Install Vlc On Scientific Linux Repositories

Yum install vlc I'd like to do this, but the three-page thread mentioned a few things that made me a bit cautious. (1) The instructions use a third-party repository--tux99's own repo. Install VLC Media player on RHEL 7/CentOS 7/Scientific Linux (SL 7) Go to your Red Hat or CentOS or other RHEL based Linux OS. If you have a Graphical interface search Terminal and open it to run the command. Switch to root user using the below command. Su; Install Epel-release repository refer the below command. Third party repositories like RPMforge increase the amount of available software you can install with your distributions package manager. The instructions you are about to read are both applicable to CentOS and Scientific Linux.

  1. Install Vlc On Scientific Linux Repositories Mac
  2. Debian
  3. Linux Mint Software Repositories
  4. Scientific Linux Install
  5. Scientific Linux Vs Ubuntu
Active5 years, 3 months ago

I would recommend installing VLC Media Player by using official packages from VideoLAN: Downloads by choosing your GNU/Linux distribution. See the Downloads Section on the Site: Either way you can just open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and write the following commands to install vlc media player. Linux (also known as GNU/Linux) is a computer operating system, like Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS. Unlike those two, however, Linux is built with a collaborative development model. The operating system and most of its software are created by volunteers and employees of companies, governments and organisations from all over the world. Jan 15, 2019  Scientific Linux is an Enterprise Linux rebuild sponsored by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. For more information about Scientific Linux please review our About page. For information about how to get help or get involved see the Community page. Install / Enable RepoForge (RPMForge) Repository on RHEL, CentOS & Scientific Linux. Based on that Today i’m going to explain & instruct you, how to enable RepoForge Repository. RepoForge is not approved by CentOS Community but the default RepoForge repository does not replace official CentOS base packages. So, don’t worry to use RepoForge repository.

I'm interested in installing CVS on Scientific Linux.

I'm new to Linux and I need to input the command: 'cvs co X'

My terminal states that what I have typed is an 'invalid command,' so I'm assuming that the problem is that I do not have CVS installed. After a lot of googling, I downloaded cvs-1.11.23, where the HTTP download link is provided here.

I see that below the download link, there is a section written 'Installation of CVS.' I'm new to Linux, so I have little idea of the meaning behind these commands it says to type in, but I decide anyway to copy and paste them into terminal and see if they work.

(Naturally) just punching in:

results in the following error message:

'./configure: no such file or directory'.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'll admit I have very little comprehension of what this configure command is or how I should be using it.

Again my goal is simply installing CVS so that I can use the command 'cvs co X'.

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Steven SagonaSteven Sagona

2 Answers

Scientific Linux is a Red Hat based distro. For these types of distros you can use the package management tool yum to install additional software from repositories that are maintained on the internet.

I would try this command to install CVS:

Any time you require a command that doesn't 'just work' on a Unix system, specifically ones that are based on Red Hat distros like Scientific Linux, always remember that additional software likely needs to be installed.

Going further

If you need to locate missing software, yum can help you with this as well.

If you know only of a single command, but are unsure what package it's a part of :

Install Vlc On Scientific Linux Repositories Mac




Linux Mint Software Repositories

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Scientific Linux Install

It is always better to use the software installer/manager that comes with the distribution. In the case of SL it should be 'yum'. Simply open the software manager and look for a package named cvs. It will take care of the entire installation process.


Scientific Linux Vs Ubuntu

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