that again I’ll really fix him. (k): Rocko never
Flip-flop took a fix in his life. (l): I really got myself into a fix. I owe a lot of money on my taxes. Flannel jeste flanel (i rublje od flanela), ali i (a): frotirski peškirić (na britanskom engleskom – što je na američkom washcloth), (b): pantalone (u američkom engleskom – u množini) i (c): evazivan govor (u britanskom engleskom). (a): A flannel is a small cloth used to wash the body, especially the face and hands. (b): He chose cheap, slightly hairy square jackets with gray flannels rather in the style of postwar jazz bands. (c): Leave out the flannel and answer the question! Flash in the pan nije blesak u tiganju, već trenutni uspeh, prolazna slava. # Fred’s book was a great success, but he hasn’t written one since; I’m afraid it was just a flash in the pan. Flat je ravan, pljosnat, ali i (a): stan (u britanskom engleskom - u američkom engleskom je apartment), (b): probušena guma, gumidefekt i (c): ispražnjen (akumulator). (a): They have a house in the country and a flat in London. (b): We were late because we had to stop and fix a flat. (c): I left my car lights on all night and now the battery is flat. Flatfoot je dustabanlija, ali flatfoot je i pozornik, patroldžija (Think about how the flatfoot on the beat is affected by this cold.). Flat-footed je ravnih tabana, ali i (a): direktan, odlučan i (b): zatečen, iznenađen. (a): The Senator issued a flat-footed denial of the accusations. (b): The teacher’s question caught him flatfooted Flea bite je ujed buve, ali i (a): malenkost, sitnica, trica i (b): sitna para. (a): Don’t mention it. It’s a mere flea bite for me. (b): He was fined 500 pounds, but that was only a flea bite for a man of his wealth. Flex one’s muscles ne znači samo napinjati mišiće, već i oprobati se na nečemu, pripremati se za značajnije poduhvate. # The first sign that Russia was flexing its muscles as a Sea Power came in 1961 when Soviet warships carried out exercises in the Norwegian Sea. Fling oneself at someone’s head (pod Throw/fling oneself at someone’s head). Fling to the wind(s) (pod Throw/fling/hurl to the winds). Flip-flop je lepet platna na vetru, ali i (a): salto unazad, (b): (napraviti) potpun zaokret, sasvim promeniti mišljenje (u politici – kaže se i aboutface i U-turn, a u britanskom engleskom aboutturn), (c): odustati od namere, promeniti odluku, (d): međusobno zameniti, razmeniti mesta i (e): japanke, sandale sa kajišem između prstiju (u množini). (a): One was also extremely athletic, doing flip-flops across the stage. (b): The President denied making a flip-flop. He said that he simply forgot his earlier position. (c): I’m sorry I’m
Flirt flip-flopping on this matter. I just can’t seem to decide. (d): The football coach had one play in which he flip-flopped his left halfback and fullback. (e): All the girls wore rubber sandals consisting of a sole and a strap fixed between the toes, which they call flip-flops. Flirt nije samo flert, flertovati, već i (a): namiguša, (b): trzaj, trgnuti i (c): poigravati se. (a): He stopped going with her when she turned out to be a flirt. (b): The bird flirted its tail. (c): Uncle Ted flirted with the idea of opening a bookstore. Flog a dead horse (šibati lipsala konja) znači raditi uzaludan posao, vaskrsavati mrtvaca. # It is useless repeating the same old argument over and over again. You’re simply flogging a dead horse. Flog something to death (pod Do something to death). Floor znači pod, ali i (a): sprat, (b): publika, (c): reč (u raspravi), (d): minimalna dozvoljena cena ili nadnica i (d): baciti na pod. (a): My apartment is on the 5th floor. (b): The speaker concluded his talk by calling for questions from the floor. (c): He asked the chairman for the floor. # The gentleman from Minesota has the floor. (d): The government has put the floor under certain farm prices. (e): The challenger was floored with a solid right hook. Flush nije samo ispiranje (u toaletu), već i (a): mlaz vode, (b): rumenilo (lica, kože), (c): izliv, provala (gneva, strasti itd.), (d): poravnavanje, izravnjavanje, (e): direktno uz, u kontaktu sa i (f): pun love (u žargonu). (a): Give the floor a flush, then scrub it down. (b): Her complexion has a flush I never saw before. (c): In a flush of anger he hurled the chair across the room. (d): I want the tabletop flush with the back of the sofa. (e): Put the bookcase flush against the wall. (f): I am not exactly flush, but I can pay the bills. Flush it ne znači samo povući vodu (u toaletu), već (u žargonu) i (a): okinuti/ljosnuti (na ispitu) i (b): Pričaj ti to drugome! Ma nemoj mi reći! (a): I really flushed it in my math course. (b): You expect me to buy that story? Flush it! Fly a kite znači puštati (papirnog) zmaja, ali i pustiti probni balon (to se kaže i send a trial balloon). # The Secretary of the Treasury mentioned the possibility of the increase of the gasoline tax, flying a kite to test public reaction. Fly blind ima dva značenja blizu doslovnom prevodu: (a): ići naslepo, raditi napamet i (b): pilotirati isključivo pomoću instrumenata. (a): I’m glad your TV set is working properly now; frankly I was flying blind when I fixed it. (b): In the heavy fog he had to fly blind. Fly-by-night nema veze sa noćnim letenjem, već znači (a): prevarantski (“sad ga vidiš, sad ga
Focal point ne vidiš”), (b): mućkaroš, mućkaroška kompanija i (c): onaj koji pobegne iz hotela ne plativši račun. (a): Drugs made by this fly-by-night company have not been properly tested and should not be taken by anyone. (b): A dependable company honors its guaranties, but a fly-by-night only wants your money. (c): Hotels are bothered by fly-by-nights. Fly high znači visoko leteti, ali i (a): (figurativno) uzleteti visoko, daleko dogurati i (b): biti (pre) ambiciozan. U skladu sa tim, high-flyer je čovek u usponu, odnosno ambiciozna osoba. (a): After having made the acquaintance of the influential politician, he began to fly high. # Though he came from a poor family he’s become a high-flier when he got to know his rich friends at college. (b): We must all, even nations, learn not to fly too high; or, come to that, too fast. Flying high znači (u žargonu) razdragan, koji sija od sreće. # Tom was flying high after his team won the game. Flying start je leteći start, ali i početna prednost, dobar zalet. # Our team got off to a flying start this year by winning all their first four matches (vidi running start). Flying visit nije leteća, već kratka usputna poseta. # We’re only passing through, but we’d like to pay you a flying visit, if we may. Fly in the face/teeth (leteti u lice/zube) znači prkositi, ignorisati, ići uz nos. # Jim finds great pleasure in flying in the face of his father. # You cannot fly in the teeth of accepted business behavior and to expect to advance. Fly in the ointment nije muva u pomadi/masti, već jedina senka, jedino što kvari uživanje. # We would like to go to Italy next summer. The only fly in the ointment is we shall have to take our aunt with us. Fly light ne znači lako leteti, već preskočiti obrok (u žargonu). # Nothing for me, thanks. I’m flying light today. Fly off at a tangent (pod Go off at a tangent). Flyover nema veze sa letenjem preko nečega, već znači (a): nadvožnjak (u britanskom engleskom, a u američkom engleskom je to overpass) (b): vazduhoplovna parada. (a): The new flyover was built on the site of the Through Lines at this point. (b): A flyover is a low-altitude flight (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground. Focal point nije samo žižna tačka, već i (a): centralna tačka, ono što najviše privlači pažnju, (b): žarišno mesto, izvorište i (c): centar aktivnosti. (a): “The room’s focal point was the fireplace, carved from a pale jade-green Mexican onyx shot through with scarlet threads...” (G. Vidal, Empire). (b): Munich, which in the heyday of the Nazi period was to be honored as the ‘Capital of the Movement’, was then the focal point of all the forces of nationalism, right-wing nationalism and
Folks Nazism. (c): “The role of Focal Points should be strengthened to take an active part in the process of elaboration of the Blue Plan” (UN Environment Programme, The First Ten Years of the Mediterranean Action Plan). Folks nisu samo ljudi, već i (kolokvijalno, pretežno u američkom engleskom) (a): roditelji i (b): bliski rođaci. (a): My folks will be for Christmas and New Year’s. # He wrote to his folks every day. (b): Our folks visit us at Christmas. Follow one’s nose dabome da ne znači ići za svojim nosom, već (a): nastaviti istim pravcem, produžiti pravo, (b): postupati po osećaju i (c): ići za mirisom nečega. (a): Just follow your nose until you reach the traffic lights and then turn left. (b): Oh, I don’t know where I want to go. I’ll just follow my nose and see what happened. (c): There was a bad smell in the basement - probably a dead mouse. I followed my nose until I found it. Follow one’s own mind blizu je doslovnom značenju (pratiti svoju pamet): raditi po po svome. # Don’t listen those Philadelphia lawyers follow your own mind! Follow suit nema veze sa odelom ili parnicom, već znači (a): odgovoriti kartom iste boje i (b): slediti nečiji primer. (a): When diamonds were led, I had to follow suit. (b): When all his friends joined a club at home he decided to follow suit and become a member. Food for thought (hrana za misao) je povod za razmišljanje, nešto što tera na razmišljanje. # Your lecture was very good. It contained much food for thought. Fool virgin (pod Wise/fool virgin). Foot nije samo stopalo, noga, već i (a): podnožje, (b): stopa (mera za dužinu = 30,5 cm.), (c): pešadinac, pešadija i (d): začelje (stola). (a): The village was situated at the foot of the mountain. (b): A foot is a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches or 1/3 yard. (c): Reinforcements of 1,000 foot were sent up to the front. (d): I sat down at the foot of the table. For a consideration ne znači za razmatranje (to je for consideration, bez a) već uz naknadu, za odgovarajuću nagradu. # He agreed to do it for a small consideration. For a laugh ne znači za smejanje, već zabave radi, razonode radi. # I bet just for a laugh. For appearances, for the sake of appearances ne znači radi izgleda, već forme radi. # She sent you this invitation only for appearances. # They created a fact-finding committee just for the sake of appearances. For a song ne znači za pesmu ili radi pesme, već u bescenje, budzašto. # He sold the invention for a song and its buyers were the ones who got rich.
For one Force someone’s hand ne znači prisiliti nečiju ruku, već naterati nekoga da se izjasni, isforsirati nečiju odluku. # She will be rather forcing her boyfriend’s hand if they get married now because they have only known each other a short time. Force something down someone’s throat (pod Shove/ram/force/push/stuff something down someone’s throat). For days on end ne znači za dane na kraju, već danima. Isto tako, kaže se for hours, for weeks, for months on end - satima/nedeljama/mesecima. # The place looked deserted; nobody came there for days on end. # Doctor, I’ve had this pain for days on end. For your eyes only (pod Eyes-only). For free (za slobodno) znači besplatno, (za) badava. # And I get all this for free? For good ne znači za dobro, već zauvek. # Many youths emigrate, temporarily or for good, to the United States and Canada. Isto značenje ima i for keeps. # We’ve moved around a lot. Now I think we’ll stay here for keeps. For good/full measure ne znači za dobru ili punu meru, već pride, baška, ekstra. # If you buy two refrigerators you’ll get a mixer for good measure. Fork nije samo viljuška, već i račvanje (puta), raskršće. # When you get to the fork in the road, bear right. For keeps (pod For good). For life nije za život, već doživotno. # Scars of battle from Belfast have marked this soldier for life. # He was sent to prison for life. For love ne znači za ljubav ili radi ljubavi, već iz čistog zadovoljstva, bez nagrade. # I know it doesn’t pay much, but I’m doing it for love. # - How much do I owe you for mending my car? You owe nothing. I did it for love. For my money ne znači za moj novac, već (a): ako se ja pitam, po mome mišljenju i (b): najbolji izbor. (a): For my money, Bob is much better prepared for this job than Tom. (b): We need a leader who’s not afraid to take risk. That fellow whose speech we heard last night is the man for my money. For my (own) part ne znači za nečiji (u)deo, već što se mene tiče, ako se radi o meni. # It’s up to you, but for my part, I am not planning to go there. For nothing znači nizašta, ali i (a): besplatno, badava i (b): bez razloga. (a): I asked about the price, but he gave it to me for nothing. (b): I didn’t tell you until I got the doctor’s report: I didn’t want you worrying for nothing. For one ne znači za jednog, već kao prvo, prvo i prvo. # It’s nothing to do with your cooking. I, for one, don’t eat fish.
For one thing For one thing ne znači za jednu stvar, već pored ostalog, kao prvo. # You get a low mark, for one thing, because you didn’t do your homework. For openers ne znači za otvarače, već za početak. # For openers, they played a song everybody knows. Isti smisao ima i izraz For starters (pod Starter). For the asking ne znači za traženje ili nešto slično, već ako se samo zatraži, može se dobiti besplatno ako se samo zatraži. U skladu s tim, it’s yours for the asking znači tvoje je, samo reci. # I have an extra winter coat that’s yours for the asking. For the best ne znači za najbolje, već možda je tako i najbolje. # I’m very sorry to hear of the death of your uncle. Perhaps it’s for the best. He suffered so much. For the best part ne znači za najbolji deo, već tokom većeg dela. # He’s been away in India for the best part of a year. For the birds ne znači za ptice, već bezvredan, loš, bezvezan (u žargonu). # The television program is for the birds. Forthcoming nije samo predstojeći, već i raspoloživ, pri ruci. # Financial assistance from his friends is always forthcoming. For the duration ne znači radi trajanja, već do daljega, na neodređeno vreme. # I can only say that the chairman, due to his poor health, will be on paid vacation for the duration. For the record ne znači za rekord, već neka to bude poznato, da se zna. # I’d like to say - for the record - that at no time have I ever accepted a bribe from anyone. For the sake of appearances (pod For appearances). Fortune je sreća, ali i (a): bogatstvo, (b): imovina i (c): sudbina. (a): Gold inspectors can make a fortune overnight if they hit a rich vein. (b): His uncle died and he came into his fortune. (c): I asked the old Gipsy to tell my fortune. For two pins ne znači za dve čiode/pribadače, već za ovolicko, nije trebalo mnogo. # He laughed at me. For two pins I could have hit him in the face. Foster znači podstaći, ali i prihvatiti, čuvati (tuđe dete). Otuda je foster child posvojče, foster father/mother poočim/pomajka (odnosno foster parents poočim i pomajka), foster family hraniteljska porodica i foster land druga domovina. Foul play jeste prljava igra, nepoštena radnja, ali i zločin, ubistvo. # The girl has been missing seven days from her home; the police suspect foul play. Four-letter word (reč od četiri slova) je nepristojna reč (fuck, shit etc.). # He came out with
Friend at court a string of four-letter words that brought blushes to quite a few of the elderly ladies present. Fourth estate nije četvrti stalež, već sedma sila, štampa. # The phrase ‘the Fourth estate’ has been used to put the press on an equal footing with the greatest powers in a nation - the Monarchy, Parliament and the Church. Fraction je nije (stranačka) frakcija, već (a): razlomak, i (b): neznatan deo. (a): ¼ and 0.25 are different ways of representing the same fraction. (b): Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 10%, they remain only a tiny fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year. Free fight nije slobodna borba, već opšta gužva/tuča. # By the time the bus came so many people were waiting that it was a free fight to get on it. Free-for-all ima isto značenje. # The argument at the bar turned in a free-for-all. Free ride (slobodna vožnja) znači (a): učestvovanje u nečemu bez stvarnog doprinosa, švercovanje (u žargonu) i (b): izborna kampanja za drugi položaj bez napuštanja sadašnjeg, ulaženje u izbornu trku ne žrtvujući ništa (u američkom političkom žargonu). (a): You’ve had a free ride long enough. You have to do your share of the work now. (b): Senators, serving six-year terms, have the best opportunity for «free rides» running for governors of their states, or on a national ticket. Free with one’s hands (preslobodan sa rukama) je (a): lak da udari, gotov da podigne ruku (na mlađeg ili neposlušnog) i (b): voli da pipne. (a): He took his responsibilities as a father seriously but in matters of discipline was rather too free with hands. (b): «’You can’t say Uncle Saunders is a pet.’ ‘He likes to make himself heard certainly. And he’s a bit free with -’ ‘Yes?’ said Brigit, as Nurse Ellen hesitated. ‘Well, I guess I can cope with silly old men who like to pinch’» (I. Fleming, The Diamond Smugglers). Fresh je svež, ali i (a): drzak, (b): sladak, neslan (voda) i (c): nov. (a): She was sent to her room for being fresh. (b): It was so good to taste fresh water again. (c): Fresh evidence has emerged that casts doubts on the men’s conviction. Fresh fields and pastures new (slobodna polja i novi pašnjaci – po Miltonu, Lycidas: „To-morrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.») su nova područja aktivnosti. # Once a criminal becomes known to the police in a certain area, it is better for him to look for fresh fields and pastures new. Friend at court ne znači prijatelj u sudu, već uticajni prijatelj, prijatelj na pravom mestu. # I’m not worried about the consequences; I have a friend at court. Isto značenje ima i izraz
Friends in high places Friends in high places ima isto značenje. # Don’t worry about Tom. He has friends in high places and whatever he does wrong they’ll whitewash him. From a child nije od deteta, već od detinjstva, od malena, od malih nogu. # «He’s been willful and headstrong from a child,» the mother complained, «and now even his father can hardly control him.» From China to Peru znači širom sveta (all over the world). # The invention of radio broadcasting meant that people from China to Peru could learn all the details of an event very soon after it happened. From coast to coast (od obale do obale) znači (u američkom engleskom) širom SAD (od Atlantika do Pacifika). # The television show was broadcast from coast to coast. From pillar to post (od stuba do pošte) znači od jednog mesta do drugog, od nemila do nedraga, od Pontija do Pilata. # Our father changed jobs several times a year, and the family was moved from pillar to post. From scratch ne znači od ogrebotine, već od nule, od samog početka. # After three years of hard work the building was destroyed by fire in a single night, and we had to start again from scratch. From the floor ne znači sa poda, već od prisutnih, iz publike. # The speaker concluded his talk by calling for questions from the floor. From the word go ne znači od reči ići, već (a): od samog početka i (b): odmah, što pre. (a): From the word go the whole project was doomed to failure. (b): Nowhere in the country a seriously injured person can get absolutely first-class treatment from the word go. Front je front, ali i (a): prednja strana, (b): izraz lica i (c): šetalište uz more (lungo mare) ili druge vode u odmaralištu (u britanskom engleskom). (a): The front of the house fasces the street. (b): She maintained a calm front throughout the ordeal. (c): There is a lovely front along the water at our resort. Front man jeste čelni čovek, ali samo formalno, čovek od ugleda koji samo figurira kao prva
Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? ličnost organizacije/firme. # The former special adviser to the President now serves as a front man for a large foundation. Front runner (trkač na čelu trke) je vodeći kandidat, favorit u (izbornoj i drugoj) trci. # Who is the front runner in the race for senator? Be full of beans (pun pasulja) je (a): biti pun elana, pucati od energije (kaže se i full of pep) i (b): (u žargonu) govoriti koještarije# trućati, trabunjati (kaže se isto tako i be full of bull/hops/ shit/it/prunes i full of hot air). (a): He seems to be full of beans this morning - you can hardly keep him quiet. # The children were full of pep as they got ready for a picnic. (b): Don’t pay attention to Fred. He’s full of beans. # The guy was full of bull. Nothing he said made any sense. # You’re just silly. completely full of hops. # Oh, shut up, Jimmy. You’re full of it. # He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s just full of prunes. # Oh, you’re full of hot air. Be sensible! Full tilt nije pun nagib, već punom snagom, najvećom brzinom. # He ran at full tilt down the hill so that nobody could catch him. Fun and games jeste razonoda i zabava, ali i (a): gubljenje vremena, zamajavanje i (b): prosto kao pasulj, vrlo lako. (a): All right, Jim, the fun and games are over. It’s time to get down to work. (b): - How was your math exam? - It was all fun and games, man. Function je funkcija, ali i društveni događaj, svečanost. # It was a rather large function with all sorts of dignitairies and celebrities in attendance. # It was a black-tie function. Funny/crazy bone nije smešna ili luda kost, već (a): lakatna kost (kroz koju kao da prođe struja kad se udari) i (b): smisao za humor. (a): He hit his funny bone on the arm of the chair. (b): Her way of telling the story tickled his funny bone. # You don’t think it’s funny? The problem is that you don’t have a crazy bone. Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? ili Funny peculiar or funny ha-ha? znači Smešan ili čudan? (jer «funny» znači i jedno i drugo). # «What do you mean funny? Funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?» (I. Hay, The Housemaster).
G Gain ground ne znači dobiti tlo, već (a): napredovati (u odnosu na nekoga), dobijati prednost i (b): dobijati na snazi ili uticaju. (a): At least our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river (b): Under Lincoln, the Republican party gained ground. Gain one’s spurs (pod Win/gain one’s spurs). Gallows humor (humor sa vešala) je crni humor. “He found that he had acquired a fund of gallows humor since his debt had began to grow” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). Kaže se i sick humor. Game nije samo igra, već i (a): divljač, (b): gem (u tenisu), (c): odvažan, (d): oran, spreman, (e): raspoložen (za) i (f): hrom. (a): A good hunter always has game on the table. (b): Game to Ivanovic. (c): He was a game fighter even when he was losing. (d): He is game for a fight. (e): Are you game? – I’m game if you are. (f): Ever since my skiing incident I’ve had a game leg. Game, set and match je gem, set i meč je teniski termin, ali figurativno znači odlučujući poen u debati, završni udarac protivniku. * The final point in Bob’s argument won him game, set and match. Garage je garaža, ali i (a): automehaničarska radionica i (b): servisna stanica (u britanskom engleskom). (a): The car’s still at the garage getting fixed. (b): A Garage is an establishment which sells fuel or which repairs and sells motor vehicles. Gather one’s thoughts (pod Marshal). Gather up the threads (pod Pick up the threads). Genie ne znači genije (kaže se genius), već duh, najčešće u izrazu let the genie out of the bottle (pustiti duh iz boce). # It becomes overwhelmingly evident that too many genies have been let out of the bottle - the genie of talk and openness, of growing checks on offici-
al power, of popular expectations, of leadership accountability. Genial ne znači genijalan (najbliže je brilliant, a ingenious bi bilo vešto smišljen, pronicljiv), već ugodan, vedar, srdačan. # The host’s genial manner put everyone at ease. # The headteacher is very genial. # And still the warmth seemed to increase and to become more genial. The genuine article (pod the Real McCoy). Get a black eye (dobiti crno oko) znači (a): dobiti masnicu ispod oka i (b): izaći na loš glas. (a): I got a black eye from walking into a door. (b): Sally got a black eye because of her constant complaining. Get a black mark (dobiti crnu oznaku) znači (a): dobiti neprelaznu ocenu (u školi) i (b): dobiti lošu ocenu (u službi, društvu itd.). (a): In our school if you got three black marks, your name was read out in prayers, and if you got six, your parents were sent for. (b): I don’t know if the firm will actually sack me for having lost the contract, but I’ll certainly get a black mark. Get a bloody nose ne znači samo dobiti krvav nos (od udarca), već i (u prenosnom smislu) dobiti lekciju, loše proći u kakvom nadmetanju. * I had an argument about politics last night with a friend of mine - he argued very cleverly, and I got a bloody nose. Get a clean bill of health znači dobiti nalaz o dobrom zdravstvenom stanju, ali i biti oslobođen sumnje. # My good name was tarred, I was under a cloud, but finally I got a clean bill of health from the auditors. Get a dose/taste of one’s own medicine ne znači okusiti sopstveni lek, već dobiti po zasluzi (“dobio si što si tražio”). # He obviously didn’t like getting a dose of his own medicine. Vidi Give someone a dose of his own medicine. Get a good/bad press ne znači dobiti dobru/ lošu štampu, već dobiti dobar/loš publicitet. # After his last speech he has been getting a good press. # I think the book has had an over-bad pre-
Get a (big/good/nice) hand ss but I’d agree it isn’t up to the standard of his previous work. Get a (big/good/nice) hand ne znači dobiti (veliku/dobru/prijatnu) ruku, već dobiti (buran/ veliki/snažan) pljesak/aplauz, odnosno give someone a (big etc.) hand znači burno pozdraviti nekoga, aplaudirati nekome. # As the candidate appeared on the platform, he got a big hand. # Let’s have a big hand for Miss Kunc and her lovely voice. Get ahead znači napredovati, postati uspešan, ali i biti u stanju prištedeti, izaći iz dugova. # In a few more years we will be able to get ahead. Get a leg up znači dobiti pomoć pri penjanju (na konja, uz zid itd.), ali i dobiti potrebnu pomoć (u novcu, uticaju itd.). # He is determined to achieve whatever he does achieve in life on his own terms. He doesn’t expect to get a leg up from his family. Get a line on something ne znači dobiti red o nečemu, već obavestiti se o nečemu, dobiti/imati informaciju/indikaciju o nečemu. # I’d like to get a line on his political opinions before I meet him. Get along ima više raznorodnih značenja: (a): napredovati, (b): krenuti, (c): slagati se, (d): snaći se, dovijati se, (e): sastavljati kraj s krajem i (f): zaći u godine (često uz dodatak in years). (a): Our business is getting along very well. (b): I think I had better get along home now. (c): Dave and Jane get along fine together. (d): - How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? - Oh I get along somehow. (e): With so little money, it’s hard to get along. (f): My aunt is getting along in years, losing interest in outside world. Get along with you! znači (u žargonu) Pusti te priče! Drugom ti to! # - I couldn’t come yesterday - I caught cold. - Get along with you! I saw you at the football game. Get ants in one’s pants (imati mrave u gaćama) znači ne moći se skrasiti (na jednom mestu), imati pundravce. # Mary cannot stand still, she has ants in her pants. Get a passing grade (pod Pass muster). Get a pink slip (dobiti roze cedulju) znači (u žargonu): (a): dobiti otkaz, dobiti nogu i (b): dobiti vozačku dozvolu. (a): I got a pink slip today. I guess I had it coming. (b): He wrecked the car one day after getting his pink slip. Get a rain check (pod Rain check). Get a rise out of someone znači (u britanskom engleskom) ne samo dobiti povišicu od nekoga, već i isprovocirati nekoga (pravljenjem šala na njegov račun). # The boys get a rise out of Bob by teasing him about his girlfriend. Get around ne znači samo kretati se tamoamo, ići naokolo, već i (a): pročuti se, razgla-
Get a windfall siti se, (b): biti pun životnog iskustva, preturiti svašta preko glave, (c): umiliti se nekome, obariti nekoga (u žargonu), (d): izvrdati nešto, (e): prebroditi nešto, naći rešenje i (f): nakaniti se da se nešto uradi, uraditi nešto posle stalnog odlaganja. (a): Rumors get around to the effect that devaluation is imminent. (b): It’s not easy to fool him - he’s an old salt who’s got around. (c): The girl told her boyfriend that she would try to get around her father to lend them the car for the day. (d): Joe did not weigh enough to join the Navy, but he got around that - he drank a lot of water before his physical examination. (e): There seems to be no way of getting around the difficulty of keeping prices down when the cost of imports goes on rising. (f): When I finally got around to buying the Christmas cards it was too late. The shops were all sold out. Get (a)round the law znači izigrati/zaobići zakon. # The lawyer was well known for his skill at getting round the law, usually on technical points. So that many of his clients, while obviously guilty of traffic offenses, got off scot-free. Get a run for one’s money ne znači dobiti trku za svoj novac, već (a): naići na jak otpor i (b): isplatiti se. (a): Tom got a run for his money when he tried to convince Dorothy to go to college. (b): People like to watch the champion fight because they get a good run for their money. Get a slap on the wrist (dobiti pljusku po zglavku) znači dobiti blagu kaznu. # He created quite a disturbance, but he only got a slap on the wrist. Get a start ne znači dobiti početak ili start, već (a): dobiti pomoć u pokretanju kola i (b): dobiti dobru obuku ili veliku priliku na samom početku karijere. (a): My car is stalled. I need to get a start. (b): She got a start in show business in Los Angeles. Get a thick ear dabome ne znači dobiti debelo uvo, već dobiti tešku ćušku. # He’ll get thick ears if he tells me any more lies. Get a turn nema veze sa zaokretom, već znači preseći se, šokirati se. # I got quite a turn when I saw my former wife talking to my present wife. Get away with murder po pravilu ne znači izvući se sa ubistvom, već proći bez kazne. (Često se kaže i with blue murder.) # Mother was in good mood and let us get away with murder. # How on earth could those who got us into this mess get away with blue murder? Isto značenje ima i get away with something/it. # Just because she’s so popular, she thinks she can get away with anything. Get a windfall ne znači dobiti opalo voće, već imati neočekivanu sreću, dobiti dar s neba („palo mu s neba”). # He got a real windfall - a legacy from a distant relative.
Get back at someone Get back at someone (pod Return like for like). Get blood out of a stone (dobiti krv iz kamena) je otprilike ono što je u nas iscediti vodu iz stare drenovine (izvući novac iz nekoga ko neće ili nema da da). # You can’t get blood out of stone. We are facing another serious budget crunch. Get butterflies in one’s stomach/tummy (imati leptire u stomaku) znači biti krajnje napet, osećati kamen u stomaku. # He has a horror of blood and before going to see the surgeon he had butterflies in his stomach. # I can’t help getting butterflies in my tummy whenever I mount the dais. Get clear ne znači postati čist ili jasan, već držati se podalje. # Fred is mad at me, so I’ve been getting clear of him. Get cold feet, have cold feet ne znači imati prozeble noge, već nemati tri čiste, izgubiti hrabrost, uhvatiti prpu. # Tom got cold feet and wouldn’t run in the race. # I can’t give my speech now, I have cold feet. Get done ne znači samo uraditi već i (a): umoriti se i (b): otići u ćuzu/bajbok (u žargonu). (a): I enjoyed the excursion but, frankly, I got done. (b): He robbed a bank and got done for ten years. Get down nije samo sići, već i (a): sjahati, (b): sagnuti se, (c): napustiti obed (odnosi se na decu) i (d): zapisati. (a): The drunken rider did not exactly get down from his horse; it would be truer to say that he fell off it into his friends’ arms. (b): Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer. (c): The children sat through the meal in complete silence and spoke only to ask permission to get down. # Now, down you get! (d): I didn’t get down every word, but I certainly got a good deal of the conversation down. Get down off one’s high horse ne znači sjahati s visokog konja, već ne gorditi se, spustiti durbin (u žargonu). # The girls were so kind to Nancy that she got down off her high horse and made friends with them. Get down to bedrock ne znači spustiti se do temelja, već preći na bitno. # You’ve already told me that you would like to sell your house. Let’s get down to the bedrock - what price do you want for it? Get down to brass tacks nema veze sa bronzanim ekserčićima, već znači preći na činjenice (uobičajeno se kaže get down to the facts). # It’s time Eric stopped all this theorizing and got down to brass tacks. What we want to know is how much the job will cost, not how scientific the method is going to be. Get even ne znači postati jednak, već (a): izravnati račune, vratiti milo za drago i (b): iza-
Get into high gear, swing into high gear ći iz dugova. (a): Bill is waiting to get even with Alex for poking fun at him. (b): Mr. Walker has a lot of debts, but in a few years he will get even. Vidi Return like for like. Get hell (dobiti pakao) znači izvući žestoku grdnju. # I’m late. If I don’t get home soon, I’l get hell. Get hold of the right/wrong end of the stick (uhvatiti pravi/pogrešan kraj štapa) znači dobro/pravilno shvatiti što odnosno shvatiti sasvim pogrešno (u britanskom engleskom). # “’Did he tell you his whole story - about his shooting the Portuguese Count and everything?’...’Shooting a Portuguese Count? Are you sure you’ve got hold of the right end of the stick?’” (E. Waugh, Decline and Fall). # You’ve got the wrong end of the stick - it’s your own son, not I, who broke the window. Get home nije samo stići kući, već i (a): stići prvi i (b): privući pažnju. # My horse got home by a nose! (b): Politicians are adept at getting their point home, even in the face of constant interruption from their opponents. Get in bad with someone (pod Get into). Get in(to) nije samo ući, već i (a): stići, (b): ukrcati se, (c): biti primljen, (d): biti izabran, (e): uključiti se, pridružiti se, (f): uvaliti se (u nešto), (g): prodreti/dospeti (u nešto) i (h): zbližiti se, uspostaviti dobre odnose. (a): What time does the train from Edinburgh get in, please? (b): I got in at Trafalgar Station and got out at the Temple. (c): I applied to the university, but did not get in. (d): The Conservatives got in with a small majority. (e): I’d like to get into your club. (f): Don’t do that. You’ll get into trouble. (g): The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path. (d): It took the new family some time to get in with their neighbors. Get in bad with someone znači (u američkom engleskom) stajati loše kod nekoga # Sally is in bad with the teacher for cheating on the test. Get into a state ne znači ući u državu, već silno se uzrujati, biti van sebe. # She got into a state when she heard gossip about her husband cheating on her. Get into deep water najčešće ne znači upasti u duboku vodu, već uvaliti se debelo u probleme. # We’d better not talk about starting up a new company before the first one is operating successfully, or we’ll be getting into deep water. Isto tako, get into hot water nije upasti u vruću vodu, već naći se u velikoj nevolji. # You’ll be getting yourself and me into hot water if you take the car out again. The insurance doesn’t cover a second driver. Get into high gear, swing into high gear nije samo prebaciti (menjač) u direktnu brzinu, već i dostići vrhunac aktivnosti. # All of the children
Get into hot water were planting seeds; the gardening project got into high gear. Get into hot water (pod Get into deep water). Get involved ne znači samo angažovati se, biti uključen, već i (a): upetljati se i (b): ući u sentimentalnu vezu. (a): Be careful and don’t get involved with the wrong kind of people. (b): Jane is getting involved with Max. They’ve been seeing a lot of each other. Get it (dobiti to) znači (a): dobiti svoje# dobiti grdnju ili kaznu i (b): (u žargonu) shvatiti šalu, kapirati štos. (a): Wow, Jimmy! When your mother sees those torn pants, you’re going to get it. (b): Joe laughed very hard, but Sally didn’t get it. # Don’t you get it? Get it all together (dobiti to sve zajedno) znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): srediti se, organizovati svoj život, (b): povratiti prisustvo duha, sabrati se i (c): imati dobru figuru (devojka/žena), imati sve što treba. (a): Tom seems to be acting more normal now. I think he’s getting it all together. (b): A few minutes after the burglars left he got it all together and called the police. (c): Have you seen the new secretary - she got it all together! Get it in the neck ne znači dobiti u vrat, već dobiti po prstima, biti žestoko kritikovan/grđen/ kažnjen. # You’ll get it in the neck from your father when he finds out what you’ve done. Get no joy (from someone) (pod Get no/little change out of someone/something). Get no/little change out (of someone/something) ne znači ne dobiti kusur ili dobiti mali kusur, već (u britanskom engleskom) ne dobiti nikakvu pomoć, nemati vajde ili slabo se ovajditi (od nekog/nečeg). # No dice! You won’t get any change out of him - he’s looking out only for number one. # She practically disapproved of what we were doing so we got little change out of our efforts to get her help. Isto značenje (u britanskom engleskom) ima get no joy (from someone). # I’ve been looking everywhere for a room; I tried the information bureau, but got no joy from them. Get off sem sići, izaći ima i dosta drugih značenja: (a): otići, (b): izbeći kaznu, (c): dobro proći, izvući se bez ozlede ili težih gubitaka, (d): (u žargonu) biti pod uticajem droge, (e): (u žargonu) uživati, (f): (u žargonu) izbaciti vic/dosetku/kalambur, (g): svući, skinuti, (h): skinuti se (s nečega), (i): poslati i (j): zbližiti se, dobro se slagati. (a): George got off early in the morning. (b): It was a serious crime, but Fred got off with a light sentence. (c): Fortunately the two cars did not crash head on, so Ted got off with nothing worse than a bad fright. (d): Paul is acting strange. What did he take to get off this time?
Get one’s feet on the ground (e): I listen but I just don’t get off. (f): Joe hadn’t finished getting off his wisecrack before the teacher came in. He was sent to the principal’s office. (g): Jim, hurry and get off your coat and come to dinner. (h): Get off that tree! (i): Please make sure these letters get off by the five o’clock post. (j): Joe and Melvin had never met before. They seem to get off all right, though. Get off on the wrong foot ne znači ustati na levu nogu (kaže se get up/out on the wrong side of the bed), već početi naopako, učiniti prvi pogrešan korak. # Peggy got off on the wrong foot with her new teacher; she chewed gum in class and the teacher didn’t like it. Get off the ground ne znači otići sa gradilišta ili napustiti temelje, već početi sa realizacijom, pomeriti se s mrtve tačke. # Commercially speaking, I am delighted to see projects getting off the ground in this country. Get on je jedan od frazalnih glagola koji ima mnoga značenja: (a): napredovati, (b): proći, završiti što s kakvim uspehom, (c): odmicati, prolaziti, (d): (u britanskom engleskom) približavati se (vremenski), (e): stalno opominjati da se nešto uradi, (f): popeti se, ukrcati se, (g): obući, (h): stupiti u vezu, kontaktirati, (i): naići na nečiji trag, otkriti, (j): shvatiti, (k): slagati se, biti u dobrim odnosima i (l): nastaviti. (a): He got on well in business. (b): - How did you get on in your oral examination? - Not too badly. I don’t think I failed, anyway. (c): The year is getting on. There was a touch of frost last night. (d): My grandpa is getting on for 90. (e): Mrs. Jones got on the girls for not keeping their rooms clear. (f): The bus stopped, and I got on. (g): She got on her new dress and went out. (h): If the firestation had been got on at once, the hotel might have been saved. (i): The secret service got on to the enemy agent shortly after he arrived in the country and watched his very move. (j): After a while she got on his real intentions. (k): How do you get on with Tom? (l): I must get on with my work. Get one’s claws into/on someone (zariti kljove u nekoga) znači (a): govoriti ružno o nekome, olajavati nekoga i (b): nameštati nekome bračnu stupicu. (a): She’s really got her claws into her neighbors - it must be because they’ve got two cars. (b): Once she gets her claws into you, you won’t be able to escape. Get one’s ducks in a row ne znači dovesti svoje patke u red, već izvršiti sve pripreme, dovesti sve u red. # The scoutmaster told the boys to get their ducks in a row before they went to camp. Get one’s feet on the ground ne znači staviti noge na tlo, već uhodati se. # He’s new at the job, but soon he’ll get his feet on the ground.
Get one’s feet wet Get one’s feet wet ne znači samo ukvasiti noge, već i učiniti nešto po prvi put, steći prvo iskustvo. # It’s not as difficult as it looks once you get your feet wet. Get one’s foot in the door (ubaciti nogu u vrata) znači dobiti pristup nečemu, uvući/ubaciti se negde, odškrinuti vrata. # Now we’ve got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China. Get one’s head down (spustiti glavu) znači (a): leći na posao i (b): otići na spavanje. (a): I’ll have to get my head down in order to finish all that work. (b): That night Norton got his head down early, exhausted by the fight. Get one’s just desserts (u američkom engleskom), get/receive one’s just deserts (u britanskom engleskom) ne znači dobiti zaslužene slatkiše odnosno zasluženu platu, već dobiti zasluženu kaznu („dobio je ono što je zaslužio“). # Melvin had been cruel to his wife for years but he got his just desserts when she left him. Isto značenje ima i izraz (u žargonu) get one’s lumps (dobiti svoje kvrge). # If you keep acting that way, you’ll get your lumps. Get one’s knife into someone ne znači samo zariti nož u nekoga, već i uzeti nekoga na zub, imati pik na nekoga. # The manager has got his knife in me - he is making my life a misery. Get one’s lines crossed ne znači samo imati smetnje na vezama, već i pogrešno se razumeti. # Your work’s good, but it’s not exactly what your boss is expecting - I think you two have got your lines crossed somewhere. Get one’s lumps (pod Get one’s just desserts). Get one’s marching orders nije samo dobiti naredbu za pokret (vojska) već i dobiti otkaz, biti smenjen. # The captain knew that if his team lost another match he would get his marching orders. Isto značenje ima i get one’s walking papers/orders/ticket. # Well, I’m through. I got my walking papers today. Get one’s nose out of joint (iščašiti nos) znači osetiti se omalovaženim, biti povređen nečijim postupkom. # “Hey, hey. Calm down. Take it easy. Let’s not get our noses out of joint” (N. Simon, California Suite). Get one’s second wind (dobiti drugi dah) znači (a): doći ponovo do daha i (b): skupiti snagu. (a): We climbed with labored breathing for half an hour, but then got his second wind and went up more easily. (b): He grew tired working hard all day long, but after a while he got his second wind and went on more easily. Get one’s skates on ne znači samo staviti klizaljke, već i požuriti. # I shall have to get my skates on if I want to buy anything before the shops close - it’s 5 o’clock!
Get over something Get one’s way ne znači steći svoj put, već isterati svoje. # If the Prime Minister gets her way - and she usually does - trial lawyers will be allowed to keep their wigs and black robes. Get one’s walking papers/orders/ticket (pod Get one’s marching orders). Get on someone’s right/wrong side (u britanskom engleskom) i get/keep on someone’s good/bad side (u američkom engleskom) ne znači doći na nečiju pravu/pogrešnu ili dobru/ lošu stranu, već (ne) biti nekome u volji, dobro/ loše stajati kod nekoga. # Since he wrote that article praising her performance, he got on her right side. # You have to work hard to keep on the good side of the manager. # Whatever I do, I always seem to get on her wrong side. # Mary’s boyfriend got on Father’s bad side by keeping her out too late after the dance. Get out ima puno značenja. Sem izaći, otići znači i (a): procuriti u javnost, ne biti više tajna, (b): dobiti natrag, izvući, (c): iscuriti , isteći, (d): (u britanskom engleskom) sići/izaći (iz/sa voza/autobusa i sl.), (e): ne odazvati se, (f): izvući se, (g): izbeći, (h): objaviti, izdati, (i): naći odgovor, rešiti, (j): izgovoriti i (k): (u imperativu – Get out!) Napolje!, Tornjaj se odavde! (a): The scandal which had been kept under wraps got finally out. (b): In most walks of life you only get out what you put in. Only the lucky few strike it rich and get big rewards for little effort. (c): I don’t know how the acid got out. The battery isn’t broken, and it hasn’t been moved. (d): We have to get out of the train. (e): Jennifer was called for jury duty, but she got out of it. (f): Everybody doubted that he would get out alive. (g): Her sons were experts at getting out of hard work. (h): Prentice Hall got out a delightful volume. (i): Not a single boy in the class could get the problem out. (j): The woman was in such a state of shock after the accident that she couldn’t get a word out. (k): That’s enough from you. Get out! Get out from under ne znači samo izaći ispod, pojaviti se ispod, već i (a): izvući se ispod nečijeg uticaja, osloboditi se nečije kontrole i (b): otarasiti se problema/ tegobe. (a): Jane wanted to get out from under her mother. (b): There is so much work to do! I don’t know when I’ll ever get out from under it. Get out of the hole (pod Out of the hole, get out of the hole). Get over something ne znači samo preći preko (nečega), prebaciti se već i (a): oporaviti se, prezdraviti, (b): povratiti se, preboleti, (c): savladati, prevladati, (d): dokrajčiti, (e): shvatiti, razumeti (obično u negaciji - ne mogu prosto da shvatim), (f): prevaliti/preći i (g): otići do (u žargonu). (a): It was a serious illness. It took two weeks to get over it. (b): It was a horrible shock.
Get physical I don’t know when I’ll get over it. (c): You’ll have to get over your fear of speaking in public. (d): I wonder when we shall get over this work? (e): I can’t get over that woman’s cheek. Coming in here and complaining about a dress she bought six months ago! (f): The athlete failed to get over the distance in the minimum time to qualify for the final. (g): We plan to go over to Italy this year. Get physical ne znači postati fizički ili telesni, već fizički se obračunati, upotrebiti fizičku snagu. # When the suspect wouldn’t cooperate, the police were forced to get physical. Get religion je američki kolokvijalizam koji znači (a): postati jako religiozan, ali i (b): uozbiljiti se (posle kakvog teškog iskustva). (a): When he lost his wife, George really got religion. (b): When our boy had an automobile accident, he really got religion. Now he’s a safe driver. Get round the table (okupiti se oko stola) znači zajednički razmotriti predmet spora radi nalaženja rešenja. # What the strikers want is that the dismissed men should be reinstated. Until they are, they say they want get round the table with anybody - employers or arbitrators. Get second thoughts ne znači dobiti druge misli, već pokolebati se, preispitati svoj stav. # Bush campaign strategists got second thoughts about the convention’s emphasis on family values. Get short change nema veze sa promenom, sitnišem ili kusurom, već znači naići na uzdržan prijem. # She was very anxious to see her relatives again after so many years, but she got short change. Get sick ne znači samo razboleti se, već i povraćati. # Mommy, the dog just got sick on the carpet. Get sick at the sight of someone znači ne moći nekoga videti očima („smuči mi se kad ga vidim“). # I am not coming next time if you invite that scoundrel again. I get sick at the very sight of him. Get someone’s ear, gain/have/win someone’s ear ne znači dobiti nečije uvo, već privući nečiju pažnju, izazvati nečiji interest. # Now that I have got the chairman’s ear, we shouldn’t have any more difficulty. Get someone’s goat ne znači dobiti nečiju kozu, već iznervirati nekoga. # The way he refuses to admit his obvious mistakes gets my goat. Get someone’s measure (pod Take/get someone’s measure). Get someone’s number ne znači samo saznati nečiji telefonski broj, već i pročitati koga, prozreti nečiju pravu prirodu ili namere. # I used to think he was a real friend of mine, but now I’ve got his number - he’s a selfish and treacherous person.
Get the bounce Get someone with child ne znači dobiti nekoga s detetom, već ostaviti nekoga u drugom stanju, napraviti nekome dete. # “’Sin’ is getting a girl with child before marriage and then not marrying her” (R. Hoggart, The Uses of Literacy). Get something off one’s chest ne znači samo izvući nešto iz svog sanduka (ili iz grudi), već olakšati dušu. # It’s been on my conscience for a long time but, now I’ve got it off my chest, I feel a lot better. Get something out of one’s blood ne znači izvući nešto iz svoje krvi, već osloboditi se (privrženosti, naklonosti, navike itd.). # When Fred moved to the city, he couldn’t get the country out of his blood. Get something out of one’s system (pod System). Get the air ne znači doći do vazduha, već (a): biti ignorisan/neprimećen i (b): biti ostavljen. (a): Whenever I get around Sally, I end up getting the air. (b): Ann was afraid she might get the air from her boyfriend if she went out with the other boys while he was away. Get the ax (u američkom engleskom), get the axe (u britanskom engleskom) ne znači dobiti sekiru, već (u žargonu) (a): dobiti otkaz, (b): biti ostavljen od devojke/momka i (c): biti isteran iz škole. (a): “The pharmacist nearly got the ax - he was off hustling a nurse when it happened” (M. Crichton, A Case of Need I was afraid that Joe was going to get the axe.). (b): Dave got the ax from Betsie - they won’t see each other again. (c): Jim got caught cheating on his final exam and he got the ax. Isto ili slično značenje imaju i mnogi drugi izrazi: get the boot/bounce/brushoff/bullet/gate/hook/sack/shove. Get the ball rolling (zakotrljati loptu) znači krenuti sa nečim. # If I could just get the ball rolling, then other people would help. Get the benefit of the doubt (imati beneficiju sumnje) znači imati pravo na povoljnu presudu ako nema čvrstih dokaza protiv (pravni termin). # The money was stolen and George was the only one who had known where it was, but he is entitled to get the benefit of the doubt. Vidi Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Get the best of ne znači dobiti najbolje od, već (a): biti bolji/jači od i (b): proći najbolje moguće od. (a): Dave got the best of Ted in the boxing match. (b): Tom traded an old bicycle tire for a horn - he got the best of that deal. Get the bird ne znači samo dobiti pticu, već i biti dočekan zvižducima. # He tried to explain to the workers the reasons for lay-offs, but he got the bird! Get the boot (pod Get the ax). Get the bounce (pod Get the ax).
Get the brushoff Get the brushoff (pod Get the ax). Get the bullet (pod Get the ax). Get the business ne znači dobiti posao, već (kolokvijalno) (a): biti maltretiran i (b): biti ubijen. (a): Whenever I go to that office, I end up getting the business. They are so rude to me! (b): Joe blew the whistle on Mr. Big, and soon got the business. Get the cold shoulder (dobiti hladno rame) znači biti ignorisan, biti loše tretiran. # We keep getting the cold shoulder from our neighbors these days, because of the argument we had last week. Get the devil ne znači dobiti đavola, već videti svoga boga, dobiti svoje. # I got the devil yesterday for being late. Get the elbow ne znači dobiti lakat, već biti ostavljen (u britanskom engleskom). # Shirley was afraid she might get the elbow from her boyfriend if she went out with other boys while he was away. Get the eye (dobiti pogled) znači (a): privlačiti poglede i (suprotno tome) (b): osetiti nečiji hladan i neprijatan pogled. (a): The pretty girl got the eye as she walked past the boys on the street corner. (b): When Sally asked if she could take home the fur coat and pay later, she got the eye from the clerk. Get the gate (pod Get the ax). Get the glad hand (dobiti zadovoljnu ruku) znači naići na napadno topao prijem, biti dočekan sa izuzetnom pažnjom (ali neiskreno). # I hate to go to the party and get the glad hand. Get the goods on someone, have the goods on someone nema veze sa robom, već (u žargonu) znači prokljuviti nešto o nekome (nezgodno, kompromitujuće i sl.). # I’m afraid the police have got the goods on you and will contact the District Attorney soon. Get the hook (pod Get the ax). Get the inside track, have the inside track ne znači dobiti/imati unutrašnji kolosek, već steći prednost (zahvaljujući vezama, informacijama ili protekciji). # Apparently, we won’t be equal in that race: Bob has the inside track because of his family’s close relations with the Chairman of the Board. Get the jump on someone ne znači skočiti na nekoga, već uhvatiti početnu prednost u odnosu na druge, početi/krenuti pre drugih. # Don’t let the other boys to get the jump on you at the beginning of the race. Get the message ne znači samo dobiti poruku, već i (a): dobiti (konačno i autoritativno) objašnjenje i (b): shvatiti poruku, razumeti upozorenje (u američkom žargonu). (a): “They’ve got the message all right and they’re taking action. But how effective it will be and how long it
Get through will last remains to be seen,” said an official. (b): Jane hinted to her boyfriend that she wanted to break up, but he didn’t get the message. Get the nod nije samo dobiti znak klimanjem glave već i (figurativno) dobiti saglasnost, biti izabran na neko mesto. # The board is going to pick the new sales manager. I hope I’ll get the nod. Get the record straight (kaže se i set the record straight) ne znači uspostaviti smesta rekord, već raščistiti nešto, izvesti stvar načisto. # Let’s get the record straight: you say that you haven’t seen Tom for weeks and he told me he had heard this story from you only yesterday. Get the red carpet treatment (dobiti tretman sa crvenim tepihom – koji se postavlja pri dočeku velikodostojnika) znači biti dočekan sa svim počastima, imati specijalan tretman. # I love to go to fancy stores where I get the red carpet treatment. Get the rough edge of someone’s tongue (dobiti rapavi rub nečijeg jezika) znači dobiti žestoku grdnju (u britanskom engleskom). The students got the rough edge of the teacher’s tongue because they were so noisy. Get the sack (pod Get the ax). Get the short end of the stick ne znači dobiti kratak deo štapa, već izvući deblji kraj. # Why do I always get the short end of the stick? I want my fair share. Get the shove (pod Get the ax). Get the show on the road, put the show on the road (staviti predstavu na put) znači staviti mašineriju u pokret. # We must be ready with all the preparations for the campaign by the end of the month and then get the show on the road in a single week. Get the slip ne znači dobiti cedulju, već izgubiti nečiji trag. # We followed the suspect for two blocks, and then got the slip down the hill. Get the upper/whip hand nema veze sa gornjom rukom ili bičem, već znači steći premoć. # He was much stronger than his opponent and soon got the upper hand. # If you accept this proposal, he’ll soon get the whip hand over all of us. Get the works ne znači dobiti poslove, već (a): dobiti svega u obilju, priuštiti sebi svega i (b): dobiti punu meru (kazne i sl.). (a): - Shall we order a snack or a big meal? - I’m hungry. Let’s get the works. (b): But, your honor. I shouldn’t get the works. I only drove too fast! Get the worst of it ne znači samo najgore proći, već i biti poražen, izgubiti u sporu, takmičenju, tuči i sl. # If you start a fight with Joe, you may get the worst of it. Get through (something) ne znači samo probiti/provući se, već i (a): završiti, (b): pregurati što, uspeti izdržati, (c): (uspešno) proći, (d): dobiti
Get to first base, reach first base vezu (telefonom), (e): položiti (ispit), (f): potrošiti, utrošiti. (a): If I read fast, I can get through this book in an hour. (b): This is a busy day. I don’t know how I’ll get through it. (c): The bill finally got through the House of Representatives. (d): - I expected your call yesterday. - Well, I tried to phone, but I couldn’t get through. (e): Bully for you! You’ve got through the final examination. (f): They say that the old man got through a fortune when he was young, and lived in poverty for the rest of his life. I cannot think how he’ll get through the time. Get to first base, reach first base odnosi se na prvu od tri baze u bejzbolu i znači (u američkom žargonu) uspešno preći prvu prepreku, dobro krenuti. # He wants to go to college and become a teacher, but I’ll be surprised if he even reaches first base. Get to the bottom (doći do dna) znači iznaći/ shvatiti stvarni uzrok. # The doctor made several tests to get to the bottom of the man’s headaches. Get to the point (pod Come/get to the point). Get two strikes against one ne znači dobiti dva udarca, već imati mnogo toga protiv sebe (“kao da se sve zaverilo protiv mene”), biti ozbiljno hendikepiran. # I can’t win. I’ve got two strikes against me before I start. Get under one’s belt ne znači dobiti ispod pojasa (za nepropisan udarac u boksu kaže se below one’s belt), već (a): pojesti/popiti i (b): savladati/ naučiti, steći iskustvo. (a): Once he had a good meal under his belt, Art loosened his tie and fell asleep. # I’d feel a lot better if I had a cool drink under my belt. (b): Wait until you’ve got a few more years of working under your belt before you try to tell me how to do my job. Get under one’s thumb (staviti pod palac) znači steći punu kontrolu. # All of them have become addicted to drugs, and the dealer has them under his thumb. Get under someone’s skin ne znači podvući se nekome pod kožu, već, obrnuto, ići nekome na živce, iritirati nekoga. # I don’t know what is about that fellow Donaghue, but he always manages to get under my skin. Get underway/under way (pod Under way). Get up ima više značenja (a): ustati, podići se, (b): ustati iz kreveta (ujutro), (c): pojačavati se, uzimati maha, (d): posebno se obući, (e): pripremiti, organizovati, (f): naučiti, (g): (u imperativu) Kreći!, Napred! (a): A man should get up when a woman comes into the room. (b): What time you usually get up? (c): Although the wind was obviously getting up, and with it the sea, the foolish couple left harbor in their flimsy catamaran. (d): One of the girls got up as a witch for the Halloween
Give party. (e): Jane got up a picnic for her visitor. (f): What are you going to do next, after you’ve got up your Hamlet? (h): The wagon driver shouted, “Get up!” to his horses. Get up on the wrong side of the bed ne znači ustati na pogrešnoj strani kreveta, već ustati na levu nogu. # He must have got out of the bed on the wrong side, because he has shouted at everybody in the office. Get wind (dobiti vetar) znači saznati/čuti (indirektno ili krišom), dobiti poverljivu informaciju, dobiti tip. # The police got wind of the plans to rob the bank. Get wise ne znači postati mudar, već saznati nečiju tajnu, prokjuviti. # The boss is getting wise to what Joe is up to. Get wrapped up ne znači umotati, već završiti. # I’ll get the loan wrapped up, and you’ll have the car this week. Get wrong ne znači dobiti nešto loše, već (a) pogrešno shvatiti i (b) ne uraditi nešto kako treba. (a): Don’t get me wrong, but I think you went a little too far. (b): We are constantly getting it wrong when we use figures like 80 percent, 20 percent - or even vague ones like two to one. Girl Friday nema veze sa petkom, već znači službenica od poverenja. # Miss Franklin is the manager’s girl Friday. Give nije samo dati, već i (a): prepustiti, ostaviti kod, (b): darovati, (c): desiti se, (d): dopustiti, dozvoliti, (e): iskazati , izneti (mišljenje), (f): posvetiti (se) (nečemu), (g): pokazivati, (h): odlučiti, izreći (presudu), (i): popustiti, ne izdržati 6, (j): pružiti (podršku, pomoć itd.), (k): odati (tajnu), (l): voditi, imati pristup, (m): poveriti, (n): preneti (poruku itd.), (o): saopštiti, (p): dosuditi (q): smatrati da će nešto trajati određeno vreme, (r): izazvati, (s): prirediti, (t): podići zdravicu za, (u): dodeliti (titulu, nagradu itd.), (v): dodati (knjigu, naočari itd.), (w): ukazati poverenje i sl.), (x): preneti (pozdrave i sl.), (y): prepustiti, (y): i (z): iznositi (matematika). (a): Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool? (b): What will you give her for her birthday? (c): What gives? (d): I give you two minutes to respond.(e): He gave his opinion about the dilemma. (f): He gives his life to art. # She gives herself to her work. (g): This student gives promise of real creativity. (h): The jury gave a decision for the plaintiff. (i): The roof gave under the weight of the snow. # The rope gave under the weight of the load. # Both sides will have to give on some issues. (j): I will continue to give whatever support I can with the newsletter and peer support for HIV+ people. (k): He gave a secret to the Russians. (l):
6 Komentar I. Klajna: Sećam se da su naslov filma Something’s Got To Give prevodili sasvim pogrešno, kao “Nešto se mora dati”.
Give a good/poor account of oneself The French doors give onto a terrace. (m): He was given into the hands or custody of his uncle. (n): Can you give Jo a message for me? (o): They gave the winner’s name (out) on the news. (p): If you’re found guilty, they’ll give you three years. (q): Look at that old car she’s bought - I give it two weeks before it breaks down. (r): The fresh air gave us an appetite (s): They’re always giving parties. (t): Gentlemen, I give you the Queen! (u): They gave us first prize. (v): Give me the scissors. (w): Give him your confidence. (x): Give him my best wishes. (y): John gave them the cottage for a week (z): 5 × 12 gives 60. Give a good/poor account of oneself ne znači dati o sebi dobar/slab izveštaj, već dobro/loše se pokazati. # Tim gave a good account of himself in a fight with two older boys. # Mary gave a poor account of herself at dinner. Give a handle ne znači dati dršku ili ručicu, već dati materijal za ogovaranje, dati štofa glasinama. # You should not complain because of the rumors. You gave a handle to rumor-mongers and gossips with your reckless behavior. Give a lick and a promise nema veze sa lizanjem i obećanjem, već znači izošljariti, smandrljati na brzinu. # Tom, you didn’t cut the grass properly. You just gave it a lick and a promise. Give (an/one’s) ear ne znači dati uvo, već pokloniti pažnju, slušati s pažnjom. # The boss gave an ear to George so he could tell him all about his complaints. Give a pass ne znači samo dati propusnicu, već i izbeći, odreći se (u žargonu). # “’You want a drink?’ ‘I don’t drink.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘My father, sister and two brothers are drunks, so I thought I’d give it a pass” (J. Ellroy, The Big Nowhere). Give birth nije samo poroditi se, roditi, već i stvoriti nešto novo. # The composer gave birth to a new kind of music. Give color to something, lend color to something ne znači dati/pozajmiti boju nečemu, već učiniti nešto verodostojnijim, prikazati nešto u uverljivijem svetlu. # The boy’s torn clothes gave color to his story of a fight. # The broken window on the ground floor lent color to Mrs. Walker’ story that her house had been burgled. Give currency ne znači dati valutu, već pustiti (glasine, optužbe, ideje i sl.) u promet/opticaj/javnost. # Any newspaper that gives currency to such inflammatory reports should be brought before the Press Council. Give evidence ne znači napraviti evidenciju, već (a): davati/pokazivati znake i (b): pružiti dokaze. (a): The packing cases which were examined by the foreman gave evidence of having been tampered with; that is why he sent for the police. (b): The prosecution gave the court evidence of iden-
Give someone a ring tification before proceeding with the case against the accused. Give free play to something (omogućiti slobodnu igru nečega) znači dati maha nečemu, dopustiti da se nešto slobodno izrazi. # She was a woman who gave free play to her emotions, one who both laughed and cried a lot more than most people. Give free rein (osloboditi uzde) znači dati odrešene ruke, ostaviti punu slobodu. # By an overwhelming majority, Parliament gave the Prime Minister free rein in her negotiations with the EEC. Give someone a dose of his own medicine ne znači dati nekom njegov sopstveni lek, već vratiti nekome na isti način. # Joe was always playing tricks on other boys. Finally they decided to give him a dose of his own medicine. Vidi Get a dose/ taste of one’s own medicine. Give someone a hand with something ne znači dati nekome ruku sa nečim, već pomoći nekome u nečemu. # Will somebody please give me a hand with this? Give someone a lift (dati nekome lift) znači povesti, odbaciti nekoga kolima. # Can I give you a lift? Give someone a turn (pod Turn). Give someone the benefit of the doubt (dati nekome beneficiju sumnje) znači radije verovati nekome nego ne. # Art’s grade was higher than usual and he might have cheated, but his teacher gave him the benefit of the doubt. Vidi Get the benefit of the doubt. Give ground (dati zemlju) znači povući se, ustuknuti. # After fighting for a while the troops slowly began to give ground. # When I argue with Ann, she never gives ground. Give someone a buzz (zujanje) je telefonirati nekome. # Give me a buzz next time you’re in town. Isto značenje ima i give someone a ring. # Mrs. Jones promised to give her husband a ring in the afternoon. Give someone a dose/taste of one’s own medicine (pod Get a dose/taste of one’s own medicine). Give someone a lift nema veze sa liftom, već znači (a): povesti nekoga kolima i (b): dati nekome podršku/podstrek. (a): I insist. Giving you a lift home is the very least I can do after your staying so late to help me. (b): His attitude gave us a lift. Give someone a piece of one’s mind ne znači dati nekome svoje mišljenje o čemu, već ispreskakati nekoga na pasja kola, izbrusiti nekoga, održati nekome vakelu. The sergeant gave a soldier a piece of his mind for not cleaning his boots. Give someone a ring (pod Give someone a buzz).
Give someone Give someone a shampoo nije samo dati nekome šampon, već i očitati nekome lekciju, nasapunjati nekome glavu. # If he continues to bother you, I’ll give him a shampoo. Give someone enough rope (dati nekome dovoljno užeta) znači pustiti nekoga da sam sebi dođe glave. # That man’s ideas are wholly impractical. Give him enough rope and he’ll ruin his own reputation and that of everyone connected with him. Give someone ground(s) for something (dati nekome podlogu za nešto) znači dati nekome razlog/povod/osnov za nešto (prigovor, uznemirenost, verovanje i sl.). # Somehow the church’s past silence had given the Mafia grounds to believe that the papal condemnation and the labors of anti-Mafia priests constituted, in effect, a kind of a handsoff policy toward organized crime. Give someone heart ne znači pokloniti nekome svoje srce, već ohrabiti nekoga, osokoliti nekoga, podići duh nekome. # They looked depressed and he did his best to give them heart. Give someone his freedom ne znači samo dati nekome slobodu, već i dati nekome razvod. # Well, Betsie, I hate to break it to you this way, but I have decided to give you your freedom. Give someone his head, let someone to have his head (dopustiti nekome da ima svoju glavu) znači pustiti nekoga da uradi po svome („radi kako hoćeš“). # Give him his head and you’ll see the results soon. # I told the Board that unless I got to run the department in my own way I wanted to leave. Surprisingly, they let me have my head. Give someone pause ne znači samo dati nekome pauzu, već i naterati nekoga na preispitivanje kakve odluke, naterati koga da se debelo zamisli. # The bad weather gave my wife pause about driving to Boston. Give someone the freedom of the city (dati nekome slobodu grada) znači proglasiti nekoga počasnim građaninom. # - Is there any advantage arising from being given the freedom of the city? Well it’s chiefly the honor, but I believe you get a few perks thrown in. Give someone the lie ne znači slagati koga, već dovesti u pitanje nečiju izjavu, uterati nekoga u laž. # The police gave the lie to the man who said that he had been at home during the robbery. Give someone the raspberry ne znači samo dati nekome maline, već i (kolokvijalno) pućkati prezrivo na nekoga. # The audience gave him the raspberry, which gave him second thoughts about his choice of career. Give someone the tip ne znači samo dati kome napojnicu, već i dati nekome poverljivu informaciju. # - How did you know to put your money on that horse? - Somebody I won’t name gave me the tip.
Glutton for punishment Give someone to understand something ne znači samo dati nekome jasno na znanje nešto, već i ostaviti nekoga u uverenju (da), navesti koga da poveruje (da). # When I ordered these carpets I was given to understand that fitting was free of charge, and now you have put it on my account as an extra. Give tit for tat (pod Return like for like). Give up ne znači samo odustati, već i (a): predati se, (b): priznati poraz, (c): izgubiti svaku nadu u pogledu nekoga, (d): ne očekivati više nekoga, (e): dati otkaz/ostavku, (f): prekinuti sa nečim, (g): ustupiti, (h): otkriti, (i): dići ruke, povući se, (j): odustati od zahteva za starateljstvom, (k): prodati i (l): odreći se. (a): The soldiers were surrounded, but they wouldn’t give up. (b): You give up too easily. You could do it if you really set your mind to it. (c): Ted was given up by the doctors after the accident, but he lived just the same. (d): Although she had waited up until midnight, Thelma was actually surprised when she heard the key turn in the lock and Bernard walked in. She had almost given him up. (e): For no apparent reason Beryl gave up his lucrative position in the city and emigrated to Canada. (f): The doctor told Mr. Davis to give up smoking. (g): He gave up his seat to a man on crutches. (h): It was not until the twentieth century that Tutankhamun’s tomb gave it secrets up to the world. (i): My father is old and has given up his business. (j): If the natural mother of a child claims custody, it is often very hard for the foster-parent to give it up. (k): Nothing could persuade her to give up her home: it was much too big for her, but it was where she had always lived. (l): Just because the man she’s going to marry is an atheist, there’s no need for Deborah to give up her own beliefs. Give up the ghost ne znači odreći se duha, već ispustiti dušu. # After a long illness, the old woman gave up the ghost. Give way dabome da ne znači dati put, već (a): odstupiti, povući se, (b): srušiti se, (c): napraviti mesta, propustiti, (d): popustiti, (e): dati izliv svojim osećanjima, dati oduška i (f): ustupiti mesto, biti zamenjen. (a): The enemy army is giving way before the cannon fire. (b): The bridge will give way if we don’t take the load off our vehicles before we cross it. (c): All the cars gave way to the fire engine. (d): Willie kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave way. (e): Jimmy gave way to his feelings when his dog died. (f): Radio has given way to television in popularity Glutton for punishment nije izelica za kaznu, već neko ko kao da traži ono što drugi izbegavaju, rođen da bude žrtva (u britanskom engleskom). # She’s an impossible woman! Dave
Go about one’s business must be a glutton for punishment if he’s stayed with her all these years. Go about one’s business ne znači samo ići za svojim poslom, gledati svoja posla, već i (a): prihvatiti se posla i (b): ići napolje, vršiti nuždu. (a): Just go about your business and don’t keep looking out of the window. (b): “They should go about their private business one hundred yards from the ordinary encampment” (Harris, My Life and Lovers). Go abroad ne znači samo otići u inostranstvo, već i raširiti se, pročuti se. # The news went abroad quickly. Go against the grain nema veze sa zrnom i žitom već znači (a): protiviti se uobičajenom toku stvari (dakle uz dlaku, a niz dlaku je with the grain) i (b): smetati jako nekome („sve se u meni buni protiv toga“). (a): In his twenties, he was writing very much against the grain of what his contemporaries were doing. (b): His coarse and rude ways went against the grain with me. Go all the way ne znači samo preći čitav put (do nekog mesta), već i (a) imati seksualni odnos i (b) biti u potpunoj saglasnosti. (a): Did you go all the way with her? (b): I go all the way with what she said about you. Go along ne znači samo ići duž (nečega), već i (a): nastaviti kakvu aktivnost, (b): pridružiti se, (c): slagati/složiti se, (d): podržati, (e): ići uz nešto i (f): (u imperativu – with you) Ma hajde! (a): You’ll get more skillful at this job as you go along. (b): As everyone else was going to the pub, I decided to go along too. (c): I go along with Mary. I’m sure she’s right. (d): I refuse to go along with your plans. (e): A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete Encyclopedia if you pay cash. (f): Two thousand pounds a year? Go along with you! The job isn’t worth fifteen hundred! Go a long way nije samo daleko putovati, već i (a): dugo/duže trajati, (b): daleko dogurati u životu i (c): biti od značajne pomoći. (a): These flowers could go a long way if we gave them fresh water every morning. (b): “HAVA: I think David is a lovely boy, he’s got such a wonderful voice, he’ll go a long way” (B. Kops, The Hamlet of Stepney Green). (c): Your plan went a long way in helping us with our problem. Go (and) jump in the lake/river/sea/ocean! je kolokvijalni izraz i znači Gubi mi se s očiju! Da te više nisam video ovde! # Don’t you see you are bothering us? Go and jump in the lake! Go (a)round ne znači samo ići okolo, obilaziti, već i (a): biti dovoljno, dostati, (b): širiti se i (c): provoditi mnogo vremena, izlaziti. (a): How can India possibly find enough rice to go round these millions of refugees? (b): Chicken pox is going around the neighborhood. (c): Tho-
Go belly up, turn belly up ugh they have been going around for two years now, they still haven’t decided whether to marry or not. Go (a)round in circles nije samo vrteti se u krugu, već i (a): ponavljati iste ideje bez nalaženja zadovoljavajućeg odgovora, (b): delovati izgubljeno i (c): razvlačiti, potrošiti mnogo vremena oko nečega. (a): The longer we work on that project the more I feel we are going around in circles. (b): I can’t work any more, I’m so tired that I’m going in circles. (c): My father always goes round in circles when he tries to show me how to do my homework. Go (a)round the bend ne znači samo zaokrenuti, zaći za okuku/krivinu, već i pomeriti pameću, skrenuti, otkačiti se. # Poor Terry. He has been having trouble for a long time. He finally went around the bend. Go at it hammer and tongs nema veze sa čekićem i kleštima, već znači (a): žestoko se dohvatiti/ posvađati/potući i (b): dati sve od sebe. # Ann and Mary have been arguing all day, and now they are going at it hammer and tongs again. (b): Tom had a lot of homework to do and he went at it hammer and tongs till bedtime. Go at ima više značenja: (a): napasti, nasrnuti, (b): pristupiti nečemu, krenuti sa nečim, (c): zapeti iz petnih žila i (d): prodavati se po ceni od. (a): He went at me like a madman. (b): How are you going to go at the job of fixing the roof? (c): Once Phil decided to do something, he went at it for all his was worth. (d): Those shoes are going at 12/6 a pair. Go bad ne znači krenuti loše, već (a) ukvariti se i (b) poći lošim putem. (a): I’m afraid that this milk has gone bad. (b): “What a terrible grief, to have a child go bad and never be able to correct it or even know why it happened” (L. McMurtry, Streets of Laredo). Go begging ne znači prosjačiti, već (a): imati slabu prođu i (b): ostati neiskorišćen/neupotrebljen/nepojeden. (a): Many old houses in the city go begging. (b): There is still food left. A whole lobster is going begging. Please eat some more. Go belly up, turn belly up (ići/okrenuti se s trbuhom nagore) znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): bankrotirati, biti tropa, (b): crći, (c): propasti; riknuti i (d): otegnuti papke, zakovrnuti, ispružiti sve četiri. (a): “He really began to drink when he knew he’d have to sell the business or go belly up” (W. J. Coughlin, Shadow of a Doubt). (b): Every fish in Greg’s tank wnr belly up last night. (c): I sort of felt that the whole thing would go belly up, and I was right. # The computer - on its last legs anyway - turned belly up right in the middle of an important job. (d): I sort of felt that the whole thing would go belly up, and I was right.
Go blind Go blind ne znači samo oslepeti, već i nakresati se. # “It’s just that after the twenty-fifth beer he goes blind and can’t tell one woman from another” (L. McMurtry, Texasville). Go by nije samo proći pored/kraj već i (a): proticati, (b): ostati neiskorišćen, (c): orijentisati se, pratiti i (d): suditi po, ravnati se po. (a): As the months went by, the villagers gradually got accustomed to the stranger in their midst. (b): Mr. Gledston hesitated just a little too long over the offer of a partnership in the firm - and when he finally made up his mind to accept, the opportunity had gone by. (c): We had no compass, and only the distant gunfire to go by. (d): It’s often a mistake to go by appearances: that poor-looking individual is anything but poor, he’s a millionaire. Go by the board ne znači proći kraj oglasne table, već (a): propasti, (b): otići u nepovrat i (c): biti žrtvovan/odbačen. (a): I hate to see good food go by the board. Please eat up so we won’t have to throw it out. (b): After he said that silly thing, all his chances of winning their sympathy and being chosen for the job went by the board. (c): Everything went by the board - holidays, new clothes, entertaining, lunches out - in order to get Gerald into college. Go cold turkey (pod Cold turkey). Go down je jedan od frazalnih glagola sa mnogo različitih značenja: (a): sići, (b): pasti, srušiti se na zemlju, (c): potonuti, (d): zaći, nestati s vidika, (e): propasti, (f): biti progutan, kliziti niz grlo, (g): prijati, (h): opadati, (i): napustiti univerzitet (u britanskom engleskom), (j): dešavati se (u žargonu), (k): biti zabeležen, (l): (u žargonu) otići u bajbok. (a): The riders got down the hill. (b): The plane went down in flames. (c): The ship struck a hidden reef and went down with all hands. (d): As the sun went down the whole sky became suffused with a red glow. (e): Once he was a rich merchant but he went down. (f): It was a Portuguese champagne and went down like mother’s milk. (g): How did my pie go down? (h): It’s a strange thing, but prices always seem to be going up. They never go down! (i): He feels blue. His son went down and decided to get married. (j): Hey, man! What’s going down? (k): Every word uttered in court went down for future reference. (l): Mr. Big said that somebody had to go down for it, and he didn’t care who. Go down a bomb nema veze sa bombom, već znači imati lud uspeh (u britanskom žargonu). # Our act goes down a bomb in Britain. Isto značenje ima (u britanskom žargonu) i go down big. # The politician’s speech went down big with the voters. Go down in flames ne znači izgoreti, već (u američkom žargonu) slavno propasti. # The whole team went down in flames.
Going concern Go down with all guns firing ne znači pasti pucajući iz svih topova/pušaka/pištolja, već boriti se do samog kraja. # Michael was knocked down in the fifth round, but he went down with all guns firing. God save the mark (pod Save the mark). Go Dutch nema veze sa holandskim, već znači podeliti troškove (izlaska u restoran, bioskop i sl. – „svako plaća svoje“). # The girl knew her boyfriend had little money, so she offered to go Dutch. Go easy ne znači ići lagano, već (a): postupati sa puno obzira, (b): ne preterivati, (c): tretirati kakvu temu oprezno/pažljivo i (d): (u imperativu) Budite pažljiviji! (a): Go easy on Fred. His wife died last week. (b): Go easy on the salt, you can always add more later. (c): You should go easy on politics if you want to avoid an argument with him - he has very strong opinions on the subject. (d): Go easy, there! This is china, not bricks! Go fly a kite! ne znači Idi puštaj zmaja!, već Ne gnjavi me više i gubi se! Zaveži i sevaj! (u žargonu). # You’re bothering me. Go fly a kite! Slično značenje ima i Go fry an egg! (u žargonu). # Go fry an egg! You’re a pain in the neck. Go for someone ne znači samo otići po nekoga, već i (a): nasrnuti na nekoga, (b): osuti grdnju na nekoga, (c): važiti za nekoga i (d): imati naklonosti prema nekome (u žargonu). (a): He went for me when my back was turned. (b): Molly went for Cyril about being late as soon as he got home. (c): - Tell the men that they can knock off for an hour. - Does that go for me, too? (d): Tom goes for Susie in a big way. Go from strength to strength (ići od snage ka snazi) znači povećati naglo svoju moć. # The dishonesty of several members of the government has now been proved, and their opponents are going from strength to strength. Go fry an egg! (pod Go fly a kite!). Go great guns nema veze sa velikim topovima, već kolokvijalno znači (a): napredovati brzim tempom, (b): raditi sve u šesnaest, raditi punom snagom i (c): biti vrlo popularan. (a): Brown’s new store opened last week and it’s going great guns. (b): The men were going great guns to finish the job. (c): I myself remember buying a khaki green overcoat in 1969, when the military look was going great guns. Go home ne znači samo ići kući, već i (a): vratiti se u svoju zemlju, (b): postići željeni cilj i (c): umreti. (a): Yankees, go home! (b): Melvin was a skillful debater, and his calculated sarcasm went home. His opponent flushed under the attack. (c): Poor old Mike’s going home at last. It’s a pity he couldn’t have lived to a hundred. Going concern nije tekuća briga, već dobar posao. # You know the properties will never be go-
Go into one’s song ing concerns commercially; most of them are terraced farmland which is no longer economical. Go into one’s song (pod Song and dance). Gold digger je kopač zlata, ali je i devojka koja juri bogate, sponzoruša (u žargonu). # “You little gold digger!” cried Max. Golden handshake ne znači zlatno rukovanje, već bogata otpremnina. # After the merger our manager got an early pension and a golden handshake. Golden parachute nije zlatni padobran, američki kolokvijalizam za otpremninu (obično za one kojih se oslobađaju). # My golden parachute was so attractive that I wanted to get fired. Goldfish bowl je posuda za ribice, ali i (a): zaštićena sredina, zlatan kavez, (b): sredina u kojoj se ne može sačuvati tajna (američki kolokvijalizam) i (c): mesto gde si svima na oku. (a): Writing in the January issue of Tattler, Ms. Thatcher, a freelance journalist, said: “My mother has been out of mainstream politics for three years and I am a willing escapee from life in goldfish bowl.” (b): Washington society is a goldfish bowl. (c): Ted’s office is a goldfish bowl, that’s why I didn’t let him kiss me there. Go like a charm/dream/bomb/clockwork nema veze sa šarmom, snom itd. već znači ići kao kako se samo poželeti može, ići kao podmazano, raditi kao sat. # The car went like a charm when they had finished the repairs. # The car’s motor went like a dream after Tom fixed it. # My car goes like a bomb since I put that new engine in it. # She worried unnecessarily because the arrangements for the holiday went like clockwork. Isti smisao imaju i izrazi go on oiled wheels i go smooth as oil. # In this kind of business you normally can expect a snag or two, but everything went on oiled wheels. # It will all go smooth as oil, I assure you. Gone goose/gosling ne znači izgubljena guska ili izgubljeno gušče, već (u žargonu) beznadežan slučaj, tropa. # I’m afraid that your old car is a gone goose. # The man was a gone gosling when a policeman caught him breaking the store window. Good address (dobra adresa) je prestižna adresa, stan u otmenoj četvrti. # - They could have got a far larger house in North London for half the price. - Ah, but they wouldn’t have had such a good address. Good and (dobar i) znači veoma, potpuno. # I’m getting good and angry over this matter. # It should be good and ready by Wednesday. Good as gold (dobar kao zlato) je (a): lepo vaspitan („zlatno dete“) i (b): pravi, istinski. (a): It was a real pleasure to look after your boy in your absence. He is good as gold. (b): Yes, this diamond is genuine - good as gold.
Good offices Good bedside manner (dobro ophođenje kraj kreveta) je dobar odnos prema pacijentu. # Dr. Willard has a name for his good bedside manner that inspires a patient with confidence in doctor. The good book, the Good Book (dobra knjiga) je biblija. # The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue? Good catch (dobro hvatanje) je dobra partija (za brak). # “Carl was what they called ‘a good catch’. Gia didn’t like to think of a man that way - it made her feel predatory, and she wasn’t hunting” (F. Paul Wilson, The Tomb). Good deal, great deal nije dobar ili veliki posao, već znači mnogo. He was driving a good deal faster. # It means a great deal to her. Good egg ne znači dobro/ispravno jaje, već znači (u žargonu) (a): veliki laf, sjajan tip i (b): (u imperativu) Sjajno! Super! (a): Bobby is such a good egg that everybody wants to be his friend. (b): - I managed to find a shop that sells all those things you wanted for that Chinese recipe you’re going to cook tomorrow. - Oh, good egg! I was beginning to think it would have to be roast chicken again. Good evening, nije samo Dobro veče, već i Laku noć. # Finally Aunt Mary stood up and said, “Good evening, Mr. Reynolds.” Good form nije dobra forma, već pristojnost, društveno prihvatljivo ponašanje. # It’s not good form to insist on talking about oneself. I obrnuto, bad ili poor form znači neprilično, neprikladno. # Rudeness is simply bad form. # It was poor form of you not to come to your exfiancée wedding. Good lady nije dobra dama, već (nečija) supruga/gospođa. # As I was just saying to your good lady, sir, you don’t see many of these old water-driven machines nowadays. A good many, a great many nisu dobri ili veliki mnogi, već jednostavno mnogi, mnoštvo. # A good many of them already left. # Sally has a great many ideas for interesting programs. Good mixer or poor mixer ne znači dobar ili loš mikser, već društvena odnosno nedruštvena osoba (koja ume odnosno ne ume sa ljudima). # They are distrustful. You’d better send Mike to talk to them. He’s a good mixer. # He was shy and a poor mixer. Good night, ne znači samo Laku noć, već i (u američkom kolokvijalizmu) Majku mu!, Ko bi rekao! # Mr. Crowe’s eyes opened wide when he saw the fish his little boy had caught, and said, “Good night!” Good offices, through, due to, owing to etc. someone’s good offices nisu dobri uredi, već dobre usluge (kao posrednika), zahvaljujući nečijoj
Good show! pomoći, naporima, uticaju i sl. # Did he appreciate your good offices? # In the following year he obtained, through the good offices of a family friend, a post with a publishing firm which, though not highly paid, he found more congenial. Good show! nije samo Dobra predstava! već i Alal vera! Bravo! Svaka čast! # Good show! You deserve a special bonus and I’ll see you get it. Good sort nije dobra sorta, već draga/prijatna osoba, dobričina. # Everybody likes him - he’s a good sort, the kind who always find the right word in the right moment. Good sport ne znači dobar sport, već (a): prijatan momak, laf (u američkom žargonu) i (b): čovek na mestu, pošten momak (u britanskom engleskom). (a): I like the new guy - he’s a good sport. (b): He’s a good sport - he’s always acting honorably and fairly. And he’s not complaining when he’s beaten. Go off ne znači samo otići, otputovati, već i (a): eksplodirati, (b): opaliti, (c): proteći, proći, (d): zaspati, (e): ukvariti se, ubuđati se, ukiseliti se, (f): zazvoniti, aktivirati se, (g): nestati i (h): izgubiti interes/volju/naklonost, zasititi se. (a): There was a bomb in this building, but it didn’t go off. (b): His rifle went off and almost deafened me. (c): Aunt Ellen had the operation this morning and it all went off quite well. (d): He didn’t seem to be able to go off, so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea. (e): The power failure lasted for quite a while. I’m afraid the food in the refrigerator has gone off. (f): Just as the burglar thought he was safely inside the house, the alarm went off. (g): Just as the weather turned cold, the electricity supply went off. (h): The children seem to have gone off cornflakes for breakfast. Go off at a tangent, fly off at a tangent nema veze sa tangentom, već znači preći na nešto deseto, promeniti naglo temu. # We were talking about the cost of tomatoes when George went off at a tangent and started talking about the revival of wine-making in England. # It’s impossible to discuss anything with Molly - she will keep flying off at a tangent. Go off at half-cock(ed) ne znači samo opaliti iako zakočen, već i (a): brzopleto reagovati i (b): prerano započeti akciju, krenuti sa nečim pre nego što su sve pripreme završene. (a): Mr. Reynolds was thinking about quitting his job, but his wife told him not to go at half-cock. (b): The plan to murder the President went off at half cock because the signal was given before it should have been. Go off the rails/tracks/road ne znači samo iskliznuti/iskočiti iz šina, skliznuti/sleteti sa druma, već ima i prenosno značenje: biti izbačen iz
Goose-step koloseka/ravnoteže, potpuno se dezorijentisati. # “It was odd how Harold, who had never since his marriage taken a step along primrose path, never gone off the rails in any way or wished to, proved himself a past-master of intrigue” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). Go on nije samo nastaviti, već i (a): dodati (već rečenom), (b): trajati i dalje, (c): prolaziti, proticati (vreme), (d): dešavati se, zbivati se, (e): moći se navući/obući, pristajati, (f): pojaviti se na sceni, (g): (u britanskom engleskom) snaći se, dovijati se, (h): upaliti se, zasvetleti, (i): opširno pričati, razglabati, (j): pouzdati se, osloniti se (na nešto), rukovoditi se (nečim), (k): otići na nešto, biti potrošeno i (l): (u imperativu) Ma nemoj mi reći! Drugom ti to! (a): After criticizing our proposal in every detail, the director went on to reassure us that there was nothing personal in his comments. (b): After Mr. Armstrong left the firm everything went on as usual. (c): As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder. (d): George heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the hall. (e): Her gloves wouldn’t go on. (f): I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see our Sally going on. (g): How did you go on for money? (h): We had been sitting for a couple of hours in candlelight when to our relief the lights went on again. (i): Go on! You don’t know what you’re talking about! (j): I suddenly saw that the belief I had been going on all my life was quite without foundation. (k): I can’t stand the way some people go on about pollution. (l): Half our money goes on food. Go on a fishing expedition ne znači ići u ribolov, već ići u potragu za informacijama, pokušati iščeprkati obaveštenje. # We are going to have to go on a fishing expedition to try to find the facts. Go one’s own gate nema veze sa kapijom, već znači ići po svome, raditi po svojoj glavi. # Whatever you tell him, he’ll go his own gate. Isto značenje ima i go one’s (own) way, mada je osnovno značenje produžiti svojim putem # The man stopped and asked me for a match, then went his way. Go on oiled wheels (pod Go like a charm/ dream/bomb/clockwork). Go on record ne znači ići na rekord, već javno saopštiti svoj stav (u prilog ili protiv). # He went on record as opposing abortion. U britanskom engleskom to znači i izvestiti službeno i sa odobrenjem Spikera Donjeg doma da se neko izjasnio o nečemu. # Lord Goodman has gone on record as saying that music and the other arts need much more active support. Goose-step nije guščji korak, već strojevi korak, pruski korak. # I think that this goose step with the legs pushed straight forward must be detrimental to health.
Go out Go out nije samo izaći, već i (a): umreti, (b): proći, završiti se, (c): zastareti, (d): emitovati, (e): ugasiti se, (f): opadati (oseka), (g): otputovati/otići u inostranstvo (preko okeana). (a): I wish I had led a more relaxed existence. As it is, I shall go out thinking of all the fun I’ve missed. (b): 1970 went out with the news of a major earthquake in Peru. (c): That expression has gone out. Nobody uses it today. (d): The special election broadcast will go out on the local station at eight tonight. (e): The candle has gone out. (f): The sea, at certain parts of the coast, goes out so far that it can no longer be seen. (g): Are you going out by plane or by ship? Go out of action ne znači izaći iz akcije, već ispasti iz stroja. # The enemy’s fighters seem to have gone out of action: perhaps they have been subjected to overheating in the recent battles. Go out of one’s way ne znači samo skrenuti sa svoga puta (da bi se nešto učinilo), već i posebno se potruditi. When we visited Boston, our host went out of their way to make our stay enjoyable. Go out of play ne znači otići iz igre, već otići u aut (u fudbalu, tenisu i sl.). # Channon took a quick shot at goal but the ball went harmlessly out of play. Go out of service ne znači izaći iz službe, već ispasti iz upotrebe. # The ‘slow’ jets of the 1960s went out of service as they were replaced by more modern machines. Go out on a limb (pod Out on a limb). Go over ne znači samo preći preko (nečega), već i (a): leteti iznad (nečega), preleteti, (b): pregledati, proveriti, (c): objasniti, (d): uraditi još jednom i (e): ponoviti, preslišati. (a): The airplane went over London on its way to the coast. (b): You’ll have to go over the figures again - they don’t balance out. (c): Will you please go over this form? I don’t understand it. (d): The detective went over the facts in his mind for the twentieth time, but still the vital clue eluded him. (e): The boys’ mother used to go over their lessons with them every evening. Go over the top ne znači preći preko vrha, već (a): iskočiti iz rova i krenuti u juriš, (b): prekardašiti, preći meru, (c): uraditi nešto nepromišljeno, (d): premašiti cilj. (a): The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn. (b): I am an ardent fan myself and like to cheer our team on the sidelines, but I think that some of the boys really go over the top after every victory. (c): I was told he’d gone over the top and accepted the offer of a job in Australia. (d): Our goal was to collect a half a million dollars for the new school building, but we went over the top. Go places ne znači ići po mestima, već (a): biti sve uspešniji i (b): imati zanimljiv i uzbud-
Go through the mill ljiv život (putujući po svetu). (a): Coaching director Johnny Leach says: “These kids can really go places. (b): My uncle becomes quite interesting when he’s drunk - he’s really been going places, he can tell you the most unbelievable stories about the countries he’s visited and the people he’s met. Go public znači izaći u javnost, obelodaniti, ali i (u američkom engleskom) ići na javnu prodaju deonica (pretvoriti privatno preduzeće u deoničarsko društvo s javnim upisom). # The company decided not to go public because the economy was so bad at the time. Go sick ne znači ići bolestan, već (kolokvijalno) obavestiti o nedolasku na posao zbog bolesti. # “They agreed, and Desmond was briefed to tell X that his principal had gone sick and was sending a junior valuer in his place” (I. Fleming, The Diamond Smugglers). Go smooth as oil (pod Go like a charm/ dream/bomb/clockwork). Go stag nema veze sa jelenom, već znači ići sam na skup gde dolaze parovi (prvobitno se odnosilo samo na muškarce). # Howard didn’t want to go stag, so took his sister to the party. Go straight ne znači samo ići pravo (go straight to bed), već i (a): poći ispravnim putem, početi živeti pošteno i (b): ostaviti drogu. (a): It’s not easy for a man who’s just come out of prison to go straight, especially if many of his friends are still criminals. (b): Ernie wanted to go straight than anything in the world. Go the distance ne znači preći razdaljinu, već (kolokvijalno) izdržati do kraja. # He has started a university course, but I don’t think he’ll go the distance. Go the limit ne znači preći granicu, već ići do kraja. # We’ll go the limit. To heck with the cost. Go (the) whole hog nema veze sa celom svinjom, već znači (a): učiniti sve moguće i (b): ne uzdržavati se, ponašati se ekstravagantno. (a): “’You fought it, boy,’ Commerce said. ‘Discipline comes easy when you .decide to go the whole hog at something’” (P. Conroy, The Lords of Discipline). (b): Show some restraint. Don’t go whole hog all the time. Go through the changes (prolaziti kroz promene) znači (u žargonu) prolaziti kroz teške/ozbiljne trenutke. # I went through the changes all last year. It was a real bad time. Go through the mill ne znači proći kroz mlin, već (a): proći kroz sito i rešeto i (b): imati teško iskustvo. (a): The best men at running industry are those who have had to go through the mill themselves. (b): Poor Johnny has had three operations in one year, and now he’s back in the hospital. He’s really gone through the mill.
Go through the motions Go through the motions nema veze sa kretanjem, već znači otaljavati, raditi kao od bede. # Terry was supposed to be raking the yard, but he was just going through the motions. Go to ground/earth (ići u/pod zemlju) znači zavući se u jazbinu, rupu, jamu, ali i skloniti se na kakvo zabačeno mesto. # The kidnappers, like foxes returning to a hidden burrow, had gone to ground in their temporary headquarters, the rented property south of Hackensack, New Jersey. Go to law nije daleko od doslovnog prevoda ići pred zakon i znači ići na sud, povesti sudski spor. # I don’t want to go to law, but I shall have to if he doesn’t offer me fair compensation. Go to sea ne znači ići na more (kaže se go to the seaside), već otići u pomorce. # The boy was tired of looking for a job near his home and eventually decided to go to sea. Go to seed (pod Run/go to seed). Go to the country ne znači ići na selo, već (u britanskom engleskom) raspisati opšte izbore. # The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went against him on the crucial issue of our joining the Common Market, he would be forced to go to the country. Go to the dogs nema veze sa psima, već znači propadati. # From the way some people talk, you’d think the country had been going to the dogs for the last fifty years. Go to the wall ne znači ići do zida, već (kolokvijalno) izgubiti na kakvom poslu, doživeti finansijski krah. # The company went to the wall because of that contract. Now it’s broke. Go to town ne znači ići u grad, već (a) raditi sa energijom i entuzijazmom i (b) neumereno trošiti. (a): The boys went to town on the old garage, and had it torn down before Father came home from work. (b): They’ve really gone to town on decorating their new home - they must have spent more on the furniture than on the house itself. Go under ne znači samo proći/prolaziti ispod (nečega), već i (a) potonuti i (b) pasti pod stečaj, bankrotirati. (a): The ship hit an iceberg and went under. (b): Poor Reynolds had no head for business, and it was not long before he went under. Go under the hammer (doći pod čekić) znači (a): prodavati se na javnoj dražbi i (b): otići na doboš. (a): The Browns auctioned off the entire contents of their home. Mrs. Brown cried when her pewter collection went under the hammer. (b): We must do everything we can to prevent the old homestead from going under the hammer. Go up nije samo popeti/penjati se, već i (a): porasti, povećavati se, (b): graditi se, (c): otići u vazduh i (d): podići se. (a): Everything seems to be going up these days: coal, groceries, bus
Grade fares, rents. Why doesn’t the Government do something about it? (b): The new church is going up on the corner. (c): The ammunition factory went up when the bomb fell on it. (d): In the first act the curtain goes up on a typical sitting-room of a small English semi-detached house. Go up in the air ne znači otići u vazduh (kaže se go/blow up), već (u britanskom engleskom) razljutiti se, razbesneti se. # My parents went up in the air when I told them that I wanted to move out into a flat. Go up the river nije samo ići uz reku, već i otići u bajbok/ćuzu (u žargonu). # “The longterm prisoners waiting to go up the river” (L. Armstrong, Satchmo). Government je vlada (u britanskom engleskom – kao množina), ali i (a): vladanje, upravljanje, (b): vlast, (c): država (u američkom engleskom), (d): uprava (firme, organizacije ili institucije) (u američkom engleskom, a u britanskom engleskom je to the public sector) i (e): političke nauke (u američkom engleskom). (a): Democracy means government by discussion. # „A government of laws, and not of men.“ John Adams. (b): We need honest government. # We called for more, not less, openness in local government. (c): „It is easier to run a revolution than a government.“ Ferdinand Marcos. (d): A government are all the people and agencies that administer or control the affairs of a nation, state, institutions, etc. (e): Government is also the studies of systems of ruling and controling, political science. Go west ne znači otići na Zapad (kaže se go to the West), već (kolokvijalno u britanskom engleskom) (a): umreti, odapeti, (b): otkazati, slomiti se, crći i (c): izgubiti se, nestati. (a): He was as old as Methuselah when he went west. (b): My new camera has gone west after only three months. (c): The food mixer must have gone west along with my baking tins, when we moved house. Go with the territory ne znači ići uz teritoriju, već spadati u nečiji posao. # “I’ll be risking my hide going up there. We all will. It goes, as they say, with the territory” (D. Brown, Silver Tower). Gracious može biti i graciozan, ali najčešće znači (a): ljubazan (b): otmen, (c): milostiv (d): komforan (a): He is gracious even to unexpected visitors. # He was gracious enough to thank me. (b): Characterized by tact and propriety, he responded to the insult with gracious humor. (c): God is always gracious enough to give us time to embrace his truth in our lives. (d): We can’t afford gracious living. Grade je stepen, ali i (a): ocena (u školi), (b): razred (u američkom engleskom - u britanskom engleskom to je year), (c): kategorija, kvalitet, (d): stepen muzičkog obrazovanja i vrednovanja (u britanskom engleskom), (e): nagib, kosina (u
Graft američkom engleskom) i (f): osnovni nivo. (a): (b): Jackie is in the sixth grade. (c): Lumber of the highest grade. # This is Grade A milk. (d): Next exam is Guitar grade 4. (e): The base of the tower was below grade. Graft je dirinčenje, dirinčitii, ali i (a): mito, (b): kalem, parče kože (transplatat) i (c): presaditi. (a): The whole government was riddled with graft, bribery, and corruption. (b): He has had a skin graft on his badly burned arm. (c): The management tried unsuccessfully to graft new working methods onto the existing ways of doing things. # Skin was removed from her leg and grafted on/onto her face. Grand nije samo veliki, već i hiljadu dolara (u američkom žargonu). # Four grands for that thing? Grasp the nettle sem doslovnog značenja uhvatiti koprivu, znači i uhvatiti se hrabro u koštac sa teškoćama, uhvatiti bika za rogove. # Unemployment is one of our main problems - we need a government that will grasp the nettle and provide more money for new jobs. Grass je trava, ali i (a): zatraviti, (b): pašnjak, (c): marihuana (u američkom žargonu) i (d): zelena salata (u američkom žargonu). (a): The owners decided to grass their property. (b): It’s floored by a pasture of lush green grass that could almost be used as a tennis court. (c): These kids manage to find this grass somewhere. (d): Do you want some dressing on your grass? Grass roots (korenje trave) je baza (društva, političkog pokreta, sistema i sl.). # Tory workers from the grass roots yesterday sent an unmistakable though muffle message to party chiefs. Grass widow(er) nema veze sa travom, beć znači bela udovica, beli udovac. # “Look, what about coming round on Tuesday and cheering me up when’ I’m a grass widow?” (K. Amis, Take a Girl Like You) # He’s been a grass widower for quite a while - his wife is away. Gravy train (voz sa močom) je (u američkom žargonu) posao koji brzo donosi novac, lak i dobro plaćen posao. # This kind of job is a real gravy train. Ride the gravy train znači živeti u obilju, imati sve što srce zaželi. # There is no comparison - I have gone through the mill and you were riding the gravy train. Great deal (pod Good deal). The greatest thing since sliced bread (najveća stvar posle hleba isečenog na kriške) je sjajna novina („nešto najbolje posle otkrića Amerike“). # My husband uses this stuff now for all repair jobs about the house. He thinks it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. A great many (pod A good many). Great unwashed (veliki neoprani) znači (kolokvijalno) raja, obični ljudi, niži slojevi. # I usually
Ground find myself more in agreement with great unwashed than with the elite. Greaves (pod Scrap). The Greeks had a name/word for it (još su stari Grci imali ime za to) znači to je odavno dobro poznato. # The Greeks had a word for the contemptuous disregard North and South showed for their opponents. It is hubristic. Green as grass (zelen kao trava) znači neiskusan (još zelen), žutokljunac. # When we left school and started working in this company we all were as green as grass. Green-eyed monster (čudovište sa zelenim očima) je figurativni naziv za zavist. # When Dave’s brother got the new bicycle, the greeneyed monster made Dave fight with him. Green power (američki kolokvijalizam, asocirajući na zelenu boju dolara) je finansijska moć. # In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them. Slično tome, green stuff/folding/ paper (ili prosto green) je (u američkom žargonu) novac, lova („zelembaći“). # Rocco has so much green stuff, he doesn’t know what to do with it. # How much green you got on you? Green power (pod Green-eyed monster). Green stuff (pod Green-eyed monster). Greetings card (pod Card). Grey/gray eminence (pod Power behind the throne). Grill someone (pržiti nekoga na roštilju) je američki kolokvijalizam koji znači intenzivno saslušavati nekoga, pritisnuti nekoga da prizna. # They grilled Bruno, but he refused to say anything. Grip ne znači grip (kaže se influenza, u blagoj formi flu ili retko grippe), već (a): čvrst zahvat, (b): stisak, (c): koštac, (d): kontrola, (e): vladanje predmetom, shvatanje, (f): drška, (g): putna torba, (h): zgrabiti, ščepati i (i): privući (pažnju, interes i sl.). (a): The carpenter held the hammer securely in his grip. (b): He shook my hand with an iron grip. (c): It is up to Mr. Bush to come to grips with the central problem of this election - economy. (d): He lost control of himself. (e): A navigator must have a good grip of mathematics. (f): The sword has a gold grip. (g): Grandmother traveled with a trunk and two grips. (h): He gripped the hammer and started nailing the wood together. (i): The repoerter’s account of the trial gripped gripped the readers’ interest. Grisly nije grizli (kaže se grizzly) već jeziv. # It was the most grisly crime the town had ever seen. Ground ne znači samo tlo, već i (a): pod, (b): osnova, (c): teren, (d): posed, (e): zemljište, (f): razlog (obično u množini) i (g): talog kafe (u množini). (a): The glass fell off the table and shattered on the ground. (b): There is no ground for your
Ground-breaking complaint. (c): Houses should be built on high ground. (d): Now that you’ve seen the house, I’ll show you around the grounds. (e): The ground must be plowed in early spring. (f): What grounds do you have for firing him? (g): Put the coffee grounds in the garbage. Ground-breaking nije vezano za uzoravanje zemlje, već znači pionirski, inovatorski, koji probija led, a ground-breaking ceremony je početak radova. # You are scheduled to make an appearance this afternoon at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new library addition. Ground rules (temeljna pravila) su nepisana pravila (ponašanja). # You shouldn’t express your opinion in this organization until you learned the ground rules. Guard nije samo garda (old guard, National Guard) već i (a): straža, vojnik na straži, (b): čuvar, čuvati, (c): kondukter u vozu (u britanskom engleskom), odnosno kočničar (u američkom engleskom), (d): zaštita, zaštititi i (e): štitnik. (a): The guard walked up and down in front of the gate. (b): The guard supervises prisoners. # Policemen guarded the prisoner throughout the trial. (c): He is a guard - a railway employ in charge of a train. (d): This is the best guard against tooth decay. (e): All football players should wear face guards. Guinea pig (morsko prase) je zamorče. # This government wants us to serve as guinea pigs for its silly economic experiments.
Gutter press Gum nije guma (kaže se rubber, kao i gumica za brisanje – takođe eraser), već (a): desni (zubno meso – u množini), (b): lepak i (c): žvaka . (a): Bleeding gums is usually a sign of gum disease. (b): True gum arabic is the product of Acacia Senegal, abundant in dry tropical west Africa from Senegal to northern Nigeria. (c): Try some sugar-free gum, a glass of water, or keep yourself busy. Gum tree je eukaliptus. # A gum tree is any of several types of tree, found especially in Australia, which produce an oil with a strong smell used in medicine and industry (eucalyptus oil). Gut reaction/feeling (reakcija/osećaj iz utrobe) je prva/instinktivna reakcija odnosno instinktivni osećaj. # Well, my gut reaction is quite negative, period. # Susan had a gut feeling she was being followed, so she hurried to her car. Isto tako, gut impression je prvi utisak . # “Whatever the plans, you usually go in the end on gut impressions. Certain jurors just seem to be people you think you like, folks you can talk to” (S. Turow, Presumed Innocent). Gutter press (ulična štampa) je žuta/bulevarska štampa. # Report the news by radio as you deem best, but do not drop to the sensational level of the gutter press. Kaže se i yellow press. # The gratuitous film reports of the Hong Kong and French disaster were in the worst traditions of the yellow press.
H Half-and-half ne znači samo popola, polapola, već i (a): tako-tako, i dobro i loše, (b): i da i ne, (c): pola mleka, pola kafe i (d): mešavina od dve vrste piva (u britanskom engleskom). (a): - How are you today? - Oh, half-and-half, you know. (b): - Are you looking forward to your trip? - Half and half, really. I’d rather just stay at home and have a good rest. (c): “How do you like your coffee?” Margot asked. “Half and half please, and no sugar.” (d): “He would not play except for a pint of half-and-half” (T. Mayhew, London Underworld). Half an eye (pola oka) je ovlašan pogled („krajičkom oka“). # While Sarah was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that he didn’t get into mischief. Half as much again (još jedanput i pola od toga) znači jedan i po put toliko. # - Your salary must be about $30,000 a month? - Half as much again. Half-baked najčešće ne znači polupečen, već (a): nedovoljno promišljen, sirov i (b): nacvrcan. (a): We wish George would not take our time at meetings to offer his half-baked ideas. (b): Jim got himself half-baked every Saturday night. Half-blind nije poluslep, već (u američkom žargonu) pijan, nakresan. # Four cans of beer and she was half-blind. Ima više izraza (u žargonu) sa istim značenjem: half-canned, halfcocked, half-crocked, half-cut, half in the bag, half-lit, half seas over, half-stewed, half under, half up the pole. # He’s half-canned and will be no help at all. Half blood ne znači pola krvi, već (a): u srodstvu po jednom roditelju, (b): polubrat, polusestra i (c): melez. (a): They are brothers of the half blood. (b): My half blood emigrated to the United States. (c): To everybody’s surprise, our neighbor’s daughter got married to a half-blood. Melez se kaže i half/cross-breed. # “Surely you’ve seen that young Venn’s wife is
a half-breed, haven’t you? Chinese and Tlingit.” (J. Michener, Alaska) Half-hearted(ly) (sa pola srca) znači mlak(o), bez oduševljenja. # He acknowledged the gift with a half-hearted thank-you. # Mr. Clinton pushed the idea only half-heartedly when European leaders objected. Half-holiday (pola slobodnog dana) znači slobodno popodne (od posla/škole). # The principal said that Thursday would be a half-holiday. Half the time ne znači samo za upola kraće vreme, već i veoma često. # Don’t ask Ted! Half the time, he’s too drunk to know whether he’s coming or going. Half the trouble nije samo deo nevolje, već i značajan dodatni uzrok problema. # Half the trouble with kids like Tony is that they’ve been spoiled. Give children everything and they’re satisfied with nothing. Halfway house nije samo odmorište na pola puta, već i (a): kompromisno rešenje, prelazno rešenje i (b): kuća za adaptaciju na normalan život onih koji su se duže lečili u psihijatrijskim i drugim institucijama (u britanskom engleskom). (a): We regard this agreement between the workers and the employers as a halfway house only, and intend to work out a better one soon. (b): Come, come. This is neither a hospital nor an asylum. This is a hostel, sort of a halfway house for former patients, that is designed to help them readjust to living in the community. Half-wit nije polupamet, već znači budala, luda. # Who was the half-wit who left the refrigerator door open? Ham-handed (ruke kao šunke) je (u žargonu) ne samo velikih ruku („ima ruku kô lopatu“), već i trapav, nespretan („okretan kao donji žrvanj“). # He’s the most ham-handed guy I’ve ever seen. U britanskom engleskom se kaže za takva čoveka ham-fisted. # Terry is ham-fisted and seldom catches the ball.
Hammer a point home Hammer a point home čiji bi doslovni prevod otprilike bio zakucati poentu znači insistirati na čemu tvrdoglavo i žestoko. # There’s no need of hammering your point home - we understood it but we simply do not agree with it. Hammer out something ne znači samo izravnati nešto čekićem, već i (a): pisati nešto s puno pažnje, klesati/glačati (ugovor, napis, govor i sl.) i (b): doći do nečega (sporazuma, pogodbe, dogovora itd.) kroz raspravu. (a): The President sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day. # I’m busy hammering my last novel out. (b): The club members have hammered out an agreement between the two groups. Hand nije samo ruka, već i (a): rukopis, (b): potpis, (c): kazaljka, (d): radnik, (e): aplauz, (f): pomoć, (g): strana i (h): umešanost. (a): Aunt Edna writes a beautiful hand. (b): We need your hand now. (c): Every clock has two hands. (d): The foreman hired three new hands last week. (e): Give the little girl a great big hand! (f): Give me a hand with this ladder. (g): It is at my right hand. (h): „In all this was evident the hand of counterrevolutionairs“ (John Reed). Hand down ne znači samo pružiti nešto odozgo, već i (a): ostaviti mlađem, (b): prenositi s kolena na koleno i (c): utvrditi (optužnicu), izreći (presudu). (a): In poor families, clothes may be handed down from one child to the next. (b): These ceremonies have been handed down through the centuries, and remain practically unchanged. (c): The grand jury handed down seven indictments last week. # The jury handed down a guilty verdict. Hand-me-down je polovna stvar, nošene stvari. # Why do I always have to wear my brother’s hand-me-downs? Hand in glove ne znači ruka u rukavici, već u sprezi („duvaju u jednu tikvu“). # Many in high offices are hand in glove with Mafia leaders. Hand-me-down (pod Hand in glove). Hand on/over heart! (Ruka na srcu!) znači (u britanskom engleskom) Majke mi, ne lažem!, Kunem se! # I didn’t smoke one cigarette while you were out. Hand on heart! Hand over fist ne znači ruka preko pesnice, već brzo i u velikim količinama (posebno u odnosu na novac i robu). # They were buying things hand over fist. Make money hand over fist znači namlatiti se para, zgrnuti/zgrtati silan novac. # He started his business three years ago. Now he’s making money hand and fist. Hand over ne znači samo pomoći da se pređe, već i (a): izručiti, (b): predati, dati i (c): prepustiti. (a): He was asked to hand over a criminal to the police. (b): When the teacher saw Billy reading a comic book in study period, she made him
Hang/Hold on to your hat! hand over the book. (c): When Mr. Taylor gets old, he will hand over his business to his son. Hands up! (pod Reach for the sky). Hand-to-hand fighting/combat nije borba ruku uz ruku, već borba prsa u prsa. # After a long period of shelling, the infantry surged forward and closed with the enemy in hand-tohand fighting. Hand-to-mouth (ruka do usta) znači od danas do sutra. # Many native tribes lead a handto-mouth existence. Hang fire ne znači oklevati sa vatrom, već (a): slagati, zatajiti (vatreno oružje) i (b): sačekati, biti odložen. (a): Howard pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. (b): The decision to sign the contract has been hanging fire for a week now. Hanging judge (sudija koji veša) je strog sudija (poznat po izricanju najstrožih kazni). # “At 11.35 the colonel came out - he looked hot and angry and he strode towards the lift. There goes a hanging judge, thought Wormold” (G. Greene, Our Man in Havana). Hang in the air (visiti u vazduhu) znači biti krajnje neizvestan. # My whole future was left hanging in the air. Isto značenje ima i hang in the balance. # “If your heart begins to fail when the issue hangs in the balance, your opponent will probably win” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). Hang on ima više različitih značenja: (a): sačekati, pričekati, (b): držati se čvrsto, (c): istrajati, ne popuštati, (d): sačuvati ugroženo vođstvo, (e): nastaviti da muči, (f): ostati na vezi, ne prekidati telefonski razgovor, (g): zavisiti od i (h): (u imperativu) Drž’ se! (a): Mrs. Roth said he’d hang on a bit. (b): Jerry almost fell off the cliff, but he managed to hang on until help came. (c): He was losing money every day, but he hung on, hoping that business would improve. (d): The favorite horse opened an early lead and hung on to win as two other horses almost passed him in the final stretch. (e): Lou’s cold hung on from January to April. (f): Tony asked Jim, who had called him on the phone, to hang on while he ran for a pencil and a sheet of paper. (g): The survival of the government hangs on tonight’s crucial vote. (h): The airplane passengers suddenly seemed weightless. Someone shouted, “Hang on!” Hang/Hold on to your hat! (Pridrži se za šešir!) znači (a): Nemoj se iznenaditi! („Pridrži se za stolicu!“) i (b): Pazi sad!, Pripremi se! (a): Are you ready to hear the final score! Hang on to your hat! We won ten to nothing! # “Hold on to your hat,” said Sally. “Bill asked me to marry him!” (b): Hang on your hats, everybody! I’m going to pass that car in front of us.
Hang over Hang over ne znači samo visiti nad, već i (a): nadviti se (preteće) nad, (b): biti mamuran od prethodnog dana (hangover je mamurluk). (a): With the prospect hanging over them of expulsion from their holdings, the smaller farmers were forced to seek work in the growing industrial towns. (b): I woke up with a dreadful hangover this morning. Hang the flags out (pod Put/hang the flags out). Hang up ima više potpuno različitih značenja: (a): spustiti slušalicu, prekinuti vezu (ali hang up on someone je zalupiti slušalicu, prekinuti telefonski razgovor dok sagovornik još govori), (b): zaglaviti se, (c): dići ruke, napustiti, (d): nasukati se, nasesti, (e): okačiti/obesiti (o kuku, čiviluk, vešalicu itd.), (f): privremeno obustaviti. (a): If you have called a wrong number, you should apologize before you hang up. (zalupiti: I said something that made Ann angry, and she hung on me.) (b): Ann’s car was hung up in a snowdrift and she had to call a garageman to get it out. (c): If you don’t want to do it, just hung up. I’ll understand. (d): A big passenger ship hung up on a sandbar for several hours. (e): Mary! Go hang up your clothes. (f): The negotiations were hung up for a week. Hang-up je (u žargonu) neurotična reakcija, opsesija. Doctor Watson believes that Elen’s frigidity is due to some hang-up about men. Hang up one’s boots (obesiti čizme) znači prestati sa aktivnošću, otići u penziju (u britanskom kolokvijalnom engleskom). # After many years of playing football for the local team, he has sadly hang up his boots. Happy event nije bilo koji sretni događaj, već znači rođenje deteta, porođaj. # When do you expect the happy event to take place? Happy hour nije srećan sat, već je (u američkom engleskom) vreme u barovima i restoranima kada se kokteli služe po sniženoj ceni (obično sat pre početka serviranja večere). # Happy hour is between 6 and 7 PM at Celestial Gardens. Happy landings! (Srećno sletanje/pristajanje!) znači (a): Srećan put!, Dobar let! i (b): Živeli! Neka je sa srećom! (u britanskom engleskom – pomalo staromodno). (a): “’I’ve got a plane. Soon as there’s a suitable break I’ll send her over.’ ‘Thanks - thanks a lot,’ I said. ‘That’s O.K. Happy landings,’ said the voice” (G. Durrell, The Drunken Forest). (b): “How about something to make the day go by?” He gestured to his entire stock. We settled for beer. “Happy landings!” said the owner. Hard nije samo tvrd, već i (a): težak, (b): jak, (c): žestok, (d): strog, (e): vredan, (f): oštar, (g): osoran, (h): čvrst, (i): neprijatan i (j): egzaktan.
Hard (a): The teacher asked a hard question. (b): The hard blow knocked the boxer down. (c): The hard rain flattened the tomato plants. # Stay off hard liquor until your stomach feels better. (d): We work for a hard master. (e): That new employee is really a hard worker. (f): This has been a hard winter. (g): Jerry works for a hard boss who scolds him whenever he does something wrong. (h): Will dinar ever become hard currency? (i): The lawyers exchanged hard words. (j): My son is studing hard science. Hard and fast ne znači tvrd(o) i brz(o), već (a): neprikosnoven, striktan, (b): čvrsto, (c): neodvojivo, (d): brzo i energično, punom snagom, (e): sa punom pažnjom. (a): “These stages may now be discussed in more detail but first it must be emphasized that they do not represent hard and fast categories” (I. Hunter, Memory: Facts and Fancies). (b): He stuck hard and fast to his principles. (c): The thawed surface had frozen again and now the runners of the sled were stuck hard and fast to the ice. (d): If there’d be any danger, you’d have seen me running hard and fast in the opposite direction. (e): “He played the Do You Know So-and-So game hard and fast from all angles, social, political, and even religious. It’s a well-known game, its object being the humiliation of those with less money than yourself” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). Hard as nails (tvrd kao ekseri) znači (a): tvrd kao kamen (kaže se i hard as stone) i (b): čvrst i krepak, žilav i (c): hladan i bezosećajan („sa srcem od kamena“). (a): The old loaf of bread was dried out and became as hard as nails. (b): Although he seemed thin and undersized compared with his cousins, he was really as hard as nails and didn’t fall ill half as often as they did. (c): “She’s ignorant, but she’s as hard as nails and pretty sly. Don’t you let her in on your private life” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). Hard case ne znači samo težak slučaj, već i (a) nezgodan čovek, težak tip i (b) karton pića. (a): Joe has turned into a hard case. He’s fighting us at every turn. (b): Jim wanted a hard case delivered to his house. Hard cheese! Nije reč o tvrdom siru, već (u britanskom žargonu – ironično) znači Mnogo mi je žao! Žalim slučaj! # - I failed examination. - Hard cheese! Isto značenje ima i Tough luck! (u američkom žargonu). # So you were late and missed the buss. Tough luck! Hard core nije samo čvrsto jezgro, već i (a): tvrda struja (kaže se i hard line, odnosno hardliner) i (kao pridev) hard-core, (b): krajnji, ekstreman i (c): pornografski („tvrdi pornići“). (a): The hard core of racial antagonism used to be in mines where the white miners fought a long and bitter battle to retain the privileges of the Eu-
Hard liquor ropean worker. # Already the party’s hard line on abortion has cost votes, although it is impossible to estimate how many. (b): There are too many hard-core cases of poverty there. (c): You can’t sell that hard-core stuff in a store like that. Hard liquor (pod Soft drink). Hard on ima više značenja: (a): grub, (b): strog, (c): nepravedan, (d): štetan, (e): za petama i (f): (kao imenica - vulgarno) erekcija. (a): I don’t like to be hard on an old man but I’m going to have to tell him, one of these days, what a lying old fraud he is. (b): “You’re a taxpayer too, so don’t be so hard on this California administration” (W. T. Tyler, The Shadow Cabinet). (c): Roy Hudd was actually heard to say that King Edward VII would be remembered for reforms - which seems a bit hard on Lloyd George (who was really responsible for them). (d): The washing machine is a great time saver, but my one anyway, is hard on clothes. (e): I ran as fast as I could, but the dog was still hard on my heels. (f): “...getting a hard-on listening to a beautiful woman screwing another guy” (Diehl, Sharky’s Machine). Hard sell nije tvrda prodaja, već agresivna reklama. # I didn’t want to listen to any hard sell, so I bought it from a mail-ordered place. Hard/rough/tough sledding ne znači grubo sankanje, već (u američkom engleskom) velike teškoće. # Ann had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared. Hard stuff ne znači čvrst materijal, već (u britanskom engleskom) žestoka pića. # After having a large amount of beer, we started drinking the hard stuff. Hard time nisu teška vremena (kaže se hard times), već (a): neprijatno iskustvo, nevolja i (b): robija (u žargonu). (a): I had a hard time at the doctor’s office. (b): Rocco did hard time for his part in the robbery. Harmonica nije harmonika, već (u britanskom engleskom) usna harmonika (kaže se i mouth organ). # Harmonica is played blowing into desired hole. Has-been znači (a): propala veličina, neko ko je završio karijeru i (b): bivši, nekadašnji. (a): An old has-been was hired to host the midnight show. (b): Now I’m a has-been football player, and nobody knows my name. Hash je hašiš, ali i (a): paprikaš i (b): zbrka, papazjanija. (a): A hash is a mixture of meat, potatoes and vegetables cut into small pieces and baked or fried. (b): He made a complete hash of the last question. Hatchet man (čovek-sekira, glavoseča) je (a): čovek zadužen (u stranci, novinama i sl.) za
Have a case prljave poslove (kaljanje reputacije protivnika i sl.), (b): čovek angažovan u firmi ili javnoj službi da raščisti sa neproduktivnim personalom i troškovima i (c): plaćeni ubica (u žargonu). (a): Bill Lerner is the hatchet man for the Mayor’s party - he smears all the other candidates regularly. (b): The firm hired Cranhart to be a hatchet man; his title is that of Executive Vice President. (c): Rocco is a hatchet man, often hired to commit a murder. Hate someone’s guts ne znači mrzeti nečiju hrabrost 7, već mrzeti nekoga iz dna duše. # “You hate my guts but you can’t afford to leave me off your guest list” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack). Haul someone over the coals (pod Rake someone over the coals). Have a bad quarter of an hour (imati loših četvrt sata) znači imati teške trenutke. # Altogether it was not too difficult, but I still had a bad quarter of an hour. Have a ball (imati loptu) (u žargonu) znači bogovski/ludo se provesti. # The picnic was fantastic. We had a ball! Have a bee in one’s bonnet ne znači imati pčelu u šeširiću, već imati fiks-ideju, biti opsednut nečim. # She has a bee in her bonnet about becoming an opera singer. Have a bone to pick (with someone) ne znači imati zajedničku kosku za glodanje, već imati neraščišćene račune (sa nekim). # Hey Bob. I’ve got a bone to pick with you. Where is the money you owe me? Have a brain wave ne znači imati moždani talas, već sinuti kroz glavu (u američkom žargonu). # She didn’t know what to wear at the fancydress ball. Then she had a brain wave - she put her oldest clothes, smeared some soot on her face and went as Cinderella. Have a broad back ne znači samo imati široka pleća, već i podmetnuti leđa, primiti na sebe. # Put all the blame on me if it makes you feel better. I have a broad back. Have a bun in the oven (imati kolačić u pećnici) je šaljivi britanski kolokvijalizam koji znači ostati u drugom stanju, čekati bebu. # “Ed... I’ve something to tell you... I’ve a bun in the oven” (J. Orton, Sloane). Have a care ne znači imati brigu, već pripaziti. # The judge told him to have a care what he said in court. Have a case ne znači imati slučaj, već imati dovoljno dokaza. # - Do the police have a case against you? - No, they don’t have a case.
Komentar I. Klajna: Sećam se jednog titla u kome je “He hates your guts” prevedeno “On mrzi tvoju hrabrost”.
Have a charmed life Have a charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a charmed life). Have a clear head ne znači imati čistu glavu, već (a): imati jasne poglede, biti razumna glava i (b): ostati svež, sačuvati bistru glavu (i izbeći alkohol, umor, bolest). (a): All the examiners commented that he had an impressively clear head and considerable powers of independent criticism. (b): He does have pain-killing tablets for his arthritis, but he wouldn’t take them today - he said he wanted to keep his head clear for the TV interview this evening. Have a date nema veze sa datumom, već znači imati sastanak/randevu. # I am not free today. I have a date with Timmy. Have a drink on someone znači popiti piće na nečiji račun. # I got a promotion! Have a drink on me. Have a familiar ring ne znači imati porodični prsten, već zvučati poznato, ličiti na nešto već viđeno. # This term paper has a familiar ring. I think it has been copied. Have a finger in every pie (imati prst u svakoj piti) odgovara našem biti u svakoj čorbi mirođija. # George seems to have a finger in every pie. He owns a business in the town, he’s a member of the local council, and he belongs to several societies and clubs. Have a frog in one’s throat (imati žabu u grlu) znači promuknuti. # He could not speak clearly because he had a frog in his throat and coughed all the time. Have a go at someone/something je za nas malo čudna konstrukcija koja ima više različitih značenja: (a): napasti nekoga, (b): pokušati zaustaviti kriminalca (britanski kolokvijalizam), (c): pokušati nešto i (d): upotrebiti ili probati nešto. (a): The young boy was in trouble because he had a go at a policeman. (b): The public were warned not to have a go at the man because he probably had a gun. (c): He had a go at opening the bottle but was not strong enough. (d): My husband spent hours playing with the children’s new toy, so I had to make him let them have a go at it. Have a good head on one’s shoulders (imati dobru glavu na ramenima) znači imati mnogo zdravog razuma, biti razumna glava. # Donald has a good head on his shoulders and can be depended on to give good advice. Have a good/great mind ne znači imati dobru/veliku pamet, već imati nameru (često kao pretnja). # “’I have a good mind to go to London with you,’ said the baronet” (C. Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles). # I’ve a great mind to strike you for that remark. Have a green thumb (kolokvijalno u američkom engleskom) i have green fingers (ko-
Have an accident lokvijalno u britanskom engleskom) ne znači imati zelen palac ili zelene prste, već biti dobar u gajenju biljaka/cveća, biti dobar baštovan. # Just look at Mr. Walker’s garden. He has a green thumb. # He has always had green fingers, so it is not surprising that they have a beautiful garden. Have a hand in something ne znači imati ruku u nečemu, već imati udela u nečemu. # Sir Roy says that his government had no hand in the decision. Have a handle to one’s name ne znači imati ručku uz svoje ime, već imati kakvu titulu ili rang (lord, profesor, doktor itd.). # He’s very formal. So, never forget that he has a handle to his name; you should address him as Lord OwenSalisbury. Have a head like a sieve ne znači imati glavu kao sito, već imati slabo pamćenje, biti zaboravan (kaže se i have a memory/mind like a sieve). # I was introduced to him twice, but I still can’t remember his name - I’ve got a head like a sieve. # When it comes to phone numbers, I have a memory like a sieve. # I wouldn’t depend on Harold. He’s got a mind like a sieve. Obrnuto, imati odlično pamćenje kaže se have a memory like a sponge ili have a memory like an elephant. # When it comes to phone numbers, my wife has a memory like a sponge. # “’I wouldn’t make her any promises, if I were you,’ Jean said. ‘She has a memory like an elephant” (L. McMurtry, Cadillac Jack). Have a heavy heart (pod Heavy heart). Have a job nije samo imati posao, već i imati (grdne) muke. # He was tipsy when he came home last night and had a job to find his keys. Have a kick like a mule (imati udarac nogom kao mazga) znači imati žestok efekat. # He gave me a small glass of some raw spirit with a kick like a mule. Have a low boiling point (imati nisku tačku ključanja) znači lako pasti u vatru, začas planuti, imati tanke živce. # Mr. Simpson sure has a low boiling point. I hardly said anything, and he got angry. Kaže se takođe (u žargonu) have a short fuse – imati kratak fitilj. # Sally has a short fuse and is likely to lose her temper at any time. Have all one’s goods in the window ne znači samo imati svu robu u izlogu, već i biti površan. # Bobby is very superfical boy – he has all his goods in the window. Have a memory like an elephant (pod Have a head like a sieve). Have a memory like a sponge (pod Have a head like a sieve). Have an accident ne znači samo imati nezgodu/udes, već i upiškiti se, ukakiti se. # “Oh, Molly,” cried Mother. “It looks like you’ve had an accident!”
Have an affair Have an affair ne znači imati aferu, već imati (ljubavnu) vezu. # “I’m glad you are being married. In Havana I thought you were just having an affair” (G. Greene, Our Man in Havana). Have a name for something ne znači imati ime za nešto, već biti na glasu po nečemu, biti dobro poznat po nečemu. # She has a name for her inclination to gossiping. Have a nerve ne znači imati nerv, već (a): biti drzak/bezobrazan i (b): imati petlju (Isto značenje ima i izraz have guts.) (a): “God, you have a nerve. Whenever I think about it, I could break your neck” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). # She had some nerve to say that! (b): I never thought he would have a nerve to work as a steeplejack. Have a night (out) on the town – iz doslovnog prevoda se ne može lako zaključiti da to znači otići u provod. # When the sailors got off their ship, they had a night out on the town. Have an old head on young shoulders (imati staru glavu na mladim ramenima) znači biti zreo za svoje godine. # That boy would do the job very well - he clearly has an old head on young shoulders. Have a plum in one’s mouth, have marbles in one’s mouth (imati šljivu/mermer u ustima) znači izražavati se sa naglašenom (aristokratskom) otmenošću (u britanskom engleskom). # She always gives herself airs and graces trying desperately to impress other people by having a plum in her mouth. # The radio program “Start the Week” has always had an unfortunate tendency to employ young ladies with marbles in their mouths. Have a point nema veze sa tačkom, bodom, poenom itd. već znači reći nešto što stoji, reći nešto što je teško poreći, biti u pravu. # A German once said that ‘in Britain they think that soap is civilization.’ When you reflect that we spend more money on advertising and marketing detergents than we do on our whole educational system, you must admit he might just have a point. U skladu s tim, concede someone’s point znači dati kome za pravo. # With a lot of reluctance Tom had to concede Bob’s point. Have a rare time ne znači imati retko vreme, već sjajno se provesti. # I hadn’t expected much of that picnic, but I must tell you - we had a rare time. Have a rude awakening (imati neugodno buđenje) znači suočiti se sa grubom stvarnošću. # Our boy hadn’t studied hard at school and so he had a rude awakening after the examinations. Have a screw loose (imati klimav šraf) znači ne biti sasvim čitav, nemati sve daske u glavi (u
Have a tin ear žargonu). # What’s the matter with you? Do you have a screw loose or something? Have a second/another string (to one’s bow), have two strings to one’s bow (imati drugu tetivu – ili dve tetive - za svoj luk) znači imati alternativu, imati rezervno rešenje za svaki slučaj. # I’ll just dot down that telephone number. We have a baby-sitter that can casually come but it does no harm to have a second string. # When I doubt my literary competence, I can tell myself that I am primarily an actor and that writing is just another string to my bow. # You’d better apply for both the Teaching Assistantship and the Readership so as to have two strings to your bow. Have a short fuse (pod Have a low boiling point). Have a sweet tooth ne znači imati sladak zub, već voleti slatkiše. # I have a sweet tooth, and if I don’t watch it, I’ll really get fat. Have a thick head (imati debelu glavu) ima dva značenja: (a): biti kratke pameti, tupav i (b): imati tešku glavu, biti mamuran. (a): You need 21, not 20. You could have worked that out for yourself if you hadn’t such thick heads. (b): No more brandy, thanks. I’ll have a thick enough head as it is. Have a thing about someone/something nema nikakve veze sa doslovnim prevodom i znači imati opsesiju u odnosu na nekoga/nešto: (a): osećati jaku naklonost, (b): osećati jaku netrpeljivost i (c): osećati (često neobjašnjiv) strah od nekoga/nečega. (a): “She had quite a thing about you, but, as you know, she was so shy” (P. Conroy, The Prince of Tide). (b): My father’s got a thing about people with long hair - he thinks it’s a sign of an untrustworthy character. (c): She has this silly thing about men with beards. Won’t let one anywhere near here. Have a tiger by the tail (povući tigra za rep) ne odgovara sasvim našem povući mačka za rep (mnogo se namučiti), već znači suočiti se sa nečim težim i opasnijim nego što je izgledalo, uleteti u neočekivane nevolje. # You have a tiger by the tail. You bit off more than you could chew. Have a time ne znači imati vremena (kaže se: have the time), već namučiti se. # Jerry had a time passing his math course. Have oneself a time znači lepo se provesti, dobro se zabaviti. # Tom had himself a time going to every night club in town. Have a tin ear (imati limeno uvo) znači (a): biti nemuzikalan, nemati sluha, ali i (b): nemati sluha u smislu nemati razumevanja za nešto. (a): “Treasury, which wielded great power in George Bush’s Washington, had a tin ear for political considerations, even when they meant that
Have a yellow streak down one’s back Yugoslavia might fall apart” (W. Zimmermann, Origins of a Catastrophe). Have a yellow streak down one’s back (imati žutu prugu niz leđa) znači biti strašljiv/zekavac (u žargonu). # I think that Jimmy has a yellow streak down his back. That’s what’s wrong. Have back (pod Return like for like). Have been around ne znači biti/vrzmati se okolo, već (a): biti pun životnog iskustva, preturiti svašta preko glave i (b): poživeti, proživeti. (a): He’d been around and I knew it wouldn’t be easy to deceive him. (b): I’ve been around a lot longer than you have, so don’t try to teach me what’s right and what’s wrong. Have better fish to fry (pod Have other, bigger, better, more important etc. fish to fry). Have bigger fish to fry (pod Have other, bigger, better, more important etc. fish to fry). Have body ne znači imati telo, već (a): imati sadržinu/težinu/vrednost i (b): imati punoću/ gustinu (vino). His novel was quite amusing, but very light - it had no body. (b): That wine has body, as well as bouquet and clarity. Have broad shoulders nije samo imati široka leđa, već i (figurativno) biti u stanju dosta primiti na svoja pleća. # Don’t worry about leaving all the arrangements to him. He’s got broad enough shoulders. Have come a long way nije samo doći s dugog puta, dugo putovati, već i (a): daleko dogurati u životu i (b): načiniti veliki napredak. (a): My, how famous you are. You’ve come a long way. (b): The school has come a long way since its beginning. Have designs on someone/something (imati planove u vezi sa nekim/nečim) znači (a): baciti oko na nekoga i (b): baciti oko na nešto (tuđe), imati zadnje namere u vezi sa nečim. (a): “I suppose Mrs. Todd and her mother had designs on me. I was as new a widower as she was a widow” (G. Vidal, Burr). (b): Be careful on that young man - he has designs on your job. Have egg/jam on/over one’s face ne znači imati jaje/džem po licu, već obrukati se, biti posramljen. Jim has egg all over his face because he wore jeans to the party and everybody else wore formal clothing. # He told everyone that his horse was sure to win the race - he certainly has jam all over his face since it came last. Have feet of clay (imati noge od gline) znači imati kakvu skrivenu slabost ili manu. # All human beings have feet of clay. No one is perfect. Have first refusal ne (imati pravo odbijanja) znači imati pravo prvenstva na nešto, imati preče pravo kupovine. # “Look,” I said, “I have a private customer waiting for an early oak bureau and I promised him to have first refusal. I’ll ring you if it doesn’t suit him.
Have many/several irons in the fire Have foot-and-mouth disease ne znači samo imati slinavku/šap, već i (kolokvijalno) biti sklon gafovima. # I’m sorry I keep saying stupid things. I guess I have foot-in-mouth disease. Have guts (pod Have a nerve). Have had a few znači popiti koju više. # “’Nelly’s had a few,’ Humphrey said as they pushed into the bar” (M. Spark, The Ballad of Peckham Rye). Have had one’s day/time ima posredne veze sa danom i vremenom i znači odslužiti svoje. # I’m afraid these shoes have had their day. - They certainly have. # This actress used to be very popular but she’s had her time now, I’m afraid. Have hollow legs ne znači imati šuplje noge, već je to humorni kolokvijalizam koji znači imati veliki apetit. # “Lydia told Minor not to eat too much cake as they would be having tea in half an hour. ‘That’s all right, Miss Lydia,’ said Nanny. ‘Hollow legs they have at their age’” (A. Thirkell, What Did It Mean?). Have it nije samo imati ga/to već i (a): sugesirati, tvrditi (prema tradiciji, glasinama itd.), (b): saznati, čuti, shvatiti, (c): odneti prevagu, pobediti, (d): naći odgovor i (e): prolaziti u životu (dobro, loše itd.). (a): “Disappeared. Rumour had it he was killed in a reprisal raid up in the Fermoy area” (R. Harling, The Paper Palace). # Gossip has it that Mary is getting married. (b): I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week. (c): When the senators vote, the ayes will have it. (d): “I have it,” said Joe to Sarah. “We can buy Mother a nice comb for her birthday.” (e): Everyone liked Jerry and he had it good until he got sick. # Sally has it easy - she doesn’t have to work. As luck/chance would have it znači pukim slučajem, slučaj je hteo. # As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the boiler blew. Have it made znači osigurati uspeh (u životu, poslu, školovanju itd.). # I have a good job and a nice little family. I have it made. Have kittens (imati mačiće) kolokvijalno znači usplahiriti se, premreti od brige/straha. # Mrs. Jordan was having kittens because it was very late and Suzie wasn’t home yet. Have light/sticky fingers ne znači imati lake/ lepljive, već imati duge prste, biti sklon krađi. # The shopkeeper said that many of the local school children had light fingers and that he lost more money than he gained by allowing them in the shop. # The clerk - who had sticky fingers - got fired. Have many/several irons in the fire (imati više/nekoliko pegli u vatri) znači angažovati se istovremeno na više/nekoliko strana. # I’ve asked my uncle if he can help me to get a job, but I’ve got many other irons in the fire as well so it
Have marbles in one’s mouth won’t really matter if my uncle refuses. # Don’t worry if we have to close the shop; I have several other irons in the fire. Have too many irons in the fire znači razapeti se na sve strane. # Ted had too many irons in the fire and missed some important deadlines. Have marbles in one’s mouth (pod Have a plum in one’s mouth). Have more important etc. fish to fry (pod Have other, bigger, better, more important etc. fish to fry). Have no bearing on something nije u vezi sa ponašanjem ili držanjem, već znači nemati nikakve veze sa čim. # Your remarks have no bearing on our discussion. Have no stomach for something (nemati stomak za nešto) znači ne podnositi nešto, ne trpeti nešto. # I have no stomach for violent movies. Have nothing between one’s ears (nemati ništa između ušiju) znači biti praznoglav, nemati ni tri čuke u glavi. # He’s a handsome, sensible enough looking boy, but you don’t need to be talking to him very long before you realize he has nothing between his ears. Isto značenje ima i izraz u američkom žargonu have rocks in one’s head. # Wally is a real nut. He has rocks in his head. Have nothing on someone/something ne znači samo nemati ništa (nikakve informacije) o nekome/nečemu, već i (a): nemati nikakvog dokaza protiv nekoga i (b): ne moći se meriti sa nekim/nečim. (a): The police had nothing on Wally, so they let him loose. (b): When it comes to public speaking, he has nothing on his rival. # This is not a bad restaurant, but it has nothing on Pierre’s. Have no time for someone/something nije samo nemati vremena za nekoga/nešto, već i ne podnositi nekoga/nešto. # I have no time for people like him. Have no truck with someone/something ne znači ne praviti trampu s nekim/nečim, već ne želeti imati išta s nekim/nečim. # He’ll have no truck with art or religion; for him everything that cannot be weighed or measured is suspect. Have no use for someone/something ne znači samo nemati potrebe za nekim/nečim, već i ne trpeti nekoga/nešto, imati loše mišljenje o nekome/nečemu. # I have no use for Gerald. I can’t see why Dorothy likes him. # I have no use for that kind of novel. How did such a dull book become a best-seller? Have one over the eight (uzeti jednu preko osam) znači preterati sa pićem, našikati se. # Tom had one over the eight and fell down the steps as he was leaving the party. Have one’s bread buttered on both sides (imati hleb premazan puterom na obe strane)
Have something on the ball znači imati lagodan život, biti dete sreće. # He has had an easy time of it since childhood. He has his bread buttered on both sides. Have one’s day ne znači samo imati svoj dan, biti za određeno vreme u centru pažnje, već i isterati svoje, istutnjati se. # I don’t believe in loading youngsters with responsibilities. Let them have their day is what I say. The world will close in on them soon enough. Isti smisao ima i have one’s fling (zavitlaj, snažan zamah). # He’s only young once. Let him have his fling. He’ll settle down, you’ll see. Have one’s fling (pod Have one’s day). Have one’s head screwed on (right, the right way, properly) (imati dobro/ispravno prišrafljenu glavu) znači (u britanskom engleskom) imati nešto u glavi, biti razborit. # I’m ever so proud of my Brian. He’s got his head screwed on, that one. # Some of the things you do are so silly, I often wonder whether you’ve got your head screwed on the right way. Have one too many (pod One too many). Have other, bigger, better, more important etc. fish to fry ne znači peći drugu, veću, bolju itd. ribu, već imati pametnija, preča, važnija posla. # I can’t take time for your problem. I have other fish to fry. # “We can’t expect the Cloud to give endless time to talking to us, it’s got bigger fish to fry” (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud). Have rocks in one’s head (pod Have nothing between one’s ears). Have second thoughts about someone/something ne znači imati drugu ideju ili zadnju misao o nekome/nečemu, već preispitati svoj stav, promeniti mišljenje (o nekome/nečemu). # Bush campaign strategists have second thoughts about the convention’s emphasis on family values. Have seen better days (pamtiti i bolje dane) znači (a): pohabati se, otrcati se i (b): ostareti, popustiti. (a): This coat has seen better days. I need a new one. (a): Oh, my old legs ache. I’ve seen better days, but everyone has to be old. Have several irons in the fire (pod Have many/several irons in the fire). Have someone covered ne znači pokriti nekoga, već imati nekoga na nišanu. # You will observe that I have you covered. If I see the slightest sign of you raising that pistol, I will kill you. Have someone on toast nema veze sa tostom ili zdravicom, već znači imati koga u šaci. # The creditors, particularly the commercial banks, have had debtor countries on toast. Have something in store for someone (pod Store). Have something on the ball (pod On the ball).
Have something Have something (ili an ace) up/in one’s sleeve ne znači samo imati nešto/keca u rukavu, već i imati rezervni plan. # The manager has something up his sleeve. He’ll surprise us with it later. Have sticky fingers (pod Stick to someone’s fingers). Have the ball at one’s feet (imati loptu u nogama) znači imati sve uslove, imati povoljnu priliku (za iskazivanje). # Now that the boss has put him in charge, Raymond has the ball at his feet. Have the bug ne znači imati bubu/stenicu, već biti entuzijast, biti lud za nečim. # My husband has the photography bug. # Sarah had the acting bug and wanted a small part. Have the cards stacked against one (imati karte složene protiv sebe) znači imati sve protiv sebe, biti u nepovoljnom položaju. # Anyone who has once been in prison and who wants a job with responsibility will find that the cards are stacked heavily against him. Have the goods on someone (pod Get the goods on someone). Have the hots for someone (pod Hots). Have the inside track (pod Get the inside track). Have the law on someone ne znači imati zakon na nekoga, već tužiti nekoga sudu, povesti postupak pred sudom protiv nekoga. # I’ll have the law on you for the damage you have done to my property. Have the shoe on the other foot (u američkom engleskom) i have the boot on the other leg/foot (u britanskom engleskom) ne znači imati cipelu/čizmu na drugoj nozi, već imati bitno promenjenu situaciju („sad je druga priča“). # I used to be a student, and now I’m the teacher. Now I have the shoe on the other foot. # Soon after I went to work for another company, my old boss came to me begging for a job. Now I am his boss and the boot is on the other leg. Have the time ne znači samo imati (puno slobodnog) vremena, već i (a): znati koliko je sati i (b) imati sat. (a): “’Good evening,’ she said. ‘Have you the time please?’” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). (b): Ask inside, they’re bound to have the time. Imati (puno slobodnog) vremena kaže se i have time on one’s hands. # - Now that Father’s retired he’ll have more time on his hands. - That’s what worries me. He’ll feel miserable with so little to do. Have the wrong number ne znači samo imati pogrešan broj, već i zameniti nekoga s nekim. # You have the wrong number. Jerry is my brother. We look alike, though. Have two strings to one’s bow (pod Have a second/another string).
Heap Have turned the corner ne znači samo zaokrenuti za ugao, već i pregurati najgore, preći kritičnu tačku. # The patient turned the corner. She should begin to show improvement now. # The project has turned the corner. The rest should be easy. Have words (pod Exchange words). Head nije samo glava, već i (a): pamet, (b): šef, (c): čelo, (d): izvor, (e): gornji deo, (f): kriza, (g): glavobolja, (h): pivska pena i (i): toalet (u žargonu). (a): She has a good head for math. (b): The original founder is still head of the organization. (c): The tallest boy stood at the head of the line. (d): The head of the Mississippi River is in Minesota. (e): The head of a pin is the blunt end, but the head of a spear is the sharp end. (f): Her burst of anger brought matters to a head. (g): Man, do I have a head. You got any aspirin? (h): The head is the froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring beer. (i): Where’s the head around here? Head for the hills ne znači samo krenuti prema brdima, već i bežati glavom bez obzira. # He saw the crowd chasing him, so he headed for the hills. Head-hunting ne znači samo lov na ljudske glave, već i potraga za sposobnim kadrovima. # The first thing he did was to set up a committee to do some head-hunting, hoping to find some young talent and to bring in new blood. Head over ears ne znači glava preko ušiju, već potpuno, do guše. # When we discovered he was still head over ears in debt, we refused to lend him any money. Head over heals takođe ne znači glava preko peta, već (a): na glavu, strmoglavce, preko glave i (b): navrat-nanos, u neredu i žurbi. (a): It was so dark, Johnny fell head over heels into a big hole in the ground. (b): The children all tried to come in the door at once, head over heels. Head over heels/ears in love znači zaljubljen do ušiju. # Jerry is head over heels in love with Jane. Heads or tails? (Glave ili repovi?) znači Glava ili pismo? (pri bacanju novčića). # “Heads or tails?” their father asked. “Heads.” “Heads it is, so you get the first service.” Head to tail (glava uz rep) znači (a): jedan iza drugog, u koloni, (b): glava uz noge i (c): uži uz širi deo. (a): A convoy of army lorries was proceeding along the road head to tail. (b): “In their sleeping compartment they would lie on their bunks, head to tail, their great pink and wrinkled tummies bulging and deflating as they breathed” (G. Durrelll, The Drunken Forest). (c): You’d have got another two rows of roses in that box if you’d arranged them head to tail. Heap nije samo hrpa, gomila, već (u američkom žargonu) i (a): krntija, (b): trošna, sklona
Hear of someone padu (kuća itd.), (c): oronula osoba i (d): mnogo. (a): I’ve got to get my heap fixed up. (b): We have to fix up this heap if we’re really going to live in it. (c): Marty is turning into a heap. (d): I have a whole heap of papers for you. Hear of someone ne znači čuti od nekoga (kaže se hear from someone), već (a): imati vesti o nekome i (b): čuti za nekoga. (a): He disappeared from Europe about a year ago, but the police have been hearing of him in South America. (b): I’ve heard of Mr. Brown, but I’ve never met him. Heart-throb nije samo udaranje bila, otkucaji srca, već i neko ko je omiljen kod žena, osvajač ženskih srdaca. # Rudolf Valentino was the best-known heart-throb of the modern era. Heavy brass (pod Top brass). Heavy-duty ne znači teška dužnost, već otporan, izdržljiv, za teške uslove rada. Our heavyduty vehicles are made to withstand great strain and bad weather. Heavy heart nije teško srce, već potištenost/ utučenost/tuga. # They had very heavy hearts as they went to the funeral. # “He recalled with a heavy heart the tone of her voice when she had murmured ‘a double wedding’ with all too evident pleasure at the prospect” (C. Mackenzie, The Rival Monster). Heckle nije heklati, (kaže se crotchet), već provocirati, ometati govornika upadicama. # A few angry locals started heckling the speaker. Hedge one’s bets (ograditi živicom svoje opklade) ima dva značenja: (a): smanjiti rizik velikog gubitka ulažući pomalo novca na više strana i (b): ne rizikovati previše, ne stavljati sva jaja u jednu korpu. (a): It is very important to hedge your bets in any business, but putting on plays in theaters is especially risky. (b): One can find oneself using a range of stylistic tricks or ties - which are insurances, water-wings, crutches, face-savers, hedging of bets, playing safe. Hell for leather (pakao za kožu) znači (a): paklenom brzinom, veoma brzo i (b): neobuzdan(o), nekontrolisan(o). (a): Jake was driving his motor-bike hell for leather down the country lane. (b): “Do nightingales sing all day?” “All day, all night,” Pop said. “Like everything else in the mating season, they go hell for leather. Hell-on-wheels (pakao na točkovima) ima dva vrlo različita značenja (u žargonu): (a): nam-
Have something on the ball ćor, džangrizalo, nadžak-baba i (b): pravi čovek, prava stvar. (a): Lewis complains that his wife is hell-on-wheels; he is considering getting a divorce. (b): Mike is really hell-on-wheels when it comes to getting those little jobs done on time. # This little machine is hell-on-wheels for general woodworking purposes. Help a lame dog over a stile (pomoći ćopavom kučetu da pređe na drugu stranu plota itd.) ima i figurativno značenje: naći se nekome u nevolji. # An old man came to the door and asked for money for a cup of tea yesterday. My aunt, always happy to help a lame dog over a stile, invited him in for a meal. Hen party (žurka za kokoške) je ženska žurka. # I have a hen party every few weeks. We love to get together. Here to stay 8 (Ovde da ostane) znači zaživeće, živeće i dalje (neko osećanje). # Long skirts are here to stay. He thinks nothing of (pod Think nothing of it). Hide and seek (sakriti se i tražiti) ima dva značenja: osnovno (a): žmurke i (b): taktika izbegavanja jasnog odgovora. (a): “Delighted to have lessons finished forever, children play hideand-seek in the arcades of Kramgasse, run down Aarstrasse and skip stones on the river, squander their coins on peppermint and licorice” (A. Lightman, Einstein’s Dreams). (b): Why don’t you come in the open and stop playing hide-andseek? Hide one’s light under a bushel (skrivati svoju svetlost ispod merice - “Niti se užiže svijeća i meće pod sud, nego na svijećnjak...”, Novi zavet, Jevanđelje po Mateju 5:15) znači ne isticati svoje sposobnosti, biti skroman. # I didn’t know you could sing. You’ve been hiding your light under a bushel all these years. High and dry (visoko i suvo) znači na suvom, van domašaja talasa. # Sally was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry. Leave someone high and dry znači (a): ostaviti nekoga na cedilu i (b): ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare. (a): At first the other boys helped, but when the work got hard, Tom was left high and dry. (b): Mrs. Vance took all the money out of the bank and left Mr. Vance high and dry. High brass (pod Top brass). High-hat nije samo cilindar, već (u žargonu) i nadmen, ohol, odnosno, (kao glagol) gledati s
8 Komentar I. Klajna: U rečnicima se ne tretira kao idiom, ali se upotrebljava otprilike u smislu našeg pomodnog “zaživeti”, kad se želi reći da će neka modna ili tehnička novost ostati u trajnoj upotrebi (“Long skirts are here to stay” i sl.). Parafrazirajući taj komercijalni žargon, Ajra Geršvin je jednu od poslednjih pesama svoga brata nazvao “Our Love Is Here to Stay”: ona je postala mnogo izvođen džez standard, i na našim radio stanicama taj naslov je bezbroj puta pogrešno preveden kao “Naša ljubav treba da ostane ovde”, umesto “Naša ljubav je večna” ili tako nešto.
High noon visoka. # It was an expensive place to eat, and the customers were likely to be a little high-hat. # After he became chairman, Tom began to highhat his former friends. High noon ne znači visoko podne, već (tačno u) podne. # Though the sun was friendly the streets feel ominous. It was that feeling the movies strive to convey when the hero find himself utterly alone at high noon in what should be an extremely busy location. High profile, high-profile (visoki profil) je vidljivo prisustvo, jako prisutan u javnosti. # The high and impressive profile maintained by the Chancellor of the Exchequer throughout the year has enhanced his chances of succeeding to the Prime Ministership. # They specifically queried the high-profile tactics which were adopted by the army over the weekend. I obrnuto lowprofile je nenapadan, odnosno keep a low profile znači ne privlačiti pažnju drugih, ostati malo primećen. # Keep a low profile until the trouble over your activities is past. # We must to build a low-profile approach to crime prevention. Highs and lows (pod Up and down). High seas ne znači visoka mora, već (a): pučina, otvoreno more (van teritorijalnih voda) i (b): preko mora/okeana. (a): The ships of every country have the right to sail on the high seas. (b): “’But when will you say something?’ ‘When I address Congress next week. Then Mr. Lansing and I will take to the high seas’” (G. Vidal, Hollywood). High-sounding (visokozvučan) je pompezan, bombastičan. # The politician’s speech was full of high-sounding phrases. High school nije (na američkom engleskom) visoka škola, već srednja škola. # Junior high school covers seventh, eighth and sometimes ninth grade, and high school goes from ninth or tenth to twelfth grade. High spot (visoko mesto) je događaj dana, nezaboravni trenutak. # The high spot of the tour was when the visitors were allowed to see the church’s famous paintings. High summer (visoko leto) je sredina leta. # “It was high summer, and the temperature outside was in the nineties” (P. Wright, Spycatcher). High time dabome da nije visoko vreme, već znači krajnje je vreme. # It’s high time you got up. It’s very late. Hired gun nije iznajmljen pištolj, već (u žargonu) (a): najmljeni ubica/revolveraš i (b): privremeno uposlen, saradnik angažovan na određenom zadatku. (a): The cops are holding a well-known hired gun until they can prepare charges. (b): Mr. Stephanopulos is widely credited with coordinating a staff of generally mi-
Hit someone like a ton of bricks smatched people, some of them hired guns who have never before run a Presidential campaign and some lifelong friends of the Clintons who jealously guard access to the candidate and his family. His heart was in his boots, his heart sank into his boots (srce mu je sišlo u čizme) je isto što i naše srce mu je sišlo u pete. # His heart was in his boots when his name was read. # Her heart sank into her boots when she heard footsteps behind her in the dark. His heart is in his mouth (srce mu je u ustima) znači srce mu je zaigralo, knedla mu je zastala u grlu. # All those watching an attempt to save the drowning child had their hearts in their mouth. Hit and miss (udarac i promašaj) znači nasumce, na sreću. # Alan didn’t know which house on the street was Ellen’s, so he began ringing hit or miss. Hit and run (udarac i promašaj) znači (a): bežanje s mesta nesreće i (b): iznenadan napad i hitro bežanje/povlačenje (u razbojničkom napadu, gerilskim borbama i sl.). # “Hit and Run. Charles Lumley (23) was admitted to hospital last night. This is believed to be another case of a motorist failing to stop after knocking down a pedestrian” (J. Wain, Hurry On Down). (b): The Indians often made hit-and-run attacks on wagon trains. Hit/make the headlines (pogoditi/napraviti naslove) znači dospeti na prve strane novina, imati dobar publicitet. # Eli was an unknown who suddenly hit the headlines on his last visit. # The President is not trying to make the quick headlines. Hit the papers znači izaći u novinama. # “There’s a story going to break that we provoked those natives to attack us, but it won’t hit the papers till tomorrow, and by then it won’t make any difference” (G. Vidal, Empire). Hit/reach/one’s stride (dostići dug korak) znači (u američkom engleskom) (a): uhvatiti pravi tempo i (b): postići svoj maksimum, ući u punu formu. (a): The horse began to reach his stride and moved ahead of the other horses in the race. # After walking the first mile, Joe was just hitting his stride. (b): Linda didn’t begin to reach her stride in school until the fifth grade. Hit on to (someone) (pod Come/hit on to (someone)). Hit/pound the books (udarati knjige) znači bubati. # Well, time to hit the books. # I spend the weekend pounding the books. # Jake broke away from his friends, saying, “I’ve got to hit the books.” Hit someone like a ton of bricks (pod Hit someone between the eyes).
Hit someone between the eyes Hit someone between the eyes (udariti nekoga između očiju) u prenosnom značenju je oboriti nekoga s nogu, jako impresionirati nekoga. # Helen hit Mark between the eyes the moment he saw her. Slično, hit someone like a ton of bricks (udariti nekoga kao tona cigala) znači zapanjiti koga, šokirati koga. # Suddenly, the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Hit someone where one lives (udariti nekoga onde gde živi) znači pogoditi nekoga onde gde je najosetljiviji. # Her comments really hit me where I live. Her words seemed to apply directly to me. Hit/strike pay dirt (pay dirt je bogata ruda) znači ne samo otkriti zlatnu/rudnu žilu, već i naići na pravu stvar, postići najzad uspeh. # After years of efforts, they finally hit pay dirt. # Johnny tried a number of different jobs until he struck pay dirt. Hit the bottle ne znači pogoditi bocu, već odati se piću. # Since his wife died he’s been hitting the bottle regularly. Hit the bricks/pavement ne znači udarati cigle, trotoar ili asfalt, već (u žargonu) (a): krenuti, izaći i (b): krenuti u štrajk. (a): I have a long way to go. I’d better hit the bricks. # Go on! Hit the pavement! Get going! (b): The workers hit the pavement on Friday and haven’t been back on the job since. Hit the bull’s eye (pogoditi bika u oko) znači (a): pogoditi pravo u centar i (b): uraditi/reći pravu stvar, pogoditi suštinu. (a): The archer hit the bull’s eye three times in a row. (b): Your idea really hit the bull’s eye. Thank you! Hit the ceiling/roof (udariti u tavanicu/krov) znači (a): dostići plafon, doći do najviše tačke i (b): dobiti izliv besa. (a): Prices in the shop have hit the ceiling over the last few weeks. (b): My father hit the ceiling when he found that I had damaged his new car. # Our employer hit the roof when he lost an important contract. Hit the hay/sack (pogoditi seno/vreću) znači (u žargonu) otići na spavanje. # I just said, ‘Sure, let’s hit the hay, James.’ I set the clock to arouse us in ample time. # Look at the clock. It’s time to hit the sack. Hit the high spots (pogoditi visoka mesta) znači ograničiti se na najvažnije, izneti ključne tačke. # I won’t discuss the entire report. I’ll just hit the high spots. Hit the jackpot znači dobiti glavni zgoditak na automatu za kocku, kartama ili lutriji, ali i odlično proći u nekom poslu („dobiti premiju“) # I hit the jackpot on a business deal. Hobby horse (pod Ride a hobby horse). Hoist with one’s own petard (pogođen sopstvenom petradom) znači upasti u sopstvenu zamku („Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju
Hold the fort pada.“). # The criminal was hoist with his own petard when he tried to kill his own wife, because he accidentally drank the poison that he intended to give to her. Hold a pistol/gun to someone’s head (prisloniti pištolj uz nečiju glavu) je isto što i naše staviti nekome nož pod grlo. # Don’t worry about him: I hold a gun to his head. I heard some interesting stories about him he would not like to have published Hold court ne znači samo predsedavati sudskom pretresu, već i biti u središtu pažnje. # In the kitchen, Jimmy and Key helped their father to make sandwiches while in the front room the new baby held court amid a circle of admiring relatives. Hold currency ne znači držati valutu, već biti rasprostranjen. # “It is an attractive cospiracy theory, and one that still holds currency among government circles in Sarajevo” (L. Silber and A. Little, Yugoslavia - Death of a Nation). Hold one’s breath ne znači samo zadržati disanje, već i iščekivati bez daha. # The whole country held its breath for little Wendy Howard when she went to France for a life-saving operation. Hold one’s cards close to the chest/vest (pod Play/hold one’s cards close to the chest/vest). Hold one’s fire znači zadržati vatru, ne pucati, ali i uzdržati se od reakcije. # Now, now, hold your fire until I’ve had a chance to explain. Hold one’s ground (pod Stand firm). Hold one’s hand (pod Stay/hold one’s hand). Hold one’s peace ne znači sačuvati mir, već oćutati, uzdržati se od reagovanja. # “I’ll admit to you now, Jimmy, though I held my peace at the time, that it used to quite embarrass me” (M. Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). Vidi Speak now or forever hold your peace. Hold on to your hat! (pod Hang/Hold on to your hat!). Hold out the prospect of something (pod Prospect). Hold someone’s hand nije samo uhvatiti nekoga za ruku, već i biti uz nekoga kad zatreba, naći se nekome u nevolji. # Donald has to go to the Infirmary to have that sore eye examined and I know he’ll want me to go and hold his hand. Hold something in store for someone (pod Store). Hold the floor (držati pod) znači držati dug govor, monopolisati konverzaciju, držati banku (žargon). # There was no interrupting her tirade. She had the floor and meant to hold it. Hold the fort ne znači samo držati/braniti tvrđavu, već i čuvati kuću, preuzeti od koga bri-
Hold the line gu o kući, poslu itd. # I’m going next door to visit Mrs. Brown. You stay here and hold the fort. Hold the line (držati konopac, uzicu) znači postaviti donju granicu, ograničiti. # The room will sit fifty, but I think we should hold the line at forty. Hold the road well (dobro držati drum) znači dobro ležati na drumu (automobil). # My new car holds the road well. Kaže se i hug the road. # A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road. Hold the stage (držati scenu) znači (a): i dalje privlačiti pažnju publike, održavati popularnost i (b): nastojati biti glavni u društvu, držati banku (žargon). (a): “Peter Pan” holds the stage year after year at its annual Christmas showing in London. (b): It was meant to be a lively roundtable debate, but Prof. Collins held the stage for most of it. Hold true (držati tačnim) znači potvrditi se, važiti. # It has always held true that man cannot live without laws. # Does this rule hold all the time? Hold up ne znači samo održavati se, biti postojan, već i (a): ne predavati se, ne podlegati, (b): pokazati se tačnim, (c): izdržati, trajati, (d): podići, dići u vis, (e): opljačkati, (f): zaustaviti i (g): pričekati, odgoditi/odložiti. (a):The grieving mother held up for her children’s sake. (b): The police were doubtful at first, but Dave’s story held up. (c): How long will this cloth hold up? (d): The happy father held the newborn baby up. (e): That’s the one that held me up at gunpoint. (f): The wreck held up traffic on the railroad’s main line tracks. (g): Please hold up on the project. We’ve run out of money. Hole-and-corner nema veze sa rupom i ćoškom, već znači potajan i sumnjiv. # I don’t approve of the hole-and-corner methods that some companies use to obtain work. Hole and corner affair je tajna intimna veza. # They’ve been having a hole and corner affair for years to avoid shocking public opinion. Hole in the wall (rupa u zidu) je ćumez, mala jeftina radnja, kafana ili stan. # The Comrie Bookshop is as inviting as a hole in the wall as you could hope to retreat into anywhere in wintry Perthshire. Holy terror (sveti teror) je (a): obesno derište, napast of deteta i (b): strah i trepet. (a): I hope the Joneses will not bring their youngest boy; he’s a holy terror. (b): Pity anyone who tried to take advantage of my grandmother who was known as “the holly terror” among the local shopkeepers and tradesmen. Home (away) from home (kuća od kuće) je mesto gde se čovek oseća kao kod kuće, mesto
Hot sa domaćom atmosferom. # We really enjoyed our holiday. The hotel was a home from home. Home bird nije kućna ptica, već porodičan čovek (onaj koji više voli da ostane kod kuće). # But other than dining out, which I like, I’m a home bird. I’m not one for a big social whirl. Honorary ne znači honorarni (kaže se parttime), već počasni. # She reeceived an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless. Hope against hope (nadati se protiv nade) znači ne gubiti nadu, gajiti i dalje nekakvu nadu. # He hoped against all hope that the doctor had been wrong about his illness. Horse of another (of a different) color nije konj druge ili različite boje, već nešto sasvim drugo, drugi par rukava. # You can’t have friends sharing the room for the same rent, but if you want your brother to stay for a week or so, that’s a horse of another color. # Anyone can be broke, but to steal is a horse of a different color. Horse’s ass (konjska guzica) je tikvan, glupan (u američkom žargonu). # Stop being such a horse’s ass and listen to some sense. Horse sense (konjski razum) je zdrava seljačka pamet, praktičan rezon. # He has never been to college, but he has a lot of horse sense. Horses for courses ne znači konji za trke, već svako neka radi ono što zna, različiti poslovi traže različite ljude. # Porter can do the work; Stewart can’t. I’m afraid that Stewart will just have to learn in business it’s horses for courses. Horse trade nije samo trgovina konjima, već i uporno/teško pregovaranje. # As it happened, Warren wound up the vice-presidential nominee on the Dewey ticket, but its loss to Truman and Barkley meant that horse-trading was all for naught. Host nije samo domaćin, već i (a): gostioničar, direktor hotela, (b): ceremonijalmajstor i (c): mnoštvo. (a): Your host, John Smith, hopes your stay at the hotel will be a pleasant one. (b): Ted was host at the alumni banquet. (c): A host of barbarians attacked the city. Hot nije samo vruć, već i (a): papren, ljut, (b): žestok, vatren, (c): svež, (d): blizu, nadomak, (e): popularan, (f): naelektrisan, (g): ukraden (u žargonu), (h): tražen od policije (u žargonu), (i): dobro prodavan, tražen (u žargonu), (j): seksualno uzbudljiv (u žargonu). (a): Put some of this hot sauce on the barbecued ribs. (b): The men had a hot argument about politics. (c): Are there any hot news on the election results? (d): The police are hot on the trail of the robbers. (e): The dancer was hot and was offered movie roles and all sorts of things. (f): Be careful not to touch a hot wire when you fix the fuse box.
Hot air (g): Rocko won’t touch a hot watch or anything else hot. (h): Lefty is hot because of his part in the bank job. (i): These things are really hot this season. (j): Man, is that chick hot! Have the hots for someone znači (kolokvijalno) biti zacopan u nekoga. # I think he has the hots for you, baby. Hot air (vruć vazduh) je prazna priča, a talk hot air znači mlatiti praznu slamu. # That was just a lot of hot air what Max said. # “He posed, he postured, he talked a lot of hot air” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). Hot at/in something nije vruć, već dobar u nečemu, verziran u nešto. # Ask Tom about it he’s pretty hot in diagnosing engine troubles. Hot check nije vruć, već nepokriven ček (u žargonu). # The clerk got in trouble for taking a hot check. Hot item, nije vruć prilog ili artikl, već (kolokvijalno) (a): tražena roba i (b): zaljubljeni par, dvoje u ozbiljnoj vezi (kaže se i samo item). (a): This little thing is a hot item this season. (b): Mark and Helen are quite a hot item lately. # I didn’t know you and Lucy were an item. Hot number nije vruć broj, već (u žargonu) (a): popularna muzička numera, (b): zgodna ženska, dobra riba i (c): popularan proizvod. (a): Here’s the hot number by the Wanderers. (b): Who’s that hot number I saw you with last night! (c): The new car that Jerry is driving is a real hot number. Hot stuff (vruća stvar) znači (a): uzbudljiv, interesantan, (b): (u američkom žargonu) uobraženko, nadmena osoba i (c): (u britanskom žargonu) vrlo sposoban/kvalitetan. (a): His sister certainly is hot stuff. (b): Hey, hot stuff, come down here and say that. (c): “After dinner he and Cust played dominoes. It appears Strange was a whale on dominoes and to his surprise Cust was pretty hot stuff too” (A. Christie, The ABC Murders). Hot under the collar nije vruć ispod kragne, već besan kao ris, ljut kô puška. # The boss was really hot under the collar when you told him you lost the contract. Household name nije ime domaćinstva, već poznato ime, a household word je opšte poznat. # Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news. # He talks about the big
Husband companies which are household words and of the smaller ones too. Housewarming (party) nema veze sa grejanjem kuće, već je to proslava useljenja u kuću („na naselje“). Kitty had managed to collect a bit of everything for their housewarming # Now that we’ve completed the house, we are suppose to give a housewarming party. How come? ne znači Kako doći? već Kako to? Otkud to? # You’re wearing your best clothes today. How come? How does it feel? ne znači Kako se oseća? već Kako to izgleda (biti)? # “How does it feel to be in the heartland of America?” one television reporter asked Mr. Gore. “Oh,” the Senator replied, “it feels wonderful.” How on earth i who/what/when/where/ why on earth ne znači kako, ko itd. na zemlji, već kako/šta/kada/ko/gde/zašto za ime boga. # “They ask, how on earth could workers organize this mess? But the question is, how can we get out of the mess?“ (E. Bond, Bingo). # What on earth do you mean? Human je ljudski, a humane je human. # To err is human. # Helping that family is a very humane thing to do. Humor nije samo humor, već i raspoloženje. # Dad’s always in a good humor on payday. Hungry as a bear (u američkom engleskom) i hungry as a hunter (u britanskom engleskom) (gladan kao medved/lovac) je isto što i naše gladan kao vuk. # I’m as hungry as a bear. I could eat anything. # Give me something to eat; I am hungry as a hunter. Hurl to the wind(s) (pod Throw/fling/hurl to the winds). Hurt nije samo povrediti (se), već i (a): boleti, (b): žuljati, (c): vređati, (d): oštetiti, (e): naškoditi, (f): rana, (g): ozleđen i (h): bol. (a): My leg hurts. (b): These new shoes hurt. (c): It hurts me when you talk that way. (d): Don’t put that hot cup on the table, it will hurt the finish. (e): A sloppy appearance hurt the youth’s chances of getting a job. (f): This hurt is still fresh. (g): The boy came home with a hurt knee. (h): This salve will make the hurt go. Husband ne znači samo muž, već i pažljivo ekonomisati. # The nation must husband its natural resources.
I I ask you ne znači samo Pitam te, već (u britanskom engleskom) i Šta kažeš na takvu glupost?, To je stvarno besmisleno. # Throwing money about, that’s all she’s doing. Twelve pounds eighteen on flowers! I ask you! I beg your pardon ne znači samo Izvinite, molim vas, već i (a): Kako, molim? Šta rekoste? i (b): Dozvolite, ipak. Ne mogu se složiti s vama. (a): I beg your pardon? Please repeat what you have just said. (b): - Of course, I always thought that Mahler’s best work was his Fifth Symphony. - I beg your pardon, most people would hold that the ninth was incomparably greater. I bet, I’ll bet ne znači samo kladim se, bio bih spreman da se opkladim, već i (kolokvijalno) Nije nego! Ma nemoj! # - He says Chelsea will win the Cup next year with their new team. I bet! They’ll be lucky to stay in the first division. # “I’ll be home early tonight, darling.” “That’ll be nice,” she answered mechanically, and, as the door closed, added, “I’ll bet.” I can live with that ne znači samo mogu da živim s tim, već i u redu je što se mene tiče. # - I want to do this room in green. - I can live with that. I can’t help but ne znači ne mogu da pomognem, ali, već ne mogu a da ne. # Her parents live nearby, so she can’t help but go there on weekends. I can’t help myself ne znači ne mogu sebi da pomognem, već ne mogu prosto odoleti, to je jače od mene # It’s no use my promising not to cry when you go. I can’t help myself. Idiot box (idiotska kutija) je (u žargonu) televizor, televizija. # You spend too much time watching the idiot box. I don’t have a crystal ball (nemam kristalnu kuglu) znači ne mogu ja da vračam u bob. # If I knew Inspector Raynolds, how much money my company will be making this time next year, I should be only too pleased to let you know. Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball.
I don’t think nije samo ne mislim, već i Nije nego. Da li baš? They must like my pretty face, I don’t think, to bring me so often. I don’t think so znači hvala, ne, radije ne bih. # -Why don’t you come to my place for a drink. - I don’t think so. If anything (ako išta) znači pre bi se moglo reći. # Tim isn’t a bad boy. If anything, he’s a pretty good one. If he/it is a day svakako nema veze sa doslovnim prevodom, već znači ni godinu manje, ima sigurno toliko (godina, otkako je itd.). # Why do you keep referring to him as ‘young Dr Perkins’, mother? He’s forty if he’s a day. # “I can’t remember when I last played a game of golf. It’s a long time anyway.” “Fifteen years if it’s a day,” his wife said. If I’m any judge (kad bih ja bio sudija) znači ako se meni može verovati, ako sam ja pozvan da kažem. # If I’m any judge of children, that boy is going to grow up to be a real headache to his parents. If it comes to the crunch/push (pod When it comes to the crunch/push). If only (kad bi samo) znači i ako ni zbog čega drugog, ono. # - Do you think he’s telling the truth? - Yes, I do if only because it’s too strange a story for a simple fellow like him to invent. If push comes to shove (pod When it comes to the crunch/push). If someone had half an eye ne znači da ima makar pola oka, već da ima i malo mozga u glavi. # If you had half an eye you would be able to see how unhappy she was because of your refusal to go there. Kaže se i if someone had an ounce of brain/intelligence. If you’ll pardon/excuse my French ne znači izvinite zbog mog francuskog, već (šaljivo) izvinite na prostoti. # What she needs is a kick in the butt, if you’ll excuse my French. If you please (ako vam je tako ugodno) znači (a): (u formalnoj konverzaciji) ako smem, s
I guess vašom dozvolom i (b): (ponešto ironično) pomislite samo, zamislite, molim vas. (a): Now where shall we all sit? Mrs. Rogers, over here if you please, and Howard next to Mrs. Rogers. (b): Then there are the parents, who want some say in the fate of their children and these days even children themselves demand to be heard, if you please. I guess (nagađam) znači (a): valjda, rekao bih i (b): mislim (u američkom engleskom). (a): - I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel. - I guess. # I guess she is angry at me for standing her up. (b): I guess he was wrong. Be ill advised to do something (pod Be well/ ill advised to do something). Ill at ease (pod At ease). I’ll be bound (biću vezan) znači kladim se, siguran sam u to. # George won’t spend the whole evening collecting subscriptions. He’ll be in the pub by now, I’ll be bound. I’ll see you in hell first (prvo ću te videti u paklu) znači Ni za šta na svetu, Nećeš, bogami. # I won’t keep my mouth shut, and you won’t buy me off. I’ll see you in hell first. I’m afraid ne znači samo strah me je, plašim se, već i (a): žao mi je, oprostite i (b): bojim se (da nije/jeste), nažalost. (a): I’m afraid I can’t do that. (b): I’m afraid he is not the right man for it. # - She hasn’t broken her leg, has she? - I’m afraid so. I’m having quite a time ne znači samo divno se provodim već i (potpuno obrnuto) teško mi je. # - Well, what seems to be the problem? - I’m having quite a time. It’s my back. Improve the occasion ne znači poboljšati šansu, već iskoristiti priliku. # Dad was in a spending mood, so I thought I might as well improve the occasion by buying something useful. I’m sorry ne znači samo žao mi je, oprostite, već i (a): ne razumem, nisam vas dobro čuo i (b): veoma žalim (ali ostajem pri svome). (a): I’m sorry. It’s noisy in here. (b): - Only a fool can think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution. - I’m sorry but I don’t agree. In a bad way ne znači samo u lošem stanju, već i ne sluti na dobro, loše mu se piše. # “I want to say a word to you about your prospects. You are in a bad way, you know you really are in a bad way” (Ch. Dickens, Oliver Twist). In a big way (na veliki način) znači (a): u velikoj meri, naveliko, (b): ozbiljno i (c): u velikom stilu. (a): The army has gone into business in a big way, investing in construction firms, agriculture, and tanks. (b): „I fell for Irma in a big way, Harold“ (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). (c): Our family celebrates birthdays in a big way.
In a state of nature In a body ne znači samo u telu, već i svi zajedno, svi odjednom, kao jedan. # The audience rose in a body and cheered him to the echo. In a brown study (u smeđim studijama) znači utonuo u misli. # He was sitting there in a brown study and I had to wait for several minutes before he noticed that I entered the room. In advance ne znači samo unapred, već i (a): ispred, (b): pre i (c): ranije. (a): In the parade, the band will march in advance of the football team. (b): They reached the station in advance of the 8:00 train. (c): It’s good to be there in advance. In a family way, in the family way ne znači na porodičan način, familijarno, već u drugom stanju. # Sue and Liz are happy because their mother is in the family way. In a fog ne znači u magli, već zbrkan, smeten. # He is such a bad teacher that the children are completely in a fog about their school work. In a hole, in the hole ne znači samo u rupi, već i (a): u neprilici, u nezgodnoj situaciji i (b): (in the hole) u dugu. # Please, could you help me? I’m in rather a hole. I’ve just lost all my money and I have to catch a train in five minutes. (b): It looks like we are in the hole again this month. # I’m $600 in the hole. In a hurry ne znači samo u žurbi, već i lako, brzo. # “It seems to have made a profound impression on you.’ ‘It’s not the kind of experience you forget in a hurry’” (K. Adams, I Like It Here). In a lump (pod Lump). In a measure ne znači u meri, već u određenoj meri. # There is a theory that there are ‘murderees’, people themselves in a measure responsible for the crimes committed against them. In a mood nije u raspoloženju, već loše raspoložen. # Don’t ask the boss for more wages today - he’s in a mood. In apple-pie order (kao u piti od jabuka) znači doterano kao pod konac, uredno i čisto. # We are ready for our guests. The house is in apple-pie order. Britanci imaju svoj izraz: all shipshape (and Bristol fashion). # When Mother came home from the trip, she was pleasantly surprised to find the house all shipshape. # I want this rooom all shipshape and Bristol fashion before you come down for breakfast. In a small way (na mali način) znači u skromnom vidu, na skroman način. # Her father was a poultry breeder in a small way. I don’t think there was ever much money to spare. In a state of nature ne znači u prirodnom stanju, već go kao od majke rođen. # It has been so hot this summer that the children have been going about in a state of nature almost all the time. Ima više izraza koji to isto znače: mot-
In attendance her-naked, in one’s birthday suit, naked as a jaybird, with nothing on, without a stitch on, in the altogether. In attendance nije samo prisutan, već i (a): na službi, dežuran i (b): u (nečijoj) pratnji. (a):The young nurse was in attendance that night. (b): He was in attendance on the queen. In a way nije na način (kaže se after the fashion of ili like), već na neki način, u određenoj meri, donekle. # “So, in a way, it was more in accordance with the facts to let Nan think that nothing had occurred” (I. Murdoch, The Sandcastle). In back nije samo iza, već i u zadnjem delu kuće, iza kuće, u dvorištu. # I don’t have your size here, but perhaps I can find it in back. In bad odor ne znači smrdeti, već u nemilosti. # I don’t know why but I feel that I am in bad odor with my superior. In bad shape ne znači u rđavom stanju, već (a): u lošem stanju, fizički lošeg izgleda, (b): u drugom stanju i (c): nakresan, naljoskan. (a): Sam needs exercise. He’s in bad shape. (b): Sue’s in bad shape again, I hear. (c): Sol is in bad shape. I think he is going to toss his cookies. In character (u karakteru) znači tipično (za nekoga). # One could only expect something like that from him; it’s in character. Incidental nije incidentan, već (a): uzgredan, (b): slučajan, (c): propratan, (d): koji proizlazi iz i (e): sporedni, sitni troškovi (kao imenica – u množini). (a): Another incidental remark of Engels ‘ , also connected with the question of the state, deals with religion. (b): Try not to be distracted by incidental details. (c): The points you make are true, but they’re incidental to the main problem. (d): When alcohol arises as an issue in civil litigation it is usually regarded as incidental to a legal problem rather than central to it. i (e): Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel. # He requested reimbursement of $7 for incidental expenses. Incidental music je prateća/scenska muzika. # Playing with Time takes a look at the incidental music written for the story by composer Jonathan Gibbs. In clover ne znači u detelini, već u obilju, kao bubreg u loju. # If I get this contract, I’ll be in clover for the rest of my life. In cold storage (skladišten u hladnjači ) znači (a): u rezervi i (b): mrtav (u žargonu). (a): Your suggestions are very good, but we’ll have to keep them in cold storage until we have enough money to put them into practice. (b): Poor old Sam is in cold storage. In commission ne znači u komisiji, već (a): u dobrom/radnom stanju i (b): u aktivnoj službi, spreman za dejstvo (vojni termin). (a): The
In good time wheel of my bicycle was broken, but it is back in commission now. (b): The old battleship has been in commission for twenty years. In concert ne znači na koncertu (kaže se at a/the concert), već u saradnji, uz pomoć. # Mrs. Perkins planned the party in concert with her sister. In (dead) lumber ne znači u (mrtvoj) starudiji, već (u britanskom engleskom) u nevolji, u sosu. # When they discovered that I had been the only person in the office when the money had been stolen I was really in dead lumber. In deep nije u dubokom, već (a): veoma vezan, opsednut, (b): u dugu do guše i (c): (u žargonu) duboko umešan, debelo upetljan. (a): Tony loves the theater. He’s definitely in deep. He tries out all the plays and gets into many of them. (b): Jim began borrowing small sums of money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he was in deep. (c): Max is in deep with the mob. In deep water ne znači samo u dubokoj vodi, već i u opasnim vodama, u nezgodnoj situaciji. # Tom is having trouble with taxes. He is in deep water. Indian summer (indijansko/indijsko leto) je ono što mi zovemo babino/bablje/miholjsko leto (lepi i topli dani u poznu jesen). # We’ve had a rather long period of mild, warm and hazy weather following the first frosts of late autumn - real Indian summer. Industrial action nije industrijska akcija, već organizovani štrajk. # If the industrial action takes place, it is right that the public should know that the Government stand ready to take whatever action is necessary. In effect nema veze sa efektom, već znači (a): u stvari, zapravo, praktično i (b): na snazi. (a): The procedure could in effect deprive parents of their right to be represented legally before a court. (b): The new schedule in the dining room is in effect tomorrow. # The law went into effect yesterday. In evidence ne znači u evidenciji, (kaže se on file(s)), već prisutan, primetan, očit, vidljiv. # The little boy’s measles were very much in evidence. In fine feather (u lepom perju) znači (a): u dobrom zdravlju/raspoloženju i (b): (u žargonu) doteran („nabaciti perje“). (a): Grandfather seems to be in fine feather after his recent illness. He even sings as he works in his garden. (b): Well, you are certainly in fine feather today. In force ne znači samo na snazi, već i masovno, u velikom broju. # The mosquitoes will attack in force this evening. In good time (u dobrom vremenu) znači (a): za kratko vreme, brzo i (b): posle izvesnog vremena, kad bude vreme za to. (a): We traveled
In hot water from Mexico to Texas in good time. (b): “’Oh Harold,’ she exclaimed, ‘why all this mystification?’ ‘You’ll find out in good time,’ he said grinning at her as he might have grinned at Irma” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). In hot water ne znači samo u vrućoj vodi, već i u ozbiljnoj nevolji. # Bruno has to change his address. He’s in hot water with the police again! In kind (u vrsti) znači (a): u naturi i (b): istom merom, milo za drago. (a): The country doctor was usually paid in kind. He accepted two pigs as payment for an operation. (b): She spoke rudely to me, so I spoke to her in kind. In league ne znači u ligi, već u sprezi, u dosluhu. Rumors spread that the chairman is in league with the Mafia. In line nije samo u liniji, poređani, već i (a): u redu, (b): na redu, (c): sa izgledima i (d): u skladu, u saglasnosti. (a): I’ve been in line for an hour. (b): Thomas is in line for the presidency of the club next year. (c): I think I am in line for the job. (d): It was not in line with the kind of behavior we expect here. In low water ne znači u plitkoj vodi (low water znači oseka), već obeshrabren, izgubljen, demoralisan. # He was in very low water when I saw him last week - he even asked if I could lend him some money to pay the rent. In lumber (pod In (dead) lumber). Innocent of something ne znači samo nevin/ nedužan u čemu, već i bez nečega, lišen nečega. He was innocent of any desire to hurt her. # She was dressed in black, innocent of all jewelry. In one piece ne znači samo u jednom komadu, već i (a): neozleđen, zdrav i čitav i (b): neoštećen. (a): “We never mixed it with German fighters if could avoid it, for our main duty was to get home in one piece” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren). (b): The package was handled carelessly, but the vase inside arrived all in one piece. In one’s birthday suit (pod In a state of nature). In one’s glory ne znači u svojoj slavi, već u punom sjaju, u najboljem izdanju. # Thelma is a very good teacher. She’s in her glory in the classroom. In one’s line of country nema veze ni sa linijom ni sa zemljom, već znači verziran i (b): zainteresovan. (a): Cocktail parties are not in my line of country. (b): I have had no experience with children, so looking after two of them for an evening is not really my line of country. In one’s own right ne znači po sopstvenom pravu, već za sebe, sopstvenim kvalitetima (a ne zbog nekoga bliskog ko je uspešan). # My sister is married to a famous singer but she has an excellent singing voice in her own right.
In someone’s name In one’s shirt sleeves (u rukavima košulje) znači bez sakoa i kravate (samo u košulji). # He came to the door in his shirt sleeves and asked me to wait while he got ready to come out with me. In practice ne znači samo u praksi, već i dobro uvežban, utreniran, spreman. # The swimmer was not in practice and almost drowned. In print ne znači u štampi (kaže se in/at the press, being printed), već (a): raspoloživ u knjižarama i (b): otštampan, štampan. (a): It is very old book and no longer in print. (b): The story of the students’ trip to Africa appeared in print in the newspaper. In progress ne znači u vreme napretka, već u toku. # No one will be seated while the play is in progress. In rare form ne znači samo u retkoj/top formi, već i dobro nakresan (u žargonu). # Chuck is in rare form, but he’ll have time to sleep it off. In respect to/of ne znači iz poštovanja prema (kaže se out of respect for, in deference to), već u vezi sa, u pogledu. # In respect to your request, five dollars is being credited to your account. # In respect to your visit with us, we hope you can come before March. # Substantial increases can now be expected in respect of gas and water costs. In season ne znači samo u sezoni, već i (a): u pravo vreme, blagovremeno, kad dođe vreme i (b): kad je dozvoljen lov na. (a): Jim’s father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season. (b): Deer will be in season next week. In so many words ne znači u tako mnogo reči, već baš tako, izričito, sasvim jasno. # I thought he was being a selfish, little pig and I told him in so many words. In someone’s book ne znači u nečijoj knjizi, već po nečijem sudu, po nečijem mišljenju. # His activities are nothing but criminal in my book. In someone’s day ne znači u nečijem danu, već u nečije vreme (kad je neko bio mlad, uspešan itd.). # The Auberge did not satisfy the artistic and creative soul of Monsieur Bonneval. In his day he had been a great cook. In someone’s favor nije samo u prilog nekome, već i (a): u nečiju korist (rezultat), (b): u volji nekome, nečija simpatija i (c): da glasi na nekoga (ček). (a): At the end of the second half, the score was four to three in the other team’s favor. (b): My teacher is mad at me. I’m certainly not in his favor. (c): Please make out a check for $500 in Mr. Golding’s favor. In someone’s name ne znači samo u nečije ime, već i na nečije ime, u nečijoj svojini. # The house is in my name. I own all of it.
Instance Instance može biti i instanca (in the first instance), ali prvenstveno znači (a): primer (b): slučaj. (a): In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost. (b): There have been several instances of violence at the school. # I don’t usually side with the management, but in this instance I agree with what they’re saying. In store nije samo u zalihi/skladištu, već i (a): u rezervi i (b): u izgledu. (a): If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet. (b): Earlier this month, Fleet Street became immersed in speculation that big changes might be in store for The Times. In strength ne znači u snazi, već masovno, u velikom broju. # The civilian population used to turn out in strength every evening to watch our guard monitoring parade in the town square. Instrumental ne znači instrumentalan, već u značajnoj ulozi. # Ray was instrumental in getting the contract to build the new building. In style ne znači samo u stilu, već (a) u modi i (b) na visokoj nozi. (a): - This old coat isn’t in style anymore. - I don’t care if it’s not in style. I hope it comes into style again. (b): Since their business started doing well, they have been living in style. In sympathy ne znači sa simpatijama, već (a): saosećajući, sažaljevajući i (b): u saglasnosti, u znak podrške/slaganja. (a): “If she could shed tears in sympathy with a child she would not be able to lie in her own bed and listen to him cry” (D. Eden, Darling Clementine). (b): During the Glasgow bus strike, transport employees in various other towns declared 24 hour strikes in sympathy. # I, for one, am in sympathy with your proposals, but the majority is obviously against. Intelligence nije samo inteligencija, već i obaveštajni podatak ili služba. # We sent out planes to gather intelligence on their radar coverage. # Second, increase the Director’s authorities with regard to all national intelligence agencies. In tall cotton (u visokom pamuku), znači (u žargonu) u povoljnim prilikama, na konju. # I won some money at the track, and now I’m really in tall cotton. In terms of ne znači u terminima ili rokovima, već u pogledu, u smislu, kad se radi o. # Now, in terms of your proposal, don’t you think you’re asking for too much? Intern je internirati, ali i (a): lekar-stažist (u britanskom engleskom houseman) i (b): student (pred diplomiranjem) na praksi. (a): A few months ago we had an American intern working with us at our hospital. (b): They also advertize for interns to work on specific projects on their website. Interpreter nije interpretator (uloge ili pesme), već prevodilac. # She works as an interpreter in Brussels.
In the cold light of day/dawn Interval je interval, ali i (a): pauza (u pozorištu, na koncertu, u bioskopu, na britanskom engleskom, a na američkom engleskom je intermission) i (b): poluvreme (na fudbalskoj utakmici - u britanskom engleskom). (a): During the very long interval (they had to change scenography) I talked with several people. (b): The half-time interval in all matches shall not exceed 15 minutes. In the air ne znači samo u vazduhu, već i (a): svuda, na sve strane, (b): neizvestan, neodređen, maglovit i (c): verovatan, na vidiku. (a): There is talk in the air of a depression. (b): Our plans for next year’s holiday are very much in the air. (c): A meeting between the representatives of the two warring factions was in the air. In the altogether (pod In a state of nature). In the bag ne znači samo u torbi, već i takoreći gotovo, u džepu. # I’ve got the contract in the bag. They are going to sign it tomorrow. In the balance ne znači u ravnoteži (kaže se in balance, a on balance znači uzevši sve u obzir), već u krajnjoj neizvesnosti. # With his fortune in the balance, Rick rolled the dice. In the bargain ne znači u cenjkanju, već povrh toga, odozgo, baška. # I bought a car, and they threw an air conditioner in the bargain. In the black ne znači u crnom, ni in the red u crvenom, već (a) (black) u plusu, solventan, bez dugova i (b) (red) u gubitku, u minusu, u dugu. (a): After making losses for the last six years, we are at last in the black. (b): British Rail are deep enough in the red as it is without Arsenal supporters smashing all the light bulbs and ripping up the seats. In the cards (pod On the cards). In the clear ne znači u čistom, već (a): van opasnosti, na sigurnom, (b): nevin, (c): oslobođen sumnji ili optužbi i (d): nešifrovan. (a): Once the deer got into the clear, it ran away. (b): «’We checked his alibi,’ King said. ‘You’ll be happy to know he’s in the clear’» (Ed McBain, Killer’s Choice). (c): «Our only hope of catching them is to let the bastards think they are in the clear - right up to the last moment» (J. Archer, Shall We Tell the President?). (d): He sent a message in the clear. In the club ne znači samo u klubu, već i (u britanskom kolokvijalizmu) u drugom stanju. # When he came back from the war, he found out that his wife was in the club. In the cold light of day/dawn (na hladnoj svetlosti dana/zore) znači kad se glava ohladi, kad zdrav razum prevlada. # We got drunk and thought up wonderful plans to help all the people of the world, but our hopes disappeared in the cold light of day.
In the dark In the dark ne znači samo u mraku, već i neobavešten, bez dovoljno informacija. # «Everyone in the Red Cross remains in the dark about the real blood reserves and where they are» (J. Carroll, Memorial Bridge). In the dock ne znači na doku (kaže se on a dock), već na optuženičkoj klupi. # You are forgetting that I am not in the dock; you were responsible for what happened, not me. In the doghouse ne znači samo u psećoj kućici, već i u nemilosti. # Chuck is in the doghouse because he dropped the ball, and the other team won because of that. In the driver’s seat nije samo na vozačevom sedištu, već i na kormilu (u žargonu). # I’m in the driver’s seat now, and I get to decide who gets raises. Metafora sa istim značenjem je in the saddle. # I feel confident about our prospects now he’s in the saddle. In the event ne znači u događaju, već (a): konačno, ipak, na kraju, (b): u slučaju. (a): Someone was bound to go too far, to overstep the mark, to let everyone down. In the event no one did. (b): In the event of fire, please leave quickly and quietly. In the face of something nije samo suočen sa nečim, već i uprkos nečemu, bez obzira na nešto, nasuprot nečemu. # «He had resolved to be patient in face of the many difficult situations that he knew must arise during the Christmas visit» (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). In the family way (pod In a family way). In the final/last analysis ne znači u poslednjoj analizi, već na kraju krajeva, u krajnjoj liniji, konačno, na kraju se svodi na to. # In the final analysis, you do want the thing to work and what works for other people ought to work for you too. # «Plants get it from sunlight, and animals get it from plants, or from other animals of course. So in the last analysis the energy always comes from sun» (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud). In the first flight ne znači na prvom letu, već na vodećoj poziciji, na čelu. # This player has so much more skill and experience than the others that he will have no difficulty in keeping in the first flight. In the flesh ne znači u mesu, već uživo, lično, glavom i bradom. # I’ll go to the party only to see this movie star in the flesh In the gravy ne znači samo u umaku ili u sosu, već i pun para kô blata (u britanskom žargonu). # It’s useful to have a few friends who are in the gravy. In the hole (pod In a hole). In the hot seat ili on the hot seat (u/na vrućem sedištu) znači na velikim mukama, izložen iskušenjima, kritici i sl. # The politician will be
In the soup in the hot seat on television tonight: he will have to answer some unpleasant questions. # Now that Dave is on the hot seat, no one is paying any attention to what I do. In the long run ne znači u dugoj trci, već (a) na kraju krajeva, konačno, u krajnjem rezultatu i (b) na duži rok, u dužem periodu. (a): Dublin, London and Belfast are all concerned in Northern Ireland’s future and in the long run tripartite agreement must be sought. (b): Tom knew that he could make a success of the little weekly paper in the long run. I obrnuto: in the short run znači na kraći rok, u kraćem periodu. # We decide to rent an apartment in the short run. We can buy a house later. In the market ne znači na tržištu (kaže se on the market), već zainteresovan za kupovinu, spreman da plati. # I’m in the market for a video recorder. # If you have a boat for sale, we’re in the market. In the mass ne znači u masi, već u celini. # The people in the mass will not accept the leadership of a dishonest man. In the money ne znači samo (plivati) u novcu, u bogatstvu, već i sa izgledima na pobedu. # The horse coming in first, second, and third are said to be in the money. In the nature of someone/something ne znači samo u nečijoj prirodi, već i nalik na nekoga/ nešto, neka vrsta nekoga/nečega. # I hoped they would look upon me in the nature of an adviser and helper rather than as an overseer or critic. # He said something in the nature of an apology. In the neighborhood/vicinity of ne znači samo u susedstvu, u blizini, već i otprilike oko, nešto oko. # His debts are in the vicinity of $3,000. In the pink ne znači u ružičastom, već zdrav kao dren, u odličnoj kondiciji. (Često se doda: of condition). # I’m in the pink today. Feeling great. # Mr. Golding had aged well; he was one of those old men who always seem in the pink of condition In the pipeline ne znači samo u cevovodu, već i u pripremi. # A series of policy-based loans designed to support specific policy measures, crucial to the success of the proposed reform, are in the pipeline of operations at the World Bank. In the red (pod In the black). In the saddle (pod In the driver’s seat). In the same vein (u istoj veni/žili) znači u istom duhu/stilu. # There were many more tributes in the same vein. We tend to overpraise the dead. In the short run (pod In the long run). In the soup (u supi) je isto što i naše u sosu. # Now I’m really in the soup. I broke Mrs. Appleby’s window.
In the space In the space ne znači u svemiru (kaže se in space), već u intervalu, u razmaku, u roku. # One can’t expect a newly independent state to have solved its economic difficulties in the space of only two years. In the teeth ne znači samo u zubima, već i uprkos. # He married the girl in the teeth of strong disagreement from his parents. In the van ne znači samo u kombiju, već i u prvim redovima, na čelu. # He has been in the van of medical progress for years. In the vicinity of (pod In the neighborhood/ vicinity of). In the wake of (pod Wake). In the wind ne znači na vetru, već u skorom izgledu, u pripremi/razmatranju. # Changes in top management of the company had been in the wind for weeks. In the worst way ne znači samo na najgori način, već i veoma mnogo, jako. # I want a new car in the worst way. In train ne znači u vozu (kaže se on/aboard a train ili on a train - we met on the train), već u toku. # Preparations for the opening of the new town hall are in train. Introduce ne znači samo uvesti, već i (a): predstaviti, (b): upoznati, (c): predložiti, (d): početi i (e): umetnuti. (a): Introduce me to your friends. (b): A trip to the museum introduced the class to modern art. (c): He wanted to introduce an alternative to the plan. (d): The MC introduced the program with a few jokes. (e): Shakespeare always introduced some comic relief in his tragedies. In trust ne znači u veri, već deponovan, na čuvanju. # The money was held by the bank in trust for the widow. Invalid znači invalid (mada se najčečće kaže handicapped person ili special needs person), ali znači i (a): nevažeći, pravno nevaljan (b): netačan, nekorektan (a): The licence is invalid. (b): Your argument is invalid. Invaluable ne znači bezvredan (kao što se često prevodi) već neprocenjiv, od izuzetne vrednosti. # The new job will provide you with invaluable experience. Invest ne znači samo investirati, već i (a): ovlastiti, (b): uložiti, (c): prožeti i (d): obući, odenuti. (a): According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress is invested with the power to declare war. (b): Everyone should invest some time in community service. (c): The singer invested the songs with a bittersweet sadness. (d): The
I wouldn’t put it/anything past him designer invested the performers with sumptuous costumes. In virtue of (pod By/in virtue of). I spoke out of turn ne znači govorio sam preko reda, već rekao sam pogrešnu stvar, nije trebalo to da kažem. # - You said I was one who did it. - I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn. Is there a point to this? (pod Point). Item (pod Hot item). It figures ne znači figurira, već (a) ne iznenađuje me, moglo se i očekivati i (b) reklo bi se da je tako, ima mnogo smisla u tome. (a): - Bill was one who broke the window. - It figures. He’s very careless. (b): - Somebody told me he’d won money on the pools. - I never heard that, but it figures. They certainly have more money to throw around than they used to. It’s all in a/the day’s work ne znači sve je to posao od jednog dana, već (a): ništa neuobičajeno i (b): to je deo posla, to je ono što normalno sleduje („sve to ide u rok službe“). (a): The Browns were late for dinner, and Jack heard his wife saying it was all in a day’s work. (b): Putting up with rude customers isn’t pleasant, but iot’s all in the day’s work. It’s all yours! ne znači samo Sve je to vaše! već i Samo izvol’te!, Slobodno se poslužite! # May I borrow that newspaper, please, when you have finished with it? - There you are - it’s all yours. # I don’t need the bathroom any more. It’s all yours. It’s a steal! ne znači samo To je krađa!, već i To je budzašto! To je džabaluk! # At this price, it’s a steal! It’s more than his job is worth ne znači vredi više od njegovog posla, već to ga može koštati posla (ako učini nešto). # Strict regulations, sir. It’s more than my job’s worth to let you in without a pass. It’s to be or not to be. (pod Sink or swim). It’s your funeral! ne znači To je tvoja sahrana! već To je tvoj problem! Tvoja stvar. Ne zanima me. # Go if you want. It’s your funeral! I’ve been there. ne znači samo bio sam tamo, već i znam kako je to. # - These employment interviews are very tiring. - I know it! I’ve been there. I wouldn’t put it/anything past him. (ne bih stavio ništa kraj njega) znači mislim da je on spreman na svašta, ne bi me od njega (ništa) iznenadilo. # I felt sure he had a finger in the pie - I wouldn’t put anything past him.
J Jam je džem (u britanskom engleskom - u američkom engleskom je jelly), ali i (a): zastoj u saobraćaju i (b): škripac, neprilika. (a): We were stuck in a jam for two hours. (b): I’m in a bit of a jam - could you lend me some money till next week? Jam session je improviziranje džez muzičara („za svoju dušu“). With jam sessions be based for are allowed on into an international. Jam tomorrow (džem sutra) je bolje sutra, bolja sutrašnjica. * With the most promising movies one or two months hence, it’s a case of jam tomorrow. Jober as a sudge (pod Sober as a judge). Jobs for the boys ne znači poslovi za dečake, već (kolokvijalno) dobijanje posla po protekciji, nalaženje mesta za svoje ljude. * And he would not run it like a museum curator. No more jobs for the boys in the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, allowing them to bow ‘n blow us their repertoire of TV program theme music. Joint je spoj i spojnica, ali i (a): zglob (b): but (mesa) (u britanskom engleskom), (c): komad mesa za pečenje (obično sa koskom), (d): jeftin lokal, (e): cigareta sa marihuanom (u žargonu), (f): zatvor, ćuza (u američkom žargonu) i (g): zajednički. (a): As you become older, your joints get stiffer. (b): May I have a joint of pork, please. (c): Fry four chicken joints in a pan with some mushrooms and garlic. (d): We had lunch at a hamburger joint and then went to see a movie. (e): The joint was not enough to carry him long. (f): Lefty just got out of the joint. (g): The project was a joint effort/venture between the two schools. Join the club! Welcome to the club! ne znači samo Učlani se u klub!, Dobrodošao u klub! već i (kolokvijalno) U istom smo sosu!, Ni nama nije ništa bolje! # - Oh dear, I haven’t got any money left this month. - Join the club! We’ve spent our last penny too. Jolly je veseo, veseliti se, ali znači i (a): zabavan, (b): prijatan (u britanskom engleskom), (c):
pripit, (d): privlačan (u britanskom engleskom), (e): vrlo (u britanskom engleskom) i (f): podstaći, bocnuti. (a): We spent a very jolly evening together, chatting and drinking. (b): I love the bright yellow you’ve painted the children’s room - it makes it look really jolly. (c): Everybody was jolly and singing by the time the food arrived. (d): She is a jolly pink-cheeked woman. (e): Johnny is a jolly good fellow. # That’s a jolly nice scarf you’re wearing. (f): She didn’t really want to go to the party, so we had to jolly her along a bit. Jolly-well je svakako (kolokvijalno). # You jolly-well be there on time. Journal ne znači samo novine, već i (a): dnevnik, (b): poslovna knjiga, (c): skupštinske novine i (d): ležaj osovine. (a): She kept a journal of her activities. (b): Journal in bookeeping is either a daybook or a book of original entry, used in the double-entry system, for recording all transactions, in the order in which they occur. (c): A journal is a parliamentary record of the transactions of a legislature. (d): A journal is the part of a rotary axle or shaft that urns in a bearing. Judg(e)ment nije samo presuda, već i (a): ocena i (b): mišljenje, sud i (c): sposobnost rasuđivanja. (a): It was the reviewer’s judgment that the play would be a success. (b): In my judgment you’re wrong. (c): She always had poor judgment in picking friends. Sit in judgment znači prisvajati sebi pravo suditi o drugima, doneti sud da li je neko u pravu ili nije. # Don’t set yourself up as some great moral authority, Sam. You know you’re in no position to sit in judgment on any of us. Rush to a judgment je prenagliti sa zaključkom, doneti olako sud. # Without knowing all the relevant facts, you simply rushed to a judgment. Hasty conclusions and hasty decisions are often regretted. Jump at something ne znači skočiti u nešto (kaže se jump into something), već oberučke prihvatiti nešto. # Tommy jumped at the invitation to go swimming with his brother.
Jump out of one’s Jump out of one’s skin ne znači iskočiti iz sopstvene kože, već prestraviti se, šokirati se. # I nearly jumped out of my skin when Fred suddenly stepped out from behind the door. Jury znači i žiri, ali je to pre svega porota. # The jury has been unable to return a verdict. Just a minute! ne znači samo Sačekajte malo. Trenutak, molim, već i Stani malo!
Just what the doctor ordered Samo polako! # - My ticket entitles me to a seat! - Now, just a minute, sir. I’m afraid it only entitles you to travel to the destination named. Just what the doctor ordered najčešće ne znači upravo ono što je lekar prepisao, već baš ono što treba, kao poručen(o). # That meal was delicious, Irma. Just what the doctor ordered.
K Keep an eagle eye on (držati na orlovom oku) znači pomno/budno pratiti. # The mother kept an eagle eye on the children while they were playing outdoors. Keep books ne znači čuvati knjige, već voditi knjige. # Mr. Wilson keeps the company’s books. Keep down ne znači samo ne dizati se, već i (a): pritiskati, ugnjetavati, (b): ne podizati, (c): ograničiti, ne dozvoliti rast, (d): prigušiti, držati pod kontrolom, (e): potamaniti, ne dozvoliti razmnožavanje i (f): zadržati hranu (u stomaku), ne povraćati. (a): The peasants were kept down ruthlessly by the occupying power, which formed an unholy alliance with the land-owning class. (b): I wish you two would keep your voices down. (c): The government seems to be making little effort to keep the cost of living down. (d): It was all I could do to keep my anger down when I heard how the visitor had been treated in my absence. (e): There is no absolutely foolproof way of keeping the flies down during the summer. (f): Unless we can find a way of making the baby keep its food down, it is simply going to starve to death. Keep good time (čuvati dobro vreme) znači pokazivati tačno vreme. # I have to return my watch to the store because it doesn’t keep good time. Keep house ne znači čuvati kuću, već voditi domaćinstvo, održavati kuću. # Since their mother died, Thelma keeps house for her father and brother. Keep mum ne znači čuvati mamu, već ćutati kao zaliven, ne reći ni reči (kolokvijalno,u britanskom engleskom). # Please keep mum about my new job for the moment. I haven’t told my boss I’m leaving yet. Keep off ima različita značenja: (a): ne početi, (b): držati podalje, (c): izbegavati (u jelu/ piću), (d): ne spominjati, izbegavati pominjanje i (e): (u imperativu) Ne prilazi! (a): The thick
clouds passed overhead, but fortunately the rain kept off the whole day. (b): Keep those blasted scatters off my land! (c): The only way to get your weight down is to keep off fattening foods, and cut out alcohol altogether. (d): Everyone knew that the conversation should be kept off the subject of Mr. Stevenson’s bankruptcy. It was a source of embarrassment to the whole family. (e): Two large signs, with the words KEEP OFF! painted on them, had been attached to the sides of the boat. Keep on ne znači samo nastaviti, već i (a): istrajati (uprkos teškoćama), (b): dalje voziti, nastaviti vožnju, (c): ne prestati pričati, gnjaviti, (d): zadržati u službi i (e): zadržati na sebi, ne skidati. (a): Helen Keller, born with the most appalling physical handicaps, kept on in spite of every difficulty until she became a well-educated, useful member of society. (b): Keep on past the church till you get to the school. (c): Gerald and his girl! He’s a nice chap, but oh dear, he does keep on, doesn’t he? (d): When Lord Lamont gave up his country seat he kept on only two of his numerous servants. (e): I’ve told you before not to keep your socks on if they get wet. Keep one’s chin up (podići bradu) znači ne klonuti, hrabro se držati („Glavu gore!“) # Keep your chin up, Jim. Things will get better. Isti smisao ima i keep one’s pecker up. # Things may be bad at the moment but keep your pecker up and I am sure they will get better. Keep one’s ear to the ground (prisloniti uvo na zemlju) znači osluškivati okolo, znati šta se dešava, nastojati biti u toku. # Fred is always the first to know what’s happening in the office. He keeps his ear to the ground. Keep one’s feet ne znači čuvati svoje noge, već ostati na nogama, održati se na nogama. # After three glasses of whisky, he found it difficult to keep his feet. Keep one’s ground (pod Stand firm).
Keep one’s head Keep one’s head ne znači čuvati svoju glavu, već ne gubiti glavu, ostati hladne glave. # When Susan heard the fire alarm she kept her head and looked for the nearest exit. Keep one’s head down ne znači samo pognuti glavu, već i povući se iz javnosti (dok se ne vidi kako će se stvari dalje odvijati). # The politician decided to keep his head down until the committee actually asked him to lead the party. Until then he would just carry on with his customary work. Keep one’s nose clean ne znači paziti da nos bude čist, većčuvati se da se ne upadne u kakvu nevolju (u sukob sa zakonom i sl.), ne upetljati se u nešto (u žargonu). # I’ll tell him to keep his nose clean when he goes out of prison, but I know he’ll be back. Keep one’s own counsel (držati se sopstvenog saveta) znači ne otkrivati karte, zadržati (svoje mišljenje, namere i sl.) za sebe. # He listened to all the suggestions put forward, took notes from time to time, and kept his own counsel. Keep one’s pecker up (pod Keep one’s chin up). Keep one’s place ne znači čuvati svoje mesto, već ponašati se u skladu sa svojim mestom u društvu. # “I’ve seen better days than you have, man. I’ll be all right as long as you keep your place. Just you keep your place, that’s all” (H. Pinter, The Caretaker). Keep on one’s toes ne znači održati se na prstima, već biti u punoj pripravnosti, biti spreman kô zapeta puška. # The Chairman’s visiting the warehouse today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions. Keep on someone’s good/bad side (pod Get on someone’s right/wrong side). Keep open house ne znači držati kuću otvorenom, već rado primati u kuću (“naša vrata su svakom otvorena”). # Well, it’s very nice to be able to keep open house, I suppose. But it’s not everybody that can afford to be so hospitable. Keep someone at arm’s length (držati nekoga na razdaljini dužine ruke) znači držati nekoga na odstojanju, biti uzdržan/rezervisan prema nekome. # Jessica likes Don and tries to be friendly, but he keeps her at arms length. Keep someone/something in ima više značenja: (a): ne puštati (za kaznu) nekoga napolje, (b): održavati nekoga u određenom stanju, (c): omogućiti nekome da ima dovoljno (za piće, cigarete i sl.) i (d): zadržati nešto u sebi, ne dozvoliti nečemu da se ispolji. (a): Our teacher was in a bad temper today. She kept us all in for half an hour. (b): The pop-singer took pride in the fact that he kept his mother and sister in luxury. (c): He won first prize in a lottery - enough to keep him in beer for a year. (d): The policeman was
Keep up provoked by the hostile crowd but he managed to keep his anger in, and dealt with the situation coolly and competently. Keep someone on the rails (održavati nekoga na šinama) znači ne dozvoliti nekome da skrene s pravog puta. # By taking a constant interest in his son’s progress, he helped to keep him on the rails when so many other young men were falling foul of the law. Keep someone out of the picture (držati nekoga van slike) znači ne uključivati/informisati nekoga. # The whole plan must be a secret. Eric must be kept out of the picture, whatever happens. Keep someone posted nema veze sa slanjem pošte, već znači držati nekoga u toku. # Keep me posted as things develop, please. Keep tabs (čuvati račune) znači (a): pažljivo posmatrati/pratiti i (b): kontrolisati, voditi evidenciju. (a): The house mother kept tabs on the girls to be sure they were clean and neat. (b): Try to keep tabs on everyone who works for you. Keep the pot boiling (održavati ključanje u loncu) znači (a): održavati nesmanjeni tempo kakve aktivnosti i (b): zarađivati jedva dovoljno za život, nekako se dovijati. (a): The company had started the work with money they had obtained privately but the government lent them some more to keep the pot boiling. (b): While Father is looking for a new job, Mother is working parttime to keep the pot boiling. Keep the wolf from the door (ne dozvoliti vuku da priđe kući) znači ne dozvoliti da glad zakuca na vrata. # He now pays me four hundred a week in alimony. Well, it’s no fortune, but it keeps wolf from the door. Keep time (čuvati vreme) znači (a): držati ritam, (b): meriti vreme (na takmičenjima) i (c): pokazivati tačno vreme. (a): Tom had to drop out of the band because he couldn’t keep time. (b): Irma kept time at all the basketball games. (c): This watch doesn’t keep time. Keep under one’s hat ne znači držati pod šeširom, već zadržati za sebe, ne reći nikome. # I’m getting married, but keep it under your hat. Keep up ne znači samo nastaviti, ne prestajati, već i (a): održati se da ne padne ili potone, (b): održavati se na visokom nivou, (c): ne dati (nekome) da zaspi, (d): podići, poneti, (e): produžiti, (f): održavati, ne dopustiti da popusti, (g): snositi troškove održavanja, (h): nastaviti nesmanjenim tempom i (i): očuvati, održavati i dalje. (a): Those houses are so badly built that one wonders how they keep up in a strong wind. (b): In spite of strikes, the national output managed to keep up. It even increased a little beyond the previous year’s. (c): The baby kept me up all the night. (d): I could barely stand up myself, but
Keep up with I managed to keep up Ellen until we got out of the smoke filled room. (e): If we don’t keep up the payments on the car, I’m afraid the HP Company will take possession of it. (f): The troops’ spirits were kept up by the occasional visit of well-known entertainers to their camps. (g): We can’t afford to keep up a house in the country. (h): Bomber Command ordered that attacks on the industrial centers be kept up relentlessly. (i): Although the children knew all about the myth of Father Christmas, they still liked to keep up the old Christmas customs. Keep up with ima više značenja: (a): imati isti standard kao i, (b): održavati kontakt sa, biti u vezi sa, (c): držati korak sa i (d): biti u toku sa. (a): Most people in this competitive society, think they must keep up with their neighbors. (b): For some years after his retirement he kept up with a number of his old workmates, but as time went by he dropped them one by one. (c): You’re running so fast that I cannot keep up with you. (d): Margot is one of those women who always keeps up with the latest fashions. keep up with the Joneses znači ne zaostajati ni po koju cenu za drugima # takmičiti se sa susedima/prijateljima u kupovini materijalnih dobara. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson bought a new car simply to keep up with the Joneses. Kick ass (šutnuti u guzicu) znači (u žargonu) (a): pretiti batinama i (b): ubedljivo poraziti, rasturiti, razvaliti i (c): biti impresivan. (a): Detectives had to kick some ass and take some names in order to get information from their sources on the street. # „You do that again and I’m gonna kick your ass,“ he yelled at the terrified boy. (b): I want to kick their ass, just like any other team we face on the field. # You will kick his ass at tennis! (c): The DVD of that war movie truly kicks ass. Kick off ima više značenja: (a): početi, (b): (u žargonu) umreti, odapeti, (c): zbaciti (obuću, kaput i sl.) i (d): krenuti sa nečim. (a): The match is due to kick off at 3.15. (b): Poor Sam was almost ninety years old when he kicked off. (c): “So she takes off her shawl and skirt and adds them to the miscellaneous bedclothes. Then she kicks off her shoes and gets into bad without any further change” (G. B. Shaw, Pygmalion). (d): The candidate kicked off his campaign with a theater party. Kick one’s heels (pod Cool/kick one’s heels). Kick someone downstairs ne znači samo gurnuti nekoga niz stepenice, već i degradirati nekoga. # Poor old Wilson was kicked downstairs to a job in Accounts. Kick someone upstairs znači formalno unaprediti nekoga, dati nekome prestižni položaj s malo stvarnog uticaja. # Senior Cabinet Ministers are sometimes kicked
Kiss of life upstairs to the House of Lords to save them from humiliation. Kick the bucket (šutnuti vedro) kolokvijalno znači umreti, otegnuti papke. # Mr. Jones kicked the bucket just two days before his ninety-fifth birthday. Kick the habit (šutnuti naviku) kolokvijalno znači (a): osloboditi se navike, odvići se i (b): ostaviti drogu. (a): I used to drink a lot of coffee every morning, but I kicked the habit. (b): He had been on hard drugs too and one of the very few who have managed to kick the habit. Kill a story (ubiti priču) znači sprečiti objavljivanje članka. # A story may be killed if the government objects to publication on security grounds, or if the editor believes that publication could damage the interests of the country. Kill or cure (ubiti ili izlečiti) je prići problemu agresivno, drastičan lek, ljuta trava na ljutu ranu. # - I’ve such a stiff shoulder I can hardly get my clothes on an off. - Well, I’ve got some horse liniment in the shed that’ll kill or cure you. # When the new director takes control it will be kill or cure for the struggling company. Kind of ne znači samo neke vrste, u neku ruku, već i (a): poprilično, donekle, ponešto i (b): gotovo, nekako. (a): It’s kind of difficult for me to explain. (b): I kind of expected it. King of the castle (kralj zamka) je bog i batina. # After the war let it be assumed that, as Director-General of the BBC, Reith would have been less crusty as king of the castle which he had built, than in miscellany of jobs which he actually did. Kissing cousin (rođak za ljubljenje) je (a): (u američkom engleskom) daleki rođak (koji je blizak tek toliko da se poljubi pri susretu) i (b): obrnuto (u britanskom engleskom) rođak (najčešće suprotnog pola) za koga je neko jako lično i emocionalno vezan. (a): Yes, he’s my cousin, but what we call over here a kissing cousin - known well enough to be kissed when greeted. (b): She measures everybody against Beryl who was a kissing cousin of hers in her teens. Kiss off ne znači samo otrti/skinuti poljupcem (karmin i sl.), već i (a): odbaciti potpuno, zaboraviti, (b): umreti, otegnuti papke (u američkom žargonu), (c): likvidirati nekoga (u američkom žargonu) i (d): otkaz. (a): Just kiss off any idea you might have had about running for office. (b): The cat is going to have to kiss off one of these days soon. (c): Bruno had instructions to kiss the witness off. (d): Ted got the kiss-off and is now looking for a new job. Kiss of life (poljubac života) je (a): vraćanje u život davljenika disanjem usta na usta i (b): oživljavanje, udahnjivanje života nečemu, spasavanje od propasti, bankrota i sl. (a): He tried
Kiss the dust with the kiss of life to expand the lungs of the drowned man who had stopped breathing. (b): The stagnant condition of the British economy cried out for a shot in the arm. Whether the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s kiss of life can make much difference may be regarded as doubtful. Kiss the dust (pod Bite the dust). Kiss the rod (poljubiti motku/šibu) znači poviti šiju. # If the boss expects me to kiss the rod the way the others do he is making a mistake. Kitchen cabinet nije kuhinjski kabinet, već uticajna neformalna grupa savetnika predsednika ili premijera. # Andrew Jackson’s frontier coterie was the first designated as the “kitchen cabinet”, presumably because of his and their reputation for unpolished manners. Kitchen talk (kuhinjski razgovor) je ispiranje usta, olajavanje. # You shouldn’t take those things to heart. That is only kitchen talk. Knee-deep ne znači samo do kolena, već i (a): ogrezao, duboko uvučen, (b): zadubljen, zagnjuren i (c): preplavljen, zasut. (a): I’m afraid he’s knee-deep in that affair. (b): We were kneedeep in homework before the exams. # If I were you I wouldn’t disturb him right now. (c): Our business is booming. We are knee-deep in orders and loving it. Knock down ne znači samo poslati na pod udarcem, već i (a): udariti kolima, (b): ubediti nekoga da snizi cenu, (c): oboriti, (d): srušiti, (e): prodati na aukciji, (f): rastaviti na delove (radi lakšeg transporta), (g): (u američkom žargonu) popiti, drmnuti piće i (h): (u američkom žargonu) zarađivati. (a): Last night a hit-and-run driver knocked a man down in the village and killed him. (b): I knocked him down to $50. (c): The cat knocked the vase down. (d): The local council decided to knock down the oldest building in our town. (e): Things like that used to be knocked down at five shillings. (f): In many Asian countries there are assembly parts for the construction of cars which are imported in knocked-down form from Europe, America and Japan. (g): He knocked down a bottle of beer and called for another. (h): She must knock down 60 thousand a year. Knock out ne znači samo nokautirati, već i (a): onesvestiti, ošamutiti, (b): šokirati, (c): impresionirati, oboriti s nogu, (d): eliminisati (iz daljeg takmičenja), (e): onesposobiti, (f): izbiti udarcem i (g): izvaditi. (a): The driver of the car was knocked out at the moment od impact, and could remember nothing of the circumstances of the accident. (b): For a moment I was completely knocked out by the news of my friend’s death. It
Know how many beans makes five was some time before I could convince myself that it had really happened. (c): Helen’s new outfit knocked me out. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. (d): Ipswich knocked Fullham out of the League Cup in the third round, and then were knocked out themselves in the fourth. (e): The soldier knocked out two enemy tanks with his bazooka. (f): Several of the child’s teeth were knocked out in the accident. (g): Ted knocked a tooth out. Knockout9 (kao imenica) može imati značenje nekoga ili nečeg neodoljivog # That girl is a knockout. Kao pridev knockout takođe može značiti neodoljiv. # Već pomenuti, upotrebio ju je kao pridev: “She’s knockout, she’s regal, / Her beauty’s illegal, / She’s the girl friend!” (Lorenz Hart, The Girl Friend). Knock someone in the aisles (pod Rock/ knock/lay someone in the aisles). Knock someone off his feet (pod Sweep/ knock someone off his feet). Knock up ima više vrlo različitih značenja: (a): izmoriti, iznuriti, (b): probuditi (kucanjem na vrata), (c): (u američkom žargonu) ostaviti u drugom stanju, (d): odgurnuti nagore, (e): pripremiti ili napraviti na brzinu, (f): (u američkom žargonu) ubrizgati sebi drogu, fiksati se i (g): kratko zagrevanje tenisera pred meč. (a): Please don’t try to dig up the whole garden in one day: you’ll knock yourself up. (b): Would you mind knocking me up at about 7 o’clock tomorrow, as I must catch an early train to London? (c): Why ever did she let him knock her up? You’d have thought she’d never heard of the pill! (d): As the intruder rushed at me with a knife, I knocked him up, and hit him in the stomach with the poker. (e): My mother was a marvel at knocking up a meal for an unexpected guest. There always seemed to be something in the larder. (f): While he was knocking up, he broke the needle. (g): While the players were having a knock-up, the crowd settled down in their seats in expectation of a first-class match. Know a thing or two (znati jednu ili drugu stvar) znači biti dobro obavešten. # You’d better listen to me. I know a thing or two about cars, believe me. Know for a fact (znati za činjenicu) znači pouzdano znati, biti siguran. # I know for a fact that he was at that meeting. Know how many beans makes five (znati koliko zrna čine pet) znači biti racionalan i praktičan, videti jasno stvari. # - There’ll be some reason that suits her for taking a lower-paid job. - I wouldn’t worry about Clare if I were you - she knows how many beans make five.
9 Komentar I. Klajna: Već pomenuti Lorenz Hart, u pesmi The Girl Friend, upotrebio ju je kao pridev: “She’s knockout, she’s regal, / Her beauty’s illegal, / She’s the girl friend!”
Knowing Knowing nije samo mudar, već i (a): značajan i (b): nameran, promišljen. (a): She gave us a knowing look when the subject was brought up. (b): It is a knowing complicity in the plot. Know one’s onions ne znači znati svoj luk, već znati svoj posao. # “Margaret Costa, the cookery writer and her chef husband, Bill Lacy, certainly knew their onions” (J. Archer, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less). Kaže se i know one’s stuff. # I am very pleased with the new mechanic; he sure knows his stuff. Know one’s own mind ne znači poznavati svoj mozak, već imati jasne poglede („zna šta hoće“). # It’s not easy to work for an employer who doesn’t know his own mind. Know one’s stuff (pod Know one’s onions). Know someone like a book ne znači poznavati nekoga kao knjigu, već čitati nekoga kao bukvar, poznavati nekoga u dušu. # Mary can’t deceive me. I know her like a book. Know someone/something backwards (and forwards) ne znači znati nekoga/nešto nazad (i napred), već (a): znati nekoga kao zlu paru i (b): znati nešto kao Očenaš, poznavati nešto do tančina. (a): If I were you I wouldn’t recommend Bob to the boss for a job. He knows Bob backwards and forwards and thinks little of him. (b): You’d better ask Jim about the baseball rules. He knows them backwards and forwards. Slično značenje ima know someone/something inside
Know which side one’s bread is buttered out. (a): You’d better ask Jim about Dave. He knows Dave inside out. (b): I don’t know how good he is as a general solicitor but he certainly knows Income Tax Law inside out. Kaže se i know the ins and outs. # He knows the ins and outs of parliamentary procedure. Know/tell a hawk from a handsaw (razlikovati jastreba od ručne testere) znači znati šta je šta, znati razlučiti stvari. # Mr. Foot cannot tell a hawk from a handsaw if he supposes that the wastage of unemployment, and the idiocy of the Industrial Relations Act, spell revolution. Know the ins and outs (pod Know someone/ something backwards). Know the/one’s ropes nema veze sa konopcima, već znači biti dobro upućen u nešto, znati nešto u prste. # Everything I learned in my profession is due to an old, seasoned accountant who really knew his ropes. Know the score ne znači samo znati rezultat, već i razumeti pravo stanje stvari, videti koliko je sati. # “For chrissakes, we’re not children! We do investigations all the time and know the score” (A. Hailey, The Evening News). Know which side one’s bread is buttered (on) (znati s koje je strane hleb namazan puterom) znači znati od čega se živi, znati gde leži nečiji interes. # He wouldn’t be rude to his boss - he knows which side his bread is buttered on.
L Labor ne znači samo rad, već i (a): trud, (b): radna snaga, radništvo, (c): laburisti (Labour) i (d): trudovi (porođajni). (a): Much labor went into the building of the pyramids. (b): Most of the nation’s labor is on strike. (c): The Labour won overwhemingly. (d): She went into labor two weeks early. Labor of love je nešto što se radi iz čistog zadovoljstva. * Building the model railroad was a labor of love for the retired engineer. Hard labor je robija s prisilnom radom. * Hard labor is a compulsory physical labor coincident with a prison term imposed as a legal punishment for a crime. Laborers/workers in the vineyard nisu vinogradarski radnici, već kolege na istom poslu (u britanskom engleskom). # He is there to help the laborers in the hospital vineyards, from consultants to kitchen-hands, first to recognize and then to solve their problems. Lady killer nije ubica dama, već donžuan. # We saw an old-time lady killer with a close-cut black mustache and everything. Lame duck (hroma patka) je (a): (američki politički kolokvijalizam) funkcioner koji nema stvarne moći (jer ili je poražen na izborima ili ne može obnoviti mandat) i (b): slaba ili onemoćala osoba ili organizacija, firma i sl. (a): In the last year of their second terms, American presidents are lame ducks. (b): The interest of the community went far beyond passive grants and the nationalization of lame ducks. Lap-dog nije samo kučence (koje sedi u krilu), već i mamina maza, razmaženko. # By overprotecting her son she inadvertently turned him into a lap-dog. Large/big as life (veliki kao život) znači (a): u prirodnoj veličini i (b): glavom i bradom. (a): The statue of Jefferson was large as life. (b): He couldn’t have gone abroad - I saw him yesterday, coming out of his office as large as life. # I opened the door, and there was Bill as big as life. U prirodnoj veličini se kaže i life-size. # When
we entered the dining room, there was a life-size picture of the hostess. Larger than life (veći od života) znači (a): uvećan, preteran, veći nego u prirodi/stvarnosti i (b): neuobičajen, mimo sveta, nesvakidašnji, ekstravagantan. (a): “I’m sorry to be so lacking in melodrama, but honestly your ancestors were probably painted larger than life” (D. Eden, Darling Clementine). (b): Many film stars seem to be larger than life to the mass of ordinary people. Late ne znači samo zakasnio, kasno, već i pokojni . He was an admirer of the late president. Laundry list nije samo lista rublja za pranje, već dug spisak (u žargonu). # Now I have a laundry list of items we have to discuss. # He came to the interview with a laundry list of things. Law ne znači samo zakon, već i (a): pravo, pravne studije i (b): policija. (a): Will you go into law or medicine? (b): There was so much commotion the neighbors called the law. Lawful age (pod Legal age). Lay an egg ne znači samo sneti jaje, već i (kolokvijalno) zabrljati, upskati stvar. # I guess I really laid an egg, huh? Lay down ne znači samo spustiti, položiti, već i (a): propisati (pravilo, proceduru itd.), (b): tvrditi, izjaviti, (c): pohraniti, staviti (vino i sl.) u podrum i (d): početi sa gradnjom. (a): The committee laid down rules about the size of tennis courts. (b): She laid it down as always true that “a fool and his money are soon parted.” (c): Father laid down a few good bottles before the war. (d): Several of the new-type tankers are being laid down on Tyneside. Lay down the law ne znači postaviti zakon, već (a): izdavati striktna uputstva/naređenja i (b): govoriti sa autoritetom (stvarnim ili umišljenim) o nekoj materiji. (a): Mrs. Thatcher promised to lay down the law about any future rebellions as soon as MPs returned after the Christmas break. (b): One of your worst faults
Lay figure is that you try to lay down the law about politics even though you know very little about it. Lay figure ne znači laička pojava, već nominalna figura. # The realization came to her slowly; the Queen was a lay figure, lacking even the power to dismiss a maid-of-honor without the King’s approval. Lay/pile/pour/spread it on thick ne znači ofarbati/nagomilati/sipati/razmazati debelo, već preterivati. # “The only sin he had ever had to confess was the sin of Pride: and he laid it on thick” (P. H. Johnson, The Unspeakable Skipton). # After Tom finished his speech, Sarah said he was pouring it on thick. # John always spreads it on thick. Lay off ima više različitih značenja: (a): otpustiti, dati otkaz (obično privremen), (b): pustiti na miru, (c): prestati, prekinuti i (d): nišaniti sa preticanjem. (a): He is a skilled worker laid off from his job in Belfast shipyard. (b): “Take it easy, then he’ll soon lay off you” (M. Dickens, The Angel in the Corner). (c): His doctor told him to lay off cigarettes. (d): “I bowled over four rabbits by laying off enough ahead of them” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren). Lay out znači (a): onesvestiti, nokautirati, (b): izgrditi, izribati (u žargonu), (c): položiti (mrtvaca) na odar, (d): potrošiti, (e): izložiti plan, postaviti osnovu, (f): projektovati, planirati izgradnju/uređenje, (g): poređati, aranžirati i (h): raširiti, rasprostrti. (a): Jerry laid out Nick with one punch to the chin. (b): The teacher really laid out Chuck for being late. (c): They laid out their uncle for the wake. (c): How much did you have to lay out for your new car? (d): Mr. Bush’s task, they said, was to lay out a compelling vision for the future and clear plan for tackling the nation’s domestic problems. (e): The architect laid out the interior of the building. (f): The nurse laid out the instruments necessary for the operation. (g): The valet laid out the clothing for his master. Lay/put one’s cards on the table (staviti karte na sto) znači otkriti svoje karte, pokazati jasno svoje namere. # Come on, Nick, lay down your cards. Tell me what you really think. # Why don’t we both put our cards on the table? Lay someone in the aisles (pod Rock/knock/ lay someone in the aisles). Lay something at someone’s door ne znači ostaviti nešto pred tuđi prag, već pripisati nekome odgovornost za nešto, smatrati koga odgovornim za nešto. # The delay in bringing relief to the victims of the earthquake was laid at the door of the government. Kaže se i lay something on someone. # Don’t lay that stuff on me! It’s not my fault. Lay to rest nije samo sahraniti, već i skinuti sa dnevnog reda, staviti tačku. An official state-
Leave the room ment laid to rest the remaining fears about possible redundancies in the industry. Lead a charmed life (pod Bear/lead/have a charmed life). Leading question nije glavno pitanje, već sugestivno pitanje. # “’I must object, my Lord,’ sad Mr Scott, rising with unusual speed. ‘This is a leading question’” (J. Archer, The Perfect Murder). Lead the dance ne znači voditi u plesu, već otvoriti ples, ali lead someone a dance (a merry/ pretty/dreadful dance), znači pošteno namučiti nekoga, zadati nekome mnogo muka (svojim ponašanjem, načinom života i sl.). Some of our customers led us pretty dance by changing their demands all the time and then not buying anything from us. Lead someone up/down the garden path (voditi nekoga baštenskom stazom) znači namagarčiti nekoga, vući nekoga za nos. # Someone posing as a television reporter has been leading us up the garden path. # Now, be honest with me. Don’t lead me down the garden path. Leave alone (pod Let/leave alone). Leave one’s calling card ne znači samo ostaviti posetnicu, već i ostaviti trag iza sebe. # Some rulers have left no calling card. Leave someone at the post ne znači ostaviti nekoga u pošti, već ostaviti nekoga daleko za sobom. “Black Arrow” left all other horses at the post. Leave someone flat ne znači da je neko ostao spljošten, već (a): ostaviti nekoga ravnodušnim, ne uspeti zabaviti/impresionirati nekoga, (b): ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare i (c): ostaviti nekoga na cedilu. (a): We listened carefully to his lecture, but it left us flat. (b): Paying all the bills left me flat. (c): She greatly disappointed me by leaving her partners flat. Leave someone high and dry takođe znači (a): ostaviti nekoga bez prebijene pare i (b): ostaviti nekoga na cedilu. (a): Mrs. Vance took all the money out of the bank and left Mr. Vance high and dry. (b): He went off and left me high and dry. Leave someone holding the baby/bag ne znači ostaviti nekome da nosi bebu/torbu, već prepustiti brigu/odgovornost drugome. # I thought he was going to organize the party but in the end I was left holding the baby. # When the ball hit the glass, the team scattered and left Tom holding the bag. Leave the room ne znači samo napustiti prostoriju, veći otići u toalet (u britanskom engleskom). # „‘Yes,’ he said, ‘you can leave the room - I’ll mix the necessary” (G. W. Target, The Teachers).
Lecture Lecture nije lektura (teksta – kaže se language-editing), već (a): predavanje i (b): oštra kritika, lekcija i (c): predavati. (a): He attended a lecture on telecommunications. (b): My dad gave me a lecture on the evils of alcohol last night. (c): Did you ever lecture at Harvard? Lecturer je predavač, ali i docent (u britanskom engleskom). # It is highly unlikely that a university lecturer would earn more than that. Left-handed nije samo levoruk, levak, već i (a): nespretan, trapav (i mi kažemo u žargonu levak za takvu osobu) i (b): prevarantski, lažan. Don’t let him carry the TV set; he’s so left-handed. (b): I don’t want to have anything with such left-handed deals. Left-handed compliment je neumestan kompliment. # «Your sister is very well preserved, isn’t she. She doesn’t look a day over forty.» This was really a left-handed compliment. My sister is thirty-five! Leg nije samo noga, već i etapa, deo putovanja. # We’re finally on the last leg of our journey. Legal age (legalno doba) je punoletstvo. # In most states the legal age for voting is 21. Kaže se i lawful age. # He could not get a driver’s license because he was not of lawful age. Legate nije legat (kaže se legacy ili bequest), već zvanični predstavnik, specifično papski izaslanik. # But the parties were never summoned to Rome: the cases were treated in loco, and by papal legates. # The pope’s legate was there to confer with von Papen. Legion ne znači samo legija, već i mnoštvo. # Mahatma Gandhi had a legion of devoted followers. Leg-man nije pešak, već (a): potrčko, kurir, (b): reporter na licu mesta, novinar-trčkaralo i (c): muškarac kome su kod žena najvažnije noge (u žargonu). (a): Tom hired a leg man for the office. (b): He started as a leg-man more than thirty years ago and today he is our editor in chief. (c): Herb is a leg-man. He doesn’t care what a girl’s face looks like as long as she has sexy legs. Leg work nije rad nogama, već tegobni deo posla/projekta, crnački posao. # Paul, my research assistant does a lot of leg work for me. Lend color to something (pod Give color to something). Let je (do)pustiti, ali i iznajmiti, izdavanje (u britanskom engleskom) # She has a room to let in her house. # A five-year let on a flat. Let down ne znači samo spustiti naniže, već i (a): izgubiti visinu, ponirati, (b): popustiti u tempu, opustiti se, (c): razočarati (nekoga), izneveriti nečije nade, (d): ispustiti vazduh i (e): biti potišten/deprimiran. (a): Eleven hours out of Paris, the Air France plane let down into Rio de Janeiro. (b): The team let down in the fourth qu-
Let out someone arter because they were far ahead. (c): He’s been let down so much in the past that he trusts no one. (d): Some joker has let down the back tires of my car. (e): «He felt at once relieved and let down» (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). Let fly ne znači samo pustiti da poleti, već i (a): razbesneti se, izgalamiti se i (b): odapeti, gađati. (a): My father is usually a very calm man, but he really lets fly sometimes. (b): He aimed carefully and then let fly with both barrels. Let go ne znači samo pustiti, već i (a): popustiti (pod pritiskom), ne izdržati, (b): odapeti, opaliti, gađati, (c): uputiti prema kome, baciti, (d): osloboditi se, (e): zapustiti (se) i (f): otpustiti. (a): The old water pipe suddenly let go and water poured out of it. (b): Robin Hood let go an arrow at the deer. (c): The pitcher let go a fast ball and the batter swung and missed. (d): I can’t let go of those horrible memories. (e): After she was married, Jane let herself go and was no pretty any more. (f): Bob got into a quarrel with his boss and was let go. Let/leave alone ne znači ostaviti samog, već a kamoli. # Mr. Bush is not obliged to advocate everything the Republican platform does, let alone everything said by the featured orators here this week. Let off ne znači samo pustiti (nekoga) da ide, već i (a): opaliti (iz puške itd.), (b): osloboditi kakve obaveze, (c): iskrcati, (d): otpuštati, ispuštati, (e): pustiti bez kazne, dati prekor, uslovnu kaznu, upozorenje i sl. umesto kazne, (f): dozvoliti da se zgrada izdaje u delovima i (g): puštati vetrove, prdnuti (nepristojan žargon). (a): Jerry accidentally let off his father’s shotgun and made a hole in the wall. (b): Jenny’s mother said that she would let Jenny off drying the supper dishes. (c): I asked the captain to let me off at the next port of call. (d): The engine was letting off some kind of smoke. (e): He was charged with petty larceny, but the court let him off. (f): The agent isn’t keen to let the offices off in penny packets; he wants to find one tenant for the whole building. (g): «If I let off in the parlour she’d have me shipped off to the hospital to be disembowelled» (S. Price, Just for the Record). Let off steam ne znači samo ispustiti paru, već i dati sebi oduška. # After the long ride on the bus, the children let off steam with a race to the lake. Let out someone ne znači samo pustiti (nekoga) da ode (iz škole, sa posla itd.), već i (a): osloboditi nekoga kakve (neprijatne) obaveze, (b): otpustiti, (c): osloboditi nekoga (odgovornosti, sumnje, kazne itd.), (d): pustiti napolje, (e): otkriti, izneti na videlo, (f): proširiti, produžiti, ispustiti (krik, visak, uzdah i sl.) i (g): is-
Let someone off the hook pustiti (nešto iz nečega). (a): He appeared just in time to propose the vote of thanks, which let me out nicely. (b): The shop closed down and all the men were let out. (c): His alibi lets him out. (d): Mother won’t let us out when it rains. (e): Keep this to yourselves - don’t let it out to the press. (f): Betty’s mother had to let out her dress because Betty is growing so tall. # I’ve got so fat that I’ll have to let the waistband out several inches. (g): «He let out a spontaneous cry» (C. P. Snow, The New Men). (g): For heaven’s sake, somebody let the air of my tires! Let someone off the hook ne znači skinuti nekoga sa kuke, već (a): izvući nekoga iz nezgodne situacije i (b): osloboditi nekoga kakve (neprijatne) obaveze. (a): Don’t think, because you’ve been let off the hook once, that you can always slide out the dirty jobs. (b): I thought I’d have to talk to old Mrs. Wilson all evening, until Molly came along and let me off the hook. Let/slip the cat out of the bag ne znači pustiti mačku iz džaka, već izlanuti se. # We are planning a surprise party for Thelma. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. Letter nije samo pismo, već i (a): slovo, (b): doslovni smisao, (c): povelja (često u množini) i (d): književnost, znanje (u množini). (a): There are 26 letters in the alphabet. (b): Both sides obeyed the letter if not the spirit of the agreement. (c): The letters are granting special rights to the bearer. (d): He was a man of letters with no interest in ccurrent affairs. Let the dog see the rabbit ne znači pustiti psa da vidi zeca, već pustiti druge da rade ono što umeju ili žele („Gledaj svoja posla.“). # There’s a whole lot of connections going in under here. I don’t know which is the speedometer cable. - Well, get your head out of the way and let the dog see the rabbit. Let’s call it a day (pod Call it a day). Let the grass (to) grow under one’s feet (dopustiti da trava raste ispod nogu) znači biti neaktivan, gubiti vreme. # Ted is too lazy. He’s letting the grass grow under his feet. Liberally ne znači samo liberalno, već i obilno. # You were given the authorization to give some small gifts to our important clients, but you seem to have used it too liberally. Lie through/in one’s teeth ne znači lagati kroz zube, već bezočno lagati. # If Dick told you that he was a rich man, he was lying through his teeth. Why, only yesterday he asked me to lend him $100! Life-size (pod Large/big as life). Lift nije samo lift, već i (a): podići, (b): skinuti, okončati, (c): razići se, (d): ukrasti, (e): ohrabrenje, stimulans i (f): uložak u cipeli (radi
Like being in a fishbowl korekcije ili da bi osoba izgledala viša). (a): Please lift their packages onto the counter. (b): The government lifted the ban on tourist travel. (c): With the rain, the smog lifted from the city. (d): Someone lifted his wallet on the bus. (e): The employer’s praise gave the staf a lift. (f): Lift is a layer of leather in the heel of a shoe to increase the height of the wearer. Vidi Give someone a lift. Lift the elbow ne znači podići lakat, većodati se piću (u britanskom engleskom). # He started drinking very early and has lifted the elbow ever since. Lightning rod nije samo gromobran (u američkom engleskom) već i privlačna meta (u žargonu). # After a series of gaffes that made her a lightning rod for critics, Mrs. Clinton retreated from national stage after the New York primary. Light up nije samo osvetliti, već i (a): pripaliti (cigaretu, lulu i sl.), (b): upaliti svetlo na kolima i (c): ozariti se. (a): «Pop had lit up one of the best Havanas» (H. E. Bates, A Breath of French Air). (b): It’s seven o’clock, and still one or two cars haven’t lit up. (c): Linda’s face lit up when she saw her old friend. Like a bear with a sore head (kao mrzovoljni medved) znači loše volje, kao da su mu sve lađe potonule. # Father is like a bear with a sore head this morning. I wonder what has upset him. Like a dog with two tails (kao pas sa dva repa) znači zadovoljan zbog nečega, blažen («šepuri se kao paun»). # The old chap’s been like a dog with two tails since he got the news - wants everyone to know his grandson is being called after him, too. Like a dose of salts (kao doza soli) znači velikom brzinom („kao darmol“). # If you offer him money to do the job fast he’ll get through that work like a dose of salts. Like a house on fire (kao zapaljena kuća) znači svom silinom, brzo i žestoko. # The crowd burst through the gate like a house on fire. Like anything ne znači samo kao bilo šta, već i (a): žestoko, (b): veoma brzo, začas i (c): kao lud. (a): They worked like anything to finish the job on time. # It’s raining like anything. b): Give it to Dave to do. He can add up figures like anything. (c): I shoot a starting pistol at trespassers and they run like anything. Like a sack of potatoes (kao džak krompira) je nezgrapan („kao šifonjer“). # The poor thing has a figure like a sack of potatoes, anyway, and a tubular dress is the last thing she ought to wear. Like being in a fishbowl (kao u posudi za ribice) znači kao u izlogu, stalno na oku javnosti. # I am simply not accustomed to celebrity; I feel like being in a fishbowl. Kaže se i like being in a
Like David and Jonathan glass cage (kao u staklenom kavezu). # The public will watch your every step. It’ll be like being in a glass cage from now on. Like David and Jonathan (kao David i Jonatan) je isto što i naše kao Božić i Badnji dan (uvek zajedno). # Those two chaps are like David and Jonathan. I never see one without the other. A likely story! (Verovatna priča!) je ironičan izraz koji upravo izražava nevericu: Pričam ti priču. Nije nego! # Who would have the power to fire this hybrid arrangement? The French President? The British Prime Minister? Both by agreement - a likely story! Like nobody’s business (kao da nije ničiji posao) znači (a): iz sve snage i (b): izuzetno dobro, kao bog. (a): The thieves ran like nobody’s business. (b): She can sing like nobody’s business. What a set of pipes! Like the curate’s egg (kao vikarovo jaje) je delimično zadovoljavajuće, tako-tako (u britanskom engleskom). # - What did you think of the play? - It was rather like the curate’s egg. Like the man said (kao što je čovek rekao) znači što bi se reklo, štono kažu. # Stop bellyaching, for God’s sake. A job is a job, like the man said. Like water off a duck’s back (kao voda što se sliva s leđa patke) znači bez većeg efekta. # I keep telling the boys not to bang doors but it’s like water off a duck’s back. Lily-white (beo kao ljiljan) znači (a): beo kao sneg, (b): čist, nevin, neiskvaren i (c): pristupačan samo belcima (američki kolokvijalizam). (a): She wore a lily-white dress. (b): I’m sure Sally is very nice and lily-white girl. She wouldn’t allow herself to go with just any man. (c): The lily-white country club has been widely criticized. Lion-hunter nije samo lovac na lavove, već i neko ko nastoji da ugosti poznate ličnosti. # You’re a best-selling author and you may now reasonably expect many invitations of the city’s lion-hunters. Literal ne znači literaran (kaže se literary), već (a): doslovan, (b): tačan, precizan i (c): prozaičan. (a): The students were asked to make a literal translation of the French story, word-forword. (b): The general wanted a literal report on the enemy’s strength. (c): He’s so literal he never knows when I’m kidding. Little/small frog in a big pond (mala žaba u velikom ribnjaku) je sitan šraf. # In a large company, even a fairly successful man is likely to feel like a little frog in a big pond. Little theater (malo pozorište) je amatersko pozorište, neprofesionalna pozorišna grupa. # Many famous actors began in little theaters.
Loaded for bear Little tin god (mali limeni bog) je (a): neko ko zamišlja da je mnogo važan i (b): lažni idol. (a): The man I spoke to at the tax office thought I was wasting his valuable time - he was a real little tin god. (b): The place is reasonably clean and nobody’ll get poisoned with the food I give them but I’m not one of these women who make little tin gods of their homes. Live from hand to mouth (živeti od ruke do usta) znači živeti od danas do sutra, vezivati dan i komad, jedva sastavljati kraj s krajem. # I’m tired of living from hand to mouth. I want a better job where I can earn more money. Live in fat city (živeti u debelom gradu) znači plivati u izobilju (u žargonu). # He’s hit the deep pockets and now lives in fat city. Live in someone’s pocket (živeti u nečijem džepu) znači provoditi mnogo vremena zajedno sa nekim. # At our winter camp we live in each other’s pockets for six months without seeing anyone else at all, so it’s important that we like each other. Live like a fighting cock (živeti kao pevac koji učestvuje u borbama petlova) znači živeti kao bubreg u loju (u britanskom engleskom). # They are both very good cooks, and we live like fighting cocks whenever we stay with them. Live on borrowed time (živeti na pozajmljeno vreme) znači živeti/opstajati duže nego što se moglo očekivati („sve što dalje živim čist je ćar“). # Ever since his operation George felt he was living on borrowed time. Live wire (živa žica) je (a): električni provodnik pod naponom i (b): vatra čovek, preduzimljiva osoba (kolokvijalno). (a): It is designed so that the power is automatically cut off before the live wires are exposed should the cable be dangerously damaged or cut. (b): If you want to raise money for the orphanage, you should put Tim in charge of the fund-raising; he’s a real live wire. Loaded nije samo natovaren, već i (a): napunjen (oružje), (b): pristrasan (c): opremljen svim mogućim dodacima (automobil), (d): pijan (u žargonu) i (e): pun para (u žargonu). (a): It is unlawful to carry a loaded shotgun in a public place without reasonable excuse. (b): It seems that the report is loaded in favor of the developers. (c): I bought a fully loaded minivan. (d): If you’re loaded, don’t drive. (e): Mr. Jones is loaded, but he is also generous with his money. Loaded for bear (natovaren za medveda) znači (u američkom žargonu) (a): besan kao ris, (b): pijan kô majka i (c): spreman kô zapeta puška. (a): He left here in a rage. He was really loaded for bear. (b): By the end of the party, Sam was loaded for bear. (c): The football team arrived Friday noon, loaded for bear.
Loaded question Loaded question (opterećeno pitanje) je pitanje koje sadrži zamku. # Now, that’s a loaded question, and I don’t think I have to answer it. Loaded remark je tendeciozna primedba. # Your loaded remark did not go over well with the host. Loading bay/dock (pod Bay). Loaf nije samo hleb, vekna, već i (a): besposličiti i (b): glava (u žargonu). (a): Don’t just sit there and loaf – get to work! (b): «’Oh, use your loaf, For Christ’s sake!’ I shouted. His incomprehension was beginning to get me down» (J. Wain, The Contenders). Loan shark (zajmovna ajkula) je lihvar, zelenaš. # «Buckley’s not just a loan shark anymore. He’s an informal banker for the whole machine» (J. Carroll, Memorial Bridge). Lobby nije samo lobi, lobirati, već i (a): predvorje, čekaonica, (b): prostorija za surete parlamentaraca sa biračima i (c): hotelski foaje. # Wait in the lobby of the building until the rain stops. (b): In the British parliament, there is a pecial room – lobby, where someone meets a member of parliament whom they have arranged to talk to. (c): Let’s meet at the hotel lobby at 4 o’clock. Local rag (lokalni dronjci) su lokalne novine (u britanskom engleskom). # «When does a man start collecting cuttings of himself?... The politician when he gets his first one-inch notice in the local rag?» (R. Harling, The Paper Palace). Lock nije samo brava, zaključati, već i (a): prevodnica, ustava, (b): uvojak, (c): nešto što je izvesno, siguran (u žargonu), (d): postati ukočen, krut ili nepokretan, (e): blokirati (se), (f): čvrsto stisnuti i (g): čvrsto se zagrliti. (a): The ship passed through several locks in the canal. (b): Grandmather still has a lock of my baby hair in her scrapbook. (c): She’s a lock for promotion this year. # Our team is a lock to win the title. (d): The therapist noticed that the patient’s knees tended to lock in this exercise. (e): I tried to move forwards but the wheels had locked. (f): The beast’s jaws were locked.(g): They were locked in embrace. Locker-room jokes (šale iz svlačionice) su masni vicevi. # When he finished one of his locker-room jokes some blushed and nobody laughed. Lock, stock, and barrel (brava, roba i bačva) znači baš sve, u potpunosti, sve skupa. # We had to move everything out of the house - lock, stock, and barrel. Lock up ne znači samo zaključati, već i (a): zatvoriti, uhapsiti, (b): (u američkom engleskom) biti siguran u uspeh, (c): (u američkom engleskom) osigurati/obezbediti, (d): sadržavati, obuhvatiti, (e): zamrznuti/blokirati kapital
Look daggers (kakvom investicijom), (f): policijski pritvor (lock-up) i (g): radnja ili garaža podalje od mesta stanovanja (lock-up). (a): You ought to be locked up. (b): „It doesn’t start till Tuesday and they won’t be voting till Friday. Nobody’s locked it up yet. I suspect the thing will be decided in smoke-filled rooms” (G. Vidal, Hollywood). (c): Sweeping from San Antonio to Austin, the Democratic nominee relentlessly criticized President Bush’s economic policies in an effort to lock up the state’s 32 electoral votes. (d): Our new process locks up pounds of energy in every grain of the breakfast food. (e): He had most of the money from the profitable years locked up in the building and expansion program. For working capital he had to borrow from the bank. (f): The suspects were kept in the station lockup overnight. (g): Her father has a small lock-up tobacconist’s in the old part of town. Locum nije rahat lokum, već (u britanskom engleskom) lekar ili sveštenik koji zamenjuje kolegu (koji je na bolovanju ili odmoru - kaže se i locum tenens). # A locum (tenens) is someone (physician or clergyman) who substitutes temporarily for another member of the same profession. The long and (the) short of it (dugo i kratko toga) znači bitno u svemu tome, sve se ipak na kraju svodi na to. # - So we are to expect no help from the Council? - That’s the long and the short of it, I’m afraid. Long face nije dugo lice, već kiselo lice. # «’She hasn’t made up her mind. There’s still hope.’ Phuong laughed. ‘You say hope with such a long face’» (G. Greene, The Quiet American). Long in the tooth (dugačak u zubu) kolokvijalno znači star, u poznim godinama. # «Wish I was young enough to wear that kind of thing... We’re both pretty long in the tooth, eh?» (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). Look after number one (pod Number one). Long shot (dug hitac) znači (a): malo izgledan pokušaj, na dugom štapu, (b): nagađanje i (c): neizgledan kandidat, takmičar bez mnogo šansi. (a): The business long shot that succeeds often pays extremely well. (b): It may be a long shot, but I think Arthur will marry again soon. (c): He is a long shot for governor. Long suit (pod Strong/long suit). Look after number one (pod Take care of number one). Look blue (izgledati plavo) znači biti potišten/snužden. # She looked blue and I knew she had had an argument with her husband. Look daggers (gledati bodeže) znači krvnički pogledati. # The other driver looked daggers at Chuck for turning in before him.
Look down one’s nose Look down one’s nose (gledati niz nos) znači (a): spustiti pogled u znak neodobravanja i (b): gledati sa nipodaštavanjem. (a): «’I don’t think he’s quite the sort of person he ought to associate with.’ Both Mr. Galloway and I looked down our noses» (W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale). (b): Don’t look down your nose at my car just because it’s rusty and noisy. Look like a wet weekend (izgledati kao mokar vikend) znači izgledati kao pokisla kokoš. # After the quarrel he had with his son, he looked like a wet weekend. Look like ne znači samo izgledati kao, ličiti na, već i izgledati kao da će. # It looks like a storm, let’s go home. Look like the cat that swallowed/ate the canary (izgledati kao mačka koja je pojela kanarinca) znači sijati od zadovoljstva. # Dick bet on the poorest horse in the race and when it won, he looked like the cat that ate the canary. Look like thunder ne znači izgledati kao grom, već sevati od ljutine („munje mu sevaju iz očiju“). # When I came in last night you were there and looking like thunder, so I told the first lie that entered my head. Look through nije samo gledati kroz, već i (a): ne primećivati, ignorisati, (b): ovlaš pregledati i (c): pažljivo pregledati. (a): In that icily superior way of his, he looked right through us. (b): He looks through several newspapers before breakfast. (c): - Have you read the man’s references? - I haven’t finished looking them through yet. Look the other way ne znači pogledati na drugu stranu (kao se često prevodi), već zažmuriti (pred nečim) («pravi se da ne vidi»), namerno ne primećivati (grešku, prestup i sl.), progledati kroz prste. # That teacher knows that the children won’t obey him, so he just looks the other way whenever they cause trouble. # Raymond could have prevented the problem, but he looked the other way. Look up nije samo podići pogled, već i (a): poći nabolje, obećavati napredak, (b): potražiti, (c): potražiti informaciju i (d): gledati sa uvažavanjem, diviti se. (a): The first year was tough, but business looked up after that. (b): I’ve promised that the next time I go to Boston, I’ll look him up. (c): I looked up her phone number in the directory. (d): Your responsibility is great because all the children look up to you. Look up and down something znači pažljivo osmotriti. # The dog looked up and down the street, and then it went across. Look who’s talking! (Vidi, ko govori!) znači (u žargonu) Ko mi kaže! Ko se našao da mi kaže! # Me a tax cheat? Look who’s talking! Loose cannon (neprivezan top) znači lupetalo, praznoslovac (u žargonu). # Some loose
Lot cannon in the State Department has been feeding the press all sorts of crap as a diversion. Loose ends/threads (labavi konci) su nezavršene stvari, preostali detalji. # «Work was already in progress with the recent defectors like Golitsin and Goleniewski, but there were still many loose ends in the intelligence provided by prewar and wartime defectors» (P. Wright, Spycatcher). Lose heart (izgubiti srce) znači klonuti duhom, obeshrabriti se. # When the skating champion tumbled on the ice, he lost heart and did not complete his program. Lose one’s heart znači zaljubiti se. # She lost her heart to the soldier with the broad shoulder and the deep voice. Lose one’s bottle (izgubiti svoju bocu) znači izgubiti hrabrost („izdala ga je hrabrost“). # I wanted to tell him I was resigning, but I lost my bottle at the last minute. Lose one’s heart (pod Lose heart). Lose one’s nerve ne znači izgubiti živce (kaže se lose one’s temper/rag/cool, let one’s selfcontrol slip), već izgubiti hrabrost, uspaničiti se. # In the 1950s Labour may have lost the battle but only because it first lost its own nerve. Lose one’s shirt najčešće ne znači izgubiti košulju, već ostati bez prebijene pare, okačiti gaće na štap. # Mr. Rogers lost his shirt betting on the horses. Lose one’s tongue (izgubiti jezik) znači zanemeti, ne reći ni reči. # «Now,» she went on, ‘you must call me Aunt Flo and we shall be great friends.» But the boys, faced with this flamboyant and somewhat terrifying figure, had lost their tongues. Lose one’s wool ne znači izgubiti vunu, već naljutiti se (u britanskom engleskom). # I’ll do the work quickly if you want me to, but don’t lose your wool if I make a few mistakes. Lose the day ne znači izgubiti dan, već biti poražen. # The Government believes a vote will be necessary, though the Labor leaders still believe that the abolitionists won’t lose the day. Lose touch with ne znači samo izgubiti kontakt sa, već i (a): ne biti više u toku sa i (b): izgubiti smisao/osećaj za. (a): He has lost touch with what is going on. (b): You’ve completely lost touch with reality. Lost cause (pod Cause). Lot nije samo mnoštvo, već i (a): parcela, (b): žreb, (c): sudbina i (d): filmski grad/studio. (a): The neighbors bought a lot to build a house on. (b): The boys drew lots to determine who would get to play first. (c): It was her lot to suffer through life. (d): He bought a lot for outdoor filming. Bad lot je ništarija, bezvredna i loša osoba. # I am not interested in meeting him - I’ve heard that he is a real bad lot.
Look daggers Lounge je lenčariti, lenčarenje, ali i (a): čekaonica na aerodromu, (b): foaje u hotelu (s foteljama), (c): sofa, kauč, (d): dnevna soba (u britanskom engleskom) i (e): bar (u američkom engleskom). (a): You can book your place in the airport lounge « here. (b): There is a spacious hotel lounge in which to relax. (c): A lounge is a couch or sofa, esp. a backless one with a headrest at one end. (d): All the family were sitting in the lounge watching television. (e): Our cozy cocktail lounge is the perfect venue for a quiet drink. Lovely/nice weather for ducks (divno vreme za patke) je kišovito vreme. # - Not very nice out today, is it? - Lovely weather for ducks. # «Nice weather for ducks,“ said Eric when he arrived at last, soaking wet. Love game nije ljubavna igra, već teniski meč u kome poražena strana nije osvojila ni jedan poen. # U.S.A. took a love game on O’Connor’s service. Love match nije ljubavni meč, već brak iz ljubavi. # Timothy might marry again for convenience. Elderly widowers often do. But, he firmly believes only in a love match. Love seat nije ljubavno sedište, već dvosed. # I’ve been chasing around after a good love seat
Look daggers and I finally found the right thing and, moreover, a dirt-cheap one. The lower limbs (pod Escape with life and limb). Low-key (nizak ključ) je diskretan, uzdržan. # She had a reputation for a low-key expertise on issues like constitutional law. Low profile (pod High profile). Low water nije plitka voda, već oseka (kaže se i low tide i ebb). The low tide is the lowest level of the tide. # We’ll sail on the ebb. Lump nije samo grumen, već i (a): kocka šećera (lump sugar je šećer u kocki) i (b): čvoruga, oteklina. (a): Two lumps, please. (b): How did you get that lump on your head? Have a lump in one’s throat znači imati knedlu u grlu («zastala mu je knedla u grlu»). # Seeing her son receive his diploma, she had a lump in her throat. In a lump znači sve odjednom, đuture. # He wanted to be paid in a lump, but I was short of money and had to give him a little and promise that I would pay the rest later. Lump sum je paušalni iznos # suma isplaćena u celini odjednom. # The lump sum they demanded for damages was outrageous. # I cannot wait, I’d prefer a lump sum. Lump it (pod Sit down under something).
M Mad nije samo lud, već i (a): ljut i (b): lud (za nečim), zablesavljen (za nešto). (a): Her haughtiness makes me mad. (b): Ever since he was invited for the first time to a horse race, he’s been mad about horses. Mad dog (let loose) je besan pas (pušten s lanca), ali i (a): opasna, žestoka i neuračunljiva osoba i (b): (kao pridev maddog) paklen, opasan. # It has always been accepted that the Emperor Theodore was a mad dog let loose, a sort of black reincarnation of Ivan the Terrible. # “Kingsley got up and paced the room, talking as he walked, ‘Even so, it’s a mad-dog scheme. Consider the objections.’” (F. Hoyle, The Black Cloud). Made of money (napravljen od novca) znači pun para. # Mr. Perkins buys his children everything they want. He must be made of money. Maiden speech nije devojački govor, već prvi govor novog poslanika u parlamentu. # Winston Churchill called Sir Alan Herbert’s maiden speech “a brazen hussy of a speech”. Major nije samo major, već i (a): veći, važniji (b): važan, glavni, vodeći i (c): glavni predmet studija (u američkom engleskom). (a): The major part of the job is done. (b): Health care is one of the major problems of our time. # Walt Witman is a major poet. (c): Ann’s major is French. Make a bomb ne znači samo napraviti bombu, već i (kolokvijalno) zgrnuti silan novac. # He made a bomb recently on the stock exchange. Make a clean sweep (napraviti čist zahvat) znači (a): otarasiti se, rešiti se svega i (b): srediti u potpunosti. (a): The new chairman has made a clean sweep in the company - all the old directors have been replaced by new ones. (b): They made a clean sweep through the neighborhood, repairing all the sidewalks. Make advances ne znači samo postići napredak, već i udvarati se. # Here comes this pain in the neck. He’ll cling like a limpet and start making advances to me.
Make a face (praviti lice) znači (a): kreveljiti se i (b): davati znake grimasama na licu. (a): Mother, Johnny made a face at me! (b): Nick made a face at me as I was testifying, so I avoid telling everything. Make a federal case out of something (praviti federalni slučaj od nečega) znači (u žargonu) praviti svetski problem od nečega. # Come on. It was nothing! Don’t make a federal case out of everything. Make a killing ne znači načiniti ubistvo, već namlatiti se para. # Chuck made a killing at the racetrack yesterday. Make allowance(s) for (napraviti popust za) znači (a): uračunati, ostaviti mesto za i (b): uzeti u obzir, imati razumevanja za. (a): When planning the party, please make allowances for Chuck and his family. (b): The jury was asked to make all allowances for the age of the accused. Make a match ne znači napraviti meč, već stupiti u brak. # He had only met the dowager once; but that did not diminish his need to improve his finances by making a match of convenience. Make a meal (out) of it ne znači samo pripremiti obrok od toga, već i (a): pridati nečemu suviše značaja i (b): preterati sa nečim. (a): I know what I’ve done is wrong but there’s no need to make a meal out of it. (b): I don’t mind you bringing a few friends to play, Art, but let’s not make a meal of it. Make an honest woman of someone (učiniti nekoga poštenom ženom) znači ozvaničiti brakom ljubavnu vezu. # “Come on down to the church and I’ll make an honest woman of you” (Sh. Delaney, A Taste of Honey). Make a pass (at someone)10 (fusnota na strani 138) znači dodati loptu, nabaciti, ali i nabacivati se (nekome) # trzati (na nekoga) (u žargonu). # I think Jim was making a pass at me, but he did it very subtly. Make a pig’s ear (out) of something (napraviti od nečega svinjsko uvo) znači upropastiti
Make a pile stvar. # He made a pig’s ear out of repairing his car. Make a pile ne znači samo napraviti hrpu, već i namlatiti se para, steći bogatstvo. # After making a pile by working in industry for a few years he moved to the country and bought a farm. Make a point ne znači samo napraviti poen, već i (a): istaći, podvući važnost, načiniti opasku, (b): potruditi se, uložiti napor, (c): nastojati, insistirati, (d): praviti problem od nečega. (a): He made a very good point when he said that you had just made a virtue of necessity. (b): The enterprising building company made a point of forming friendships with local politicians. (c): Do you make a point of being on time for work and social appointments? (d): Please don’t make a point of Dave’s comments. It wasn’t that important. Make a rod for one’s own back (napraviti šibu za sopstvena leđa) znači praviti sam sebi probleme, raditi u korist svoje štete. # Why do you argue all the time with the higher-ups? You’re only making a rod for your own back. Make arrangements ne znači samo aranžirati, već i (a): pobrinuti se za nečiji smeštaj, (b): izvršiti pripreme, (c): planirati, pripremati se i (d): dogovoriti se. (a): Fred is coming for a visit next week. Please make arrangements for him at the hotel. (b): I’m making arrangements for the convention. (c): I’m making arrangements to sell my car. (d): I made arrangements with Jim to come to his house and pick him up. Make a splash (izazvati pljuskanje) znači privući opštu pažnju, izazvati senzaciju, uzvitlati veliku prašinu. # The Princess of Wales made a splash on her official visit to New York for her sudden visit to a shelter for homeless. Make a U-turn znači napraviti zaokret za 180o u vožnji, ali i (figurativno) napraviti zaokret za 180o (u smislu kršenja izbornih obećanja). # The government is making a U-turn, pursuing a tax-policy that is directly opposed to the Conservative party’s election promises. Kaže se i make a volt-face # He had been a staunch supporter of Dukakis, but in the middle of the campaign he suddenly made a volt-face. Vidi Volte-face. Make book on nema veze sa pravljenjem knjige, već (u američkom žargonu – često u negaciji I wouldn’t make book on it.) znači kladiti se u („Ne bih se kladio u to.“). # Mr. Baker avoided a denial, but he said, “Until you hear it from the President and the Secretary of State, I wouldn’t make book on it.”
Make heavy weather Make capital (out) of something (napraviti na nečemu kapital) znači eksploatisati nešto, profitirati na nečemu, iskoristi nešto. A good deal of capital will be made of their unwillingness to testify before the Committee. Make certain (pod Make sure/certain). Make demands ne znači samo tražiti, već i vršiti pritisak. # “Dave is an old friend but he has no money. I felt perhaps I oughtn’t make demands on Dave.” (I. Murdoch, Under the Net) Make do (učiniti da radi) znači snaći se, upotrebiti nešto kao zamenu za nešto drugo. # Here’s a hammer. You’ll just have to make that do until you can get the right tools. Make fast ne znači učiniti brzo, već (a): privezati, učvrstiti i (b): osigurati, zaključati/zatvoriti. (a): “We went up between the mud flats till we came to a tumbledown jetty. Janet brought the boat alongside this and made her fast, and went ashore” (N. Shute, Requiem for a Wren). (b): Before going to bed make all the doors fast, please. Make fast work (pod Make short/fast work. Make good ne znači činiti dobro (kaže se do good), već (a): uspeti u životu, (b): ispuniti, izvršiti, (c): nadoknaditi, kompenzovati, (d): platiti dug, (e): uspeti, (f): održati reč, ispuniti obećanje i (g): dobro se pokazati na kakvom poslu, uspeti kao (lekar, nastavnik i sl.). # “It is probably due to his protection and advice that I remained at Sandhurst, turned over a new leaf, and survived to make good” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). (b): Sam made good his boast to swim across the lake. (c): The policeman told the boy’s parents that the boy must make good the money he had stolen or go to jail. (d): If you don’t make good on this bill, I’ll have to take back your car. (e): Tom worked hard to make good at selling. (f): It’s regrettable that you refuse to make good on your promise. (g): Kate got a job in the hospital and made good as a nurse. Make good time (načiniti dobro vreme) znači postići zadovoljavajuću brzinu. # We’re supposed to be there at 6 pm, and it’s only 5:30 we’re making good time. Make hay ne znači samo kositi, već i poremetiti, dovesti u pitanje, napraviti nered/zbrku/ vašar. # The Prime Minister made hay of the careful arguments of opposition speakers. Make heavy weather ne znači stvarati teško, turobno vreme, već nepotrebno iskomplikovati, praviti problem od nečega jednostavnog. #
10 Komentar I. Klajna: Mi imamo vulgarne glagole kao pipkati i drpati, ali engleski izraz podrazumeva samo pokušaj pipanja. U scenama suđenja na filmu, kad je neko optužen za “sexual harassment”, često je pitanje advokata: “Did he make a pass at you?” Čuvena je ironična pesmica Doroti Parker od samo dva stiha: “Men seldom make passes / At girls who wear glasses.”
Make the headlines He made terribly heavy weather out of mending the puncture; it only took a few minutes when he did it. Make the headlines (pod Hit/make the headlines). Make it ne znači samo načiniti to, već i (a): uspeti, (b): stići na vreme, (c): oporaviti se, (d): biti prihvaćen, (e): imati seksualni odnos (u žargonu). (a): You’ll never make it! (b): We’ll do our best to get there on time, but I’m not sure we’ll make it. (c): Tom has made it after having a serious accident. (d): The new boy is cooperative and good-natured and I am positive he will soon make it with other boys. (e): He’s known her for quite a long time, but I don’t think he’s made it with her yet. Make it big znači (u žargonu) biti uspešan u životu (posebno materijalno). # I always knew that someday I would make it big. Make light nije učiniti svetlim ni lakim, već znači bagatelisati, ne uzeti za ozbiljno. # I wish you wouldn’t make light of his problems. They’re quite serious. Kaže se i make little. # The neighbors made little of Art and thought he would amount to nothing. # Jessica made little of my efforts to collect money for charity. Make little (pod Make light). Make love znači i (a): imati seksualni odnos i (b): izražavati ljubav. (a): Nick and Anna turned out the lights and made love. (b): There was moonlight on the roses and he made love to her in the porch swing. Make no bones about it (ne praviti kosti oko toga) znači (a): reći bez uvijanja i (b): nema nikakve sumnje. (a): Mr. Justice Danckwerts made no bones about stigmatizing its use as dishonest trading. (b): Make no bones about it. Jenny is a great singer. Make no mistake about it. ne znači Nemoj da grešiš. već Bez ikakve sumnje. Budite uvereni u to. # Pamela looks very quiet and retiring but, make no mistake about it, she’s very determined career woman. Make no odds ne znači ne stvarati nikakve izglede, već nemati nikakvog uticaja, imati malo značaja. # - You should have tried to dissuade him. - It would have made no odds if I had. Make nothing of it ne znači nemati ništa od toga, već (a): ne obraćati pažnju, (b): ne moći shvatiti i (c): ne predstavljati nikakav napor. (a): My father caught me throwing the snowball, but he made nothing of it. (b): I’m afraid I can’t make nothing of it. (c): My father makes nothing of walking ten miles a day. Make one’s bed (and lie in it) (pripremiti postelju – i leći u nju) znači biti sam kriv za nešto loše, dobiti po zasluzi. # Tommy smoked one of his father’s cigars and now he is sick. He made his bed, let him lie in it.
Make someone’s short list Make oneself scarce (načiniti se retkim) znači otići (kako ne bi smetao) i (b): otperjati, odmagliti. # “I’ve come here to talk to my daughter. Can you make yourself scarce for a bit?” (Sh. Delaney, A Taste of Honey). (b): The boys made themselves scarce when they saw the principal coming. Make yourself scarce! znači Gubi mi se s očiju! (u žargonu). # “You have done enough damage for one day. Make yourself scarce!” (J. Orton, Mr. Sloane). Make or break (napraviti ili razbiti) znači učiniti uspešnim ili upropastiti, podići ili urnisati. # The army will either make or break him. Make out ima više različitih značenja: (a): napredovati, (b): shvatiti nekoga, razumeti nečiju prirodu, (c): maziti se, ljubakati se, (d): prikazivati se kao, izdavati se za, (e): odgonetnuti, (f): razaznati, razabrati i (g): popuniti. (a): Bob’s father wanted his son to do well in school, and asked the teacher how Bob was making out. (b): I really can’t make him out. Why does he offend the very people who try to help him? (c): What are Sol and Milly up to? - They’re making out on the back porch. (d): He made out to be a doctor. (e): I could never make out if they wanted our help or not. (f): It was dark, and we could not make out who was coming along the road. # What does it say? I can hardly make it out. (g): Applications have to be made out in triplicate. Make room ne znači pospremiti sobu (kaže se do a room), već napraviti mesta. # Somehow the extra children will have to be made room for. Make short/fast work of someone/something (brzo uraditi) znači (a): otarasiti se brzo nekoga i (b): uraditi nešto na brzu ruku, zbrzati nešto. (a): I made fast work of Jim so I could leave the office to play golf. (b): Billy made fast work of his dinner so he could go out and play. Make someone free of something (nekoga osloboditi nečega) znači dopustiti nekome da se slobodno koristi nečim ili uživa u nečem. # “He kindly made me free of his library to pursue my researches” (L. Lee, Cider with Rosie). Make someone’s day znači ulepšati nečiji dan, ali Make my day! (u američkom žargonu) znači Samo to čekam!, Izvoli probaj! (obično policajac kriminalcu koji se maša za pištolj). # Make my day! Just try it. Make someone sick (izazvati nečiju bolest) znači (a): (u britanskom engleskom) izazivati mučninu kod nekoga (it makes me sick - zlo mi je od toga) i (b): izazivati nečije gađenje (it makes me sick - smuči mi se pri pomisli na to) (a): I like honey but it makes me sick. (b): It makes me sick to think that this scoundrel is going to marry this innocent girl. Make someone’s short list (napraviti nečiju kratku listu) znači ući u uži izbor. # “If anyone
Make someone/something tick had to name the number-one attorney in our state, Golden would make everyone’s short list” (W. J. Coughlin, Shadow of a Doubt). Make someone/something tick (naterati nekoga/nešto da kuca – kao sat) znači (a): pokretati nekoga, uzrokovati nečije ponašanje/mišljenje (What makes him tick? - Šta se dešava u njegovoj glavi?) i (b): pokretati mehanizam nečega (What makes it tick? - Šta ga pokreće?, Na kom principu radi?) (a): What makes Tom tick? I just don’t understand him. (b): I took apart the radio to find out what made it tick. Make something of something (napraviti nešto od nečega) znači (a): razumeti o čemu se radi, protumačiti nešto, (b): uzeti nešto kao razlog za svađu, inscenirati svađu/tuču i (c): pridati preveliki značaj nečemu. (a): Can you make anything out of this message? I don’t understand it. (b): Bill accidentally shoved Joe in the corridor, and Joe made something of it. (c): When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it. Make something on something znači zaraditi na nečemu. # Nick was prepared to sell me his car for what he paid for it: he wouldn’t make a penny on the deal. Make something to order ne znači napraviti nešto po naređenju, već napraviti nešto po porudžbini. # Our shirts fit perfectly because each one is made to order. Make sure/certain ne znači samo osigurati se, već i (a): proveriti za svaki slučaj i (b): obezbediti da se što desi, osigurati željeni rezultat. (a): Before going to bed, make sure all the lights are off. # Have you made sure that the train has not already left? (b): “I have very powerful commitment to making sure that everything that appears in the paper is the best of its kind,” Mr. Stothard said. Make/take a stand ne znači samo zauzeti stav, već i pružiti otpor neprijatelju, prestati uzmicati i uzvratiti. # The soldiers made a brave stand against the advancing enemy in order to give the citizens time to escape. Make the feathers/fur fly (učiniti da perje/ krzno leti) znači izazvati žestok sukob. # The plan to close schools attended by upper-class children has really made the feathers fly in the Parliament. # Mrs. Baker’s dog dug holes in her neighbor’s garden. The neighbor really made the fur fly when she saw Mrs. Baker. Make the grade (načiniti stepen) znači ispuniti očekivanja, dostići zadovoljavajući nivo/ standard. # I’m sorry but your work doesn’t exactly makes the grade. Make the papers ne znači praviti novine, već puniti novine, imati dobar publicitet. # After his last speech he has been making the papers.
Make up for Make the running ne znači trčati, već (a): biti na čelu, voditi glavnu reč, (b): preuzeti inicijativu, pokrenuti stvar (s mrtve tačke) i (c): povesti trku (u ulozi zeca). (a): We want our company to be the one that makes the running - we don’t want to be left behind. (b): Leave it to Wilson. He’s full of plans and you’ll find he’ll make the running on the committee. (c): Johnson after having made most of the running previously had left himself with nothing in reserve for the last sprint. Make the scene ne znači napraviti scenu (kaže se: make a scene), već (u američkom žargonu) pojaviti se, biti prisutan. # Man, I’ve got to make the scene. The whole world will be there! Make the team ne znači stvoriti tim, već uspeti ući u prvu postavu. # Joe was disappointed that he didn’t make the team; but he soon bucked up. Make time nema veze sa doslovnim prevodom i znači izlaziti (sa nekim), vodati se. # - I hear that Alec’s been making time with Judy? As far as I know they’ve been making time for months. Make up ima puno različitih značenja: (a): našminkati se, (b): izmisliti, (c): nadoknaditi, (d): pripremiti mešavinu, izmešati, (e): sačinjavati, (f): kompletirati, (g): isplatiti, (h): izgladiti (nesporazum, razlike), izmiriti se, (i): dodati goriva na vatru, (j): pripremiti što (za izlet, putovanje i sl.) i (k): pripremiti za štampu, napraviti prelom (knjige, strane, novina i sl.). (a): It took Laurence Olivier more than an hour to make up for the part of “Othello”. (b): That’s not true! You just made that up. (c): I want to go to bed early to make up the sleep I lost last night. (d): - Is my prescription ready? - No, I haven’t made it up yet. I’ll make up your prescription in a minute. (e): The group was made up of six teachers. (f): We recruited locally to make up our full complement of laborers. (g): He was obliged to make up the required sum. (h): Finally we succeeded to make up all our differences. # “’Now they have made up.’ Mrs. Delacroix turned to Caroline, and smiled. ‘No, we haven’t. We simply ignore any differences when we’re under your roof” (G. Vidal, Empire). (i): The fire needs making up. (j): The hotel will make up a packet of sandwiches for the journey. (k): The way the front page is made up may need to be altered several times. make up to someone znači dodvoravati se nekome. # The new boy made up to the teacher by sharpening her pencils. Make up for ima više značenja: (a): zameniti, (b): nadoknaditi i (c): ispraviti (nešto loše učinjeno). (a): Dave can’t play in the game Saturday, but I think I can make up for him. (b): Saying you are sorry won’t make up for the damage of breaking the window.
Make water Make water (pod Pass water). Make waves ne znači samo talasati, već i (a): izazvati uzbuđenje i (b): izazivati teškoće. (a): In the 1988 campaign, Jesse Jackson made waves when he rode to the Democratic convention in Atlanta on a bus. (b): If you make waves too much around here, you won’t last long. Don’t make waves! znači Ne pravi probleme! Ne talasaj previše! # Just relax. Don’t make waves! Man about town (čovek oko grada) je (u britanskom engleskom) bonvivan, čovek koji mnogo izlazi (u restorane, klubove, pozorišta, na žureve itd.). # “Quite the man about town you’ve become, haven’t you?” she said scathingly, “with your talk of decent little eating-places and sharing jokes with critics at a preview.” Man and boy (čovek i dečak) znači od detinjstva, čitavog svog života (u britanskom engleskom). # He’s been a farmer for forty years, man and boy. Mandate nije samo mandat (najčešće se kaže term of office), već i (a): protektorat, starateljstvo nad nekim područjem, (b): ovlašćenje, instrukcija i (c): nalog višeg suda nižem. (a): The island is a mandate of great Britain. (b): Work on the new bridge will begin as soon as an official mandate is received. (c): A mandate is an order from a higher court or official to a lower one. Man Friday nema veze sa danom u nedelji već sa Petkom iz romana “Robinson Kruso” i znači pomoćnik za opšte poslove, službenik od šefovog poverenja. # Tom is the manager’s man Friday. Manners nisu samo načini, već i (a): ponašanje i (b): uglađenost, učtivost, dobri maniri. (a): His bad manners are inexucusable. # Mind your manners. (b): Don’t they teach any manners in your school? Man of blood (čovek krvi) je nasilnik. # He’s a man of blood, a violent and dangerous bully who terrorizes the small boys in our neighborhood. Man of (many/several) parts (čovek iz više/ nekoliko delova) je svestrano nadaren čovek, čovek raznovrsnih znanja i talenata. # The pianist is a man of many parts. He wrote the piece he played, and he also plays the organ and paints well. Man of straw, straw man nije samo čovek od slame - strašilo za ptice već i ništarija. # I’ve had enough of that fellow! He’s a man of straw. Man of substance (sadržajan čovek) je imućan čovek. # Ideally, the candidate we’d like to put forward would be a man of some substance, already known in the country. Man’s life nije ljudski život, već život za (snažne i aktivne) muškarce, surov život. # At Coldfield, new recruits are allocated to their re-
Master giments - it’s a man’s life in today’s professional army, but if you don’t want to be in the infantry, tough luck. Many happy returns (of the day)! (Mnogo srećnih povrataka ovoga dana!) znači Srećan rođendan! # May you have a long happy life. Many happy returns of the day! Mare’s nest (kobilje gnezdo) je obmana, lažno otkriće. # The explorer thought he had found the key to prehistoric civilization, but it proved to be mare’s nest. Mark nije samo znak, već i (a): trag, (b): pečat, (c): ocena u školi, (d): otisak, (e): meta i (f): cilj. (a): A deer left a clear mark. (b): The speech seemed to bear the distinctive mark of Mr. Bush’s new chief of staff, James A. Baker. (c): The student received passing marks in all subjects. (d): His finger marks on the spot offered a conclusive evidence. (e): His off-the-cuff statements made him an easy mark for the media. (f): The pitch was quite fast, but wide of the mark. Mark time ne znači obeležiti vreme, već (a): koračati u mestu; (b): čekati bolja vremena i (c): ubijati vreme. (a): The officer made soldiers mark time as a punishment. (b): I’ll just mark time till things get better. (c): It was so hot that the workmen just marked time. Marmalade nije naša marmelada, već žele samo od gorkih pomorandži, (eventualno i limuna i grejpfruta). # Another hidden talent was his skill in making marmalade to a secret family recipe. Marry money (venčati se sa novcem) znači bogato se oženiti/udati. # “Retired in 1893 and married money both times. I wonder what she has left?” (M. Spark, Memento Mori). Marshal nije samo maršal (u britanskom engleskom), već i (a): šef policije, (b): komandant vatrogsaca, (c): ceremonijal majstor i (d): rasporediti. (a): The U.S. marshal arrested the two hijackers. (b): The fire marshal directed the hook-and-ladder units. (c): The marshal of the Rose Bowl parade was a movie star. (d): The general marshaled his army for battle. Marshal one’s thoughts (kaže se i collect/gather one’s thoughts) znači sabrati misli, razmisliti o nečemu. # Take your time! Be calm and try to marshal your thoughts. Master nije samo majstor, već i (a): gospodar, (b): glava (kuće), (c): kapetan broda, (d): obuzdati i (e): ovladati, temeljito naučiti. (a): The dog obeyed his master. (b): Father was definitely the master of our house. (c): The first mate was studying to become a master. (d): You must learn to master your temper. (e): He could never master the mathematics. Master of Arts/Science (M.A. ili M. S.) je magistar nauka. Master bedroom je najveća, glavna spavaća soba. # Father and Mother have the master bedroom.
Match Match nije samo meč, već i (a): šibica, (b): par, (c): podudarnost, poklapanje, (d): ravan (nekome)# dorastao (nekome), (e): partija (za ženidbu/udadbu), (f): u skladu i (g): suprotstaviti. (a): It was pitch darknes and he stroke a match. (b): Can you find the match for this glove? (c): MATCH Found (DNK, fingerprints). # Jodie Fletcher, born in July 2005, was found to be a perfect genetic match for her then three-year old brother Joshua. (d): Bill is no match for his brother at chess. (e): In order to make a good match for his daughter a dowry of score or so heads of cattle was required. (f): A gray tie is a good match for a blue shirt. (g): The promoters matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter. Mate nije samo mužjak/ženka, već i (a): mat (u šahu - checkmate), (b): oficir trgovačke mornarice, (c): suprug(a) (u američkom engleskom) i (d): prijatelj (u britanskom engleskom - ono što je u američkom engleskom pal), (e): saigrač, kolega u timu (f): par i (g): pariti se. (a): Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves (b): A mate is a deck officer on a merchant ship ranking below the captain (c): However, your surviving spouse will not necessarily get the whole of your estate. (d): Sorry mate, how much is you r personal equipment insured for outside of your own property? (e): It was his first start against his former teammates. (f): Where is the mate to this shoe? (g): Birds mate in the Spring. Matter of moment ne znači stvar trenutka, već značajno pitanje, važna stvar. # “My ‘standing’ whilst on this tour therefore became a matter of some moment in Whitehall” (Field-Marshal Montgomery, Memoirs). Mayday nije prvomajski praznik (piše se May Day) već poziv u pomoć (S.O.S.). # The ship is sinking! A Mayday warning should be immediately sent. Meal nije samo obed, već i (a): jelo i (b): brašno (krupno mleveno). (a): The restaurant is known for its Italian meals. (b): Simple pancakes can be made out of meal and water. Meal ticket ne znači samo bon za menzu, već i izvor stalne pomoći/podrške („krava muzara“ – kaže se i milch cow). # You were rude to your aunt last evening. Don’t forget she’s your meal ticket. Mean nije samo značiti, već i (a): misliti, (b): nameravati, (c): sredina, (d): prosek, prosečan, (e): podao, (f): bedan, (g): škrt i (h): sredstva (u množini). (a): What do you mean by that? (b): Father didn’t mean to be a clerk all his life, but that’s the way it turned out. (c): There has to be the golden mean between overplaying one’s hand and underestimating oneself. (d): His income is $5,000 above the national mean. # The mean income of American families is over 20,000 a year. (e): How could anyone be so mean?! (f):
Meet one’s maker He has some mean job at the local factory. (g): If you weren’t so mean and tight-fisted, you’d have some decent clothes. (h): “Harold felt that conversation should either be a means to an end, a business deal, or taking soundings for one” (L. P. Hartley, A Perfect Woman). Mean business nije značiti biznis, već misliti ozbiljno. # The boss said he would fire us if we didn’t work harder and he means business. Mean nothing nije samo ne značiti ništa, već i biti nerazumljiv. # This sentence means nothing to me. It isn’t clearly written. Mean trouble nije značiti nevolju, već tražiti kavgu. # Let’s go out of here. Don’t you see that they mean trouble. He measured his length ne znači izmerio je svoju dužinu, već prostro se koliko je dug, oprućio se. # He slipped on the wet grass and measured his length. Meat and drink to someone ne znači meso i piće za nekoga, već (a): nečija duhovna hrana, (b): uživanje i (c): ohrabrenje. (a): The weekly letters from his son are meat and drink to the old man. (b): Music has been his meat and drink for many years. (c): The apologies of her old rival were meat and drink to her. Medicinal nije medicinski (kaže se medical), već lekovit. # It is said that the spring water has medicinal properties. Medicinal herbs su lekovite trave. Medicine nije samo medicina, već i lek. # What kind of medicine are you taking? Medium nije samo medij (mediji su media), već i (a): sredina, (b): srednji, (c): ambijent/sredina, (d): sredstvo i (e): spiritist. (a): There has to be a medium between good and bad. (b): The boy is of medium height for his age. (c): Fish live in a aqueous medium. (d): Television can be an excellent medium for education. (e): The medium supposedly called forth her long dead uncle. Meet nije samo sresti, već i (a): upoznati se, (b): dočekati (putnika), (c): izaći u susret (zahtevima itd.), (d): sastati se, (e): doživeti, iskusiti, (e): ispuniti, (f): isplatiti, (g): dodirivati se i (h): prihvatljiv, pristojan. (a): I’d like you to meet my brother. (b): Come to meet me at the airport. (c): We’re unable to meet your claims. (d): The club meets at a different member’s home every week. (e): To join the army one must meet certain physical standards. (f): Father was poor, but he always met his debts. (g): The two properties meet at the bottom of the valley. (h): It is not meet for strangers to interfere. Meet one’s maker (sresti svog tvorca) znači (a): umreti („predati Bogu dušu“) i (b): biti uništen. (a): “The Frost Programme” added nothing to our knowledge of the death penalty, despite having a Mr. Don Ree, who had seen many a man
Melting pot meet his maker in the electric chair. (b): As these tired old banknotes meet their maker in Essex, a new load is on its way into our pockets. Melting pot nije samo kazan za topljenje, već (u prenosnom smislu) i proces asimilacije (posebno amerikanizacije) useljenika. # John F. Kennedy, in a 1963 civil right message, called the denial of equal access to public accommodations “a daily insult which has no place in a country proud of its heritage - the heritage of the melting pot, of equal rights, of one nation and one people.” Memory nije samo memorija (u kompjuteru), već i (a): uspomena i (b): sećanje. (a): Mother vhas lovely memories of her youth. (b): He is gone, but his memory remains to guide the living. Mend fences (popraviti ograde) znači izgladiti odnose. # The comment infuriated the Senator and left Mr. Clinton rushing to mend fences with him. Mess nije samo zbrka, već i (a): nered, (b): prljavština, svinjac, (c): škripac, neprilika, (d): menza, (e): tanjir i (f): porcija. (a): What a mess the room is in! (b): Pick up that mess of dirty clothes. (c): How did you get into a mess like this? (d): The fight happened in the enlisted men’s mess. (e): May I have a mess of poridge? (f): Every prisoner is entitled to a mess of fish. Mettle (pod Show/prove one’s mettle). Mickey mouse (po poznatom junaku iz Diznijevih stripova) je (u američkom žargonu) (a): koještarija, bezvezan i (b): pajkan, pandur. (a): This is just a lot of mickey mouse. # No more mickey mouse questions if I agree to stay? (b): A mickey mouse is hanging around asking about you. Middle ground nije srednja pdloga, već srednje rešenje, kompromis. # The committee found a middle ground between the two proposals. Milk and water, milk-and-water nije mleko pomešano s vodom, već luk i voda, slab i bezbojan. # His new book is very enjoyable, but it’s milk and water compared to what he wrote when he was younger. # These milk-and-water policies won’t help the country. We need something more drastic. Milch cow (pod Meal ticket). Mince words (mleti reči) znači birati reči, okolišiti. # I’m not one to mince words, so I have to say that you behaved very badly. Mind nije samo pamet, već i (a): razum, (b): duh, (c): duša, (d): glava, (e): volja i (f): odluka. (a): The storekeper behaved as though he lost his mind. (b): When the child fell out of the moving train, she had the presence of mind to pull the emergency cord. (c): She has a lofty mind. (d): - I’d like to know who’s been putting such ideas
Money to burn into your head? - What do you mean? I have a mind of my own. (e): Thank you, I have no mind for that. (f): “I want you to know everything, Polly, before you make up your mind” (N. Simon, The Gingerbread Lady). Mind you ne znači ne obazirite se, već imajte na umu, ne zaboravite. # “’Mind you,’ went on Philbrick, ‘I haven’t always been in the position that I am now’” (E. Waugh, Brideshead Revisited). Minister nije samo ministar, već i sveštenik (protestantski). # Only a minister can help you with your religious problems. Miss ima više značenja kao glagol: (a): promašiti, (b): propustiti, (c): ne iskoristiti, (d): ne uspeti, (e): primetiti odsutnost, (f): osećati odsutnost/gubitak („nedostaje mi“), (g): izbeći, (h): ne primetiti, (i): ne shvatiti i (j): ne čuti/ razumeti. (a): The batter missed the ball. (b): We missed the start of the movie. (c): He missed his only chance. (d): On Wednesday she missed her deadline. (e): When did you first missed the jewels? (f): The child misses her mother. (g): They narrowly missed being killed. (h): The cleaning man missed the spot on the collar. (i): He missed the point. (j): I missed what you said because of the noise. Miss the boat/bus nije samo propustiti voz/ brod, već i propustiti priliku. # Ted arrived late at the party and found that he had missed the boat - Pamela was already dancing with someone else. Mr. Wilson missed the buss when he decided not to buy the house. Mixed bag (mešana torba) je (a): šareno društvo (kaže se i mixed party) i (b): mešavina svega i svačega. (a): The passengers on the cruise were a mixed bag. We were disappointed. (b): “The houses were a mixed bag, in every style from mullion and half-timber to what, from its white walls and dark green roof and profusion of ironwork, I took to be Spanish” (J. Braine, Room at the Top). Mixed blessing (mešani blagoslov) je pokvareno zadovoljstvo. # We were delighted when Nick gave us the puppy, but it has proved a mixed blessing; it has done so much damage to the furniture and curtains. Mixed up nije samo upleten, umešan, već i (a): zbunjen, dezorijentisan, smeten i (b): u neredu, razvašaren. (a): Tom was all mixed up after the accident. (b): Everything is mixed up in our office after last night’s party. Mixed up in everything je u svakoj čorbi mirođija. # Mind your own business! No need to be mixed up in everything. Money to burn (novac za loženje) je (u žargonu) velika para, lova do krova. # Sam’s uncle died and left him money to burn.
Monkey business Monkey business (majmunski biznis) znači (a): sumnjiva posla, mućka i (b): nepromišljen postupak, neodgovorno ponašanje. (a): There’s far too much monkey business going on around here in my opinion. (b): This is dangerous stuff for amateurs to handle. So do exactly as I tell you, boys, and no monkey business! Moral ne znači moral (kaže se morale), već (a): moralan i (b): pouka, naravoučenije. (a): It was not exctly moral for a practicing attorney to offer a bribe. (b): Every story he tells has a moral. More kicks than halfpence (više udaraca nego poladinaraca) znači (u britanskom engleskom) (a): više sekiracije/kubure nego koristi i (b): kritika umesto zahvalnosti. (a): There’s more kicks than halfpence in editing a collection of contemporary verse. (b): I get more kicks than halfpence for looking after my sister’s dog when she is away on holiday. She always complains that I spoil the dog and give it too much to it. More power to his elbow! (Neka mu bude jači lakat!) znači Neka mu je sa srećom! So he’s decided to go to university, in spite of what his father says? More power to his elbow! More than a bit/little (više nego malo) je poprilično, znatno. # “Like everyone else, I was more than a bit curious to hear what he had to say.” (J. Wain, The Contenders) # “I was still more than a little nervous of my colleague and superiors and very anxious to please” (I. Murdoch, Under the Net). The morning after (jutro posle) je mamurluk (hangover). # Nick woke up with a big headache and knew it was the morning after. Moth-eaten ideas (ideje izjedene od moljaca) su staromodne ideje, ideje iz naftalina. # He has such moth-eaten ideas that he would be more at home in the Victorian age. Mother nije samo majka, već i (a): roditi i (b): voditi majčinsku brigu. (a): She mothered two children and adopted a third. (b): She mothers her plants as she does her children. Mother lode nije samo matična rudna žila, već i glavna nit. # To prosecutors, Mr. Weinberger’s diaries offer a mother lode of incriminating evidence against the highest official to be charged with a crime in the Iran-contra affair. Mother-naked (pod In a state of nature). Mother’s milk nije samo majčino mleko, već i nasušna potreba. # My brother loves poetry it’s mother’s milk to him. Motif je, kao i u nas, motiv (likovni, književni ili muzički) ali ne i u smislu pobude (kaže se motive). # The motif of betrayal and loss is crucial in all these stories. # Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.
Mystery Mouthful nije samo zalogaj, već i dugačka ili teško izgovorljiva reč ili fraza. # “’What’s your name?’ ‘Bigglesworth, sir. I’m afraid it’s a bit of a mouthful, but that isn’t my fault. Most people call me Biggles for short’” (J. Mortimer, Paradise Postponed). That is a mouthful! You said a mouthful! znači (u američkom kolokvijalnom engleskom) To je sasvim tačno! Potpuno ste u pravu! # That’s right, man. You said a mouthful! Give someone a mouthful (u žargonu) znači natrljati nekome nos, očitati nekome bukvicu. # Mary gave Tom a mouthful for the way he treated Dorothy. Move house (pomaknuti kuću) znači preseliti se. # They felt they simply couldn’t face the bother of moving house again so soon Much in evidence ne znači mnogo u evidenciji, već vrlo vidljiv. Your influence is much in evidence. I appreciate your efforts. Mum’s the word nema veze sa britanskim mum (mama), nego je to onomatopejska reč za mrmljanje odnosno ćutanje, pa znači kolokvijalno Ni reči o tome! Da nisi pisnuo! # It has to be a complete surprise. Mum’s the word! Muscle nije samo mišić, već i moć, snaga. # The printers have used their muscle to obtain far higher wages than they deserve. # It’ll take a lot of muscle to move ths piano. Vidi Flex one’s muscles. Museum piece nije samo muzejski promerak, već i (u prenosnom značenju) starudija, krntija. # We can’t go to Scotland in that museum piece. Surely the car-hire company can do better than that! Mutton dressed (up) as lamb (ovca obučena kao jagnje) je britanski podrugljivi kolokvijalizam za mladalački obučenu stariju osobu. # While I want to dress sexily, I shrink from being mutton dresses as a lamb. My eye, all my eye, That’s all my eye (and Betty Martin)! znači (u britanskom kolokvijalnom engleskom) pričam ti priču, Nije nego! # - He told me all about his adventures in the war. - That’s all my eye and Betty Martin! He wasn’t even in the army. My foot! ima slično značenje: Ma nemoj mi reći! Pričaj ti to drugome! # She’s going to marry you? My foot! My heart bleeds for you. (Srce mi krvari zbog tebe.) je ironičan kolokvijalizam u značenju: Mnogo mi te je žao. Nemoj da me ganeš. # - I’ll have to get up early to catch the train tomorrow. - My heart bleeds for you. I have to do that every morning. My point is that... (pod Point). Mystery ne znači samo misterija, već i krimić. # Mulholland Drive A menacing, dreamy, mystery thriller set in Hollywood.
N Naked as a jaybird (pod In a state of nature). Name of the game (naziv igre) je suština stvari, glavna ideja, osnovna namera. * The name of the game for Democrats has become winning at the expense of leading. Name the day (imenovati dan) znači utvrditi datum (venčanja). # Now that you are engaged, I’d like you to name the day as soon as possible. Name your poison. (Kaži koji je tvoj otrov.) je šaljivi žargon koji znači Kaži šta ćeš da popiješ. Koje je tvoje piće? # Okay, friend, name your poison. Nasty piece of work nema veze ni sa komadom ni sa radom, već znači gad, rđa od čoveka. # “’Indeed I tried to raise objections to the situation, but it was no good. He’s Inge’s whitehaired boy. I agree with you,’ he added, ‘he’s a nasty piece of work’” (A. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes). Native ne znači samo domorodac, već i (a): rodom iz, (b): urođen, (c): domaći, lokalni i (d): bez primese, čist. (a): He is a native of New York. (b): His native musical ability impressed his teachers. (c): To save money, we’ll use only native building materials. (d): This is native silver, believe me. Native place je rodno mesto, mesto rođenja. # When he retired , he returned to his native place to live. Native soil (pod Soil). Near miss (blizu promašaja) je (a): bezmalo uspeo pokušaj i (b): izbegavanje za dlaku (smrti, sudara, nevolje). (a): “4000 miles?” “That’s such a near miss,” the quiz-master said, “that I think we’ll give you a mark. The correct answer is 3982 miles.” (b): The two airplanes came very close to each other - it was a near miss! Near the mark (blizu cilja) znači (a): skoro tačno i (b): na ivici dopuštenog/prihvatljivog. (a): Your answer is near the mark, but not completely correct. (b): I don’t know what he said to
her, but it must have been pretty near the mark because she refused to speak to him for the rest of the evening. Neat nije samo uredan, već i (a): umešan, okretan, (b): sažet i precizan, (c): nerazblažen, čist, (d): neto, (e): prikladan, zgodan, (f): sjajan (u američkom žargonu), (g): Super! (u američkom žargonu) i (h): govedo. (a): He is a neat worker. (b): He sent me a neat report. (c): I’ll take my Scotch neat. (d): Our neat profit is substantial. (e): This is very neat phrase. # He gave a neat answer. (f): What a neat idea! (g): Neat! I’m glad you came. (h): He bought a neat’s leather. Neck and neck, neck-and-neck (šija uz šiju) znači prsa uz prsa, mrtva trka, gotovo izjednačen. # The horses were running neck and neck. # There was a neck-and-neck finish in a race. Neck and crop (pod Throw someone out neck and crop). Neck-deep nije samo do guše, već i (a): zadubljen, zagnjuren i (b): preplavljen. (a): If I were you I wouldn’t disturb him right now. He’s neck-deep in work. (b): The television station was neck-deep in phone calls. Needle match (iglena utakmica) je takmičenje dva ljuta protivnika. # “Everyone knew that Oxford’s great sporting rival was Cambridge University, the needle match in any sporting contest” (F. Forsyth, The Negotiator). Need something like (one needs) a hole in the head (trebati kao rupa u glavi) znači ne trebati uopšte, trebati kao buli gaće. # They need four secretaries like I need a hole in the head. Negative (pod Affirmative). Negotiate nije samo pregovarati, već i (a): savladati, (b): preskočiti i (c): transferisati, preneti na drugoga. (a): He hardly negotiated a sharp curve. (b): He easily negotiated a hurdle. (c): Keep those bonds in a safe place becuase naone could negotiate them.
Neither fish Neither fish (flesh) nor fowl (ni riba,